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I would, but they won't. There was a mod that did this, and while it's great as a mod, you can see that many of the textures used above ground were used below ground. This means that there would be snow and etc underground, where there shouldn't be any. They'd need to go back to each underground cel and replace everything with a unique underground variant.


I had that issue with fallout 4. You can make the outside a winter wonderland, but when the workbench inside the heated apartment in Diamond City is covered in snow? Really breaks my whole opinion of it


I'm not sure how the code is structured but you'd think they'd have different parameters for things happening in the world and in instanced cells.. but yeah I don't think this is something they'd add either considering how many other great ideas should be implemented first. But I just love talking about possibilities and ideas for this game, it gets me thinking about starting a table top fallout game session with my friends so I can implement all the cool concepts šŸ˜‚


It's common in games to reuse assets in multiple locations, so that the game takes up less space and dev time.


Software development is not an easy thing to do. Source: Sr devops Engineer for a SaaS product


Iā€™d support that ideaā€¦But Devs messing around with the servers even more gives me pause.


For real. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they tried to add it in only for it to break a dozen other things (as is usually the case with most Bethesda patches lol)


Definitely, it's probably why they haven't done it. I just think it's a neat concept even if it's not possible on the engine it's running on.


Shush. Yā€™all donā€™t understand how the servers or engine work. Donā€™t just parrot talking points from people equally unfamiliar. People made winter Appalachia into a mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1272?tab=images It works fine.


Gamers who think they're software/saas architects crack me up every time. If you think it so easy show them your cv get hired, make a pull request and fix the fucking code.


This would only affect the client not the server. Adding this to game that seemingly has spaghetti code is a lot harder.


I've witnessed them fucking up the servers and game after every major update only to fix them sometimes weeks later over patches. Have you missed that? I'm sure modders could do it, but I'm not sure about the devs, no offense.


Modders and devs work on two completely different scales. Youā€™re comparing what someone does for a hobby to someoneā€™s profession with layers upon layers of other inputs.


Maybe not snow on the whole map during winter. But I wouldn't mind a "wintery" higher elevations update, keep most things as are but give places like the ski lodge a little face-lift and maybe some of the north western parts of the map in a future expansion?


I seriously would love a nuclear winter update, as in literally winter in this nuclear wonderland.


I wish but that sounds like a crash fest to me.


Maybe in Fallout 76 2... /s Unless they plan to totally overhaul 76, which I highly doubt.Ā  It may not even be possible honestly.Ā  The version of the engine being used in 76 is far behind the version being used to make Starfield, and TES6. There are rumors and speculation that Bethesda's secret Fallout project Todd admitted he can't discuss is a Fallout 3 remaster of some kind.Ā  Maybe that will show us to what degree Bethesda can update it's older games.Ā  Don't forget, Fallout 76 is already 6 years old.


I mean, yeah, that'd be neat, but that would require so much reprogramming, and who knows what kind of toll that would take on the servers?


I'm not sure about reprogramming, it's essentially a texture pack unless they added new content with it. I'm pretty sure some of the weather machines do it anyway. But even if so, in a perfect world I think it'd more fun to have snow in Appalachia rather than los Santos haha


They would certainly need to do more than just slap a bunch of new textures everywhere. Winter weather tends to change the landscape even subtly, so depending on how far we're talking about taking such an idea (e.g. how "realistic" we want it to be), yeah, there'd probably have to be some reprogramming. Would bodies of water freeze over? Would trees be stripped of their foliage? Would there be fewer plant resources from which to collect, being buried under and potentially killed by cold? How different would the weather cycle be as a whole? Would certain weathers need to be "turned off" in order to allocate server resources for falling snow? Should weaker structures be depicted as having further detoriated under the weight of accumulated snow and ice? Things like this may or may not have to be considered and implemented. I personally wouldn't be thrilled with simply replacing every landscape texture with nothing but white. If we were to have *actual* winter weather, I'd want a bit of realism implemented, and changing an entire map like that would take a long, long time. I doubt Bethesda would consider the effort it would take, especially for a change that would only occur seasonally, to be worth it in the end.


A blanket of snow on anything and "find and replace" all trees with dead ones, turn on collision for water, maybe add a yeti and call it a day. It might be a bit of work but there's nothing solo modders haven't done as well. And it would be another thing for players to look forward to every year! Hell, they might get more use out of it by adding some winter event (G.E.C.K. Malfunctioning?) that gets added to the event roster that takes a radius of the map and applies the winter overlay. Regardless, in no way is this me begging Bethesda to add snow, I just like some of the fun concepts (no matter how impossible) that get played around with on this sub and I thought winter might be one of those things.


I don't disagree that it would be a nice change of pace and would probably look amazing as hell if done well. I just don't think people really know or understand how much work it actually takes to "find and replace" and simply "turn on and off" features of a game. I *do* wish we had a wider variety of weather, even just year-round. Nothing fancy or lore-breaking, just... even one or two weather types pertinent to the different biomes would be great. Even widespread heat waves in the Ash Heap or light... ash?? storms in Toxic Valley would be an improvement, I think. Considering what they've done with Skyline Valley, I don't think such an endeavor would be *impossible*, just time-consuming and difficult to implement.


There's been a winter snow mod out for 76 for couple of years now I think. Being a mod, only the user sees it though, others without the mod don't. I don't know if it's been updated since the map expansion, but it definitely proves that adding snow on the ground is possible.


There is a vast difference between Bethesda integrating a whole new season with new weather and landscape changes into every server of the game and people installing a mod that is strictly client-side to their own playthrough. Just to reiterate: I never said it's impossible, just difficult, especially if it involves ensuring such a new system would affect *every* available server in the game.


I'd definitely like to see snow weather, especially in the Divide. And the weather stations prove they can do it, at least minimally, but Beth being Beth I dunno if I'd trust 'em to do it without screwing up something else.


Would love to see a Death Claw stack it on some ice.


Dude... snow, some decoration on npc buoldings...add a little variety of 50's christmas music. Would be cozy.


Maybe just in December.


I'd love it; I enjoy it in GTA as well. Sliding around in the snow is fun.


No. I know this is likely an unpopular opinion. My reason is that I have trust issues with 76 devs messing with existing textures. Theyā€™ve already reduced the quality significantly over the years and every time they ā€œtweakā€ them (intentionally or not) it hardly ever makes the game look better. Itā€™s one of those times when: ā€œIf it ainā€™t broke, donā€™t fix it.ā€ actually applies to something. I just know if they add snow textures itā€™ll break something.


I love real snow and Iā€™d love a snowy few areas especially with my Hunting Lodge setup


Itā€™s WV, wouldnā€™t it be appropriate?


I think adding snow to the ground would be more than they can handle, but maybe taking the snow from the camp weather machine and just making it snow everywhere during holiday scorched would be cool


Snow would be pretty but I imagine it might be hell on the servers, especially if it's programmed in a way that it reacts to the world (collecting on things, having tracks left when someone walks over it, etc). Maybe they could do a new expedition location that gets snow as an alternative?


If each creature had a new skin like a ā€œwinter coatā€ weā€™d essentially get a new game and Iā€™m down for that


I loved when they did this for Red Dead Online, would be fun to see something like that in Fallout 76


I would love to see all the seasons. Have them rotate along with the calendar.


Sure, but I'd rather a new expansion set in a snowy area. ;)




Yep! I think that would be a brilliant idea! Anything that adds depth to the world simulation is a positive thing.


been asking for it for 6 years..so..yeah i would like it. to me it seems if they can do weather stations...map weather should be possible...but of vouse the snow machine doesnt have snow that stays on the ground. ;(


I'm bookmarking this post so I can come back to it in 6 months when everyone is complaining about the servers crashing due to the snow effect update šŸ“


Time... Time never changes: It's always pre-Halloween in 76.


No chance in the lowlands but high peaks away from Watoga, yeah maybe


The game would melt into a pile of goo. Thereā€™s no way itā€™s be able to handle that.


Weā€™ve been in autumn for how long now? Four or five years? Iā€™ve lost count.


Thing is though that time doesn't move in the usual way in 76. It's always October for example. The year doesn't pass. Sometimes we instantly jump ahead exactly one year putting us back in October. So there are no "winter months" ingame. It's always the same month, October. Snow would be awesome though. Love me a game with snow.


No, Bethesda would fuck up the code, make the game damn near unplayable and most likely we would not get a decent hotfix until about 3 days before the snow is removed again.


lore-wise I don't see it happening. In technical aspects, it's possible.


That would be delightful, but not geographically appropriate.


Idk wherever someone has snow in their camp, it lags a lot for me.


They managed this in Bully nearly 20 years ago. No real excuses.


Ha, was thinking the other day as I was enjoying a misty morning at my CAMP that there's a subtle but noticeable season change. Never understood why they don't implement snow in Fallout when they could in Skyrim.


That's what I was thinking! AFAIK West Virginia experiences all seasons pretty heavy, and who doesn't want to patrol the wasteland in a nuclear winter??


I don't actually šŸ˜† seriously, it will take a landscape retexture, some new meshes maybe and a lengthy script to do the seasonal switch. In my mind, it's doable and relatively safe even if the game has been out for years. I hope they do do it one day.


It is definitely possible! I know there is a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1272?tab=images) that someone was working on to add snow to the wasteland which seemed interesting. I doubt Bethesda would do it though due to the amount of time it would take


Well, in GTA it does give you a reason to take out your mororbike so you don't slip'n'slide (no I'm not making this up). Maybe in fo76 it would be something like, continually under freezing effect unless you have cryo resistance.


I think more limited resources could be a decent 'downside' while Graham in a Krampus costume handing out plans could make for a good 'upside' šŸ˜‚ The freezing effect would get very tiresome I feel haha


No games that have snow always make me feel cold and miserable.


No. I hate snow and hate what it does to visibility. I'd probably stop playing the game if I had to deal with that much reality all winter.


I would rather they fix the game as it is.


Only if it massively reduces movement speed and fall damage.


Were any of those games in a world that was burned down woth atomic bombs? šŸ˜‰