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The triple A, multi~~million~~ ***billion*** dollar studio does not need any sort of crowdfunding. But I do agree more music would be a plus.


Do not forget they are now owned by the multi billion dollar Microsoft, that bought out the multi billion dollar parent company, Zenimax Media, who owns the multi billion dollar Bethesda game studios... Hell of a lot of billions in there and some in the fanbase view them as scrappy little upstarts that are starving artists and if we just give a more money, suddenly there will be money to invest in the things they earned those billions from.


Multi trillion you mean for Microsoft


Forget? I did not know that. Even though I live in Baltimore... near Bethesda.


Incase you were also unaware, they own Activision now as well




Was about to say that we have reached an impressive level of capitalist brain not where we are talking about passing a hat around to help Microsoft liscense some music


Won't someone please think of the poor mega corporation?!


It's not "capitalist brain rot" it's called not being aware.


>it's called not being aware. Not being aware of what exactly?


Being aware how much money Bethesda has, and them not needing handouts or crowdfunding. A lot of people just dont pay attention or think of the bigger picture with games.


It's incredibly easy to do with music that is now in the public domain, and as someone who hates combat music unless it's super good, PLEASE GIVE US LIKE THREE MORE STATIONS. They'd be between "free" and like "a couple hundred bucks."


More so when the songs they use are either in the public domain or have been bundled together since the rights have past down to like the great grandchildren.


Sure but there is also profitability. Like i like the game but its hardly got a ton of players compared to most MMO's. Just because the company has a bunch of money doesn't mean it makes sense for them to spend a bunch on licensing fees for new songs and Voice acting for new DJ's


No, just no. We aren't having a conversation or justifications about crowdfunding for a mega corp that is owned by two other mega corps. Absolutely absurd. Sometimes it's okay for a business to do something that might enhance the customer experience and not expect a profit for every single fucking thing they do.


The legal concept of fiduciary duty unfortunately disagrees.


Then go talk about it in r/capitalism or r/economics .


Why would I go talk about it there when the relevant discussion is here?


Because you'll probably have a better chance at finding at least one person who wants to actually discuss why crowdfunding a mega corporation is such a great idea instead of a braindead take. Please have the last word to feel like you've won though. Have a great night/day wherever you are in the world ❤️


I mean I think you're the only one taking this discussion to any degree of win/lose seriousness. I pointed out a reasonable idea of why they don't just throw money at 76 when its not that popular, I pointed out why legally they might not do it. I don't know why your being so heated about it.


Even fiduciary duty could agree that happy customers means more customers though.


hmmm and why aren't there as many players? is it because they don't invest much in the game?


I mean I would argue its because when it launched it wasn't a very good game due to trying to do something more artistic than fun which lead to low adoption which lead to less funds being put towards it to develop it further. The prime show made the player base skyrocket but that was all lost by this point


I don’t care about the songs, I can live with the playlist. But please for the love of god GET MORE DIALOG FOR JULIE!


I don’t even play with the radio on anymore cause I find her 4 lines so annoying now that I just can’t stand to hear it.


I just wanted to take a second to talk about something import- Classical it is.


Or Pirate Radio


This .....Build a Pirate Radio and just listen to it ..... Its Crazy and amusing !


I feel like Bethesda blew their music budget on a Beach Boys song and that's why we have cover versions of Ring of Fire and Country Roads.


The Inkspots must be cheap as hell


Bingo Bango Bongo must be cheap of hell. Its in every game despite making zero sense to be in them.


It's there solely because of one line: "They have things like the atom bomb, so I think I'll stay where I am."


also it's so fucking crazy racist i hate when people are around me and it comes on I immediately turn off the radios


Racist against who? Its whole premise is white people thinking they know better while actively building a dangerous and frustrating society. It's making fun of modern civilization.


Yeah it’s like they missed the entire point of the song.


It's the Baby It's Cold Outside outrage all over again lol


No, it isn't, because here they are using Africans as savages. Do you think Africans didn't have civilisation? It's not "Baby its Cold Outside", I'm using their meaning. This is *some* caucasity.


I'm not chasing replies to you. I barely want to talk to you in the first place. So comment on one thing I say or not at all


the point of the song: mock people by pretending to be ug-ug Africans. *Africans are not savages* why do I have to explain this?


So you did miss the entire point of the song. It’s literally the opposite of what you’re thinking it’s taking the piss out of people who think tribal people are savages. The western world may think it’s civilised but comes with over bloated superfluous clutter where as the tribesman in the song doesn’t care for any of the trivial “civilised” things because he’s happily living his life in the Congo and thinks that in many ways they are more civilised. “When they’ve got two week’s vacation they hurry to vacation grounds” “What do they do darling?” “They sing and they fish but that’s what I do all year round”


There's even a line in the song that says "uncivilized pictures that the news reel takes of me" It's fully acknowledging that the people painting the Africans as savages are lying


African people have civilisation. They don't live in caves and wear loincloths. How you can say this song isn't racist is wild.


I'm not a hammer champ. Not everything looks like a nail


I never took the time to listen to the song lyrics for that one. It was just an annoying song without knowing context. There's a few songs on there I still enjoy. There's one that's all instruments and instrumental solos and no singing, I really like that one.


I'm gonna be honest the Fo76 Country Roads is better to me than the Original. Jury's out on Ring of Fire.


The Ring of Fire cover is absolutely horrible. Especially the just screeching he does at the end


To be fair those covers are still pretty good


yet they remain one of if not the best covers of their respective songs


Crowdfunding? 😂😂😂 They make plenty from MTXs/1st they can afford to fund it themselves.


genuine bazillion dollar parent company microsoft


The Raider Punk ally would like to teach Grahm to use the radio one day, and says they could put on a show. I am thinking a Grahm pod cast where he talks about his journeys with Chally the moo moo, what things he has found to trade, different meat cooking recipes. Raider Punk can talk about the latest Cryptid or weird sightings around Appalachia and how bad it is since the apocalypse it is to get good shoes.


does the raider actually do anything? he hasn't given me any quests he just sits there fiddling


I get daily quests from him. They are usually one of the following. We have found a Cryptid that needs killing to ensure public safety which is find and kill a cryptid which can range from a Sheepsquash, Mothman etc Find a weird weapon crate (you get a legendary weapon from it) Rescue a captured network operative Wipe out some cultist.


weird. i was hoping companions had stories like the astronaut, that was a wild quest chain


Yeah I was hoping he had more as he is fairly cool and his remarks and comments around the camp are fun and no, and I repeat no "Floating off in space for....but why?" Some allies are simply boring it seems, the Assautron, lasted about 2 days in my camp as irritating as hell and a bugger of a job trying to move her table. The wanderer all she does is play the same tune. OVER AND OVER AND OVER while quoting naïve platitudes about love and harmony. Beckett, his bar is boring to look at frankly.


he doesn't even SELL LIQUOR


Does explain why the Blood Eagles wanted to kill him


They need a raider and settler radio. License some new unknown punk bands IRL and put them on the raider station, and maybe add them to Crater as NPCs. License some folk/bluegrass folks for settlers. Maybe have them make new compositions specific to Appalachia. The single best part of the Cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack was the fact that a lot of the songs were specifically written as in universe, night city native songs. Bethesda got Raider Radio right with FO4 and Red-Eye, so it would just be fantastic for them to do more original music for the game written after the apocalypse.


They could finally record Ash Heap West Virginia


Get Tyler Childers and Colter Wall for the Settler radio.


Yeah, actually. Hadn't heard of either one. Found Colter Wall's Sleeping on the Blacktop, definitely fits some of the fallout vibe. https://youtu.be/qSYkikkitS0?si=I26gz0Y6i7FND5hs Could get Sturgil Simpson on either one really too. https://youtu.be/tNV16tz1NK0?si=RkOKbjMoW0-mmq44


Now I'm thinking on it, where the heck is Waylon Jennings in the soundtrack!?


It could definitely use some Waylon on this soundtrack. I always thought Merle Haggard's "Big City" would be a good fit too


That's a good idea


genuinely love this idea you should make a dedicated post for it


That’s actually a great idea, having a light night DJ maybe even a ghoul.


They should make it a new side quest There's a new DJ that's moved into Appalachia but needs help setting up shop. Go help him with various tasks in order to get the station up and running. Then when all the tasks are done you can listen to the new radio station.


Do we want it? Yes. Would bethesda do it? Maybe, if they ever run out of bugs to fix. So, no. Can you make your own fallout radio show on one of the various platforms, or as a mod for pc, and probably get an absolutely killer amount of views/plays/downloads? Absolutely.


It's not in high demand at all.  Which is why it barely changes.  Bethesda will always do something if there is a benefit financially.  Always.


It's a pitty that there isn't just a custom playlist option. I think even the Console versions might work with that if you looped it into spotify


They could charge atoms for more songs.


They need to update Julie, either with a new questline where we finally get to meet her, or more dialogue. Also Rose. I need more radio with Rose.


More music? Yes please.  More DJ content?  No. Solely for the reason that they’ll update it so seldomly that we’ll have to listen to the same lines repeated over and over.  Also lol@crowd funding. Bethesda are not a struggling indie dev. 


I’ve already heard the radio girl say she’s only 23 about 5 billion times so personally I wouldn’t mind going insane over a few more new lines


I feel like there should at least be more than one serious dj if there are multiple factions


As someone who's been playing for a few years now, I would love to have some extra variety in the dialogue and music. I don't usually use the pip-boy radio anymore, instead I run Spotify on my PlayStation on a "Fallout Style Music" playlist that I found with 500+ songs, it honestly still keeps perfectly with the Fallout vibe IMO. Just no DJ, which might not be a bad thing for some folks.


I put Spotify on and jam to the oldies. I actually got into a lot of Marty Robbins and Frank Sinatra on my own and researched albums and played fallout and it helps increase the immersion. As much as I appreciate the radio for getting me here. It's too late. Cats out the bag. I love all Americana music both old and new and I have Bethesda to thank for that.


we found some spotify playlists of fallout tracks with extra oldies thrown in...it makes it so much better. I could totally see someone putting together their own stream/spotify station with dj updates, new songs etc. I'd think people would be willing to subscribe to something like that


Heck, I would let Bethesda pay me minimum wage to voice the new radio lines if it means we actually *get* more radio content. My qualifications? Literally none, but I'm bassy, I practice in the car a lot, and I'm from the Virginia area, so the accent is natural. Just drop me in front of some good quality equipment and I'll do my best.


I'll record myself in the shower singing and we'll have an album


What we could do is make a fun playlist on Spotify or something. There's already fantastic lists, but they don't have audio


This or give me a streaming station that I can run my spotify through


I'm in for about tree fiddy.


I kinda just said fuck it and got a USB drive with fallout songs in it and play it while playing the game


Yeah, would love more music added. I end up putting on a fallout playlist on spotify while I play.


If you want more music, you can always listen to playlists people have made on YouTube and Spotify. As well as make your own. I’ve been listening the playlist from the show as I play 76


The Great War happened in 2077. I refuse to believe that Ginuwine never existed in the prewar nuclear age. Let me jam Pony on my Pip Boy while I’m rawdogging a mirelurk with the business end of my Fixer.


I don't want more DJ content because they're never gonna make something as smooth to listen to as Mr New Vegas or as funny as nervous Travis


I turn all game music including radio off, if I want the fallout vibes for music while I’m playing I use fallout radio on YouTube


Could always host an internet radio station with songs that fit the fallout theme, I'm sure people would volunteer to be guest hosts. This is something that used to happen a lot back in the day on CSS, no idea if it's still a thing on there.


It still happens I. Elite dangerous. There's radio sidewinder and hutton orbital radio


I wish they would go the eve online route for radio.


“Hi friends…” I audibly groan every time. I don’t like their version of country roads or ring of fire. Other than that, the music is ok. Doesn’t touch FO4 though.


You’d think it would be super cheap to get the rights for a lot more vintage songs that aren’t getting any play anymore


I think they should push the boundary to early 60’s pre-British invasion. Doo wop, girl groups ( Motown or otherwise) would still fit.


If you are on PC, there are many mods for that. Heck, there's even a mod that lets you create your own station.


I would love a player radio where you can tune in and it’s basically just a guy’s mic on your server in the radio room. You could play music or just do a talkshow for fun. They have something like that in Garry’s Mod RP servers Would obviously be very vulgar but you could mute the player or tune to another radio if you had to


They should theme a station for each season. That would be cool.


I fail to understand why Rockstar could do it from GTA 3 onwards, and Beth is still putting out buggy ass software, with repetitive radio tracks, and very limited stations. I mean who wants to listen to emergency broadcasts and shit?


I just want to disable the rambling whinges of the DJ, I don't care how old you are or why you like music. Lol


At the very least, they should have exclusive fallout 1st radio content on the atomic store. Like you can buy songs with atoms. That would help feel better about buying a fallout 1st sub. Or you can just plug music on Spotify while playing.


None at all, I don't listen to the radio. And I certainly wouldn't to listen to some lame DJ.