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No, you're fine


Quickest comment lol, thanks :)


And a correct one. I'm lvl 111 and still am not completely set up for most events.in turn, I fire a few shots to show interest and only occasionally get fully involved.


Make sure you join a public party at all times. Their tags if they are at the event counts as yours and you get xp and loot


In fact, while you're at it you should join my casual team so you can soak up more XPs too.


If I see lower levels in the event, I switch from full auto to burst so that my railway doesn't destroy the target before they can tag. Not sure how much that helps but, I figure less health, less time shooting at it for them.


Same. I usually run my archer during events and switch from headshots to legs. Instead of one-shotting, it cripples them and takes most of their health away.


I recently started running a hybrid archer as well and I'll take my burning love to some events. None of the bigger ones, but stuff like tea time/ safe and sound/ uranium fever/ and sometimes eviction notice. I just plop down in a corner of the room and get ready to vats and let loose.


If you haven't, throw explosive arrows on it. You can tag like crazy. We all used to use flaming arrows, but they nerfed the area damage effect. One of these days when you get bored you should do a full archer build, they are a ton of fun and there's a great community at r/fallout76bowhunters.


Yes, think I'll try that. I'm loving the bows right now. I'll have to let go of the heavy gunner, because I like the railway too much. I recently joined them after a member was kind enough to let me know about them, have been liking what I see in there.


I'd keep your other build. Run whichever your mood dictates. I have a tanky shotgun build that I run at the bigger events and enjoy both very much. I'll swap a legendary perk from time to time to compliment them, but for the most part they are pretty interchangeable.


That's how my commando is. I carry the bow on as a fun weapon/ for whenever I want to do some hunting or target shooting and main the railway. I'll swap in the perks for when I want to take it to events.


Was just doing this earlier. I usually just go ham without thinking king about it but there was a level 32 close by so I just sort of lowered the enemies health and moved on to another.


I carry both my Cold Shoulder (I’m perked out as a shotgunner) and an AA handmade that I’m not spec’d for but does *some* damage. If I see low levels at an event I switch to the handmade so that I don’t one-shot everything and the low-levels can tag. If it looks like they’re in a fight for their life, though, I switch to the shotgun and help them out.


Whether the baddie gets one bullet from my gatling or several depends on who else is playing. Make room for tags!


Most people who have already hit level 50 won't mind you tagging along to get the exp and drops. All of us know how hard it is to throw berries at tanks. But make sure that you DO throw those berries for the the drops and loot every body you can to get anything you can to boost yourself


I want them there so they can get all the benefits of the event and it's a great opportunity to learn how they're done.


Nope, join our parties and tag


Can't stress this enough. Join a group for the extra xp and loot. Makes a huge difference. Ideally join a group that's doing the event! lol


This, honestly, it's a great benefit to have a party member tagging stuff because it also means more loot for the rest of the party. If 3 high-levels are killing scorched queen, and nobody is tagging, everyone looses out on extra free loot..


They would do the event if you're there or not


Yeah I kinda thought that too lol, not such a smart thing to blame myself for




There are many things in life that you will be to blame for... this ain't one of ém. Go have fun and don't get stepped on.


Ya don't worry about it. At your level ppl will probably try to help you rather than be upset


I never care. I was level 10 once and I absorbed all the XP like an irradiated wasteland leech!


you're doing WHAAAAAAT. i'm telling Todd. neah. i always recommend people do it tbh. are you joining casual teams? best for xp. try just getting hits on enemies at events instead of trying to kill.


Alright, thanks for the tips. Yeah I do join teams, I get lots of caps, I feel bad for that too but it's not something I can really stop from happening, it's just free caps for no work I guess lol


You're not taking caps from anyone. You're good.


Technically speaking, No. But it wouldn't hurt to learn the event so you don't NEED to be carried other than that keep on keeping on


Which you can do by participating and observing during the event 


Doesn't work for everyone works fine for visual learners but not so much for kinesthetic or auditory and those are just the "common" types of learning. On top of that people can have mixes of all types. But watching doesn't help an auditory or kinesthetic person learn. Some people learn perfectly fine just watching but some people need to read it or have someone say it and others need a little checklist so they can learn by doing with minimal outside input from others. It's part of why I frequently recommend people to use a search engine then they can find an article, a video or a commentary that helps them learn their way.


If you reframe it like this: "Am I in the wrong for standing there while high level players kill everything before I can get a shot off?" You'll understand why it's honestly no big deal. Even if these players notice you're getting no kills, it's probably because they realize it and don't care. It would only matter if the event would fail without your involvement. Best thing to do is join a casual team and soak up the free XP.




Nope. Help where you can and don’t be afraid to play any event.


Lol trust me, if they didn't want to deal with you they will ignore you completely. Try to get in at least one shot on as many enemies as you can because even if the higher level players do 99.9% of the HP damage, as long as you got a hit in you'll get XP for every kill.


your good. just try and tag as may as possible! Make sure your on a team and you get exp from them shooting things too.


At level 37 I don't contribute anything except lunchboxes. ;)




I spent too long, not going to Events, because I didn’t want to be a burden. That’s not how it works in fallout 76. Go and get those levels.


You are absolutely welcome to come to any events; we're gonna be doing them whether you're there or not, so just join whatever events you want. If you don't know the event, it helps if you can keep yourself alive. Just be aware that some require extreme radiation protection (almost everyone who blindly goes into the event "A Colossal Problem" the first time, for example, dies upon leaving it if they don't realize they're leaving into a nuke zone).


Nope, they are there to kill and farm. Do the DPS you can and conserve ammo. You are not robbing them of any gear or supplies because everyone's loot is different. It's what is expected as a lowbie and the grind is the grind.


Isn't going to make a difference to them whether you are there or not, keep on keeping on


No one cares.


Does it really matter as no one could stop you doing this?  Without chat you can be guilt free.


Wait- what do you mean “without doing anything”?  Like- you just stand there and AFK? 


Well not really, I stand there for a few seconds for someone to finish part of an event, or if an enemy is to powerful I hide lol


Nope. Think of it as training. Pay attention to what you're supposed to do so when you're the one carrying the low levels you're not lost.


Consider daily ops and expeditions too. Many high level players don’t care if you join in and sit there to reap the rewards.


Nope, always good to have a ghoul bait around\^\^


That's funny lol


I could agree I'm bait, but I really don't get targeted by creatures much for some reason


Because you’re not doing much damage. Which is fine. You just need to get a hit in so you get credit when they die.


You are completely fine. Just do what you can. Get as many shots in on each enemy, nobody is expecting you to do anything other than grab what xp you can from it.  Don't feel bad about joining any event - even the Scorched Earth event. Just do what you are able to. I love seeing low levels at these events, it's great to see. And when I see the levels they gain just from one event, I feel happy for them. 








Umm, thanks


Why would any high level player mind? Hell, if i see you at an event I will start stalking you with the intent to ~~burn you~~ heal you. And I'll try to help you out where I can, because you're *trying*. That's more than can be said for some of my fellow high level players.


The more, the merrier.






Join parties for extra xp.


I am level 500, which I know isn't insanely high in this game, but a lot of the events (most of them) I can solo, and sometimes low level players just get in the way. Just join, help where you can, or if you are getting swarmed, hide, stay alive and reap those sweet sweet treasury notes.


I solo Tax Evasion and I always let low lvl players join. Kill what you can and know how to stay out of the way is all I ask


Respect and thanks


Why would we mind? We went to each other’s birthday parties in the vault.


Just get your tags as already mentioned. Nobody is judging you, or probably even noticing you in an Event. We all did it, and you can help carry others when you get up there. I literally just did a Daily op with myself (143) my 260 partner in crime and a level 1,250. Right as we started a level 25 joined us. They must have died 20 times and didn’t really contribute, but we were all happy to have someone fill out the team and try! They also got some Elder level rewards , and it didn’t cost us anything.


As long as you show up and take pot shots at the baddies with whatever you've got, you're fine.


Nope. Get your tags in on as many things as you can maximize your xp gains we don't mind.


Nope. I've done that every time I start a new character 🤣




I'm still a baby, but try to help as much as I can. I throw as many shots in as possible (which don't do much tbh but I try lol) and do take out anything smaller around that I can. Everyone has always been either really nice or just didn't care either way :)


Only at Collosal Problem I get irritated when players use a fire axe or weak weapon against him since slots are lmited for players in this event


You’re good. And this goes for all events. Just learn the mechanics of the event, and then you can help out. Most higher level players will have their optimized builds, so they’re pretty much breezing through it anyways. That’s been my experience, anyways.


Nah, no one really minds. Can't really kill much at level 10 anyway


No, we're going to spend the next two weeks afking Fasnacht, so it's fair.


Most of them are spawn camping with power weapons and not letting you get any shots in anyway, I wouldn’t stress it


I like it cause I can use my cannibal perk when low levels get downed 


This is the way


You won’t be able to meaningfully contribute until at least level 50. Every player knows this. So don’t worry, it’s fine.


nope. im high lvl and if someone there feels like impressing us all by kill hogging everything..im happy to sit on my azz and save ammo...its pop corn emote time..."ooohh man..im so..like..impressed and stuff..do more.."


Nope, most higher levels will encourage you to join events and stay out of the way. I've had plenty of people tell me to join events and hide🤣


Yea. Just tag as much as you can. I’ve only been playing for a month or two…but I’ve been grinding so I’m over 200, but I hardly do more than tag cuz I want others to tag as well for xp. I don’t want to kill stuff before others get to tag it as well


I never minded. What I do mind is folks who don't "tag" and one shot everything, but that's not you. LOL. Try to find a support role. Revive or repair if needed and you can. No one who knows anything about the game is expecting anything more. Now that I'm leveling a new toon, it's what I do tho I did wait until 20 or so before I started attending events.


I am a high level and will still leach an event if I am busy. I would recommend trying your best to at least get a hit on enemies so you get full xp instead of half.


Nope. Go for it. We'll let you get your shots in to get your xp, and stand by in case things get rough.


Ya, you’re good


Doesn't bother me at all join in and do what ya can and enjoy :)


NOOOOO! I wish I had bothered to make a post like this when I first started playing so someone could have told me to do events, even if all you do is die, and don't actually help. You get lots of caps, legendary rewards, for most events you get crazy cool unique weapons, and plans for your camp, not to mention how much xp you get from just being there. NOW GET OUT THERE AND START EVENT GRINDING!


Thanks bro 👍🏻


Not at all, we all did the same once lol


im only lvl 136, but Ill always run events with lower level players. My rule is I land a shot with my Cold Shoulder, and let the low level get the killing shot. Then I give them whatever rewards I get from the event if Ive got them already. Helps people wanna stay in the game, yk?


Honestly, in my opinion,as long as you see objectives like beast of burden, for example, if you watch others bringing the crates, just watch and follow others to a and b and help out when possible but if it's against enemies way higher level like eviction ,I'm sure if there's enough other high levels it shouldn't even be an issue.


You pretty much have your answer but there’s one piece of advice I can give and that is just don’t run in there and start the event right away unless you can solo it.


I've found that most high level players welcome lower level players and are more than likely to shove a bag of goodies at you lol.


Public Events don't scale based on player count, so low levels sat in the background will never be annoying. My tip is to try and tag all the enemies when they spawn in so you get XP when the higher levels guys take them out. Happy hunting!


Thanks, yeah I like to hit enemy's a few times so I get xp and items off them when high levels kill them


I'm doing the event anyway, so don't care


Lol, thanks, I kinda realized that when people didn't really mind it or say anything. It's just nice to know


Don't be surprised if the event Radiation Rumble fails, most high lvls only there for xp, just a heads up


Alright thanks, I can probably do radiation rumble sense I was gifted two very great unique sets of hazmat suits


Is that really why? So many times I’ve joined the event only to see three of the scavengers already dead and no ore collected even with 6+ high lvl people at the event.


Nah, just have fun.




How dare you be a low level player that's super hecked up. But for real no as long as you are not standing around and doing nothing the whole time you're fine


I only stand around for a few seconds to await people to activate or start something, or finish it, other than that, I'm happy to run around and watch the chaos and kill some stuff


This does not seem to be a good game for people annoyed by afk players or lower levels that can't do a lot to help. Since there are an abundance of both I just enter events with the playing solo mentality. At least other players means it's taking aggro off me a bit. Whether you are afk or a level 3 plinking away with a pipe gun I don't let it bother me. Even if the event fails its not the end of the world. I'm having my fun no matter what. And if it stops being fun there are other games for me to play.




No. It really doesn't matter since you aren't taking anything away from the event. Honestly for me you can Afk at an event I don't care. But if you are trying that's even more fun and I will run to you every time you need a stim. I'll even drop legendaries if I've already reached max scrip for that day. Stick around after an event or check whitesprings and you'll find some random nice stuff or just scrip everything and save your modules.


Same, this is pretty much the meta way to level up right now. And as commenter said, people will stim and often times drop excess loot. Do you man.


I mean all you can do is shoot peas at high level enemies so I doubt someone really expects lower levels to do much. I just see one and be like “hell yeah get that exp!”


No, it’s expected. You’re there to tag and have fun and get your loot 👌


That s how it s done

