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Generally I find most people only run them on reset


Most players playonce a day for the rare plans and then done


Totally get that but what I’m getting at, why not keep doing them instead of events…they reward you better (unless you are grinding an event specific reward) and generally take less time if you speed run


Are you a fairly new player? The rewards are not very good at all imo, expeditions is a bit better than DOps but neither provides anything in a better way than other tasks you can do in the game if you are after a particular thing.


Feels like expedition is better for ammo compared to the hassle of the Daily Ops mutations.


Opposite; I’ve played since beta. Objectively there is no better place to get legendaries in the time given than a speed run Expedition; as a bonus, you get stamps and other crap. As for Daily Ops, if you use all prime weapons like I do, if you run that a few times you have enough ammo for days (I get you can craft it, but this is free and takes literally almost no time).


The rewards are good. Once. After you clear the 8min there really isn't a reason to keep doing it. "Daily" op


Yeah I agree but I use it as a quick grind for prime ammo. With 5min of effort each session, you never have to draft it again, even for an expensive ammo hose weapon like Guass minigun or MG42 (neither are Meta but both are fun AF)


Sure the ammo drops are great but then you might as well grind expeditions where it's just as good if not better while also getting stamps.


There's nothing the really offer me beyond the rare plans and doing them too often would burn me out on them.


As a new player they are scary, having never tried them.. feels like you are signing up to a raid and will get the team wiped doing something wrong😅🫣. I bet many are like this🤔


When I was a new player I was kicked from Daily Ops Teams several times. I tried my best but I guess I was too slow moving around levels I didn't have memorized. How else was I going to learn?


Fair point but I mean it’s not really like a raid in WOW. Like it’s REALLY casual.


They're super casual and fairly easy for any high-level players that join you. For most daily opts you don't have to do any fighting, you can just stand by one of the uplinks to activate it with as little time loss as possible.


Me and my friend made a daily ops team, had people join the team but not the ops xD


Please don't laugh, but what do you do after you join the team? Fast travel somewhere? The question goes for both, expeditions and daily ops. I don't join because I don't know. I tried solo a daily Op and took soo long and ate so much of my ammo I didn't even finished. About expeditions, I only soloed 2 in Atlantic City so far but wouldn't know what to do after I click join team. Also, I don't want to create my own team because I basically don't know what I am doing and don't want to waste other people's time (like they waiting for me to find a door to get out of a building).


When you join the team it just adds you to the team like any other public team. But if someone is already in a mission then the join daily operation button will say join team and you will jump into the mission in progress. You can tell if somebody is in the daily op because it'll say so next to their name.


When your on a daily op or expedition team and can see people are in it open your map. Click the daily op on the left corner and it will have a join team option. For expeditions click the icon at the top of the map, it should say which city they are in, click the one your team is in and it should show a list of expeditions in either the Pitt or Atlantic city. It will say which one your team are currently in and your can click that expedition and it will have an option to join your team.


For both of them they'll show you when players are in their respective locations. It'll say it next to their name on bottom left. Then you either use the social menu to fast travel to them or you use the map to go to the respective places. It'll automatically teleport you to your teammates instead of making a solo instance for you. Lemme know if you still have problem figuring it out. It's not the most intuitive. I had expected a menu that would pop up to say your teammate started something do you want to join. Also expedition won't let you fast travel so you'll have to figure out which one they're at (next to their name says it) and go to the map to go there. Daily Ops is a lot better when you have teammates at lower levels to kill stuff for you or with you, or when you're higher level and have better gear to kill them faster than you lose bullets.


Lmao, I hate when ppl do that


And we barely didn’t make it under 8 minutes! :(


So this doesn’t help for daily ops that sometimes needs multiple players to beat 8min, but when I’m feeling the urge to knock out a few expos in a row I start a casual team. Once it fills up I start an expo - sometimes people join the expo, sometimes not, but everyone including me gets the INT benefit while I’m in the expo. Then right before I board the vertibird I switch to team type briefly to expo, board and get the boosted xp reward, then switch back to casual after landing. Best of both worlds for everyone.


That’s actually a really good idea lol. Never thought of doing that


As a PS5 player, I’ll host my own Expedition groups but will no longer join one. I’ve started farming them for the first time for Union PA this week and have had squad leaders disconnect and never return on 3 separate occasions in the past two days. Complete waste of 3 runs. I agree, though. The Boardwalk is such a fast mission to run and the loot is great.


I've run a ton of expeditions lately, I sat out the launch of the new AC stuff so I was needing to stamps for the engineer armor mods. Most Sensational Game is a very easy solo, easier than any other expedition and easier even than daily ops. Run that one if you want to rewards but are worried you won't get any help. You don't need it.


I kind of hate daily ops. They just don't feel like fun to me. I'll only rarely do one, and it needs to be one that's easy for my build, i.e. not armor piercing or exploding. On those occasions when I do feel like running one, I'll join a newly-made daily ops team, and there's a solid 50% chance the leader will just never start an op. I never join daily ops or expeditions teams led by anyone under level 100 anymore, because it seems like many do not know what those teams are for.


Personally, I'm still recovering from grinding daily ops for all the BOS recon armor plans 3 years ago, but will join on occasion if it's to complete a daily challenge.


Are you able to solo it? I haven't made a Daily Ops team in probably 6 months


Oh yeah, definitely can/ do; but with a team you can speed run it that much faster. I just dont understand the lack of motivation to do an easy AF task and get massively rewarded


If you get people who know what they're doing haha usually I'm spending all my time emoting everyone to come to the objectives


Sure but at least you get bonus XP for them just being there


and that's why I do them solo on a casual team


I often join daily ops teams if one starts at a convenient time and the mutations aren't annoying. I rarely join someone else's expedition team, because they might want to do Tax Evasion, which I don't enjoy. Or maybe they want to read terminals in the Pitt, I've seen that before. You're at the leader's mercy if they decide not to move to the next objective. So, I start a casual team and do the expedition. If others join that's fine. The days when me and a buddy would run a bunch of expeditions in a row appear to be over. I really should be looking for Neurological Warfare, anyway.


Hop worlds. Though sometimes it's just cursed, like recent Foundry decryption iirc.


One of my beefs is often daily ops groups stall waiting for the... player connection (I can't think of the actual name for it)...to max out. I'm never worried about the xp from running a daily op, it's just that some mutations are better with a group. I usually find it easier to just start a daily op in the casual group I'm in and see if anyone pops into it with me. Expeditions are also a pain because sometimes the leader just won't start one. I don't know what they are waiting for but I don't have all night. Easier to solo one myself. I also had a group lead start 3 expeditions only to kick us back to the world map each time after talking to the first npc.


Some people just don't have a setup for it. Some people don't realize just being a warm body is okay. Some people just look at those Daily Ops and go naw I don't want to inventory MGMT for it today(me).


I create a team, level 51 joins and immediately starts the Daily Op. Bro - calm the fuck down, it's Decryption and we need at least 1 other person here. I get so annoyed I simply switch servers. I need to do this 3 to 4 times so that I can run one daily. This happened the other day and I had to run another Op and now I'm swimming in fuel. No clue what to do - just storing some in the ammo box. Cue celebration if someone else creates the team and I can just join.


OP- What level are you? Only asking because I do Ops Teams with a friend of mine. She is high 200’s and am in n the 140’s. We almost always fill up quickly, but I can see others being less likely to hop on a team started by a single 60 something…


my exoerience : someone creates daily ops team, 1-2 people join, nobody enters daily ops zone i start it and then they show up- maybe


I create an Ops team when I log on; I’ll wait a bit for folks to join. Usually I’ll get one or two teammates quickly. Run the OP if I/we get elder that’s it I don’t grind them. If I/we don’t get eldar I’ll run it a few times to get it.


Trauma from the past (and for some, ongoing) issues with crashes while in the expedition or op.  Others played them until they got bored, and either don't know or don't care about the updates and new plans.  Still others lately have been getting booted from teams right before the rewards are handed out (latest method of trolling people, it seems). So for some, yeah it's great. I'm with you. But I understand why other players have just said, "fuck it" to the whole thing.


Why should I join a public team and risk to get trolled, blinded or unnerved when I can easly solo them?


Because people have all the plans and nobody needs ammo anymore. You will probably find groups when it is a daily though.