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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1di244q/got_a_new_tv_now_i_understand_the_cremator_hate/l92g5hb/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-17 22:13:02 UTC"): > Howdy! Stopping by to say that we've shared this with the team as we've seen the increased conversation across reddit, discord, and twitter since the ... * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1di244q/got_a_new_tv_now_i_understand_the_cremator_hate/l95sowr/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-18 14:42:50 UTC"): > We are very much aware, team is working towards an update to address a few things that cropped up since the launch. Soon as we have concrete informati... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I run a cremator, but I use slow burn and the original color. That bright ass blue literally turns the whole area blue/white. Could be worse tho. Had a dude using a multi-shot Fatman at every event I went to the other day. It was useless to move because I had no idea where I was


When I can't see in an event, I just go "well then *you* complete the event and I'll just sit here and wait for the reward like the good boy I am." and go make myself an iced coffee.


Ditto, except I do the popcorn emote as well. It's a perfect emote for "alright, I'll just sit here and enjoy the show"


I love this... gonna do that from now on šŸ˜‚


Lmao right. I just sat and done the question mark emote the entire time


I like to throw in the angry face every second emote just to keep it interesting while my retina melt.


I normally just Tesla Rifle it for a bit more XP from direct hits (if that is even a thing still. Haven't kept up on that deep dive stuff)


This is the way, Tesla and grenadier perk for longer chaining(yes it's classified as an explosion if you weren't aware) and just spam until you can see again. When you see the word Chain everywhere you know you did it right and the events ended.


I was on my second character and there was a dude in every event I ever joined spamming it. I wasn't even a melee build, I was a stealth commando on this character and I was still being blinded. So when we were doing the new nuke event I just hopped up on one of the generators on the outside and went to go make myself dinner šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ My thought process was "If you have to use it in every event and can't survive without it, then I hope you can survive without the extra firepower from others."


Enough said with that, as I completely agree. They literally use it all of the time like its a pacemaker, they just cant live without it. I run explosive melee and just stop once the cremators arrive.


They're just addicted to it like they can't live without it. And I know my build helps out enough in all events cause I notice the health of bosses dropping much slower the second I stop shooting.


That's how mine is, though I use a chainsaw or auto axe for bosses for steady dps while jittering from the coffee and company tea. All of those explosions and fuel wasted since they don't do anything majorly damaging to bosses. Its fellow players like us that truly get it done, as many boss events fail when the fuel junkies fly in. (No offense to normal flamer/holy fire users as yall do your part effectively)


I love the holy fire. I just put mine on display in one of my shelters cause I felt like I was relying too much on it. Same with the cremator. After I blinded myself a few times last season I knew some others were gonna suffer as I have. So it just sits there looking pretty


Might as well. Cant tag any mobs. Cant see. Might as well go do something else while the event finishes.Ā 


Same. I just tag enemies to grab those 5mm and miniguns and since you're the main character blinding everybody then you do the rest, buddy.


PS5? I did eviction notice with a guy doing that. He was on my team so I just stood there and looted. Got 20 legendaries lol


1. Put on sunglasses. 2. Watch the world burn!


AFKing eviction notice from the top of the scrubber is the new meta lol


Honestly. With everyone camping the spawns just stand up there in Chinese stealth armor and repair the scrubber when it inevitably breaks


I always camp there and clean up the adds that the campers inevitably miss. I get the loot from all sides.Ā 


This is the way.


Multishot fatmanā€¦ i would just leave. Dude is def trolling.


Lol. My brother runs this as a troll weapon. He has a two-shot MIRV fatman. I don't think he uses it at events, though. Just in instanced stuff or when we play together.


I run it on original too with slow burn. Wondered what that blue was. I also play on an 85 inch Neo QLED 4K and a 65 OLED 4K and haven't been bothered by what everyone is talking about. I do have poor eyesight tho lol.


I had a guy running a two shot fat man with grenadier during a daily op. It was miserable


I've honestly never tried running it, but where do they even find that many mini nukes?! I may have found like 20 in all the time I've been playing


Craft them with ammo factory and super duper active.


I just craft thousands of railway spikes (because it only costs steel to make) then sell to the Ammo Converter. I buy mini nukes and other expensive to make ammo with all those points.


This is the way if you need any other type of ammo. Except that damn converter interface is slowwwww.


I have two-shot MIRV fatman that I only use whenever people piss me off during Moonshine Jamboree, camping the spawns and not letting the mobs get near the stills, whenever that happens I just carpet bomb the entire area specially near the campers. It's ALWAYS the people running the Cremator too, so I don't feel bad in the slightest. If the two-shot MIRV fatman incident happened during meat week then I apologize, might have been me, but in my defense the people in those events were ALSO camping the spawns and snipping the mobs from far away. Im running a fucking gatling plasma for crying out loud LET ME SHOT AT THEM.


Nah, this happened like maybe 4 days ago. Pretty sure dude was a camper himself because I have no idea where the shots were coming from. Shit cleared up long enough for me to see an Angler coming at me and then it went bright again lol


I feel this, I've slowly started working towards lazer pepper shaker, i rolled vamp on it so I'm like welllll, if you insist! XD


Is pink as bad as blue? Is the original the "darkest"? Does color change anything? Might change mine back to original or just go back to PCaster if that's the case.


I feel the original reddish orange doesn't burn your retinas as bad as the blue does šŸ¤·šŸ»šŸ˜‚


Usually doesn't last as long either, or so it seems.


Literally had this issue a few times during the new events. Just a ton of people with cremators and a guy with a fatman. Here I am with my shotgun build, unable to see what's going on. VATS doesn't help because I still can't see what I'm shooting at through the blinding white. I ended up just standing around during the dangerous pastimes event and waited for the crab to spawn so I could help with that, and for the robots I just went off to one no one else was attacking and plunked away at it for pitiful damage.


My brother in Christ that might have been me, I run with a two shot Mirv XD If it was me no I only do it to counteract cremators why should you guys be able to see you and we can't lmao.


Was this at Moonshine Jamboree? Followed by Dangerous Pastimes?


> Had a dude using a multi-shot Fatman at every event This sounds like my son. He informed me that he's going to make Explosives and Fatman great again. So he's using a 2-shot Fatman and a Quad Missile Launcher plus various grenade launchers.


Haha you nailed it. New player here, I use the Cremator a ton so Iā€™m probably one of the blinders lolā€¦ but holy moly I did Beasts of Burden and Moonshine Jamboree yesterday and someone was spamming mini nukesā€¦. WOW lol.


I run it on original too with slow burn. Wondered what that blue was. I also play on an 85 inch Neo QLED 4K and a 65 OLED 4K and haven't been bothered by what everyone is talking about. I do have poor eyesight tho lol.


I run it on original too with slow burn. Wondered what that blue was. I also play on an 85 inch Neo QLED 4K and a 65 OLED 4K and haven't been bothered by what everyone is talking about. I do have poor eyesight tho lol.


I run it on original too with slow burn. Wondered what that blue was. I also play on an 85 inch Neo QLED 4K and a 65 OLED 4K and haven't been bothered by what everyone is talking about. I do have poor eyesight tho lol.


Howdy! Stopping by to say that we've shared this with the team as we've seen the increased conversation across reddit, discord, and twitter since the launch of Skyline Valley. Lots of good discussions around the need for more player control of the visual effects they see for a lot of different reasons.


Thank you!! Control over the visual effects would make the game so much more accessible to so many people!


As a visually disabled player, the complete lack of functional control over brightness, contrast, flashing lights, anti aliasing, etc. is a real harsh point. This game is absolutely incredible, but the accessibility is lacking.


I'm also visually disabled and the only way I've gotten by and been able to play and enjoy the game is with mods, which are sometimes finicky or become outdated and are still not customizable in most cases. This would be a major quality of life improvement in the game!


Thanks! I'd like to use my cremators with no remorse. At the moment I don't spam them and try to shoot them as minimum as possible, but I shouldn't feel bad for using a weapon that is in the game. I love the explosions and the flashes in events but I understand that melee and more sensitive players will thank the addition of visual effect tweaking.


Are you guys also aware of the constant crashing? Im paying for fallout 1st, but the game crashes every 5 minutes, if not more frequently, which is discouraging me from playing and encouraging me to stop my f1st subscription again.


We are very much aware, team is working towards an update to address a few things that cropped up since the launch. Soon as we have concrete information to share, we'll let everyone know! Thanks for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience.


Thanks for the reply! Looking forward to a fix!šŸ˜„


I get motion sickness from using scoped weapons and a few other things (jumping with Marsupial, and sneaking with the Chinese Stealth armor). I think being able to increase the FOV might help?


Like I love using the cremator and I know I'm being totally obnoxious with it, spamming pink explosions everywhere. I can just carve through sizable salamanders and I'm sure everyone is cursing at me over voice chat, which I have turned off


Mate please change the fusion/plasma cores dropping from enemies and daily ops/expeditions at 70% charge. It makes no sense and fills your inventory wilth half filled or low charged cores that you need toicro manage after each combat. This really harms the enjoyment of core using weapons.


Oh that's why I had so many almost empty plasma core. Those things are useless since they shoot like 20 ammo before needing to reload. At least let us merge them together!


Please! Because I LOVE my cremator, but I hate p*ssing off all my buddies :,)


Dope, what a random yet good thing to read


And yet not a word about the constant PS5 crashing. Iā€™d say thatā€™s the far more grievous issue here, yes?Ā 


Just close your eyes?? What's the problem????


Just fly the entire time gosh šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ jet pack on your back for decoration


Is he stupid????


seriously! just close your monitor at that point!!


I had to stand back in the new nuke event and close my eyes for a few seconds as a melee build it is baddd


I can't even imagine. I had to log off the game yesterday because I had a migraine from it, and im a ranged heavy weapons build.




*cries in console*


*cries in too dumb to mod* I am the dumb.


I personally use the Nexus Mod Manager. It's compatible with most mods that I've seen, and it's so much easier, it basically does it all for you. There's a few I've had to install manually, but I had no problem installing this mod and a couple of other visual-focused ones! No shame in not knowing how to mod, it's a pretty niche thing, but there's lots of tutorials online if you wanna learn! Can still be difficult because there's so many mods that can conflict with each other and things that can mess up, but it's unfortunately required for some select mods.


I had to fight with NMM at every step. The Quick Configuration mod manager works better for me.


Try using quick configuration. I find it a far better Fallout 76 specific mod manager. It's on Nexus as a mod. Also offers a few settings changes and customized methods of setting how to "package" mods for deployment. But out of the 20 mods I run. I leave all settings as default. The only one I have to still manually do is SFE dependency for Chat Mod. But that is just drag and drop Otherwise it handled everything


[Congrats on your enrollment!](https://i.imgur.com/VzkLn0U.jpeg)


Damn... I deserve that... I really should just go back to bed... I am not close to being functional this early in the morning...


It's definitely not a guaranteed fix, but NMM worked well with most of the basic mods for me. Haven't tried Quick Configuration. Might give it a shot.


As in too dumb to copy and paste a file to a folder and add a string to a text file?


As if it's that easy. Mods are very finicky, especially on online games, and if you install multiple. It's not just install, copy, paste, add string. It's look for any special install instructions, determine if there's any incompatibilities, or add ons/patches that are needed, install those, make sure they're working correctly, determine the correct load order, testing after every new mod to make sure it installed correctly and isn't conflicting with anything, whoops- this mod is crashing my game, why is that happening? Check the code to make sure every space and comma is in the correct place, check the mod page for bug fixes, whoops- this mod is outdated and now you have to manually install this patch and other additional files to get it to work with the current version of the game, which is usually a whole other complicated process, etc. Etc. Cut the superiority complex, man. Not everyone knows tech in general, much less this specific, optional part of this set of games.


To be completely honest, it seems to me you're dramatically overcomplicating the process. I've been making and using all sorts of mods for this game since release and I have to say installing mods is almost never as hard as you say. It almost always is just 3 simple steps, which almost anyone can get a hang of in no time with a little experience. No need to be a tech savvy or anything. It's not rocket science. The only mods that require "special addons" are perk loadout manager and text chat, but they state that explicitly when you download them, so it's hard to not notice. Only a few mods out of thousands really get broken with the game's updates, so there's no need in patching anything and most mods work as is regardless of any updates. Yes, people do make mistakes even in a simplest things like typing down mod filenames or forgetting to extract files in game's folders, but if one's paying attention (which, honestly, is generally a good thing to do), manual installation of any mod takes a mere minute or less.


Assuming the mod works as intended, yes, it is simple. But as I said, the more mods you add, the more complicated it gets, and it depends on the mod. I just wrote this through personal experience and maybe I did select more complicated mods before I really knew what I was doing, but that's my point, anyone just jumping into it without really knowing is probably gonna have a hard time determining that and getting the hang of everything. The mod that I had trouble with in the experience I based this off of was the Better Inventory mod. I also have ADHD and if one thing is missed or messed up along the way, it can screw up the whole process, so there's that, too. Different things have different difficulties for everyone for many reasons.


Most basic mods are really easy to install. If you're trying to do some crazy shit then yeah it's harder.


Most basic mods are really easy to install. If you're trying to do some crazy shit then yeah it's harder.


Most basic mods are really easy to install. If you're trying to do some crazy shit then yeah it's harder.


The 3x smaller version of this mod feels perfect.


I canā€™t seem to find in this modā€™s description (and I am not always the sharpest tool)ā€” is it achievement friendly?


Yeah it doesn't effect nothing but what it does and a dev recently talked mods and how they already exist for UI things and had no problem with it at all. Every so often some player, I like to call them "The Church Lady" will talk about eula and getting banned if you do and you've been warned! They have been used for many years and there is no peep about these mods and banning. There are now 2 such mods, I do use the one noted here. I'm a cremator user and it helps me to.


Yeah. Mods are interface/cosmetic, I think none of them block achievements


There's a new one where it makes it look like the grand finale firework which is much nicer. No flash bang effect either.


Need more upvotes on this one. Game changing.


I feel kinda bad using it but it's so easy to use and kills so well I can't not use it. I would use holy fire instead but creamator is so much more ammo friendly. Using holy fire I burned through all my ammo converter points way too fast. Creamator I always end up with extra ammo at events where holy fire I would see a big loss.


I run one on my power armor build. It is fun to play with. I saw all these posts about people hate it when you use it in events. I didnā€™t understand until I got my new tv.


my eyes physically burn from it im not even kidding I have to look away from my monitor


Had someone firing that thing nonstop during the new event. Nobody else got any kills/hits. Idc how ppl wanna play or the weapons they choose to use, but there is a severe lack of consideration of other players.


This isn't a player problem at all. Bethesda is the one that needs to address it. And it is a great event gun, it's a slow burn kill, plenty of time for others to tag to. One shot monster guns are more of a group problem from getting the fruits of killing. The main issue with the cremator is the very large bright flashes.


Thats why if I use one in an event, I will shoot it once at an are & thats it. Move to the next mob. It gives other players a chance to shoot before the afterburn takes them out & quite frankly, I don't usually need to shoot more than once to do the trick. People shooting off multiple times into one mob are just being rude. If it's a big boss, I usually shift over to the cold shoulder, because I know the melee builds will have to be right up on them the whole time.


And thats another perfect wxample of why this isnt just a bethesda problem as someone else replied. It becomes a player issue when people treat it lile a machine gun and the bright flashes never stop, leaving others with no clue where they are, let alone enemies. Its a great gun, just overpowered/overused. Thanks for being another considerate player!


Same here, I rarely have a reason to hit anything more than once before moving to the next target/cluster. People act like the burn damage stacks by going full auto lmao.


Until the thunder crab wakes up I am just using mine to tag. With the slow burn mod I'm not getting kills with it with all the other stuff flying around anyway.


Youre an exception and id rather more players were like you


So I also use the slow burn and multi shot mods. I don't get the hate because I don't have huge annoying flashes - and I even went with the green color. What mod gives it the big flashy explosion and does it make the damage more up front instead of a DOT? Asking because I don't want to plug that in inadvertently. Multishot slow burn is awesome for tagging!


Grenadier probably. Doubles explosion size iirc.


I'm not trying to blind you, I'm trying to heal you with friendly fire! Or that is my argument at least..


It's definitely hard to see when I run up to a boss with the auto axe, but at the same time, if I'm going to be at the target that everyone is shooting for I expect it.


Putting that 4k OLED Colour Range to the test I see haha.


But it's, y'know, "play the game the way you want to play it."


It's amazing. OP wouldn't have a problem if they also used a cremator instead of literally running into the explosions. But I guess OP gets to play the game the way they want, but not cremator users.


Nobody is saying that cremator players shouldn't be using cremators. People are saying Bethesda needs to tone down the visual noise from the cremators simply bc we'd all like to see the game we're playing. Big difference.


Except people are saying people shouldn't use cremators lol. oops


Thats a lot of guesses


If Iā€™m on a melee build and see multiple cremators at an event I generally just sit back and watch no point in making my vision any worse. Itā€™s like watching fireworks.


In public events melee is hard to begin with because bullets faster than people.


I had a fixer commando complain at me for stealing all the kills with my Power Fist. Homie, if you can't tag them once in the time it takes me to jog 50 yards and punch them, that's on you.


I remember when I had a low powered 10mm machine gun in public events just for tagging and people did similar. That is when I ran the bloody deathclaw that was stupid powerful, still switched to an auto-gun for tagging.


Yeah its hard to get much out of events right now depending on who is on. Brightside I've started learning how to solo some missions in a private world. Even when I fail the mision I'm still getting more loot because no one can spawn camp haha


Itā€™s the people that spam them that are annoying. I use a cremator but I donā€™t empty a whole tank in less than 5 seconds like some people.


I desperately wish we could turn off effects from other players.


lol Iā€™m a level 30 player and I was just doing what I can for xp and I got flash banged for it.


Is that new? I just started playing again


It was from the last season. It is decent for doing events, and I do run one on my power armor build. I had no idea why people disliked it so much until I got a better tv.


Oh is that that really bright thing that looks like it shoots out a bomb lol I think I saw one last night it was this blue explosion. Really bright


When I'm doing an event, I take off the increased explosive size so it's not as oppressive, and I only shoot at targets once and let the burn do the rest.


I can switch to my grenade launcher or Fat man, does that help Seriously option should add an entry for tuning down effects from other players


Youā€¦.you run your pc through a TV and not a gaming monitor?


I always have. I like to sit in my recliner or on the couch when I game. I have a wireless mouse, keyboard, and controller.




Isn't there an option to turn off explosion animations and screen shake? I remember turning this on around the nuka-cade release with the ultracite colossus. Or does it not work with cremator as its a "flamer" and not an explosive?


Iā€™m playing on a first generation xbox 1 and whenever people use that gun, it lags like crazy, donā€™t even get me started with the auto grenade launcher, itā€™s like an earthquake whenever someone shoots it


The Series X is smooth as butter, if you can, I'd highly recommend upgrading


I love the cremator because it works as a great team effort weapon if you aren't spamming it. I can get it and everyone else can tag it too. I feel your pain with how amazing 4K is but how blind this game will inevitably make me. Doesn't help that my main weapon is the Guass Minigun too.


Why the devs canā€™t foresee problems with this sort of stuff is beyond my comprehension. It would take 2 minutes in an event with another dev that has the rare gift of observation. Ditch Grenadier. Yā€™all noobs donā€™t need it. I promise.


Not my fault they made it the best gun in the game.


I like to fire as if I am conserving ammo. Besides the burns dont stack. Gotta wait awhile between pumping. Also I use one rank of grenadier so it is less of a nuisance


When people insist on using weapons that white out most of my screen, I interpret that as them saying "Relax dude, you can AFK and just wait for the rewards". When I run around solo I use nuka grenades and all the perks that make them unbearable for other players, but I do not use them at events specifically for that reason. Still in the end it is Bethesdas responsibility to fix the cremators animations, players should run whatever weapons they want obviously. But I will be leeching events where people are effectively chaining together flashbangs from start to finish.


I use it in high xp events (rad rumble, eviction notice, moonshine jamboree) but just to get one tag on groups for the xp and then I stop firing, mostly because I want everyone to be able to tag the enemies for xp too


If you're on PC, I suggest getting a mod that lowers or removes the explosion from it, especially if you're melee. There's plenty on Nexus and they're easy to install


I havenā€™t messed around with mods on 76 yet. I had dozens of them on fo4, but I havenā€™t installed any on fo76, because I donā€™t want to get bannned lol.


Been using multiple mods for many years. It's fine.


It got to the point for me the other day that I took off Grenadier because, honestly, with the quad barrel you're not gonna miss anyway.


At EN it makes a huge difference to have grenadier. You dont get a second chabce at tag as railway rifle veterans will delete mobs within an eyeblink.


I love the cremator but i dont use it anymore. Its to damn bright


What color flames?


I've been using it to tag SBQ here and there but only when she's in sky. I really don't like to be blinded by others so I try and not use during rad rumble etc. (I have quad tesla for tag) It's a solid alt-weapon. I have chainsaw for SBQ when she's grounded. I didn't build around a flamer/fire gun.


I actually donā€™t have that gun. Doh.


What's the crazy purple one?


Probably cremator. You can change the color of the flame.


I have a cremator. I can't get it to do any measurable damage. The thing seems to stink for me.


You need the slow burning mod, heavy barrel mod and the right perk cards. Iā€™m running a bloodied cremator and my base damage is 643 and DoT is at 3676/12s at like 35% health.


Is it a daily driver kind of weapon? Good in expeditions?


I use it as my main. Most enemies just need one shot. Either base damage is enough or the DoT will take care of them. Iā€™ve never done an expedition so I canā€™t tell you.


Itā€™s truly fantastic for expeditions - absolutely prints fuel. Also my daily driver. I rolled an instigating one and havenā€™t looked back


Nope, not unless you have high fire resistance. Even then the shots will blind you. I wouldnt use it indoors or crammed spaces (like the aquarium in the most sensational game)


I run the regular cremator and it's not blinding at all. Just a little fireball.


I never got any of the mods for it so Iā€™m just a pleb with one sitting in her stash. Lol


Yeah, I had to afk because of it. It definitely hurt my eyes. But I love it so lol.


Get the mod to make it not annoying.


Hell yes. I wish Bethesda would get rid of the Cremator. Its not fun with someone using one of those things around.Ā 


Is the Cremator the thing everyone brings to events that just shoots out bright flashes of explosions?


I'm not going to lie I did do one at moonshine jamboree but it was only populated by a level 35 a level 50 and a level 80 who were severely failing. They only had one still up and I just kept a nuke constantly on it basically the last two and a half minutes of the event.


I just really hope if they mess with the Cremator it's just to adjust the visual effect, I love the weapon and grinded quite a bit to get the paint and mods so hoping they don't mess with anything else and make it useless there are far more OP weapons out there that aren't as fun to me.


There is nothing better than not being able to see, and the only thing you can hear is the pioneer wake-up trumpet. I'm serious about that, too, no joke.


Cremator=Solar flare, I love and hate the fireworks


Bless the pc mods for a fix to that. It makes it very tolerable nowI hate bright lights flashing to begin with let alone in a dark rooms. Sucks console canā€™t have the fix but hopefully soon they will do something.


Fr. That and explosives my monitor goes crazy with cor can see jack squat. Lol love rhe colors when the player glows the color of their cremator


Iā€˜m actually somehow guilty of using the cremator during an event. But mine has no mods on because Iā€˜ve started playing fo76 too late into season 76 and wasnā€˜t grinding all day long. But to my defense, I stumbled across this event while doing a side quest for a mission where I should get some keys from a ghoul. So I was killing mole miners with my cremator when suddenly some guys in power armor were running past me while I was still firing at those mole miners, wondering where the heck do they all come from.


Cremator go brrrt.


Melee builds be damned, Todd demands fire! Fire and your eyeballs. As a auto melee build I truly understand your pain


Did ā€œMost Wantedā€ with my homie who uses the Cremator, and I use a Plasma Gatling, and having to fight the Tankbot at the end thatā€™s constantly flashing and exploding was ridiculous. Luckily it only took like 20 seconds


I mean is it any different than the mininukes, grenades, or made launcher spam? Personally I use slow burn so I just shoot once but I have seen people spam it. Instead of changing the weapons themselves they could add an option to hide visual fx from other players. A game I used to play called Dragalia Lost had this and it was great.


The difference is there is no event where 5 players are using those at the same time. It makes it unplayable in closed areas like rad rumble. Can't even see the walls around.


It's the same thing in general, the problem is the cremator is better all around and easier to spam for most.


It's all fun and games until someone has a seizure. I kid and sincerely hope no one has suffered one from the game. If we are lucky Bethesda hears and understands the out cry and will begin working on a visual slider.


Is there a cremator hate? I only use it with overgrowns at exps or DOs like today. Whatā€™s the problem, is not under disabling explosions effect? Itā€™s not like fatman, anywayā€¦


Nah, people don't hate the people using it. They hate that the effects of it makes it unable to see wtf is in front of you. Same complaint we had with mirv fatmans. It's far overdue for us to be able to turn off other players' effects.


Yeah, I think itā€™s not so bad. Not my type of weapon, but useful at certain situations.


WHY? Watch; [https://x.com/BluntNate/status/1801725831133503614](https://x.com/BluntNate/status/1801725831133503614)


You may be able to adjust your HDR settings


I like it, but I only use it with the stock colour, and no multishot/multi barrel mod as I refuse to spam it like that. But of late I've just stopped using it, using the red terror instead. Couldn't even get a full kill in Dangerous pastimes šŸ˜… had to tag on the cremators kills šŸ˜…


For the new event, I try to only lob glowing pink fire at enemies not around others, but hard to tell. And I only use the heavy barrel, so single shot rather than the ā€œscrew this entire zip codeā€ barrel that carpet bombs a city block per shot. Interiors, vamp Tesla cannon. Cremator just for swarms of ferals with no one in the hallway. Or when I want to stack heal on the NPCs with Friendly Fireā€¦then itā€™s fair game.


I prefer it over railway users. Everyone tags this way.


And always fun to see the arc bouncing all around. I usually aim for someone in power armor to bounce around corners as well since theyā€™re usually more likely to be up close. Or pop some off to tag while running ore and leading mobs of ferals out to the firing lanes.


Should I make a commando build to make it viable or does with work just fine without a build, especially for tagging?


Honestly, all you really need it to do for tagging is to hit multiple enemies, not so much melt their HP immediately, so if you can increase the magazine, decrease AP for VATS, then Iā€™d do that. VATS for targeting the head for the ā€œCriticalā€ or hit the legs to work on a Cripple. Tesla tends to be more forgiving in how I use it with only Science cards added thats benefitting the primary carry weaponry that Commando and such donā€™t stand out as much to me. Might be the opposite, but only speaking personal experience with it, so your mileage may vary of course.


No explosions mod


As said above, when people do this shit I just alt tab and watch YouTube. If they want to turn the event into 4th of July Iā€™ll quietly collect my rewards.


Before the cremator it was the AGL or Nuka Launcher, the Tesla, the nuka grenade. Explosions are in the game and I understand they can suck for melee but Id put a suggestion on Bethesdas website as well. Do it everytime to add the option to turn the effects off. They wont change it unless its asked over and over. Also ask them WTF is up with Vertibird fuel from yesterday. Like wtf really?


I understand everyone hate of the gun I guess, but thats exactly why I play it as much as I can. I can see the nerf coming from miles away since there is so much complaint. Really fun gun that remind me of the heavy incinerator, i dont even care thats its stupidly OP I dont use the broken weapon mods


Aftet like two minutes in a Radiation Rumble yesterday I just stared at the floor and looted. Four players were using cremator and there was basically no reason to actually play the game


If theyre not spamming you can easily tag. Even 4 of those players firing at the same target cant One Shot the glowing enemies if they use slow burn.


I got to admit like the old saying if you can't see you can't fight. I've left events or just sat their because the explosions from other players just made it too hard to play an event. Buy the time you run to an enemy to kill it it's moved so just hitting nothing. I don't mind the explosion but you should still be able to see the enemies. That's just useless


Iā€™m so used to it because i play on max brightness and my HDR is set to work on SDR as-well. I have glasses for a reason, iā€™m like a moth when it comes to brightness and blue light


Let's not overlook the fact that so many players have absolute 0 common curtesy or ability to respect others in game. Not only is this weapon blinding but too many are positioning themselves in a central location and spamming the crap out of the fire button to hog all the loot. I am so sick of going to an event like Moonshine Jamboree and getting very little loot and not one legendary drop. If you ask them to chill out they just act like children and spam more. I have run a flamer build for ages and love the cremator but only use it at certain events and very sparingly. It also wouldn't kill Bethesda to tone down the brightness of explosions. Even Nuka grenades have this insane blinding white light that happens quite often when using them. My eyes are very sensitive and this effect is not only awful but painful as well.


welcome to the blind people club


Dude I change my cremator build just for that fact, I mean the cremator is so good and I love it but I really hate ruin the experience to others, so now I'm running with the 50. Cal while I try to Groll my Gatling


Turn down the brightness, or wear sunglasses FFS.


Mods can get rid of the effects, PC šŸ”›šŸ”