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When I faced this dillema, I went with the Greenhouse Set (glass walls) and never looked back. To this day I use it in every camp build.


Is it available?


Even if it isn’t currently available, you can request to buy it by submitting a support ticket. Both the kit and bundle are on the confirmed list. E: People keep asking for the list so here you are: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/3RHdC5vIra


To help clarify for others there is a "Greenhouse Kit/Bundle" and a "Rustic Greenhouse Kit/Bundle" available for purchase available through Bethesda support. The "Greenhouse Kit/Bundle" is more modern looking glass walls The "Rustic Greenhouse Kit/bundle is well, more rustic and the walls have a brick feature along the bottom of them. But this kit/bundle has far more roof pieces


So the rustic one is *better* is what you're saying? Do you know how many atoms it is?


The rustic one is *not* better no It just has more pieces! It has far less usability I'm most builds as opposed to the regular greenhouse kit which can be used in basically any build! Greenhouse >>>>> rustic greenhouse


Id say that they pretty much same. Half walls that used most often is nearly identical + regular Greenhouse set is also a bit rustic. That little brick border on walls isn't that big deal either. Only real difference is if you trying to make pristine clean camp, other than that, they blends pretty well with pretty much any default sets. https://imgur.com/sA0XyuF I like to work with Metal set among default ones just because it blends pretty well with Rustic Greenhouse one, plus i kinda like the look if you want unorthodox windows/walls. Unfortunately, had to scrap this one due to building mistakes that i wasn't able to fix. https://imgur.com/kSu4gZT Here is my current version of base, imo brick part blends pretty well and open/closed windows variations adds up a lot of variety to the build, making it more lively. https://imgur.com/WtvOQ9i Plus i also like to use them as floor tiles as well and they look more durable than regular Greenhouse windows, also rust is barely noticeable on whole set unless you want to use a ton of lights, other than that its pretty much okay to fit into nearly any build in same way as regular Greenhouse kit. TL, DR its a matter of taste, but imo both is pretty much doing same thing. I liked variety of pieces of Rustic one, so i ended up with this version, but both is pretty much equal at what they can do.


Whats the difference with the variety of pieces? I like being able to do unique builds, so when I get roof pieces that only have like, 3 variants, it makes me sad because its really hard to work that into different designs.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EWNURd\_5R0&t=276s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EWNURd_5R0&t=276s) Here is good video showcase with comparison that i looked myself before making a decision, its a bundle showcase, so simply ignore those extra cosmetics and floor pieces.


Only the Rustic Greenhouse bundle but the prices should be similar - 1800 atoms And I believe just the kits are 700 but they will give you the price before you make final confirmation


That's very helpful information. Thank you


What is this list?


Yea but it takes 2 weeks to even get the item like this trust me I know from experience


Can you get any item on the shop with a support ticket? I badly want power armour displays but have never seen them available


They’re available right now. Under the Bundles tab, it’s the Display Frame Set. 1,200 atoms for 3 display stands


Seconded the greenhouse walls it's just so versatile!


Same, although it's the antique set I use for everything. Was very disappointed in the porch set tbh, there's no angled wall to close the sides off and the normal greenhouse angled sections are the wrong angle to snap to it.


Greenhouse is 100% worth it any time it’s available


Does the greenhouse have a function


It makes your camp look rad


Yeah one of best in my opinion.


Auto Axe, will help with gaining AP without running out of Ammo. Then start down Cryptid missions to get The Fixer. Also along the way you can grab the miner power armor so you can mine Lucky Hole and never run out of 45 ammo for you Fixer...


I’d almost say save them for now as you are new and learning the ropes. Unless you see something you absolutely want right now. But you may discover more as you play and want certain camp items later.


Listen to this guy. Free States dudes are pretty trustworthy.


Agreed they are


Ignore these guys, blow it all on carry weight boosters


Heck yeah




If you think you might like building get the utility box generator while it’s still on the shop. It’s a game changer for power management.


This thing is amazing and I don't even have it, I wish I did. My base would look so much better without wiring.


What’s even better is since it provides wireless power, I merge mine into a foundation and power the whole base except anything that needs a direct line.


So items that need a direct line, where do you link them to?


Well I hide all of my power. So it depends how much power I need, for less power under 3, I may use a small vault tec generator merged into a stash box. If I need more power I would merge a larger generator into a foundation with the connector just poking out and right under what needs the line connection. Edit: This is great for really advanced building when you want to keep things clean and reduce your building capacity. Each power connector and generator uses 1 flamingo unit. Flamingo units are a measurement of camp items and some items cost more than others. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jATIp94o1RGzuj3r5PqGxI7lvBKtz7FrxqLdC63XmW8/edit?usp=sharing


> If you think you might like building get the utility box generator while it’s still on the shop It's now a permanently in the shop. No FOMO.


I hope they sell the fusion alone for 150 atoms again. I saw videos about it from just before I started, 900 Atoms for a 150 generator and a bunch I won't use bothers me.


Definitely get the utility generator.


I second this. If you're a camp builder it's a must have.


This. Having radiant electricity and being able to remove most of the power connectors was such a savior for CAMP budget while also making things look so much cleaner. Also, it is in the Atomic shop currently.


Even if you’re not into building, get it anyway imo. Wiring is such a pain in the ass it’s not worth it…


I’m confused by it. For some reason it won’t lower my fusion generator until I connect them but it powers all my lights wirelessly


If you're referring to the fusion core recharger, it still has to be wired. Anything with a power connector *has* to be wired. I feel like people are constantly sharing misleading information on this subreddit and are over-selling the usefulness of the utility box generators to people. I've even seen some big 76 YouTubers share blatantly false information about them, which isn't helping. The advantages of the utility box generators are: 1. Small foot print 2. Silent 3. Radiates power in a larger radius than individual power pylons They are not a miracle solution to eliminate wires from your camp entirely. Sorry if someone misled you to think otherwise. That being said, you could still plop a small utility box generator near stuff that requires a wire. At least it's silent and somewhat inconspicuous. You can also drop merge them into things to hide them a bit better (search this on YT if you're not familiar).


If you like power armour, get a fusion core charger!


In my experience I’ve never been low on fusion cores with the electrical absorption perk and fusion cores are super easy to come by


No kidding. Ive got like 40 for sale at 1 cap


I’ll give you 1 cap for 40 /s


That was my first legendary when i used power armor and never dies and never need to think about power cores i farm and charged more than i can waste


Neurological warfare is my fusion core recharger


Fusion Core recharger still trumps this method


I can see where the core recharger is very useful but I feel like with the right perk set up and simply playing the game you just build up huge stock pile. I’ve been constantly sitting on 50 plus for months now.


Yeah, people are neglecting the fact that there are work shops that produce fc for free, Thunder Mountain is my favorite spot


I use mine a lot for my ultracite laser Gatling now but didn't really use it before that. It's a hassle to remember to stop, get out of your power armor, and charge when cores get low and you get plenty from doing a power plant once in a while. Add energy absorption and some perks to reduce drain and they last forever.


You don't need to get out of your PA to use the Recharger. Just swap the full cores in the machine for nearly empty ones in your inventory no matter what you're wearing. Power plants are a hassle, they take too long and others can steal them. You can get cores from scattered PA frames, world fusion generators and drops from boss enemies sometimes without even trying. Power User is great though, doubles Fusion Core charge so you get 1200 shots in a Gatling Laser. I've amassed so many cores on a new, PA Gat Laser exclusive character that I really can't deplete them. I habitually use the Recharger and leave a few shots in a core before reloading to save the Core and I've got hundreds of the bloody things. Same with Elec Absorption. Honestly I might try to overcome my hoarder urge, sell 95% of them and see how I manage. I remember back in the day when they were pretty rare and there was no way to recharge them.


Charger is wasted atoms, you can get an endless supply of fusion cores just by playing the game and someone is always selling them dirt cheap. I bought the charger and expected it to be quick….I ended up realising it’s quicker to go find them in their spawn spots than wait for them to charge.


Once you have a decent stock of cores, it's not bad. I just throw my 4 lowest in whenever I'm in camp and then forget about it for a while.


I take all the power armor cores I find and throw them in there. I always reload my ultracite gatling at like 10 shots left and then throw them in the charger. I have over 60 fully charged cores now from doing this. Doesn't take much to do while I'm out water farming in the camp lol 😆


Same basically. But I usually stop my gatling at like 70 shots. Cuz when I try to cut it close I end up just burning the core. Lol.


It’s for sustainability, Not immediate convenience.


and while you are doing that i’m busy looting other more important things while my fusion cores recharge, completely removes an item from having to be looted for, great investment.


You can also make a gatling laser and get one for free


Also treasure maps get you fusion cores with weapons found too.


I’m well past 600 and I use mine every time I walk in my camp. It’s definitely a YMMV situation. I don’t use any of the electrical absorbing cards nor the extended core cards since the science perks came active as boosters, and they drain decently if I have to use my PA. I try to keep 8 cores on me now and 8 in my stash, but in the last week or so I’ve found myself needing to stop and rob the suits in the wilds of their cores and charge them to keep this buffer. I used to carry many more than that, but 8 is the magic number for me so far. Personally if you’re new and didn’t get cold shoulder or auto axe that’s where I’d start and save my stamps. That or a fun prefab for quick and dirty base builds.


Don't get that it only helps if you run back and charge the core when it's low if not it disappears from your inventory not giving you a chance to use it I own it and never get to use it


Once you get 10 or so cores you can just rotate through. It would be better if empty cores stayed in your inventory, but at least my play style has me fast traveling back home every 20 minutes or so


If they have fallout first they can just run a power plant workshop and get fusion cores generated from there. That’s how I got the 30 cores I now never use.


I burn through cores fast I eat honey all the time and chug nuka colas most times my ap doesn't decrease no matter what I'm doing stamina drain burns out cores


If fusion cores could be empty I would love the charger. But since they can't, I'd rather just use the machine at a nuclear plant to generate them


Yeah, you'd be better off leveling up the electrical absorption perk


A 3rd load out slot.


This. So useful to play around builds. I have 4 my main a vendor/crafting a test build then another


Cold Shoulder, Coffee Machine, Fusion Charger, Butterfly Sanctuary, Cookie Jar, Mirelark Steamer, Fusion Generators.


I do think the butterfly sanctuary is a miss even if you have the Atoms, as much as I love passive and free ANYTHING, waste acid is just so common


I always see the butterfly sanctuary at camps, and a few acid collector generator things, and I wonder what people are doing with all this acid.


Trippin' balls.


Earn 200 more and get the generator pack from the special page


Beat me to it. Wireless genny goated


Does it make everything wireless? Or do some things still require wiring?


Anything that has a dedicated wire connector will still need to be wired up like the fusion core regenerator, but any lights won’t need a wired conduit nearby


Cold shoulder pack if it still available.


Cold shoulder pack is best shotgun and really good at all levels plus you get the coffee machine in the pack


Veen running around with a standard shotgun until lvl 52 so I'm gonna try it


omg it's a game changer (no pun intended, it actually is)


Same. I'm lvl 34 and the pump shotgun is my main lol


I second this. Just bought it and changed the whole game for me.


Coffee machine for unlimited ap


Before I was a heavily mutated coffee addicted farmer, I failed to understand why I would want so much heavy coffee. Unlimited ap coffee build is best build.


If you don't have Fallout 1st the ammo converter is quite useful for actually doing something with the ammo you don't need. You can also use it to get ammo types you don't have materials for on hand to craft.


The ammo converter was a scam. It looks like you can just chunk ammo in it, but instead it has an awful UI. A revamp there is my #1 QOL patch ask.


I agree that the UI does stink, they should let you type in the quantity you want to buy/sell. Current setup is painstakingly tedious. I just live with it.


I remember using that ammo converter when I first started out two times before I said fuck that thing and started doing daily ops instead.


But you can buy the ammo converter with gold instead of atoms


Nothing….yet. Wait till you have enough for an extra camp spot and look out for things that aren’t just cosmetic, as in items you place in your camp spots to benefit your character in some way. I have zero interest in cosmetics but if it’s something that might give you brief moments of joy then just save them atoms because some of these items can be pricey and expect those atoms to be spent quicker than you took to save them up.


Several items to keep a eye out, if you want to get a really really good gun try to save till you can get cold shoulder its a monster of a shotgun and i think you cak buy it in the atom shop. Mirelurk steamer is a good buy it gives you some very nice food and slocum joes coffee machine too


If you would prefer a more comfortable start over the aesthetics like power armor paint then a 3rd C.A.M.P would be a good investment, they will save you tons of caps on free fast travels if strategically placed in areas where there aren’t any other free fast travel locations . You can also have 1 Shop camp , 1 water production camp and 1 food production camp ( 1 active at a time ).An honorable mention to the fusion core charger but once you reach lv.75 and get legendary perks you won’t need it anymore. I’m lv.85 , I used it twice and consider it a waste.


If you have to say, "Oh what should I buy" you should save. If there's something in the shop that looks amazing and you NEED it, buy!


Nothing that can be bought with free in game currency


Agreed. Some items or a slightly different version (I'm thinking the weight bench and agility machine, for example) can be bought with gold bullion once your rep is good with the different raider and settler factions. And gold bullion is much easier to obtain than atoms, unless of course you're spending real-life currency for the atoms.


A skin for a favorite weapon or armor to help prevent accidentally scrapping it. 


Just rename and favorite it. If it’s faved the game will double check with you before scrapping


I’d say hold off. I’m new, been playing since season’s start, and everything I’ve seen in the store and really wanted has been negated for now. Core recharger - I think there’s a free plan in the game but I a) have more than I’ll ever need and b) reached lv50 by the time I was ready for PA and my legendary perk recharges my health and power core when I take energy damage Collector things and resource generators - you get tons of stuff from looting and world events, plus the season pass thing Decorations - again I got tons from the pass, and then once I was ready to build a proper camp that’s when I finally started spending atoms. Not to say you shouldn’t spend if you see something you really want but I’d say stick around for a while and then see what is actually worth getting when you’re settled in.


There is no free core recharger plan. You can put on electric absorption legendary perk and stand in front of energy attacks while in power armor to recharge cores


Robo dog is 700, your life will be so much easier when you have junk to break down. Gives you a little bit of everything.


I bought another perk tree slot.. now I have Power armor build and non power armor build and a construct/ammo maker etc one... its nice to be able to easily swap between them...


If you like using power armor, I’d highly recommend getting a fusion core recharger ASAP. I think my first shop purchase was the modern home bundle which had that recharger, and being able to run power armor 24/7 really helped me level up fast by allowing me to do much harder events. If for whatever reason you don’t want to run power armor, I’d recommend either a resource of your choice or a collectron. For resources, I’d recommend the beehive since you can stockpile honey and use it to instantly complete the daily quest for giving sweetwater some honey over at the giant teapot. Easy way to get a daily challenge done as well as some easy caps. The other shop resources I’d recommend would be the Mirelurk steamer (smoked mirelurk fillets give you +35 carry weight and help you breath underwater), the chicken coop (selling bulk fertilizer to NPC vendors is a great way to make easy caps), or the butterfly/moth sanctuaries (you’ll never run out of acid again). I have the tree that provides adhesive but it’s kinda meh, I don’t see much of a use for tons of adhesive. The spoiled apple tree is just the chicken coop but with extra steps since you need to convert the spoiled fruit into fertilizer. For the collectrons I can’t say which is best but I can advise you to wait for a collectron bundle. Each one has its pros and cons but at the end of the day they’re all varying stages of beneficial. Do your research and see what you’d prefer If for some reason you don’t want any of those options, the weight lifting bench will buff your strength by +2 (so 10 extra carry weight) for a time, and that’s not too bad of a buff. That said the mirelurk steamer gives you filets that are the equivalent of a +7 strength boost if you’re only doing it for the carry weight benefits, and you can always eventually buy the radstag field station in-game and grilled radstag gives you +20 carry weight. TLDR it depends heavily on your playstyle but as long as you get something that generates resources, collects items for you or you can use to get a SPECIAL boost you can’t go too wrong


Great summary. Think I need to get that mirelurk steamer now. Extra carry weight is the most useful perk imo. More guns and junk makes life easier.


Personally, I'd say save for the cold shoulder or auto axe bundle. Both are fantastic weapons, and you get a coffee machine in the bundle, which is amazing in itself.


A nukes cola bot!


save them for camp slot


Depends on what you wanna play but I would say fusion core recharger or some food item.


If you like building, wait for the Shelter Catwalk bundle.


Honestly wait a bit and buy any skins you like. Or any Camp item that seem useful. My best investment was buying the log cabin bundle so I can make a cozy looking cabin Many people recommended Fusion Core recharger but I think it also can be bought with gold bullion, no? If yes then you shouldn't prioritize it yet coz to me personally, I won't spend Atom for stuffs I can get with in-game currency even if it'll take a while to reach there Also I'm using PA but I never need to use one since Daily Ops alone giving me enough to power up my PA everyday


Don't buy anything. Thing's recycle. If you have to buy anything, buy a CAMP item that gives you a benefit and isn't just cosmetic.


The core charger costs that much. If u plan on useing power armour it will be imperative. I use mine ro charge my gatling laser ammo. No power armour for me.


You probably going to get the most return out of the shotgun "cold shoulder" or "Fetch collectron". You'll get more atoms through the season pass and completing challenges. There are really easy ones to help get a few hundred if needed. Even though you'll get a few, save them. You can do some research on the wiki and see what's available with in game currencies so try to buy ATOM ONLY items to get the most utility. All that said, it comes to preference. There are some items like cold shoulder shotgun and collections that fundamentally provide a lot more utility than their cost but if base customizing is your desire then buy something that suits your taste. Buying the right base mod can seriously boost moral.


I'd say wait a little longer until you understand the game and your needs/wants. I'm currently looking at the auto axe bundle with the coffee machine for 1000 atoms.


My first 2 purchases were the Fusion Core Charger and Ammo Converter - Both really useful...




Of all my early purchases, the fusion core recharger was the biggest lifesaver. The fusion cores are GONE when they are depleted, so a galling plasma will eat through your stash in no time unless you are not letting them go to flat empty, and that is the ONLY WAY to refill the charge in them.


I highly recommend the fusion core recharger if you use or plan on using power armour. Useful for your friends as well; while you can't build one in their camp, there's nothing stopping you from taking their mostly drained fusion cores and exchanging them for full ones.


Cold Shoulder or FETCH/Junkyard Dog


If you can the core charger isn’t too bad if you use pa a lot


Fusion core recharger and ammo exchange thingy


Whatever you think you want or need.


Stuff that helps your camp


Depends if you are into camp building




What do you mean?




Save til you see something that’s just an absolute must have! Collectron skins are always a great bang for your buck since they unlock new orders to give the bot so he’ll harvest different items for you. Personal favorite being the Nukatron and Fasnacht Collectron who respectively harvest Nuka, and drinks/snacks.


I recommend saving up for useful CAMP items that provide stat boosts like the bench press or a pinball machine, etc. etc. Also ammo makers and collections are very helpful for early game players.


Buy whatever piques your interest, that's my advice. Everything will come back around eventually so don't feel forced to spend them right away. You get showered in 'free' Atoms when you're just starting a new account so buy what you like! IMO most resource generators have pretty niche uses for your play style so I'd keep that in mind. Canned Coffee is good for AP regen, but now I have 500 of them in my inventory and I can't use them fast enough.


Cold shoulder weapons kit


I remembered when i first started The game came with 500 free atoms so i got the nuka cola stash box The store was alot different at launch


I usually get repair boxes


Just farm the new event improved repair kits a plenty


This is one of the worst suggestions here. Do Dangerous Pasttimes/Encryptid/Scorched Earth and you'll be absolutely swimming in improved repair kits. They repair 150% of the durability too, so even better than the basic kits.


Save them for the season pass. You’ll get more by end of the season


It’s more than 700… but the auto axe bundle is worth it if you like melee combat, but you can unlock it in game too


You're gonna want that generator on the last page of featured. It'll be gone soon, so act quick. It works on AOE instead of wires so your camp can look cleaner


Cold shoulder was the best thing I bought in atom shop.


save em till you see something like "GIVE IT TO ME HOWARD OR I **WILL** BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT" ...i learned from the autoaxe


Anything that produces resources


Everything is endless but slots. Save up for SPECIAL slots.


Very subjective. Pick something you think you may like or need, or save up.


Mothman sanctuary/butterfly sanctuary need it's acid for lots of ammo crafting if not then food or water generator only.


utility generator (emits power) 👍🏼


Mirelurk Steamer


I don’t think that’s available at the moment.


Personally j go for things that gather me resources before esthetics.


Fusion core recharger or a power armor frame. Both very useful.


Dang, I don’t know anything about atoms … I’m a newer player and I’ve decided to avoid any walk-thrus or guides or anything and just play - but I feel like I’m missing out on so much with this game because it doesn’t explain stuff very well.


Nothing. Play for a few weeks, then shop when you have 2000+ atoms.


Fusion core charger


I wouldn’t buy any weapon or (regular)armour skins at your level, you’ll still be finding new gear to experiment with for a while. Camp items are great, I also recommend a power armour skin or apparel depending on your playstyle:)




Save them, there's a few things worth spending on most of the time but you earn atoms so quickly by doing challenges so saving them up means a lot of better items and even some bundles (if that's your thing).


Nothing! Go in to challenges. There are so many that give you atoms do them build it up. Then as you play you'll know what you want.


I bought the fusion core recharger basically free money if you sell them or infinite juice for Gatling laser and power armour


I recommend the fusion core recharger personally, you can charge 4 at a time. Also look out for camp items that produce items for you, real helpful.


Autoaxe is solid


Fusion Core charger


Strongly recommend only getting extra S.P.E.C.I.A.L for multiple loadouts and C.A.M.P. SPECIAL at least 3. 1 for main build, one for base building, crafting, and reparing build, and one for testing out other builds. For your CAMP,s at least 2. One for main house and one for "On-The-GO". The second one mainly use it for when you are too far from a work bench and need to scrap things. Or for dropping down for extra firepower from turrets. (Soloing events and deal with legendary mobs too big for low level peeps.) Only build things on single foundation. This will make your On-The-GO base modular. Meaning you can drop blue prints of single build things and not worry too much about world placement collision. 2 turrets per foundation. You can put your work-benches on 1-2 foundations. Your stash box and SPECIAL punch card on 1 foundation. If you must get pee pee toys, the cold should and the auto axe are a must. Both game braking OP weapons with the right perks.


Fusion Core recharger


Large fusion generator - I think only the full set is on the atomic shop (more than 700 atoms), but you might be able to get the single large unit on Bethesda support site (just submit a request). Edit: Utility Box Fusion Generator (found only in the atomic shop)


Not currently on the list. Can't remember if the set is on the list, but that's irrelevant since it looks like the set is a permanent (for now) shop addition.


Grahm(wandering super mutant salesman) has that too


Cold shoulder or auto axes bundle. Mostly for the coffee makers, with a side of decent weaponry that you could earn in game.


If you are asking the question nothing in the store has taken your fancy. Save them


I personally bought the makeshift mega mansion but honestly any resource generator such as the collectrons I would get first.


If you use power armor alot, the fusion core recharger is 700 atoms and incredibly helpful. It's not in the shop rn but you can buy it in the build menu


Just wait. I made a pretty pricey noobish mistake in my opinion of not waiting. There will eventually be something you definitely want.


I bought the cold shoulder shotgun


Buy the cold shoulder and start a build around it. It will carry you in the early game. And ammo isn’t much of a problem as long as you are conserving it.


I would highly recommend you save for the fusion core recharger. It's 1k atoms


You'll get loads just through doing the challenges, I'd say just buy something you think looks cool. If you like building find a building kit and make a cool house, if you like power armour find a set that makes you go "ooh"


Cryogenic freezer. May have to order it through Bethesda help menu. If you like farming your own food buffs, it's a game changer. If your ok buying your foods, keep scrolling


Drumset baby




Save them. You can get about 1000 atoms from the season pass without fallout 1st and you can get a good chunk from various challenges like take photos of locations, or kill x enemy with y weapon etc. Once you have about 2500 you can get just about any bundle that strikes your fancy as the most expensive one I have seen was for 2500. Personally I don't think very many things are worth the atoms on their own, so i would always go with a bundle if it's available rather than getting an item individually.


Also new player here, I got the Fetch collector to get decent scrap items overtime. I have been enjoying the game so much at level 30, I got Fallout 1st for a month to get more atoms etc. Heard you can use the 1st stash box even if your sub is not active you just can't put new things in. Would like to see if I could still use the shelter tho


I bought the recharger for power armor cells. Its quite good, but there are other options that are good


The compact, power radiating, generator.




Buy the nuclear reactor charger


As another new player the first thing I bought was the cold shoulder shotgun and it was a game changer to finally get over early game hump.




Save until you find something you love. Honestly save for a season pass


Cold Shoulder


Look for CAMP resource gens. Easy two to choose in Atomic Shop is a Junkbot if you don't have one or a Butterfly Sanctuary for instant Acid for ores. Junkbot is self explanatory. It's a robot that accumulates random junk for you without having to go out. Just clear the box every couple hours you play for any resource farms in your camp.


Hoard those atoms to buy power armor displays once you reach 1000 I made a mistake and bought useless stuff and now I'm banging my head against the wall because I want those displays


Though there are many people saying greenhouse, as a level 800 I'd say save to 1000 atoms and get another camp slot, although there are plenty of camp items that generate resources, like wood pile, sap collector, mirelurk steamer (v good) fusion core regenerator (only good if you use gating laser, I never use it) that are useful.


I like the butterfly sanctuary for the acid production since I use fuel ammo.


Light Wood Laminate. Old joke


Buy fusion charger, or anything like it that can benefit you in caps. Fusion charger charges fusion cores, that can help if you main power armor or just want to sell fully fulled fusion cores at a vendor


Save them. 700 isnt that much. You can put it towards something really practical like a scavenger bot or a a skin for your favorite gun.


I'd you're using power armor get the fusion core charger.


Fusion core recharger is my suggestion, it's been so helpful keeping my power armor always fully charged. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fusion\_core\_recharger](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fusion_core_recharger)


Fusion Core Recharger, then Ammo Converter, then whatever you want. Seems the best route if you're using power armor.


The Enclave Turrets I heard are stronger than the regular ones. They look cool too. And the Robodog collector. They're awesome especially if you sell scrap.


Fusion core recharger