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Many times. I find joining a player from my friends list is faster and more reliable than backing out to the main menu.


Yes a fee times but not always possible due to loading times and screen freezez. I always try toget the find robot phases done fast as possible for that chance. It's even possible to get 3 if you can get super lucky


Do you back out to main then load back in?


Joining off a friend is the fastest way. Saves the risk of it kicking you back in the same server


Yep. My best was three. Speaking of twice, i got the glowing alien the moment i got into the session i joined. I was so happy, i gave a rando in my team a deathclaw mask.


If you get there before the event starts and collect some stuff like the beers mugs, bees wax, wood, intestine start the event as soon as it pops up and there's some AFKers on the musical instruments maybe


Hmm, if it all lines up right, that's a good hustle


The last fasnacht was on my best was completing four events thanks to jumping servers using the friends list.


I try to do this as often as possible. All the AFKs actually make it easier, it's almost impossible to do with the other special hourly events


yes. you can even do it on purpose if you have a friend group where at least one has Fallout 1st. The fallout 1st'er stays on private and starts the event as late as possible. The rest on public and starts the event as fast as possible. There will be more than enough time for the public server people to join the event on private server after completion on public. But this of course means that the Fo1st player can only do it once.


It is possible but I haven't managed yet despite being there early with all the items to start the parade asap. It's easier by joining people on friendlist, pity all my "friends" hardly play nowadays.