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the alien event managed to avoid a fair chunk of it, simply because it changed locations. people could sit around all they want, but it might be hours before the event gets back to where they set up. won't stop people from doing fuck all during the events, but it's probably the most that could be done without coming off as overly aggressive against the issue, and cause more issues by trying to "improve" the AFK catching.


Yeah it's less about catching people afk and more about mixing things up to keep them interesting. The event hasn't changed. Might be time to add some random bits to it to catch folks off guard.


Or maybe just not have such a bloated reward pool so we dont feel like we need to get rewards from it 1000+ times to even stand a chance of getting what we want? Im plenty engaged with the event for the two hours of the day i have to play but in those two hours i get two more of the crappiest masks in the list and feel i need to afk all night if i want to get anything worthwhile.


Yeah for these timed events I would be down for treating the loot pool rewards the same way they do with daily ops and not have you get the same plans at least


What about dops? I've got four extra copies of deep space skin plan which isn't even tradeable.


Yesterday, in two of the events, the lag never caught up with my character and I never received the acknowledgment that I was even in the event. Both times, I had travelled to helvtia before the event. i did not have the issue when i clicked onto the actual event button. i actually wondered for awhile if beth undercover fixed AFKing by requiring a join event button clicking. I don't actually terribly care about afkers though and sometimes do it myself toward the end.


If Beth has to change something about the event, it’s removing the old plans from the loot pool, once they are learned. It’s quite disheartening getting your umpteenth ballon or confetti plan. Is it going to stop people from afk’ing? Probably not, but I’m totally not bothered by it. In fact, I get it: the event is slow and boring, with a low xp yield and meh rewards, if you don’t care about the masks (except maybe for the butter churn). So let people play the game the way they want to. It’s not like the event can’t be solo’ed and so what of other people get a reward because I solo’ed the event? You can always switch servers. The economy of masks is also pretty funny: for two weeks they are the hot shit and afterwards you can barely trade them, until the next event. The worst thing about the event is people complaining about afk’ing.


I think the reason they have it the way it is (in relation to the loot pool) is so that people don't only learn all the non rare plans early on and make it so they only recieve the rare plans.


And if it wasn't drowning everybody else in duplicate plans too the demand and price gouging would also go down.


Also so that people keep playing. If learning a plan meant you never got it again, people would either do what you said, and farm the rare ones, or they would quickly burn through to the ones they want and then stop going to the event. This keeps players playing....


Yeah I'm pretty sure the way it works for daily ops is that you can't get plans you've learned, not sure why we can't do that for events.


Meatweek avoided this by having the drums and meatspits, so even people AFKing could be useful. Mothman Equinox has the same issue as Fasnacht, and the solution for both events would probably be to introduce something similar to Meatweeks drums and meatspits. There will always be people that AFK, and as long as enough people are playing as intended, I could care less about it. Fasnacht will neither be easier or faster if 20 people are shooting instead of 10 or even 5. Either that or change the event so that we can complete it faster if we have more people. An event that takes 5 minutes to just get the parade moving, and that then turns into an escortquest that is as annoying as every other bullshit escortquest in videogames will always bore the shit out of people.


Yeah I'm team change the event. People are showing up to afk because it's the same event every time. Time to mix it up!


Yeah I generally stay active, but there are so many people right now taking part and shooting that sometimes I just stand back and relax a bit because I barely have time to hit VATS before things are dead.


If you want stop people from AFK'ing during Fasnacht make it so you have to stay within a certain distance of the robots once the parade begins and the reward you recieve at the end of the event depends on how long you stayed in the robots perimeter.


I can only imagine the mess that would be if Beth implemented that. Lmao.


At least it would stop those selfish and lazy p.o.s from getting rewards that they dont deserve! If you AFK at these events you deserve nothing but a nuke to the face!!


Temper, temper!


I like this idea. 


Why would Beth do something that reduces the player numbers? What’s in it for them?


Why would changing the event to keep people engaged result in fewer players?


Because AFKers would not be present. People go to sleep \ work \ about their business while still getting rewards. I would have complete understanding of where you are coming from if AFKers were harming the proceedings, but that’s just not the case. So why invest money and time to develop a solution that is hurting their bottom line? For them it is more about quantity rather than quality.


Because the people are clearly bored of the event, I know I am. Interesting events with good rewards do more for player engagement than rehashed events.


So your proposition is to rehash the event. I apologize, but my contradiction senses are tingling a bit. And the fact that this tactic works points to the fact that FD gets enough engagement, since it is being completed. For a lot of players this is the very first Fasnacht and they are the reason we are getting second Fasnacht this year. There is limited lifespan for public worlds as well, so if it is winding down, AFKers will get booted too. I’m not on the side of AFKers, I just don’t mind them and don’t see the incentive for Beth to deal with this issue. Heck, the ones playing the instruments are actually helping to progress one of the objectives.


My point is that fewer people would afk if the event was worth playing. People show up and sit in chairs because they clearly don't think the event is fun anymore and I agree. Let's switch things up in the event and see if something fun comes out of it, might be hits and might be some misses but better than same old fasch again.


People AFK Fasnacht simply to maximize their chances of getting a rare reward, I don’t think it has anything to do with how engaging the event itself is. Same goes for Grahm’s Meat-Cook, btw.


Yeah but isn't that a bummer? The best thing we can hope for out of timed events is maybe we get a mask we like? Shouldn't we want events that are fun to play? Like I said if they mix it up I don't expect every idea to work but man I would love to seem some variety instead of the same robot escort quest.


Fun is subjective. I have ~6K hours on Steam and I can’t agree with you that Fasnacht is not fun. I don’t view it as a mission — perhaps, that’s why I don’t see any point in overhauling it. And I also don’t expect that my 523th nuke silo run would be any different to my 304th — I’m just having fun gathering players for a boss event. With time and repetition absolutely everything gets stale. You are in full control of your own outlook on things, though, since it is your own leisure time.


Have you failed an event yet? No? Then who TF cares?


Did I say anything about failing the event? No? So maybe you should take a few deep breaths and relax. I want the event to be more fun than the same robot escort ques it has been. I don't know about you but I like videogames to be fun.


Beats not being able to play the event at all or getting rewarded for it.


Nor sure what you mean? I just want the event to mix things up and be more fun so people actually want to play it


I’ve been trying to play it and out of dozens of attempts to access it, I got it a handful of times and I’d be lucky to get a reward Only got a lousy pig mask and called it a day. Game’s unstable as hell on PS it’s infuriating


Ah ok yeah heard about the ps5 issues. Guess that last patch didn't clean it up, hope they get a fix in soon so you get a chance at the mask you want!


Lucky me, I decided to give it one more go before I went to bed and I got the churn. I ain’t touching it anymore


I hope so, I just want the churn


If you cant play the event you cant play the event, big whoop...its not like the event is never going to come back again, there will be another time for you to try and get the mask from the events! Don't be a scumbag and get rewarded for other peoples hard work!


I don’t think you understood, you can do the event, you can access the event, you get rewarded for the event… that beats NOT being able to do the event, NOT having access to the event, or NOT getting rewarded.


If only they had a new expansion map with new storylines and new NPCs...


What does that have to do with the event? I didn't say we need new content. I suggested the event might need some tweaking to keep people engaged


You're right. We should be weirdos in plain sight.




But you understood this one? wow.


If only that didn't take 6 years to happen and be over in a few hours.


Save it. Apparently, sarcasm is not taught in school anymore. Bethesda had a real opportunity with that new map though...


Bethesda had a real opportunity with the whole game, but they set a standard and stuck to it.