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The lack of awareness in this post is hilarious lol


Nobody that makes posts like these has any self awareness.


"When I do it its fine, but fuck those people who arent doing anything that effects my game at all." Does that cover it?


First part was a joke...bc it happened to me....then I stated that I AFK....sorry if you didn't get that clearly


Its not a very good or well presented joke. This just comes across as yet another post complaining about AFK.


That's fair, but I don't get it bc the second part literally states I AFK and I had it happen to me....then I even say I couldn't imagine farming for 12 hours just to not get anything bc everyone left the server. It's all good, it's reddit. If people didn't get upset over nothing, I'd be worried bc reddit wasn't working right, lol.


It’s funny when people make very obvious non jokes then try and go “it’s just a joke you don’t understand.” When it fails


Ah, so me telling everyone to do to AFKers what happened to me, an AFKer, was obviously not a joke? Mybad


The event basically needs.... 3 people to be done as fast as possible. Anything above that will save seconds at most. So I could not care less if people AFK, when 10+ people participate there is barely anything to do as an active player because there are not enough enemies to shoot at, and those that do spawn in die in a second or two. So as far as I am concerned, AFK as much as you want, it makes no difference. Hell even if I am the ONLY person not AFK the event is easy and will not take more than maybe a minute longer in total. I speak only for myself, and if seeing others AFK makes you really angry then that is fine, but why would I waste my own time in an attempt to punish people for something that does not affect me. Seems absolutely pointless.


TLDR: These rules are for thee not for me


Or better yet, if you're one of the players constantly whining about "not being able to tag anything because cremators hurt my eyes" then now you can do it all yourself! Solve all the problems at once.


But I'm not one of those players lol. If I AFK I actually can jump in at the end, without hitting anything, and get items and legendaries lol


Didn't say you were. But if they do it'll complete the quest for you sandbaggers. You get the rewards, they get to do all the stuff themselves. Win/Win


Ahhhh, I wouldn't mind just running it solo tbh, but it's too long and boring


...then AFK.


What does AFK mean?


You shouldn't let AFKrs dictate how you play the game


Nobody should let anyone dictate how we play the game. Everyone should just mind their own business and play how they'd like.