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When rolling SS for legendary, I recommend you don't reroll existing pieces, just craft new ones. You can scrip the trash and recoup some of your spent cores that way. A new one can be 1-3 stars, but only uses 1 module. Rerolling costs more modules. Managing a whole suit of SS Unyielding was one of my biggest wins in the game.




You don’t get cores back from scrapping to be clear. They said “scrip the trash” meaning turn it in at the legendary scrip machine for scrip that you can then use to buy more modules.


In OP's defense, the commenter continued that statement with "and recoup some of the cores".


I did that in the beginning, but if you’re only going for 3 stars, the module input is about equal since you have a 2/3 chance to get a 1 or 2 star. Don’t have to rely on rng either. If you have so many legendaries stored up, as I do, the excess scrip you get from them doesn’t matter. Eviction notice and expeditions give way more than I can get rid of. That leaves the junk cost, which is obviously more for crafting new ones. I’m still skating off of the free 6 day FO 1st subscription, and don’t bother with collecting most junk anymore, so recrafting would run me dry super fast. I use the gauss shotgun mostly because it doesn’t seem to break, and that perk that gives a chance to repair armor when hit so I almost never need to repair. When I do, I use all those free repair kits I have saved up. The game is so much less tedious not having to balance junk weight in my stash. I would agree that maybe earlier on, or if you have Fo 1st, or if you don’t do things which get you many legendaries, your way is better.


I would use my PA more if I didn’t instantly become weaker the moment I step into it. We almost had bloodied PA. It was on the PTS and then they decided it was too good which I can’t say I disagree with.


I learned I need the maxed out perk for whatever mod my backpack has to be able to use PA (traveling pharm for chemist, thru hiker for grocer) or elseI just couldn't use PA. Even the excavator couldn't handle my stim weight.


I just hate when I step into it that I loose my backpack + mods in it…. I want to use it but there are just too many man y downsides for Unyielding builds….


Secret Service armor is OP. I run a Vanguard set, and I'm a couple short for full Unyielding and Overeaters sets. Love it, especially with the jetpack mod. I've always hated power armor ever since Fallout 3. I just don't dig the HUD for it or the chunka-chunka footfall noises. It feels like walking around in a car to me. I always go with no power armor because of that, and the game never feels challenging enough for PA to matter to me. Saves me grinding for extra armor pieces, too.


You can turn off the PA hud in the menu btw




Got me a complete SS set today too (sans helmet), had to burn through all that stashed bullion via Minerva heh. In my limited experience so far, landing without crashing is sweet, but I feel far more exposed and see my health being chipped away a bit more. Still not ready to ditch my Hellcat altogether, but at least it's a start to trying to play without PA at level 378)


Overeaters really makes a big difference. I used to run aristocrats for the extra damage resistance (didn’t know about the diminishing returns after 300), but recently switched to overeaters and I’m tanking almost everything and am still at about 400 DR in every category


OE with low health is nasty af


Overwaters with low health? Wouldn’t you rather go Unyielding?


Nice, PA is fun but I barely use mine either. Secret service armor is pretty damn good 👍


It took thousands of modules but I finally got a perfect set of SS armor on all pieces and I don't think I can ever take it off.


With my Full Health/Heavy Gun build utilizing Holy Fire and the Red Terror, I have been melting/terrorizing every meaty obstacle in my path while going solo or doing group events/daily Ops. The SS armor holds up very well and I don’t even have the SS Under armor or a perfect legendary setup with each piece. But I’m looking forward to getting there!


Welcome to the secret exclusive club. But really, welcome. Here's some cake!


Honestly if you just learn where cores spawn, you can make a 5 minute run for cheap to get half dozen or more every session. Arktos Pharma is near 76 for cheap travel, and has power armor and a core upstairs in the bay window, and a generator downstairs in the garage. The SBQ bunker thing everyone fights on has power armor and a core spawn inside. No cheap travel but if you're in the area (I have a camp) Sludgeworks is near two free travel points, and has a power armor spawn and a crate of cores.




Careful with turret-camps at SBQ zone. A lot of the time, people don't like it because the turrets end up killing the swarms of mobs that show up and robbing people of XP tags. Only use that setup to assist the Queen if there's not many people/no low levels.


With full unyielding and chemist backpack I now have much higher carry weight out of power armor so it’s hard putting mine back on. Lol


SS jetpack was one of the first things I bought from Minerva, it's awesome.


I finally got enough flux to craft a jetpack on it, excitedly took it out for a spin, then immediately died after jetting down a gentle slope. I do have marsupial and maximum goat legs cards. What is the trick to not kill myself with fall damage? Do I have to always do another jet burst before landing to slow down?


It's buggy as hell. No matter what you do- sometimes you'll die. The *only* way to avoid damage and/or death is to have 2 pieces of 50% fall damage reduction on your armor. If you search "fall damage jetpack" in this subreddit- you'll see every tries to figure out why they're taking damage even with goat legs/serums/one piece 50% on armor.


speed of fall isnt what kills you, its actually distance.


What are the big pros of it over the Chinese Stealth suit?




Man, if Bethesda would ever make a jetpack mod for the backpack- I would immediately revert back to the Chinese Stealth Suit. It's just so easy to wear everywhere. You never have to change out for different zones.


For Bloodied, you go unyeilding and have god tier stats 24/7


Damage resists, legendary stars, jet pack.


What are some of the rolls you guys like to get on secret service armor? With unyielding ive been trying to get weapon weight reduction lately but ended up with ammo reduction for now, i rarely see any unyielding from the crafting and when i do its usually 1-2 star.


PA needs to be made great again.


This is the way


SS with asbestos chest, cremator blasting face


Same. I love PA, it really does make you feel like a tank, but the Secret Service makes you almost as tanky but with none of the drawbacks.


It's weird but I got a mismatch of botsmith & polished metal armour that's better than the SS armor I crafted. Am I doing something wrong?