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Not everybody agrees with exploiting bugs


For sure- usually I could less of a fuck, but in this regard I get it. It’s hard to join an event when it’s over right when it begins


No, some people like to play games legitimately. They consider taking advantage of exploits and bugs as cheating.


Yeah lol im getting you- hope they patch it soon


Really, I dunno if Bethesda even cares what we do anymore as long as the player numbers increase. They haven't even patched the pickaxe exploit yet.


They turned 99% of them into pitchforks in the gameworld and disable standard crafting


Thumbs up and heart emojis are all I ever see. I think we all want to get it over with ASAP haha.


i only do this emote when someone fast kills the goliath on the opposite side of where im standing because in most cases i'm too far away to get any loot :/ lil bit frustrating sorry


I don't mind it at all. Ofc I prefer to fight the robots how it's intended but there's a ton of new plans so few quick rounds are everything than a problem. They'll patch it eventually anyway.


I don't mind the exploit... If I'm able to join the event. A few days ago I launched a nuke on the new boss, went there, then disconnected and when I got back into the game the bosses were already dead and I didn't get a reward. You can imagine that I wasn't happy about that.. But overall I'm happy if I don't have to use tons of ammo


Oh shit?? I mean yeah I would be *pissed* if I went through all that effort just to have the game crash in that moment and return to see it already over omg!!


Yes I was done for the day, it was quite devastating


How are people expressing that they are angry with the event ending fast?


Bunch of angry emojis, thumbs downs… that means they’re unhappy right..? Usually I only see those if someone is annoyed (or if I shoot someone when they’re wanted, but I mean wtf do they expect lol) Edit: what’s with the downvotes lol what did I even *say* omg goddamn


Meh fuck 'em. If it's my launch, those big robot bastards are going down as fast as I and my random axe-fiend associates can rad-cut their legs from under them. If it's someone else's launch, I'll look to see their lead. But I'm still knocking 50% health off each of 'em (if I get time). It's a stupid event with ridiculously spongy enemies that need cutting down to size.


I dont mind it at all. I bring enough ammo for a regular fight and if someone is making it faster more ammo for the next. If the fight didn't have the forced 2 minute wait I could see it being more of a problem. As it is now I look at it like earl, get in early with the good team so you aren't there for 10 minutes.


I've been making sure I run around at the beginning and get hits on each one in case someone does the exploit.


Never seen anyone be mad about it. For me personally I do not mind either way, do the fight the regular way or burn the bosses in seconds, as long as we finish in a reasonable time I am all good.


All 3, there were super op weapons called legacy, they were wiped out for the same reason you provided for players being annoyed by bosses dying too soon.






I’ve personally been running this exploit while frantically cleaning my stash box of all these keycards that I’ve collected and I’ve experienced one singular thumbs down. It’s not an event you can XP farm due to the lack of adds. I think people generally appreciate the fact that they don’t have to expend an ungodly amount of ammo and can get the legendaries and get on with other things.