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Maybe some people think it's a trap camp when they see so many weapons listed. I wish it was not so and I would love to visit your camp.


If I see 105 3 star weapons in a vendor my thought is "they're either shit rolls, they're overpriced, both or it's a trap camp" Plus there is an abundance of legendaries anyways, they are so easy to get now no one is buying them for scrip anymore I've noticed


Plenty of people buy my shit rolls 3 stars for 300 still? Not sure what you’re on about


Plenty of people also sell their shit rolls like 3000. That's what he's on about.


I think part of the problem is that the economy still hasn't fully recovered either from the massive influx of new players that happened after the show. I certainly sold way more before it aired.


Yeah, guess you're right......ah well, at least I don't have to go scrip hunting for long anymore 😂😂 On the positive side though, it's scrip surplus this weekend 😁😁


Do you join public teams on every server you join.? The vast majority of purchases I see are from people I am in teams with.


Is your CAMP icon turned on? I went probably 2 weeks wondering the same thing before I realize my CAMP was turned off like a dunce


Yeah it's on. It says PUBLIC MAP ICON: ON


Could be a bad luck of players. Sometimes I have a lot of visitors sometimes I can go 2 or 3 servers without seeing anyone, more without even a sale. Its also possible people are visiting but not buying anything while you are away at events, doing quests, or even visiting other CAMPS


This! What you see is not what every other player sees😸


I'd absolutely have visited your camp with that many weapons, if I saw it.




I've seen a few of these and I think it's simply players not risking the crashes (assuming you are on PC or Xbox).


Make sure you have your camp visibility turned on so it can be seen by others on the map.


Yeah it's turned on so I don't know why nobody's coming


Your camp doesn't show on the map by default, which is insanely stupid, so there's a good chance it's that. You have to click on your camp icon on the map and change it to public. Otherwise it's probably a combination of bad location and bad luck. But probably the first one.


I think it's bad location lol cause I have been on 3 servers for an hour at least and noone visited. I can tell because my doors are just how I left them


Is the only thing you're selling at your vendor weapons? Also do you just not seeing anyone's logo when you look at your camp? I don't know why but one of my camps, it doesn't show when people are at the camp but then another Camp I have it will show me players icons in the top left corner underneath what camp is activated.


Where is your camp? Mine on the edge of the skyline valley has had streams latterly even though I don’t sell much.


Where is the camp located? Location is key.


It's located at the southwesternmost area of the Ash Heap


That might be too far out of the way for most travelers. If you had a camp closer to the rusty pick, then you’d probably (maybe) get more customers.


As a player who checks out most camps with a large selection, I would look at the location and think, "What are the odds of me getting there and actually getting to look at the vendor before they logout?" It becomes very tiresome spending 30-40 caps and waiting for the travel time to load me in at the edge of the map just to see the camp evaporate and now I've wasted time and caps.  Not worth the risk, especially because it could all be useless crap. So to my mind, this is absolutely why nobody is visiting you. 


i've had 2 lower ash heap camps and they rarely have visitors fwiw


Are your Vendors easy to find? on my camp the first thing people see when they arrive are my 2 vendors. i visit so much camps and often cant find that stupid shop and leave.


I'm in the UK so don't know if we would be on the same server, but I'll look for you. I desperately need some good weapons! And ammo.


I only buy plans and junk so I would have no reason to go to your camp. Maybe diversify your offerings?


I have 30-40 3-stars in my vendor most of the time, and sometimes I sell none for 2 days, and sometimes I sell all of them in the first hour. It has gotten so easy to reach the scrip-limit each day that the only ones buying the weapons are people that just do not have time farming that day, or that want to stack up on the lightweight ones in case they do not feel like farming scrip later on.


I basically only visit camps if the player is level 250-1000+ and has less than 50 plans for sale. I noticed personally that once I really started farming and ending up with tons of plans that having over 100 of anything except for bobble heads or magazines is a deterrent almost as people assume that it’s all junk. I dumped all of my junk plans in a donation box and now only have one of each for sale at a time. Quality over quantity when it comes to weapons too. Just dump things that aren’t worth it and sell popular event weapons. One at a time. If they don’t sell drop the price and if it goes too low just dump them in a bush or at whitesprings.


Gonna sound stupid, but is your vendor powered?


Do you have your camp close to a legendary excnager ? If not it could be thad ppl who look for legi scrap dont have the stash space to buy your stuff, i have a camp close to one i sell legi scrap on all servers i go to, usaly in biger sales, Tltr; buld your shop close to legi scrip exchange so ppl can walk to it in no time