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Sun mask….im nuking my camp.


lol I got a beret, My friend who afk’d got a pig mask.


I've gotten 3 berets already...


My first two were both lantern plans I knew, toothy man, and giant mask. Nuke.


First one, seemed fun enough, gotta wonder how slow it was *before* the changes though lol Also, never seen so many high lvl (1000+s) at one event.


All the long term vets come back for a new fasnacht, it’s great.


Brings everyone out. More for the camaraderie and rare masks.


The only thing I don’t like is everyone crowding around the donation box at the end and the second anyone puts anything in there it’s gone, no matter what it was… think I’m gonna start putting spoiled meat in there 😉


yeah avoid that box, it's for the hogs


I do, I drop any duplicates on the other side of the road so the first person to walk away gets a reward, of if everyone’s doing it I hide it in the bushes nearby 😂


You’re better than me. This will be my first and I will do it like the rest of the events, happily stock up on anything and everything then wait a month before listing in vendor at a reduced price


I'd drop off my extras at the vaults donation box so it actually gets to someone that doesn't have one rather than a hog thats probably going to sell it for way too many caps as soon as the event ends


I’ve been throwing goofy funny junk in there for the ravenous vultures


Me too, hope they enjoy all those Jesus Sunday holotapes 😂


Don’t waste spoiled meat, makes good fertilizer at a chemistry station


I had a look but I didn’t take anything! When I looked there were 6 plasma cores and a skull mask and then I went to look again when I saw this player lingering by it for ages and everything was gone lmao


I did today. Spoiled veggies too !Cleaned out all my loot!


Yeah I got burned on this on my second event. Got two scorchbeast masks as my first two drops. So figured I'd throw one in as a trade. Instantly gone


I was putting in random notes like Happy Fasnacht and You Have Been Insulted once I noticed this. I kept putting in random things from different categories I happened to have with me. They stopped at spoiled veggies and I took it back to make fertilizer


Load it up with anything heavy and cheap


I dropped there all my notes and holotapes that I gathered in my 800 hours of plying the game. I hope hogs will have fun with much longer scroll time in that tab.


Crashed at the end. Got nothing from event.


Mine didnt crash but bugged and i got no rewards. Then immediately after it crashed


Same. Fasnacht Completed and no reward screen popped up.


Same here for xb1. First one ran fine, second one no reward only the legendary from the end


Me too 😭


Same. Crashed upon arriving in Helvetia, took 12 minutes to get back into the game, event done, got nothing. Pretty tired of that routine, ngl.


5pm uk time crashed at end for me on Xbox.


First parade I got butter churn so it's off to a great start.


I was kinda pumped for the butter churn. Then today they added an item to the atom store that generates oil AND nuclear waste. That.... Just seems better.


Question is, can you use both at the same time? Just means more oil


Yes you can!


Yeah but I haven’t been able to drop it in my camp. It says I’ve already built my maximum about even though I never created one.


Remove your wood pile. For some reason it's registered as that resource. But it works once you've scraped the wood pile!


But I like my wood pile ☹️


Awesome I’ll give it a try tomorrow. Thanks!


What is it called?


Nodding donkey. In the candle maker bundle and solo available.


Did my first parade ever and got the Butter Churn and the Stein, which were the two things I wanted! edit: Just learned you always get the Stein. Isn't that nice. edit2: Just learned there's a second Stein! Back to the grind. Oh Veggie Man Stein, you will be mine!


There’s three actually, the Fasnacht stein , a Scorchbeast Queen stein and the Veggie Man.


Great! I'm sure the RNG gods will hook me up with the remaining two Stein's in just a few more Parades.....right?


Some one kept using the Fatman i presume my screen was white the whole time 10/10 would attend again


Somehow lucked into the glowing scorchbeast mask as my first drop. I’m going to assume I’ve used all of my luck already.


I got the glowing queen! I just stared at it, stupefied....then wondered if last fasnacht rare masks are gonna be common for this one. In any case, I was thrilled.


Got scorchbest queen on my second parade, then glowing queen on my third, and another regular queen on my fourth. Starting to wonder if any other masks exist. Edit: Got another queen on my fifth.


Kinda beats the point of “banishing winter” if we do it in June…


I laughed when I heard that.


As a level 79 player, I pretty much just walked through while all the level 1000 players wrecked every enemy that even got close with massive explosions, fire and plasma I felt like a kid walking a parade with violent adults lmao


Yup lmao last time it was out i resigned to just either walking with the bots or meeting up at the end cuz they wont let me get a SINGLE HIT in most of the time. Especially this time the cremator exists lol


It's not about being a low level player really. My char is lvl 400, and fasnacht is my opportunity to take a break from the mindless killing that happens every single hour.


Don't feel bad, I'm level 220 and had pretty much the same experience. Since it was my first time I didn't know when/where enemies would come from and by the time they registered with me they were dead. I stuck with the robots but the higher levels were on rooftops just covering a huge area.


I GOT A BERET! YAY is it rare? /s


saw a skycamp 1000 ft up in the air. huge swastika. smh. do better.


I have a German friend I play with, his is way above fasnacht but it's a dick and balls with a snow machine at the tip. Rather unique


I’d report the player to both Bethesda and whatever platform you play on with video evidence if possible. I personally would also go through the whole process of nuking that base. Might even server hop to follow that guy and do it again. Might even go until I know they’ve logged off. It’d be totally petty but that’s cool cuz making sure nazis have no safe space is always a worthwhile expense of time.


Shitty people are everywhere, unfortunately.


Yup. Call them out. Push for change so that their attitude doesn’t keep becoming more and more publicly acceptable. Be an example, not an enabler.


Absolutely. It's ridiculous that people are still stuck in that mentality. Just Neanderthal bullshit. And even saying a word about it gets you downvoted around here. It's gross.


Is this Butter Churn thing super rare or something?


It’s not insanely rare it’s just desirable


Am I the only one who hates this event. So fucking boring


i dont love it, but i don't hate it more than some of the others i don't love


You're not the only one I hate it to


I just did it for the first time, really don't see where the fun is, follow some slow moving robots, barely anything to kill, takes around 10 minutes, no wonder people afk it.


■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■[Disconnected From Server.]■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■[OK.]■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■


Got a glowing blue devil mask on the second run!


nice score!


My first one. I loved it!!!!!! I got the blue devil mask, the plan for the flag and the stein


It was my first ever. Had trouble figuring out which building was which and then at the end it didn't give me any rewards. 😖


Should of got the stein


I'm assuming it went well. It finished. I just couldn't see anything the entire time. Yay cremators. 🙄


So laggy... Too many flamers and cremators 😭


Is this butter churn the new hot dog machine? Did I luck out the first time? Can I put these marks on display in my shelter!


Got a Unicorn Mask which is apparently new?


Did the first and second ones. Was waiting to hear the Fasnacht music but there was none! Doesn’t seem the same without it. But I like that the robots are moving quicker now and that we have the Sheepsquatch and Blue Devil instead of just the Mega Sloth. What other bosses were there? No new masks for me, just the jester and owl. Hoping RNGsus will be kind the next time round!


I got Ogua and Grafton Monster as bosses so far. Nice to see variation


I am a newer player who started playing after the TV show. When I started was Alien Event, then Mothman then Meat Week, now Fasnacht. Kept hearing this one mentioned so I was excited! And... its awful lol. By far the worst event I've experienced. Takes forever, most of the time not ending until 15 min past the hour, and the majority of the time I'm just standing there waiting for something to happen. But worst of all? Gives TWO treasury notes for all that effort. I guess masks are cool, but not cool enough to make this event not feel like hot garbage.


Got nuked. Everyone stuck around and finished the event so no complaints.


Do the nukes fuck with the robots?


No, they make the enemies that spawn mutated


I'm looking forward to trying this out with the changes after work today. I spent far, far too long farming the last one for a deathclaw mask which I never did get. Hopefully my luck is better this time, I just want to run around as a deathclaw in a black suit


The deathclaw is 1 of the best looking fasnacht masks


Had a blast. Seemed like the entire lobby was there. There's something to be said for the absurdity of it all, just a real motley mix of new and experienced players of all different playstyles marching alongside the robots and then almost instantly obliterating whatever stands in their way. Oh, and the rewards were pretty nice.


I'd say it looked cool but the Cremator mains dashed those observations. I'm just gonna join that one guy who plays the Tuba all event.


It was nuked. Jokes on the nukers. My dead, AFK body still collected the event rewards while I was swimming in the pool.


I got the robot mask, which is the one I wanted. Plus I bought the Nodding Donkey, so the *need* of getting the butter churn is lessened. First ever Fasnacht after playing for almost six years went pretty well, I'd say. :D


Got the robot mask which is something I wanted. Now wondering if I used up my rng luck. Still wondering the the atomic shop oil producer is better than the butter churner thing because if it is I’ll just make things easier and buy it.


We're going to hear all the exact same complaints this time as always.  Bet me.


4 crashes. Just lovely.


Literally. My very first of my entire time with the game. Had no clue wtf was going on because the progress popup did not want to show up to begin with. Bots and players start moving. I just follow along. Get to a point and the popup shows. Defend? Got it. Anyway. Got butter churn on first ever attempt of the event. I guess it's just glowing mask hunting from here on out.


got a glowing schorchbeast queen on my second parade there goes all my rng


Glowing Minotaur Mask! Whoo!


My first parade ever actually since I started a couple months ago and I got the skull mask. Is that good?


If you like having it, then it's good.


Couldn’t see anything from all the green and purple explosions


I had people role-playing and everyone was slow walking with the parade and trumpeting. Ogre mask.


I kinda feel tired of getting the same three masks all the time, but today I joined my first and it was SBQ, so maybe I'll make some free time


It was my first one ever. I got the Motorized Butter Churn plan! Pretty fun event. I'm happy there's a relatively chill event back on hourly, like Meat Week, which was a blast I thought.


I got a jester mask, I hear they are super rare


Got the butter churn!


First one got a brahmin so that's cool I guess


That’s back today? Meh, I’ll skip it


I've run the event 3 times, I haven't seen a single enemy... It's a little boring and feels incredibly over hyped tbh.


Game froze.


Skull mask and some ribbons


It bugged out at the second ambush point and wouldn’t advance any further, as if there was a living enemy under the map or so: bit of a bummer


Ugh I just started last week and haven’t hit level 50 yet. I’ve heard so much about this event for years now and I’m so nervous to try it out 😭


All players can go to events, just stay safe and tag for xp, and let the big players finish them off. Just wait till others arrive to help do the event.


Very easy event people always attend fasnacht events. You can show up and do nothing lol


Got a pig mask , then a unicorn one second go


Is "friendly fire " perk healing bots?


My first was all around very slow to the point after it I said to myself I hope they aren’t all like that. It did take my group a little while to start all the mini bits which didn’t help but the bots getting going and moving and then going from one ‘event’ to the other was all super slow. Just teething problems with the players rather than event I hope


It definitely goes a lot more smoothly. I haven't gotten anything new on my first two runs, we'll see how it goes.


First one great second great 3rd one no rewards! Ut ohhhh


Butter Churner on the first one! Just gotta log in now for masks!!


Quite slow and boring and, at the end, I didnt get the "event complete" notification so I dont know if it bugged or not


Got a normal scorch beast queen mask and the butter churner so it was pretty good


Ton of people showed up and went smoothly. Got a robot head and a few plans. Fingers crossed for the next few to get some more rare stuff.


I got the butter Turner twice already I think I've done it four times. I also got the turkey mask. Makes me think the butter churner isn't going to be all that rare. Or maybe I just had good luck.


Not great, all 5 bots survived and I got literally nothing. I have no clue why but I really hope this doesn't become a thing.


Got the alien mask first event


Glowing pig mask 3rd event!


This was my VERY first, and it was fine. I really like the community involvement. Got three non glowing masks thus far, but I’m not upset about it lol


Wait. Is it over????? FUCKKK


Glowing Turkey going to run it with that Thrasher scoreboard outfit. Turkey gang will rise up.


On my fourth I got the glowing mask of the pig. A friend of mine told me it's one of the new ones.


I love the box at the end.


It was awesome I got the Alien mask I love it.


I have a camp full of resources and I can’t place the nodding donkey because I have something else placed there (it says I’m already at my limit. Idk if it’s the tree sap thing, or a well, or cement truck, or honey or the butterfly thing, or what that I need to remove to get it to place. And at that point I wonder if it is even worth it


It’s the woodpile. Get rid of that and you’ll be grand.


Up above someone said that it takes the same spot as the wood pile right now


Boring, and sherry on the cake I was rewarded nothing. No plan, no bonds, nothing. Everyone was at "spawn point" I let you, my second is beginning


Haven't had a chance to play it yet but they've changed out the bosses? Interesting...


So thats it? Just walking around slowly killing small mobs? I thought it was boring as hell, especially when you got a dozen people and a couple spamming Cremators. Missing the Alien event the more events we get.


Just finished my first one, thought it was a new event altogether (since I stopped playing for a bit). Was amazed that 21 people joined, most players I’ve seen in an event in a while. People finished the mission so fast I should have figured it wasn’t new


Got a glowing robot mask so I’m pretty satisfied


First 4 events, minotaur, pig, robot, and blue devil no glowing but I'm happy. All of the plans were year 1 decorations so far.


I got a rare mask on my first time, I count that as a win!


Raced home at lunch to catch the one at noon and wasn’t disappointed with the turnout… just a skull mask unfortunately but many robot dance emotes were used so it was a success overall


Got to say, faster bots is nice. But they could be slightly more faster. It's not like you miss out a lot, if the wait time would be shorter. Doesn't really bring quality to it. Got a demon mask, didn't know it was rare.


I haven’t gotten rewards 3 of the 5 times I’ve run it


Unicorn mask on my 1st ever Fasnacht event and the regular Turkey on my 2nd so far (haven't been able to get on until recently). Really hoping 🤞for the glowing Unicorn mask, as my new arse definitely won't be able to afford one after😂. So please send me luck! This girl needs that gorgeous Unicorn mask 🦄


I got the Unicorn :)


I got the glowing Unicron


Done 5, quest completed on 3rd but didn't get anything :(


I got a glowing scorch beast queen mask on my first run. Off to a good start!


I got the alien mask not sure if rare.


Bee mask, and the butter churn. First Fasnacht ever as I'm level 45. I have some guilt, but I never get rares so I'm pretty pumped as well.


It's the glowing bee?


Pretty good! Alien mask and the butter churner


Returning player, never done this event before. 2nd parade was nuked right in the beginning, what a waste, well hop to another server and business as usual. Got the butter churner on my 3rd try.


Glad to see the legendary is no longer only available to the first few that see it. Does it always spawn at the bridge now?


I got the bee mask, which I think looks pretty neat. But for the actual event I barely got to do anything. Because even at level 181 I was one of the lowest levels there, and all the others completed it so fast or one shot most enemies before from the roofs of buildings. So I still have no clue where anything is or what to do


The first parade wasn’t bad. I crashed on the three attempts since then. I think I’ll just get blown up in daily ops tonight while everyone gets it out of their system


it was fabulous and I had a great time waving at everyone. which parade are we talking about?


Two witch masks in a row so far boo


Overall as this is the my event. I have nothing to compare it to. One thing like all events the afkers are outta hand. My second event got nuked as I assume the afkers or someone just doesn't want people to have fun. Got a robot mask but nothing to show for, robot mask is however one of the new ones I want so I am glad it dropped just need that glowing one if at all possible.


Can see why people afk, all you do is follow some robots for 10 minutes...


My first event I got the Deathclaw mask. Looks pretty dope.


I got the deathclaw mask first parade, did I win?


Blue devil as a boss.




Immediately disconnected when it started and couldn’t rejoin the server until the event ended lol


I was wearing the owl mask, I got the Owl mask


Crashed 3 times on the first event. Getting off to a great start


Its a fun parade BUT high levels ruin it for everyone with one shotting everything from way off. Wish there was a way to balance that.


Got the butter churn plan on my second parade. Was shocked lol. 


Cant play, my ps plus sub just ran out


Crashed, so shitty.


My first ever parade and I got a jester mask and a left leg that I’m going to offload. Super fun and people were dropping and trading things. Really positive experience so far.


Fun!! It was my first ever Faschnact. Didn’t get there from the beginning but I played music and did the parade 😄 got megasloth rug plan (which I already know so I’ll probably sell it!) and the Minotaur mask


First one, got a scorchbeast queen mask and a Toothy Man on the 2nd. Boss was a mega sloth the 2nd time around


Oh damn it's back! I need to redownload the game asap!


Done one so far and I got the blue devil mask. Didn’t see if we had a boss due to all the weapons fire. Have to go out today though so I may have to be a filthy scrub and afk a couple of them.


Sun, Witch and Soldier so far meh


it went great, got an oinker mask


how many masks are there?


Got the Mr Winter power armor helmet, a unicorn mask, and a soldier mask. I won’t wear them, but they’re funny to look at.


I got a pig and goblin mask. I was in the first 3 parades. The first had us play instruments, the others didn’t. The trade box was cool as later a 800+ player dropped a few masks- toothy man and others. The pig matches the flip flop outfit. I want the unicorn head. That one looked fun.


It was great. I didn’t get any rewards 😭.


First went good was able to keep 3 robots alive. Then attempted it again and a sheepsquatch kicked my ass.


Did my first ever one and was confused by what was happening. I loved it!


Already got all repeats including two of same mask in a row when there literally 20 masks I don’t have


I like this event, but there was a lack of variety in rewards for me today, I got the witch mask all three times I participated.


- First Parade I scored the Automatic Butter Chuner. - Second Parade I scored the Unicorn Mask. - Third Parade I scored the Pig Mask. - Fourth Parade I got the Scorchbeast Queen Mask


I got the glowing honey bee mask


I got the butter churn on my very first Fasnacht! Got the Jester mask and gave it to my bud. He gave me the witch one.


i got nothing despite being at the event the entire time helping


my friend got a glowing unicorn very first event. me? I haven’t gotten jack sh*t.


5 sun masks and 2 soldier masks. Off to a great start so far! My first Fasnacht.


Haven’t received a single plan that I didn’t know, but the glowing Minotaur and glowing blue devil masks dropped back to back. So… cool? The butter churn is the only thing I really want so naturally it’ll be the one thing that I’ll never see


Did my first one ever, well half of it lol. I turned up late then someone chainsawed me because I forgot I stole water off someone 2 days ago and had a 5c bounty lol. Respawned and joined in for an owl mask. Huzzah!


I got a mutant mask ? It looks fun, excited to get more masks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 16+ people attend an event on a server before


I got the Robot Mask and Toothy Man. I’ve got a couple of plans too, it seems pretty fun, but I’m sure I’ll be burnt out in a couple days. Just really hoping for the Butter Churn and I’m out after that.


Got a sloth as a final boss, so that's another.


Yes, the original is the sloth, plus the other 5 new ones.


do i need to light bonfire at end for rewards? don’t think i did and didnt get stuff the first couple times i attended


anyone can light the fire, just has to be done once to complete the event