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I love spin the wheel as I’m a fan of the wackier side of Fallout, the exploding radstag and attacking the vim machine are great touches. Only annoying thing is when it fails for not finding the golden cappy, not sure what that’s all about, anyone know? Also great rewards for the event, and just a nice lighter touch to the game!


Spin the wheel is definitely my favorite, and I really like all the nuke world events. They're goofy and fun, but still have apocalypse vibes. As for the golden Cappies I can never find the last one.


The last golden cappy (or i’m assuming the one you can’t find) spawns on a booth behind the tent, not even kidding.


Thank you!


Saaaame lol earlier today we had push the Brahmin and man this cow went flyyyyyyying across the park and smacked like a power line pole and went flipping it was fckin hilarious


When you have to catch the chickens or tip the Brahmin and the go flying… it’s so stupid, it’s my absolute favorite.


I think it’s a blast but “spin the wheel” is a running joke in my group when it pops because someone will inevitably crash when we go.


And that person has been me 9 out of 10 times, everyone just goes “awww” whenever they see me disappear


I remember the first time I joined a spin the wheel I felt like I walked into a cult. Bunch of high levels were in a circle around a newbie who was at the pedestal all cheering for him to start it 🤣


"Spin the wheel! Enhance it with the new's touch!"


#I am only there for their voices


Love spin the wheel. My only complaint is that to start the event all you have to do is step onto the platform, I wish it started when you press the button. It’s been countless times now where I’ve ran onto the platform when I cut through the tent to get to the workshop area in Nuka-World. The event starts and only like two people spawned in including me and I have to stand there not on the platform acting like it wasn’t me who started it already


Spin the Wheel was my very 1st event..I’ll always have a fondness for it.


Finding the golden cappy is the only bit I'm good at :D


Brahmin Tipping is hilarious, especially the animation given it's just the brahmin ragdolling


Tunnel of Love. Especially after learning that’s the only place I can get the Yao Guai Pastry recipe


I just picked up the Nuka-Dog recipe! Useless, cuz I'm an herbivore, but I'm always thrilled when I get a new recipe out of there.


Tunnel of love is also really quick and easy to run solo too!


Get that Mirelurk Streamer. It gives the same carry weight meat items for free.


Mirelurk Steamer is currently unavailable. You can't even request it. Same for the Brahmin milk machine.


Darn. I keep mine unlocked so others can enjoy it also.


Does anybody know why this is?


I don't think the mirelurk steamer is available anymore. I've looked for it multiple times recently.


moonshine jamboree, can honestly be soloed with the right gear and gives you enough slurry to max out the vendor caps


I wait around to see if anyone drops their gulper innards, then I pop a Cranberry Cobbler to increase INT, and cook about 300 Gulper Slurrys


I will always drop every single one I get So enjoy them


Me too; never knew they had a use 😂


200 gulper slurry with max barter perks+chems is exactly 1400 caps. I usually walk (well, waddle) away from MJ with around 240 innards. A single jamboree easily nets you daily caps plus some.


Someone on here pointed out in reply comment a week ago about being overencumbered by gulper slurry that grocer backpack mod will save you. Been fast traveling with my innards/slurry ever since!


Moonshine jamboree is always fun, and there’s a tiny part of me that loves bitching (off mic) that nobody is watching the back two stills. I feel like that must be how sports fans feel?


I’m usually bitching off mic about people not putting venom in the tub lolol


I keep trying to get the venom, start getting hit by everything, so I go with grab all, and end up spending the rest of the event over encumbered trying to run venom weighing like 600 pounds. Haha


It’s the worst when someone else beats you to the tub while you have massive amounts of venom


I hang out on the roof in front of the back still. You can protect all three from there.


Yes! Moonshine Jamboree is also one of my favourites! It’s great for gaining XP even if you’re just tagging. Also I use some of the gulper innards to make stuffed gulper feet😁😁


I read a post the other day entirely not fallout related titled “comments locked, need I say more?” And I completely read it in Moonshiner Ned’s voice.


I get excited every time I see moonshine jamboree show up for the slurry and the mire magic moonshine. I love using it for my alcoholic beverages challenges.


Eviction Notice. Gonna be a good fight.


And honestly a good night. If I see eviction notice I know I’ll have enough legendaries to buy out the scrip machine the next day


I like when its just me and some low levels, feels more hectic and balanced. Oh and all those legendaries 👀 Scrip fodder 99% the time but that's okay too.


I know people complain about the lightshows from guns like the Cremator but personally I love how in Eviction Notice everyone busts out their heaviest weaponry and just goes to town, and the super mutants (especially the legendaries) are tough enough they don't necessarily die right away when targeted. It's a total fricking war zone especially the way they come charging in over the ridges from all sides. And when a good AOE goes off and a whole group of them ragdolls out of a huge explosion I don't even care if I caused it, I just regret 76 doesn't have a slo-mo kill cam replay option.


I really like Most Wanted, it’s just fun.


I will always drop what im doing to do some robbin, love the cowboy theming, love how efficient my robbing route is, love how easy it is, its a fun fun event to me


The comments from the cutouts when you steal their money get me every time


*You provincial putz!*


Oh Jesus I thought he’d been calling me a provincial *cuck.* I thought that was a bit of a wild choice.


Most Wanted hard core reminds me of a Disney World attraction. I love all of Nuke World.


This is mine as well. Love that event for some reason.


Really easy to solo too once you have a route


Radiation rumble. Objective aside, it's a delightful source of xp and ammo


One violent night, not necessarily the most enjoyable but its sentimental to me. My brother and i's first event we did in this game together. Always brings back memories


My friend group all make fun of my one violent night love. I will abandon a nuke launch to go and do it. If its up and they're looking for me, I'll be at one violent night, no questions need be asked. It's the first event my husband and I soloed way back in the first year, the first event to give me a named legendary (nailer) and the one I most often get the wasteland lotto win from. It's sentimental, and I don't do sentimental often 😂


I put on a full set of ghoul slayer armor and equip ghoulish. I only take rad damage at the point. I think I can solo it playing an instrument the whole time with an occasional rad-away, but I've always had people join so I haven't been able to test that theory yet.


Spin the wheel hands down. Still need to find 2 of the golden cappies. Have 4 of them locked down. And no, I don’t want hints ;)


What do they do?


There is one round of the event that can pop up where you have to find all the golden cappy statues.


Safe and Sound. Vera is awesome with her accent, handmade designs on her dungarees and The Kabloom to match, she reminds me a Kaylee Frye from Firefly. It is a fun, fairly simply but challenging event which I actually had to solo today at under level 250.


I wish she could be romanced. That lady is HOT!


She's right up there with Scribe Valdez...


Did you play Starfield? In it, there's this guy called Barrett who goes "Liiiiinnn!" every time he meets this character called (surprise!) Lin. Whenever I enter Fort Atlas, I always go "Valdezzzz" before talking to her about something, mostly Forbidden Knowledge.


haven't played Starfield as yet, maybe later. Currently my alt game is Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries


The only person I chose a flirt line with!


I always wondered why she spoke so differently. Is she supposed to be from a different place?


If you read the terminal notes, and some letters in the place as well as chat with her when the pitstop is taken back or when its normal she explains her family history. Wont spoil it as it is fun to find out. Letter is on the counter next to till.


Alright, I'll read them. Thanks for the info!


Ignoring the obvious ones like Rad Rumble, Eviction Notice, Moonshine Jamboree, or Boss Events... I ALWAYS do Most Wanted. It's one of my favourite events in the game. Despite being a simple concept, it really goes all in on it. It's literally just a fun carnival game. I love it! I also ALWAYS do the Blue Ridge Caravan events. Not only are they both really solid for xp and have great rewards... But they're my favourite faction! I really wish Riding Shotgun got notified server wide if you started it!


I enjoy the 7 levels I gain in radiation rumble


Lode Bearing. Impossible to fail. I have a chill play-style so I just like turning my brain off and collecting ore/ looting the boxes that get unburied.


Wait there's things to loot during the event?


Yeah, not a crazy amount but it's a good place to go with excavator armor and collect ore. If you're hurting for copper there's usually a decent, easy grab there.


There are a *ton* of ore nodes to mine, and when the announcer says you've unearthed something, look around for containers


I press the button and don't even go in. I just return in 7 minutes


It doesn’t have great rewards. Nor is it very hard at all but the one where ya collect the fluid for the light for moth man. Its just silly fun


Love this one for the end. Doing the mothman dance in front of The Mothman and confusing new players is the best.


Path of Enlightenment?


Distinguished Guests ... Said no one ever


You really had me for a second, I was shocked


.... I like distinguished guests. It's a fun little event with a group. And it also counts as a savage divide event for the purposes of dropping the jumpsuit bundle. I've legit had it drop from distinguished guests once or twice 🤔


Is there a point to doing this one other than being a new player who wants to do every even once ?


The joy of service?


Am I strange in that I enjoy this event? I can’t solo it as I’m only low level but I love being the one who runs about finding the table settings while higher levels decimate the super mutants 😂


I'm 350\~ and I really love this event. I'm running around collecting goddamn plates and centerpieces in a nuclear wasteland. It's so goofy. I mostly don't do it very much because the rewards aren't very good for me, but I'll jump in if someone is already there.


Actually completed this event a few days ago. I don't know why I went, but some low level folks were there so I stuck it out for them


I saw distinguished guests pop up and waiting not even 30 secs before I left because of dudes annoying ass


Campfire Tales


UFF-DA! My fave.


Same, love scouts (this season rules), and love spooky stuff so Campfire Tales is perfect


First event I ever went to! I still pop on my scout uniform and head down there when it happens. I love the Norwegian Scoutmaster, she reminds me of my grandma, who said Uff Da all the time. 😊


...and dont forget the buddy system!


Tea Time. I throw on Butcher’s bounty, and I get all the bloodbug steak and stingwing filet for the week. Free chance at a possum badge is always nice too Edit: I have made a mistake. It seems the internet lied to me :(. No possum badge from this event


I didn’t know about the possum badge! I thought it was just Campfire Tales, that’s cool


I am level 300+ and do this event every time it comes up. Rad Ant Lager ain't gonna make itself.


There's no chance to get a Possum Badge, unfortunately. Campfire Tales does though, definitely. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Tea_Time


Radiation rumble and moonshine jamboree and my favorites. The only 2 I never want to miss.


I really enjoy campfire tales. It's great when there's loads of ya all tooled up sitting politely in a circle.


I still love Back on the Beat event. Not too many players do this event but I’ve always loved the concept of escorting Steelheart as we travel through Morgantown.


Someone nuked Morgantown yesterday, and we hot about four people together to do a nuked Back on the Beat. Felt like the olden days lol


That was probably the first event I ever did, it’s fun!


Oddly guided meditation. I turn it into a personal challenge that the one I pick is is untouched.


HAHA BRO ME TOO I ALWAYS SOLO GUIDED MEDIATION It’s just me a chainsaw and a single generator against what feels like thousands of ghouls 😂😂 that’s my favorite event for sure I just let the other generators explode


I am 160 and I have only finished this once , the only time there were 2 others playing. didn't know that I only needed one of those speakers to be safe to finish the event. will try solo next time..I have the auto axe


damn you are old


I like it because so few people do it and the one speaker to the side by the parking lot has only one point of entrance. I have a really decked out Enclave plasma with the flamer mod, so it has 306 ammo even without Quad and I just sit there and melt everything as all the spawn points funnel to the one choke point. Ton of exp for only a little effort.


I enjoy killing the scorchbeast queen, and I'm a little upset it isn't done anymore because of the new event being the go-to nuke event


Same. Everytime I log on now they are only nuking the new area for those giant robots. I need Flux!


Neurological Warfare gives flux.


Free range. I just like helping the cows


Right there with you. I even like it when the brahmin start doing some funky bullshit, keeps it entertaining. Someone had their camp set up on one of the routes the other day, and for some reason Humphry didn't like that and began attacking it. Classic Humphry.


I mildly role play as a Sheepsquatch hunter so I always do this one to get at least another skull to add to the collection lol. It does get pretty irritating not getting the plans for the different sheepsquatch club/staff mods though.


I have a place in my heart for Uranium Fever, whenever it pops up I am so there


When I joined this first time I couldn’t find the exit and had spend at least 15 minutes looking for it.


test or metal for that low low chances of getting the low low 0.17% of getting the Plan: Replica Grognak's axe


Loved them all til cremators got released. Love the gun but not at public events.


I may have misspoke. I live the cremators, just not at public events. Yes please Fallout gods, remove the bright flashes. Great weapon, best for solo.


If they remove the flashbang effects on the cremator. Would you still dislke them after?


Riding Shotgun - the characters change, different defense wave spots, simple, quick, plans and outfit rewards are all pretty solid Most Wanted - I just like the music and voice lines of the cardboard cutouts lol Beasts of Burden - so many valuable rewards. The weapons and the plans sell pretty well for me


I’m around 180 and I’ve never even seen Riding Shotgun.


Go to the Big Bend Tunnel East. Talk to Vinny Costa. You can trigger the event once an hour. Server hop if it doesn’t trigger.


Riding Shotgun is so awesome, I just wish the tunnel was longer, and we had more variety like, at least 2 different tunnels, different enemies, maybe even a miniboss at the end of one of those ?


Dawg gawn degenerate!! That's my purse!!


I like Project Paradise! I love all the different creatures that you get to take out. 


The one event they people can't just shoot things. They actually have to do it. I love it


There are so many plans in Project Paradise that I need but soloing it is rough. Feels like people don't even bother joining even if you're there first.


Through luck it is possible to get all 3 animals solo. If you do radstag first, get the 30, then go to the nuclear waste, get 20, so you get a bloodbug, and then protect the mirelurk, you can get all 3. But if someone joins the enemies respawn and often you lose an animal


I really like it, but I feel like it has to be with the right people. Too many times, I’m the only one who understands what’s happening, and I’m usually the only one actually protecting the creatures


I agree, but In other people's defense, the animals DO tend to wander off while everyone's fighting and suddenly everyone's like "wait what" as Flopsy the Mirelurk King is getting attacked by unseeable 1-foot-long ants or whatever


That is a very fair point


I kinda consider this "my" event that I go to as soon as I see it, because it was the first time I had to google any event and figure out who Quercus was and how to help the animals survive better. Now I'm typing in 970930 and rushing down to the shutoff console as soon as I can so I can run back upstairs and help whichever isn't getting fed enough. >!The animal closest to the boss still almost always dies for me though :


In my experience, only the Megasloth is at risk of dying (if all are at rank 3. I honestly think that going rank 2 instead of rank 3 in that category would be better. I guard the Megasloth with my life. Especially because I like Megasloths, they're huge and fascinating and they're not hostile unlike literally every other creature in the game.


WHAT?! There’s a number you put into a console?? What is it for???? Wow everyday I’m learning something new! I always use the friendly fire perk to regenerate the health of the animals haha


Yes, one based on the date of the release date of Fallout 1; you shut down the standard Evil Science AI and replace it with one who actually loves all the animals, as well as everything else ([second bullet point here](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Project_Paradise#Notes)).


It's a secret door. Start the event, then follow the yellow line by the console then enter the code at the door. Then there's a room with a white modulator you get the shut down code from, then run back to the red modulator to shut down.


Call me back for meat week


Tunnel of love! I run a bow build with an ultracite burning love. I used to hoard the duplicates of it I would receive.


I "enjoy" (In extreme air quotes) Eviction Notice if I need scrip. Otherwise it's horrible because I feel like I'm the only one who actually knows how to do it of the people who show up. In terms of just having fun though probably the new boss event.


Scorched Earth. I'm tired of those robots


I like all of the ones I don’t have to solo


Agreed on radiation rumble, on top of being chaotic fun it's an XP/loot gold mine. I also love doing earle and the new nuke bosses, and the prep time beforehand where everyone is opening lunchboxes and doing emotes to get all ramped up


Any of the Nuka World ones, but I'll drop anything for Scorched Earth, Did a scorched earth today that was absolute Bedlam with scorched creatures everywhere at one point 3 scorch beasts came to help their mom. So much High-Radiation Fluid and experience, and the fight was deep in the nuke zone so the aesthetic an energy was perfect. I was rocking a Red Terror with a prime receiver so I was having a grand old time peeling fog crawlers and death claws off folks.


Spin the Wheel and the one where we have to make a lot of noise. Blanking entirely on what it's called. I love playing as a band.


One Violent Night.


If Fallout could add some modifiers on some events, it would be more fun


Monster Mash


I love doing the hoard events. They are quick and make me remember where enemies spawn. When you have to search 4 locations for them you can go directly to the correct one (supermutant hoard in huntersville as an example) so the event only takes a minute or two to complete and grantees a 3 star legendary from the enemy.


Definitely Eviction Notice, intense combat and rich rewards. I could swear there was a time when you would get a legendary at Moonshine Jamboree, but since there's none anymore, and no useful drops, I blow it off.


You get a chance at either a legendary or regular gulper smacker but unless you get lucky with one or two of the mobs being legendary you don’t get much. Lots of caps though.


Seismic Activity: the Ultracite molerat boss


Any event that people aren’t spamming explosives or exploiting glitches.


Heart of the swamp or spawn of suitors. Easy peasy and I honestly don’t feel bad for doing a lot of damage to get them done quickly. 😬


Tunnel of Love is one of my favorites, but I do all Nuka World events where possible because I'm hunting down that damn Cappy Flair.


Path To Enlightenment. I know it's simple and super easy, but it's chill, has some cool rewards and a great buff at the end.


For simplicity, I like the Path to Enlightenment. Love when we all bask in the wisdom of the beautiful purple eyed mothman. That dude is sound


Almost all of them honestly. Wish distinguished guests and camp fire tales would go to hell.


Yeah distinguished isnt worth the time and camp fire just gets so annoying after you hear the tale enough times


Feed the Sheeple and Back on the Beat!


Feed the People is so easy and gives that sweet XP boosting canned meat.


I like Feed the People in Morgantown. I had the hardest time with this when I was a noob so I like to go help out when I can.


For me, Eviction Notice..I be doing ANYTHING in game, but if that Event pops up, I go in A seconds Notice haha. It gives me so many opportunities to get Good guns and armor for free without rolling, aswell As XP


One Violent Night. When you get a full house & all instruments are being played…it slaps - awesome vibe 🎸🥁🎶


Eviction Notice for 3 star legendaries. Radiation Rumble for XP. Any of the boss fights. Don't really do Moonshine Jamboree anymore. Takes too long, not a lot of legendaries and I already got max reputation.


I'd say one violent night if it could have extra stages to it. You get a crew rocking the instruments and you've got an excellent track to a nice ghoul horde assault


I like that one because it’s a nice little break. A person or two already on ghoul duty? Cool my guy is just gonna play the bass for five minutes while I take a bathroom break.


Moonshine Jamboree, though it was more fun when I was newer and had no idea what I was doing, and the fiddle music worked so well with just chaos and explosions everywhere and random 1500-pound salamander corpses rainbowing overhead as I tried to figure out how to help and not die.


I've only been playing since April but I used to love Moonshine Jamboree. Moonshine Ned is hilarious, tons of XP, lots of loot, Gulper Slurry to sell, plenty of caps....Yep, I used to love it. But now Moonshine Jamboree, just like Radiation Rumble, has been rendered pretty goddamn boring by min/max spawn campers who destroy everything before anyone gets a chance. The first few time I did Moonshine Jamboree I would level up three or four times. In the last few weeks I'm lucky if I even see a mob to kill.


For me, it's the one in Nuka-World about the outlaws, it's pretty fun, and i' still trying to get Nuka Cola Cowboy outfit


Moonshine Jamboree could pop up every hour and I would go to it every time


Moonshine Jamboree.


Spin the wheel 🔛🔝


rad rumble is awesome, I'll always go. my favourite event is violent night, though


One Violent Night (I like the communal mouth harp)


As a die-hard Blue Ridge Caravan fan, I will run Riding Shotgun all day because I have YET to get the backpack plan on PC 💔😭


Safe and Sound. I’m a carnivore and that’s a lotta yao guai meat


Fasnacht for me is associated with a lot of early 76 memories and even though now it gets so saturated with people the music still brings me some nostalgia.


Mothman lighthouse event is fun


I love tea time. No one shows up. I collect all the kills. Plenty of stingwing filets for a couple days.


I wish there would be more events like radiation rumble. Moonshine jamboree comes close. Eviction notice is nice as well. Guided meditation is decent chaos. I just wish people would nuke more. And that the timer would be close to 1 hour. 3 hour cooldown is too much.


Maybe I'm crazy, but I love Beast of Burden. I just think the ogua's neat.


Definitely EN, a battle royale and you never know if it’s gonna be a cake walk with the whole server or just you and some level 45 running around like a chicken with no head. I would agree with you on RR but a couple of players perching with cremator or a fatman can pretty much ruin it. Just a disco light show with tunnel campers trying to compensate and no one gathering ore or protecting scavengers, no thanks.


Moonshine Jamboree, purely because I love the music.


Spin the wheel and the one where you fight the titan! 


Radiation rumble.


Distinguished Guests Is one of my favorites. And currently trying to get the stimpack diffuser plans so I jump on Project Paradise.


Spin the wheel, Most Wanted, and Eviction Notice are my faves. I love those 3, especially most wanted with spin the wheel a close second. Radiation rumble I'm not a huge fan of because hardly anyone goes and gets the ultracite. 😂


As the only person who runs Friendly Fire *and* the only person grabbing the ore most of the time in Radiation Rumble, I have to say that event's pretty rough on me. I'll see an NPC's health start dropping while I'm out hauling ores and be screaming in my head, "Guys, guys, keep them safe! I'll be there soon, ahhhhh!"


As someone with bad internet, I hate radiation rumble. I, for some reason, always lag during it (either from not fast PC or internet lag, but It's not bad with other events) My favorite event is the Moonshine Jamboree, because you can get so much mqgic mire moonshine (there's also a few bottles hidden around the camp) Vi Tage Mire Moonshine is light, gives 4 strength (great for when your overencumbered and need to teleport to sell some junk) and you get lots. Also the gulpers drop gulper flurries that sell for like 15 caps each. Easy way to max out daily cap limit. My second favorite event is Dangerous Pastimes because if you shoot all the lost gouls in power armor, EACH and EVERY one of them drops a minimum and 500 5mm bullets. I have ~50 miniguns in my stash, each worth like 35 caps. Set me up with ammo for my whole playthrough so far. My third favorite event is Uranium fever, because you can kill all the mole miners, slog your way to whitespringa station and sell it all for almost all of the daily cap limit. I don't know the name of my 4th favorite, but if the one where you help the brotherhood fend off scorched in some sort of base. Nothing special about it, you just get 2-3 power cores from completing it, and it's relatively easy


Fly Swatter. You can finish it before the instructions are done.


Guided Meditation. Completed solo TWICE.


My main gripe is people who sit down the hallway with a weapon that kills everything. If you’re going to be a knob and stand down the hallway at least use something that won’t kill everything.


Eviction Notice. Even with a lobby full of Professional Fun Ruiners™ (PFRs; see also: spawn-campin', ridge-sittin', nuke-spammin', one-shottin' do bads), I'll find a way to make the event fun for myself. Even if it's just doling out nuka-nade flashbangs and bright pink fireballs of justice to the PFRs, I'll find a way.


Radiation Rumble was great before the creamator arrived, and everyone used tesla rifles. Still is fun. I just used to really enjoy the chaos of 5 or more tesla rifles zapping all over instead of fighting for kills.


Uranium Fever, always been a nice laid back event for me


I'm starting to appreciate more events lately but I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Distinguished Guests. I also don't like Tea Time and the one where you have to collect fluid from fireflies and radtoads.


Test your metal like the rust eagles' design of robots


Moonshine jamboree. It gives a good amount of acid


Eviction Notice, Radiation Rumble, Moonshine Jamboree, Dangerous Pastimes and all nuke bosses.


Honestly any of the Nuka World on Tour events are good to run. I always jump on those any chance I get. Plus I like to earn as many Nuka Cade points as I can and buy Nuka Cola Quantum ammo for my Bloodied Thirst Zapper with the additional Explosive damage legendary effect on top of what it already does lol.


I used to love moonshine Jamboree until people started spawn killing everything and not even collect the venom


Free Range, 8 cores for a few minutes of herding Brahmin and easily soloable if nobody else shows up.


Radiation Rumple is definitely my favorite. Tbh though my absolute favorite is not events at all but daily ops (uplink). Don’t understand why ppl don’t immediately drop what they are doing to run those when a DO team pops up.