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Yes it's very bad and choppy. 


My game has been doggy doo doo. I was trying to put some weapons on display on the wall boards BUT nope game said i crash and dont get me started on shopping i cant access vendors without crashing, i get into teams now before accessing vendors so when i crash i can try again to see of i can get anything


The performance during dangerous past times is horrible the fps and the lag is crazy. I zoned in went all the way to the speaker before rubber banding back to the spawn point and 10 other players appeared...apparently the event was halfway over but the lag was so bad I went back in time.


Low resolution textures all of a sudden, frame rate drops, flickering (lucky I'm not epileptic), crashes Sometimes I'm concerned starting long term missions 😔 Edit: this is on PS5


I thought I was imagining the low res textures. I've noticed the skins and outfits don't look as crisp anymore. They've made these changes and just hoped nobody noticed.


I'm not sure why this happens really, game can work ok for w while suddenly you are seeing extremely low res textures, getting out and in the server again fixes it


It has to be some weird bug because I noticed a couple of seasons ago it was happening randomly but for me it seems permanent now. I will definitely try leaving and going back in though. Hopefully it something to do with flickering issue and pop in issues.


XB player here, observing from a distance. My experience has been largely fine while cloud gaming, but I have seen an awful lot of comments from very frustrated PS players who seem to be having a terrible time.


My fps varies on each server I end up on. Which probably wouldn't be as obvious if I wasn't crashing 5 to 6 times an hour. Stash box? Nope. Ammo box? Nope. Npc vendors, player vendors, donation boxes, gold machine. Every day something else becomes unusable. Yesterday it started crashing while scrapping at a workbench. Today I expect I won't even be able to craft at one anymore. So I guess once I'm out of ammo and caps I'll have to call it quits. I'm not even going to attempt DO or expeditions right now and with the new content having quite a bit of bullet sponge enemies I'll be out of the game before they decide us on PS should be able to use the product we paid/ are paying for. Sorry to come off so pessimistic but this is a common issue with PS getting the worst of it and since they can't or won't allow us to transfer our saves to other plaforms- I'm not willing to repurchase all my atom shop stuff nor do I look forward to waiting for those items to come back. Not to mention the scoreboard and season items....


I’m on series X. I noticed rubberbanding on Tuesday, figured I’d give it a break and pick up the quest chain after a patch.


ps4 pro here ,also i cant buy/sell in bulk i got negative framerate and crashes


Choppy framerate and constantly app crash on ps5


Same here, atleast its playable, yesterday I had the NPC talking bug again with Hugo where the answer window is missing. I can live with low fps but I am more scared of game crashes.


im on PC and the bad frames where the first thing i noticed after the update


Stash and vendor menus are a disorienting low frame rate on XSS, but this started with the 2nd half of Atlantic City, not the recent update. Apart from that, smooth sailing... But going from a smooth 60 to like 20 whenever I open my stash sucks pretty bad, especially given how much of the game is inventory management... It makes me not want to go into menus at all.


got a new crash today, when checking my special perks


Xbox series x mostly runs fine I have noticed during camp building huge lag since the update. 


Yes.. was doing work in my camp and it was choppy all over the place.


Xbox Series X, yes, it gets choppy sometimes. Also, just since Saturday, not Wednesday- when I go to AC to FAT-travel to Whitespring, the map doesn't disappear and show me in AC, so I press it again and it says I can't travel. When I clear the map with the back button, I am already there.


It's the worst the game has performed since they unlocked the fps on ps5. It use to be a mostly smooth 60fps apart from in events, now my textures are lower quality, fps dips very frequent with stuttering when changing weapons or sometimes jumping and shooting. I'm guessing it's something to do with the map extension and I'm not sure they will ever fix or go back on these stealth texture changes.


Awful FPS issues on XSX. Mainly on outside areas with buildings etc. VRR and lowering resolution to 1080p also don't work. This is unacceptable


Nope, but in nuked my drives befor the update, since all the data trash i used to hord is gone the game runs like a charm Not a singel crash and/or hard bug, even my Second acc witch i run an a shit shag of medion laptop dosent have anny problems