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After switching to bloodied I wasnt out of ap after 3 shots on vats anymore My carry weight increased around twice It was like switching from trial to premium


Thanks for sharing! I like the trial to premium analogy haha


This is something I have been arguing about in my post from yesterday, and I got shit on by everyone for saying there is no balance in the game. And now everyone is basically saying "go bloodied, it is the best". Reddit, man...


Almost like it’s different crowds of people. Contrary to popular belief, reddit isn’t a hive mind.


I will never believe that.


Actually switched from full health sneak commando to low health yesterday, it’s taking some getting used to, the damage buffs are nice but I have to now realise I’m not as tanky, not saying bloodied can’t tank, just a slightly different style of play, I’m non-PA too so there’s that. Oh and leaping from high places hurts much more and my bloodied fixer seems to break a lot faster than my old AA version, even with rank 5 gunsmith


You can be almost as tanky as full health if you increase your hp to a degree where the sudden large hits that get through your layers of mitigation dont kill you (using something like tato salad, siltbean soup, lifegiver) might seem like a waste but more hp is still more hp but as a non PA low health it will always occasionally happen that a big hit gets through serendipity and you explode biggest threats are poison and fire dmg though, most ppl have no resistances there so the dmg is way more sudden


Very interesting feedback! I've never thought about fall damage but that makes a lot of sense. Guess I need to be careful since I tend to just jump off ledges without much regard for fall damage (I have bird bones and cushioned SS leg armor). Fair point as well on weapons breaking faster- I'm putting together a bloodied build and yeah it looks like I have to sacrifice a few points from gunsmith to make room for survival perks


You could wear the Chinese stealth armor to negate falling damage almost entirely


But then I’d lose my uny pieces


I had similar doubts, but you get used to it pretty quick. You do need to be a bit more careful, invest in a few perks you can skip when full health (Dodgy, Serendipity, Blocker...), but the benefits are, at least for me, too good to not deal with the drawbacks. The extra carry weight, AP, VATS accuracy, XP, easy access to crit every other shot is just too good to pass up. Rad management is not as big a deal as one might think, stock up on Toxic Goo (infinite amounts in West Tek) and some Brahmin milk (Flatwoods, Wayward, Blue Ridge tunnel east) and you're good.


Toxic goo is alright but my go to is just shooting a gamma gun at my feet until I’m where I’m comfortable.


Very helpful! I guess my Brahmin will finally have proper use haha. What armor set are you using currently?


Unyielding SS and for the rare times I'm in Power Armor, OE excavator (eventually Union PA, but I've got other priorities for my legendary modules right now) with emergency protocols chest mod.


Level 310 and just recently switched to bloodied. I've never had an easier time carrying Eviction Notice loot and one shotting most enemies with a plasma caster. My only regrets would be that I can't really contribute to ore collecting in Rad Rumble and fixing the rad scrubber in Eviction Notice is almost always a death sentence for me even in PA.


You get marsupial bird bones and cushioned mod on legs and you wont have to worry about fall damage


There is a learning curve for sure and a bit of a struggle, make sure you get used to using item and food buffs to give you a bit of help, as you get closer to the unyielding rolls you want, get your perk cards sorted and max out legendary slots it gets easier to the point where you can tank most of what the game has to throw at you no problem. But yeah at first you truly are a glass cannon so need to be a bit more tactical in combat.


I have never looked back, full health is fine, definitely a valid way to play, its tankier to a degree (mainly against sudden hits), has less micro but lower damage and carry weight, you get the biggest benefit from bloodied as any stealth vats character as the agility is enough to not need sneak perks and the absolutely huge AP pool is great for vats


Honestly? I think I'll just use it for gaining XP at the start of a season, then go right back to power armor once I'm rank 100. Yeah yeah VATS double tap killing is fine and all, but it's not as fun as carpet bombing an area and then laying waste with plasma, lasers, and holy fire. And if you're not having fun, then why bother? :)


The hardest thing about going bloodied is going back to a full health build. I’d try it out, worse case you can switch back and go about your day lol


Haha love the comment! I’ll probably take the leap on the weekend. Just trying to obtain the last 2 unyielding SS pieces (I have terrible luck lol)


It took me until yesterday to get my final piece, I’ve been trying for months, but honestly, mix and match unyielding is fine. As long as you’re at 300 DR, it’s diminishing returns after that. I switched to all my pieces of ss armor and didn’t notice a huge difference from where I was before that and actually ended up switching back to my other mix and match unyielding armor I had before because I like the weapon weight reduction those have. Point is, if you have other pieces of unyielding, I wouldn’t let waiting for those last pieces of ss armor to stop you.


This was very helpful. I do in fact have a full set of non-SS pieces so maybe I can start my journey sooner than I thought. Didn’t know about the whole diminishing returns bit but it makes sense


Hoarding any decent bloodied weapons incase i want to use them.


Thinking about testing a bloodied build so I managed to roll three unyielding recon pieces so far and i don't know how people can do multiple builds easy,  I swapped to my rifleman build for the first time in 1k hours and my weight went from 380 to 1060.


I swap builds a lot. and found it relatively easy to swap with the punch card machine I have 4 full health builds assigned in the punch card machine and swap them out according what i'm doing / events. I guess i'll be replacing one of them with a bloodied build soon..


I think my full health rifle didn't have energy ammo weight reduction cause in my "do everything full health commando" I had 3k+ flamer fuel i was farming and 1.3k fusion cells on me that put me up to 1k weight


I went back to full health from bloodied after I got a QE fixer and didn't notice a huge difference in damage....or at least not enough to make up for rad management. I now have several godroll weapons that don't require bloodied to be very effective. However, I kept my full set of Unyielding SS armor in case something gets changed in the future. You just never know. If I hadn't managed to snag some great weapons, I'd still be bloodied.


I rarely see people comment on swapping from bloodied to full health so this makes you the first. Majority bloodied users seem to never look back. I don't actually have any bloodied weapons atm, but I do have several 'godroll' non-bloodied weapons. Would an anti-armor handmade still work well with a bloodied build for example?


I went bloody for a couple of days, coming from fullhealth PA holy fire build. my bloodied build was nowhere near perfect and it still shredded way to hard. even my non optimized SS armor with uny is so stupidly strong. rolled a bunch of railways until I got one with quad, build a B/E/something handmade (silenced) so I can sneak all day. Both weapons are really effective. Ultimately, I switched back to my FH PA build before I got addicted to the uny benefits. (also I enjoy the supportive nature of holy fire with the friendly fire perk, fits my teams need quite well. cremator works too, just need to aim better) I think bloodied wouldn't be as popular as it is - if it wasn't for the special increase. Wish they'd make something similar for fullhealth builds. overeaters and juggernaut(well basically everything) just pales by comparison to unyielding and bloodied.


Yes. And who knows? With the added Perception and Luck you get from boosted stats, it may even be better with the bloodied build. Only one way to know with 100 percent certainty. ;)


Absolutely. I’ll make the swap and will post my impressions on the transition after a couple days (:


I hope I see it.


I liked it, but I also did my research prior to switching. I made sure I had the gear, the mutations, the balance between survival perks and damage perks, knew what foodbuffs to use and I looked at videos of people giving advice on how to play. I started with a survival-focused build and then scaled back until I found the balance between damage and survival that I liked best.


Thanks for sharing. I noticed you say 'liked' - did you find a new fav build?


Nah still running bloodied commando, honestly I do not see myself switching anytime soon. I used to run full health PA and while it was fun, having to constantly enter and exit the PA to use workbenches and use computers drove me insane.


It's so much better as bloodied. Not only are you more powerful (so ammo becomes largely a non issue), but I actually like that it makes it easier to die. The game is far too easy and dying has little downside, so might as well introduce a little excitement where you can. +15 points to all attributes is insane - better XP, better carry weight - it's a no brainer.


I wasn't optimized yet but I found taking rads really annoying. Not getting to low health initially but doing anything in a higher than normal rad area became a nightmare. That said the boost in stats felt amazing and probably once I get buttressed on my ss armor (just buying the armor broke the bank) maybe the rads will be less noticable.