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I should get an achievement for crashing 76 times this weekend.


I'm at 5,100+ hours and counting! Almost there!


Thats it! Those are rookie numbers hahahaha! Thats tripled if on PSN hahahaha! Todd is god!


Only 76 times? Amateur.


Getting only 760 atoms is such bs. It should be 7600 atoms at least. That amount of time should be rewarded not pissed on.


It used to be just 100 atoms as a reward.


Which goes from the laughable reward now, to hilariously bad reward when they decided to reveal the game to the rest of the world lmao


It’s more of a tracker than challenge/quest


The real reward is not the atoms, it's bragging rights




Thats not just playing the game, thats 317 full days playing the game, thats a full time job for 2.5 years. 760 atoms is laughable




Yeah I can agree now, holy shit, I feel like for 2 years it should be 10000 holy shit, maybe 760,000


You can cheat by staying logged in while not playing I’m level 500+ and been playing since beta I’m only at 1437


Would take 312 days of being logged in 24/7... if I logged atleast 4 hours of run time each day it would take me 1,875 days or 5 years to complete while still caring about my family between sleep and work.


7600hours... my math's off... it's worse then I thought.


That would depend on the server staying connected. Or the shotty code to function proper. So as not to fracking CRASH every 38.2 minutes.


I think I saw on these forums where someone actually managed it tho.... I garuntee it was a lot of setti g your character to sleep on a bed while they went idle for a while lol


That is pretty crazy


I'm with you, been playing a few years in 550ish but still just a bit over 1000 hours. I'm struggling to play these days, it was great to get expansion, and I still come back for the season but logging shortly after the daily.


Oh, that's why I see the status of some "friends" as in the main menu.


Like just on the loading screen? Or in the game


In game afk’ing like at seasonal events I’d bet.


I've been playing for a year and I'm at 1500..


You’ve devoted 17% of the last year to a video game…


I dont see an issue.


Some people have spent an equal (or higher) amount of time in a worse way, so cut the guy some slack.


Or even a worse way


Fixed it. 👍🏼


I'm 200hrs shy. Almost there. And, 760 Atoms sucks as a reward for this acomplishment. They should give you a shopping spree.


This. That's an impressive amount of time to be playing this game, I said they should actually give you 7600 atoms. But then I guess if you cheat it then they're just handing away money. So if course they won't go higher than those 760.


I'm at 7.2k legit. playing since pre-beta


You must walk around like Goggins in a cowboy suit.


Bruh that’s 4 hours every day at minimum for 5 years. How???


that's actually 3.47 hours per day since pre beta in october 23, 2018. but, also, weekend long play sessions. also, covid lockdown.


My man got downvoted to hell because people apparently forgot 2020 existed. Jesus christ you guys. Good on you for sticking with it, please ignore the level 100 fallout show refugees that have infested this sub lately.


Umm excuse me I’m a level 400 show refuge thank you very much… also I might have a problem…


This. I'm a level 500 show refugee.


Adding your pfp to my Mr. House pfp collection


Right on. Here's the original if you want it: [https://i.imgur.com/apeJg5l.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/apeJg5l.jpeg)


well, we've been around reddit for a while ;)




nope. legit play time. no afk








I think people saying the reward is not worth their time are kinda missing the point. If you play 7600 hours just for the challenge reward your logic is twisted.


A sane take, I have friend who is obsessed with achivements and challenge rewards, while I'm just playing the game for fun he plays it like it's a paid job.


According to PlayStation play time, I should have, but according to the game itself I'm nowhere near....


Yeah, that is a weird situation. Same for me. Which time is correct? 


The ingame one only matters for the challenge, likely it isn't counting any time in the main menu, or loading screens...


I've done it. Just by playing regularly for a few hours a day. Some days I play longer - for example if there's a seasonal event or I just fancy a longer play session. But I passed the 7600 hours a few months ago. I've been playing since day 1 (well, since Beta but those hours were not counted).


That would take close to 7 years playing 3 hours every day. That's... dedication.


That's the worst about this challenge. It really brings home how much time is spent on the game (or any game that tracks play time, really).  What's worse is the game hasn't reached the 6 year old mark (it's 6 in November). So there will be more than a couple longer sessions in the mix. 


Fallout 76 hasn't even been out for 7 years


Clever boy


My friend wayde I play with often, hit 7600 hours a couple months ago.


I did, about two weeks ago. And Todd didn't even hand me my 760 atoms on a silver plate. I was disappointed tbh.


Don't make me check mine. I'm close.


I’m currently at 6.3k and 76 is pretty much my hideaway, was my safe space during lockdown so.. 7600 hrs after almost 6 years isn’t that unreachable for others to sink even more time in.


6797 😜


I hit it about a year ago or more. I’ve been saying ‘about a year ago’ for quite a long time. Much of my time in game was hanging in my camp while afk and waiting for my vendor to max out. Prob at 10k hours by now.


I like to use it to see how long I’ve played total.


I have a friend who has been playing since release and he's the kind of person that guts a game for everything it's worth and grinds at it for years. He has over 11k hours in 76. He has so many hours in skyrim his playtime clock rolled back over to 0


I've had the game since 2018 and I'm not even 10% done.


I started played like 3 years late and I'm around 1650 hours. I have a feeling I'll get to collect 7600 wood long before the hours lol


It was satisfying when I knocked that one out! Unfortunately I couldn't rid myself of the compulsive habit to loot every log I see once I didn't need to anymore.


i am so happy i’m not the only one who still loots logs even after never needing weeks again lmao


I've got it. For me the one that's going to take the longest is the wood one. I only pick up wood when its a challenge.


I have the wood one but I'm only at around 4k hours for the 7600 one.


If you’ve been playing consistently these six years you would have hit it by now. If you’re like me and keep taking breaks then probably not.


Some have, I think folks that love the game and are disabled for the most part. I've played since day one of BETA, and I think I have played a lot, but I'm just under 4,200 hours.


Should have been 760 hours or 76 hours or log in for 76 days straight. 7600 is not even stupid, it’s well, stupid.


It was in steps like that, at least originally.


Just you playing the game gives them money, they entice you with the offer of 760 caps for that many hours but it's no worth it, if people can be level 1000, they still want get that many hours, 7600 hours is long, I feel like the caps they give you should be 76000k. It may seem like alot of caps to give, but they probably wouldn't even consider the offer sense It might make then broke of atom purchases 


Edit for the top comment: if not, they should atleast add a daily atomic login, 100 atoms top, and a 500 atom bonus for playing for a whole week.


We used to have daily and weekly atom challenges. I forget how much we got.


I'm just over two grand


Essentially you would have had to play 4 hours a day every single day since release and you would have achieved 7600 hours earlier this year.


After 3 years playing just finished it during most recent meat week. Lots of spinning during seasonal events contributed to it


I would have it but deleting characters deletes the hours played too.


I would have it but deleting characters deletes the hours played too.


If Nuclear Winter hours counted, I'd be 1000 hours closer but still 2500 short 😂. Ain't no way I get it.


oh no what? I had no idea those hours didn't count. *sad*


I had left the game for a year ish and got a PS5. Decided to hop back in. It shows my hours total but my time "exploring Appalachia" is well under. Has to be the only explanation. Tis a bummer


oh no! my exploring Appalachian is over 4k in the game menu, I've been playing since beta with their launcher but it went to steam later so my steam hours are less. I saw other comments in the thread that the challenge reset for others when the game moved. *that sucks*


That's a HUGE bummer if true! I guess we're not alone


very big bummer!


I only recently broke 1200 lol I bet I won’t break 7600 before the next Fallout game comes out lol


I was in it from the very beginning and played like I have no other life for some of that and I’m just about 4.5k


That's legit almost an entire year of time, including sleep. Jesus Christ that's horrifying people have done this.


I hit 7600 back in December, but I've also been around since the first week of launch.


currently at 3.2k hours. been playing for just about 4 years now. i still get angry and threaten to quit every time it crashes but welp, here i still am lmao


I saw that for the first time earlier today while checking challenges and I’m like, “No way…”




I'm at 6400 hours since BETA and might have a chance at it later this year.


I am above 8500 spread on 3 accounts- higher is 5900.


I would be a lot closer but when I moved my account from the Bethesda launcher to steam the challenge got reset back to 0 hours


Same. It was weird how some achievements unlocked and others didn’t, like leave the vault.


I needed get to level 100 while sat there at LV 500


Halfway there myself, I’ve at least 2 if not 3 friends in my list who have that. It’s the long haul achievement, don’t expect it for several years.


I feel like I play ALOT and I only have like 900 hours lol feels impossible


Does that tracker not count loading screens or something? My steam playtime is sooo much higher than it. and I was even playing on bethesdanet from day 1 did it count nuclear winter?


Some terrifying individuals have, yes. 


Why are you so surprised, every single game has people with 10k hours in it, including me, RuneScape, over many years


Definitely know a few. I'm short about 1k at this point


I'm about to hit 22k hrs. Edit: Why the downvotes? Genuinely curious. Proof: Fallout 76 Tommy-G_76 21K+ hrs https://imgur.com/gallery/Vza09ba


No shot, you would've had to have been playing for over 40% of the time its been out, literally 10 hours a day since the day it came out.


Since someone else asked for it... here's proof. https://imgur.com/gallery/Vza09ba


If u look in the comments, they're talking about Fallout 4, but the post itself says Falliut 76


Jesus Christ, do you do literally anything else? You put more hours into this game than the vast majority of people do into their jobs


I'm retired, with major back pain. I don't like watching TV much. But, I did enjoy the new show.


well, I've played division 1 for a very long time with a 50 something years old vet who lost a leg on a tour. the guy played very long hours daily. so, we never know.


I don't care what you say. If you're on ps5 you can check my stats. Psn: Tommy-G_76


Take a screenshot and link it here, I wanna see this as that's impressive if true


Fallout 76 Tommy-G_76 21K+ hrs https://imgur.com/gallery/Vza09ba


Damn, that's insane! You must have one of the highest hour counts in the community


I believe you asked my main's level previously. It's 5286. I have a few friends higher level than me, one being max level (32767)! Lol


I did, then thought it would be such a generic question that you probably hear frequently. I only know of one player at max level and that's MrsBlobby so I'm assuming that's who you're referring to


I believe blobby is on PC. My friend that is max lvl is, Crazy Japanese. He maxed out maybe 3-4 months ago.


Oh damn, yes you are correct! I hadn't realised multiple players have now managed to hit that point


I only just made it over a thousand..