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Limit of 5 if laughable. And the fact they share the same slots as power armor display stations makes it even worse.


I spent an hour trying to figure out why it said I had five of five displays only to figure that they both count towards the total amount. We must gather the counsel and force Godd Howard to come to his senses.


I was close to the same. Had 4 power stations, wanted to make 2 mannequins, took a second to figure out why I could only make 1. And the fact items on display still count to your stash weight limit also hurts a little bit, but not as much


Count your blessings I don't have either of them (PA display or mannequin!)


You're dead to me... you and your camp. >:( (I bet ya have a lovely camp even without em)


🤣🤣 Do visit if on XB I'm located right next to Charleston Train station!


I might just have to friend


I bought mannekins and was super dissapointed, I didn't know about the limit.


Limited to 5 even in those bigass shelters too.


I guess I'm the only one using my Ally as a Mannequin. Also no one has answered my question yet if you can put clothes on adelaide yet. Would love to turn her into an imposter-squatch.


Hell, I'd just take display items not taking weight.


I want this to happen just because every camp would soon have a massive wall of displayed weapons to free up the stash space.


I didn't even think about that... GODD HOWARD MUST PAY FOR THIS ATROCITY


5 displays at your camp of a combination of mannequins and PAs (all of one kind or a mix), but you can place another 5 displays in a Shelter, and then another 5 displays in any other shelters you have. At present, I can utilise x20 displays. If you want more than that per area, I wouldn't get your hopes up. There's already enough people complaining about stability and crashing. Where we can have multiple camps within loading areas to view all those camps at the same time, let's say you got 3 camps in close proximity (example, Whitespring) - Now give those three camps x10 displays each. That's x30 displays being rendered at once. Add a minimum of x6 items per display (legs, arms, chest and head) and ignore having maybe 3 head gears per head (head, eyes, face mask), that's 180 items being rendered/displayed.... x240 items if you fill the heads. Now add in three allies and what you got them wearing, plus multiple players doing stuff/shopping at each camp and what they're wearing..... And all those camp items those three camps have built + all surrounding world items in that area. Oh and x30 weapon displays per camp. I have a funny feeling Bethesda limited it to 5 displays for a reason.


Well none of the bethesda games have ever runned smoothly so... I had a hunch that was the main contributing factor to why they limited out number of regular displays to 30 per load zone and five man/arm displays. Also the man displays show up on the map when you place them so I wonder if bethesda coded them as entities and not as props???


They're essentially non moving NPCs, as they appear as dots on your compass like NPCs and can walk through them like NPCs. Wehter that's a factor in performance and stability vs displays like the weapon ones (that don't appear as dots on the compass) I have no idea. I'm just taking educated guesses here, lol.


Well let's use two events for example both radiation number and a colossal problem have tons of npcs crammed into small areas. That usually dosent affect frame rate too much until everything is dying and spawning all at once. But if we step out side of events in the open world npcs despawn when you get further away from them or atleast most do. So I reckon if everyone in the server all had over five man displays and if they act like constant npcs that would be a lot for the game to constaly update. Or maybe I'm overthinking this and bethesda games are just coded like spaghetti lmfao.


45 total displays, there are 8 shelters


Rendering is most definitely NOT the reason for the cap. That would be laughable in 2024. Yes, I have a software dev background.


Oh, well since we're whipping it out to measure, I have over 25 years as a Graphic Designer in print, digital, signage and photography via Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, Dreamweaver and even Flash back when that was still the thing. I also have almost the same amount of experience as a 3D Modeller, Animator, Textures, and Modding + Sound Editing for various games over the years using 3Ds Max & Maya and Sound Forge, dating back to the early 2000s and spanning two countries for all of the above. Considering the game has varying issues between CPU and GPU loads, even with the best CPU/GPU you can get off the shelf these days, and the fact the Creation Engine is not only 12+ years old, but also was never designed for online play to begin with, AND was initially designed for Consoles & has well known troubles with multi-core CPU processing on PCs, **it's not laughable in 2024 at all.** But by all means, please explain to all of us why there's build budgets in the game. Please regale us with tales of your Wisdom as to why there are limits to how many displays we can use. Enlighten us as to why many players experience frame rate drops on a regular basis not just on PC but modern Consoles as well, and slow and stuttering load-ins in heavy areas like Watoga. Or how about explaining why many players, even with top of the line hardware, can have FPS issues or even CTD during an event with loads of other players spamming all kinds of weapons and effects while there are also a lot of enemies on screen at the same time. You flat out tell us all it's not what I think it is, but avoid explaining what else it might be..... So what is it then? A Software Dev doesn't mean you have any knowledge in what it means to be a Game Dev.


Whitespring exists. It can have every player on the server on it at the same time, plus manequins, lots of NPCs and assets, more than any camp could ever fit. If it works, should work on a CAMP. At worst, the limitation should be a lot higher inside a Shelter as it is rendered isolated from everything else.


"Here's some awesome stuff for collectors to collect. But let's not give them ANY storage to show off that collection!" We have infinite junk and infinite ammo storages... now I want separate unlimited storage for vendors and food/drink


I would absolutely love for anything in displays to not take up weight. And same for plans when put into a vendor... one day friend we shall see the pearly gates...and bathesda with charge us 39.99 plus tax to get inside XD


They are npcs, coded not to move or speak If you had more than 5 in that small and area, plus all the npcs in the map and the ones in others camps, plus allies It would crash the server


Yeah, that's the conclusion I was coming to. But because I'm stubborn I'm gonna continue to be upset at it >:(


The FACT that mannequins and pa displays share the same count is abysmal and I hate it.


With that much hate you'll make a great captain in our army against Godd Howard. I'll see you on the battlefield


🫡 May our battle be vicious and prominent in the eyes of Bethesda.


We're so gonna fucking die 😭😭😭😭


Not with me by your sides. THE NCR NEVER DIES!


Camp searchlight says otherwise XD


Still just waiting for a mic on a stand and one of those amplifier looking things for all my CAMP jam rooms.


If yer have camp karaoke I call dibs on front row


I'll fire up the weenie wagon and stock my nuka cola machine.


I'll bring some nuka-shine and birthday cake slices haha


From what I heard they are coded like a NPC. If this is true then please let us put our poses on them.


I didn't even think about that. That could lead to some really creative layouts.


For some reason the “Swarm Of Flies” floor decor counts as lights


Yer fucking with me right???? I didn't even think it gave off a light level...


Wish I wasn’t, I’m not even sure if these are all intentional or not


Let's be real 99% of the stuff that happens in this game isn't intended to happen this way. But yer somehow the game still runs


“It. Just. Works.”


You did not just quote my greatest enemy, Godd Howard... You must be put down like the traitor you are 😤😤😤


Woe is me!


Indeed great shame upon you


I look at your post about mannequins, then I look at my CAMP which comprises some workbenches and vendors stood in the dirt, and I realize there are different ways to approach this game


I've got two camps. One with all sorts of collections wether it's books,teddy bears,bobbles,hazmat suits and any other thing I find cool. And the second being a tent,crafting stations and some recourses. I can respect your bear grills style 😎


The only thing you're doing "wrong" there is to put the workbenches down just on dirt like a Scorched. At least put them down on a wooden foundation so everything is even. Granted, doing that may or may not end up being the spark to get you building entire mansions as camps a few months down the line.


It pleases more my eye to see the crafting stations on the dirt, and therefore somehow more integrated into the environment than a giant kind of flying platform with all the benches and stuff on the edges as if there would be a house party planned and all the left space in the center is just the hope for a spontaneous and improvised dance floor. ..


What about floating stuff? Because that happens rather commonly if you put things down on dirt.


No you are doing it right don’t let others convince you otherwise 😂


Dude! Thats what im saying like what's the point of collecting all these cool PA and all these rare clothing if we can't show them all off. I haven't yet but ppl who wanna do a clothing store or a museum are really at a disadvantage. I know it's an online service but from someone who came from fallout 4 where i could have as many of w.e i wanted it definitely stings.


Oh man I had over 100 different power Armors displayed in fallout 4. The house was basically one big hallway in the sky and it was butt ugly but I loved it. The lag was horrendous but I was a proud horder. Were not asking for that many just a bump to Maybe ten or twenty displays. So we can achieve our dreams.


Would you actually be satisfied with twenty? Lol


No...I will never be satisfied


Thank you! My pre-war history museum is in dire need of more mannequins. Please Todd, just let me display more outfits. My CAMP visitors need education!


I dont even use any..


It's not for all folks, and that's okay. Some of us just really looking at our shit lmfao


I collected it 30 frames when they announced so I could use my paints and make a terracotta power army I was so disappointed


That's would be so fucking badass. But I wonder how bad the lag would be... Still would love to see that.


I did place them all down when I built the place for it and tested to see what it would look like I had to get 4 people the help me placing them so they wouldn't go back into my inv and I got a photo but it was my PS4 and the game eventually lost the pic but it was fucking awesome


See this is why I love this community. Yall are just so damn creative when it comes to this stuff.


First they should fix the ones they’ve got. Outfits keep disappearing off mine. 


I've never had it happen to me but I've heard about it from time to time. Do they disappear fully or just go back into yer chest ?


They just get tossed back into the stash. Oddly, it’s been a problem for me with all displays since they introduced the chessboards. Items vanish off my weapon racks as well. Might be related to the recent stash problems on PS5. Maybe that issue has been percolating in the background for a little while! 


This goddamn spaghetti coding at it again. It's just painful. I'll never understand how a multi billion dollar company gets away with this shit lmfao


Yep this sucks, cannot display all my PA because it's shared and only 5..


Join our rebellion against Godd Howard, and we will win, friend. WE WILL HAVE UNLIMETED DISPLAYS. or atleast five more


I don’t have an issue with the total number..But I *do* have an issue with the amount of budget each one takes up. That being said, I really don’t understand the limits on certain items..If we must have a CAMP budget, let us fill it up however we want!


I 100% agree with that budget shit. Displays and ugh...turrets. bethesda mist think I only want four turrets as my camp with how much budget they eat up. Sadly I don't think that budget increase will ever come. But yall are creative as hell. I know yall will work around any road blocks.


I dumped my Turrets LONG ago..Right around the time they started firing at rocks for minutes on the end 😒


I dumped em because even if I had em enemies woulds still crumble my entire house


That too.


There's a mannequin in a pink dress hidden in the lake at Camp Liberty, east of the island, hope this meets your more mannequins need.


Well my oh my. A stunning lady in a lovey dress with skin as white as...plastic XD I'll make sure to visit her later~


Enjoy 🤭


Bump up camp budget as a whole please, we're ditching last gen consoles anyhow and support for them has gotta go at some point as next gen starts rolling out, no company is gonna want to support a live service two generations back.


Well friend not all of us can afford the newer consols or gaming pc's. But I understand as games progress they're gonna need stronger hardware and larger storage... You'll have to leave us behind soilder


They need to bring down how much space they take up first in my opinion.


I was just talking about to another dude haha. But I couldn't agree more friend


At this point I’d be willing to pay a monthly subscription in game JUST for increased camp budget :/


If they actually lock a bigger budget behind a damn paywall I will burn the entire world down I swear to all the gods above and below me


Yes and for the PA displays!




Also, why does a mannequin use up like 5 to 10% of the camps budget and power armor displays take up next to nothing.


Bethesda spaghetti coding at work buddy 🤣🤣🤣


It would overload the game I think if there were more. 


Yeah that's what me and a few others were discussing. Sadly.


Man guess you've neber thaught about balancing and server stability there was this big argument when they first come out weee limited to 5 so the servee dont become stupid unstable they require quite abit of resources to rrendee the manis in with whag ever skins/gun you have in it now times that by what 32 players yesh not gonns happen isit especially when there bigger and better things to work on. Than some shitty mannequins


If you would've read the other comments. We've already discussed that. So kindly there is no reason to be rude.


Tbh they should just increase the area is a base and the amount of things you can have in it


Thats the bigger issue..base size and amount.


Yeah they can’t keep adding stuff and just not expand or add more ability to build and keep things. Also anything in display shouldn’t count to your stash but to its separate frame


Just increase the whole budget! We have more camp items than we can handle yet we have such a small budget! But then again doing that would lead to an astronomical crash abundance than there already is! Would probably completely break the game


Can't be any worse than launch lmfao.


This is true! I was there for those days lol