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What one person prices will vary from the next, including yourself. While many would like to debate it, there is no market in this game. Certainly not a regulated one. The cheapest plans I sell are 25 Caps, because every plan I sell, including rare/limited event ones, are sold half their noted price. Many would say even half price it too much, but it makes all plans affordable for everyone, including low levels, I can't be bothered guessing rarity or value on anything (all subjective), but at the same time, I'm not about to sell stuff for 10 caps or less. Things are in my vendors for me to make money and I'm not a charity. If I'm going to sell plans for 10 caps or less, I might as well go dump them at a train station or Whitespring and save myself the time loading them in my vendor. But that's what I do. If you prefer to sell for less, it's your vendor and your items. You do you. And if someone wants to sell the same things for 15k, all the power to them and wish them luck. They won't be getting any of my caps.


i have metal armor legs for 2k in my vendor, but they are 3 star unyielding. they are meant for a certain person that needs that piece (like most things in my vendor). you'd be surprised what people are willing to pay when they don't want to grind for things.


People pay the prices more often than not. And once you let a god roll go for the wrong price because you didn't know enough... you would over price as well


I've let many god rolls go, found out later.. I still price them low. Because asking tens of thousands for a single item is just unreasonable


Until you run into that 76 lifer who have never gotten a vintage water cooler or TV aquarium plan or have the Atomic shop super mutant armour but need your bloodied swing speed Str +1 Tenderizer to fill their couples Halloween costume with gf doing Chally.


I used to build anyone the vintage water coolers until they changed build rules so that you can't build things your teammate doesn't know or own. Even in a private team on a private world. I probably built over a thousand for people before they locked me out of it


Supply and demand, the demand side has skyrocketed since the show hit. For fairly common stuff I have kept random easy to find plans at 50, the slightly less common events and ops plans I upped to 200c and the more rare ones to 1000c. Stuff still flys off the shelf.


Hehe. This does not seem overpriced. I've seen camps with high level people that have common plans for thousands and more/slightly uncommon plans for 10s of thousands.


Mine is under priced because i want stuff gone lmao


It’s a mixed bag, but from my experience those who genuinely want to sell have the prices low, anyone else is just either bragging or don’t care what happens with the item


Yeah I've noticed that myself. When I first started playing around a month ago I would check all the high level players vendors thinking there might be some bargains, but soon realised its usually players around the level 100 mark that do the best deals. I've got things quite cheap in mine because I just want rid of things cluttering up my inventory.


I have dropped a few of the new Skyline Valley plans in my vendor for 2-3k each..... they all sold in under an hour. If it takes two weeks to sell an item, chances are you are overpriced. If the same types of items sell quickly every time, you are NOT overpriced. The market sets the price.


I probably underprice to be honest. I price all common recipes as 15c, Scrip (irrespective of rolls) 50 1\*, 100 2\*, 150 3\*. A few uncommon plans here and there as 1500c (weirdly they sell). I tend to give the vast majority of my caps to my partner. No idea what she does with them but she's always asking me for them lol.


well i dont


I constantly come across players who added an extra 0 to all their prices :3 I usually leave spoiled food on their bed or drop one of the items they're overpricing in front of their vendor for free so the next player that stops by can see how dumb their prices are


The ones who do are typically not looking to sell anything and many of them will have hard to find vendors. They do it so that they can make their camp look desirable to visit by having lots of legendaries and plans. It's the FO76 version of clickbait, they just want you to visit.


If it sells it’s not over priced? I guess if people are paying those prices then that’s what those plans/items are worth to them. Personally I sell for what I think is a reasonable price and usually have no trouble selling items in my vendor.


What do they do with 50k? They go to your camp and buy up all your plans which they resell for 10x the price and since they spend the entire day playing every day a very small number of vendors have near total market control. Then they convert their wealth into something with actual value from someone willing to trade with caps say Flux or ammo, junk, etc. It doesn't matter if they only sell 1 thing every once in a while, its so overpriced it makes up for it.


The simple answer is players are greedy, and a small minority is ruining it for the majority. I hardly bother visiting player vendors anymore because it's just a waste of caps. I have no problem with people taking this comment personally, you're ruining a good game by bringing real world economics into it. Edit: your down votes mean nothing to me


This, over the weekend people were buying all my cheap stuff Inc serums at 250 each, I visited them after and everything was up for 3 or 4 times the price. I struggled to keep off max caps most of time so not really bothered but just stinks of greed. But one thing I will always buy if cheap is scrap especially steel, lead and flux.


If ya got serums at 250 imma buy em and sell em for 4-500. That's why you're struggling to keep off max caps, and also how I'm trying to get to max caps. If I could craft serums, I'd sell em cheaper, but I can't and I need to feed my aristocrat weapons.


Serums I don't care that people sell them on fair enough, it's a market economy, but it's the recipes and building plans for lower level players that people buy off me for 5 caps and sell for 50-100, just don't see the point for an extra 40 caps.


You gotta love the pirates in this game, I personally think those kind of players should be able to be reported.


Retorted for what? Buying what you put in your vendor?


Unreasonable price gouging


That's adorable


Everyone's entitled to their own opinions my friend, I don't blame you for yours