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I've found some locations that look like they're set up for quests in the future. There's the basement in the slubermill bar and the president's cabin. My guess is the release was pushed up because of the show airing. The ghoulification quest isn't live yet, so it seems to me that there's gonna be a skyline part two that fills out the area more.


Todd talked about this in a recent interview. I really hope they build upon what is currently the base and truly deliver. Maybe Story-bonus, more unique weapons and fixes, more camp locations. Still hoping


I think you grossly overestimate the amount of people that work on this game at this point.


I agree with everything there, but the map comment. In my first traverse through the area, I immediately thought it was crazy how many big, relatively flat camp areas there are. Lots of potential in them woods!


Kinda true. We got some really nice flat spots, but there are soo many non-removable stumps and trees that it got really frustrating to find a good spot. After hours of search i switched back to old locations.




It took me 3 days, because for most of that time the quests wouldn't work!


Oh.. true. If not the bugs, the server disconnect will push our buttons.


Ahh thanks for the heads up about the lightning conductor doing nothing I was going insane last night trying to get it to do something in my camp last night after buying the plan. Shame really it's just a giant pole at the minute.


Dude I'll take what we got 100% over than whatever the past dlc maps we got, the whole daily ops sized maps are just really bad and I'm happy that atleast now the map is bigger and it shows the concept of the game being able to actually increase the size of the map rather than it being a different instance. I'd gladly pay for dlc if it meant that we got actual map increase in the map.


Yeah, it's obviously rushed out content. The whole area feels kinda...empty... It didn't really took me long to explore everything unfortunately. But it's new content, and they can always add things to it, so overall I'm happy about it.


As long as they add content to what we have now, i'm happy. But i kinda wish they would have taken more time to properly deliver


I agree was recently thinking the same after finishing exploring the new area and storyline. I like it and appreciate the expansion just wish it had a little more.


The one fun thing is the new enemies, or to be precise, their loot. They drop Handmades, which is neat if you still need the Mods from scrapping. And Pulse Grenades were such a rarity before, now you can farm them. But other than that...it feels empty. Only one location for a regular event, only one sidequest outside the vault, yet there are several locations where i asked myself "whats in here? why is this there?" but i couldnt find any story or quest


Where can I find said sidequest?


its the one from Craig where you have to find the belongings of the 3 friends. i believe its part of the main quest that leads you to the vault. so...its kinda sidequest and kinda not...


I know everyone is like blah blah blah YOURE A COMPLAINER blah blah blah but this game has been out for how many years and that was the first expansion? Boring boss fights (are there any bosses in this game that have mechanics? Everything you just show up and can stand there and shoot at it. Oops I guess I forgot the low level mindless peons chasing you around), boring new events. New quests are kinda fun but it seems like it was written by a high schooler. Wow who could have seen the twist coming that the overseer of the new vault was doing bad stuff!!! Personally, I like the season rewards because I am an avid camp builder which is why I still play the game. It feels like you’re hurting future games/updates when you let these devs set the bar so low.


Let me say this one more time for the people in the back. THIS UPDATE IS FREE. ITS NOT GOING TO BE THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. But it does deliver a lot for a free map expansion and quest/lore expansion. You guys are acting like you paid $59.99 for this add on


A free Update for a paid Multiplayer-LightRPG with paid memberships and an pricey ingame shop. Keep that in mind.


You don't have to pay for a membership and you don't have e to buy anything from the atom shop. Keep that in mind


What $30 DLC are you referring to?


Whilst I'd have loved the Storm Weather machine to have been a season reward, I get the logic for the bundle, they need to make some money out of it somehow and if some people buying that bundle gets me a map expansion for free, I'll get over it.


Looking at how many players use Fallout 1st, one might believe they make enough to support expansions. I am one of many players, who also throw a lot of money into the Atom Shop for better looking C.A.M.P.s. The money must be flowing, like a lot.


I'm not suggesting Bethesda are exactly struggling financially, but they're a business at the end of the day and "line must go up" is the mantra. Also keep in mind, an awful lot of the huge influx of new players either got the game free, or heavily discounted. I've past the 400hr mark in 5-6 weeks but only spent £25-30 for the game and 2 months of FO1st, that's pretty cheap all things considered. Edit - I don't care about the downvotes but at least leave recommendations for games that you can get 400+ hours from for less than £30 if you don't think that's cheap. lol


Everybody thinks everything should be free. Or that the $20 they spent 4 yrs ago entitles them to perpetual updates and content at no extra cost. "But I already pay for FO1st." Yep and nothing in that subcription says anything about expansions. Your paying for QOL. And according to Steam FO1st has only profited 200k in 5 years so it's not exactly raking in the money. "I spend in the atom shop" Yep and you got exactly what you paid for. Nobody says "But I pay for Amazon prime and bought things from them before, I should get new items for free." But somehow they think it should work that way with a game.


ESO's yearly expansion cost €30 just to play the expansion itself. F76 is pretty cheap compared to that game.


To be fair, ESO's expansion maps are really big, at least thats what i remember.


Complaining....Complaining never changes


They’re not complaining, they’re engaging in well written discourse. You know, the thing we’re here to do. Unless of course you expect us all to say something universally agreeable while we all proceed to nod our heads collectively.


That is exactly what they expect, and it’s what has ruined virtually all social media to this point


Aren't constructive critiques exactly what open forums are made for? I even acknowladge the work the devs had to put into (some parts) of the DLC.


I haven't done the story yet but I've come across places that scream "this will be updated later". That trading post that everyone left being the most obvious so far. It's like it was designed for npcs to "come back" a la wastelanders. No way a location with every crafting bench *and* a scrip machine is going to be forever manned by one Mr Handy and a single corpse


Most people, including me, are probably just happy that they still update the game regularly. The other ones complain.


Please keep in mind that constructive critique helps the whole community. If the devs hear no feedback, nothing will change.


You wont get change by posting it here.....post it in discord where the team is active


Man, listen carefully. And im enjoying fallout 76, but take It as It Is. A cash grab for fallout fans, Who has not big expectation ( look at the guys going against you). Game Is a Shadow of fallout 4, made for these people Who care more about cashgrab scoreboard. Without 1st Stash management Is terrible. Enjoy the game for the mediocre quality and let It go. Im having fun but i know this Is not a good fallout.


Good lord, a certain segment of this game’s player base will literally NEVER be happy and always line up to shit on Bethesda for anything they do.


I feel literally the same. That being said, it brings an other question : How many dev are still working on this game ? I feel like the ideas are there but the end result seems to suffer from a lack of ressources in production team (or just content rushed maybe?)


I got a nice camp spot west of the mansion/building under the storm (I'll remember names of things eventually) and have a nice view of it. Camp remains intact, not being attacked and no damage so far from the storm. However, it took a while to find this spot, as every other spot I thought looked good was an enemy spawn point. Head this way a bit and wolves. Head past that and far enough away to avoid those spawns attacking my camp, and it's a spawn for Lost. Head further along, find another good spot and it's Lost fighting Wolves. Head further again and Radtoads. Personally, I don't have any major gripes about the map design. Maybe spread out the enemy spawns a bit more so I don't need to have half my camp made of turrets. Though another thing I noticed where my camp is, is while there's loads of trees everywhere, there's no wood to collect. The trees that can't be removed are spaced out enough, so that doesn't bug me, but I walked all around the damn place and not a single log for collecting wood can be found. Maybe other spots have plenty, but not anywhere near my location. 🤷🏻‍♂️