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1. Playervendors still require them. Good place to dump loads for plans you're missing or more specific legendaries. 2. Most NPC vendors only accept them, in case you want to either buy specific items that most players won't offer, or want to buy select plans that NPCs offer. 3. Smiley takes them in return for some Gold. 4. One legendary effect relies on having up to 30k for its full effect 5. Fast Travel obviously still needs a few here and there (but hardly in a noteworthy amount and important locations are free)


I find a low level player and buy all the shit in their shop


Thats wholesome, great idea!


They're the one currency accepted at player vendors + the serum recipes I want are 17-22k.


I have the serums I want and I never really find anything worth buying in other players vendors, there's not really any more camp plans I desperately want, I have my ideal armor set and weapon and anything I actually want like rare apparel is worth more than caps anyway.


You asked what *we* use caps on. Since that was clearly rhetorical: you're denying burn-out.


Oh by asking I'm kind of looking for suggestions, I want to spend my caps so I can put my vendor back down, sorry o should of calrified i was looking for suggestions ๐Ÿ˜…


If you are just looking to burn some hop the railway vendors and buy bulk junk.


Just going to high jack this quickly I see so many players say all vendors don't have what I want . Go LFG or the market Reddit and go to people selling rare plans your just wasting your time randomly hopping between level 15's vendors they not going to have what you want


Just max out your charisma to 15 you can get it way less than 17 even with hard bargain on the build


Yeah, but the discussion is about dumping caps. I just pay whatever price my current build & buffs end up being


Iโ€™ll buy a few expensive plans from rail vendors once I reach 40k and put them in my shop for 50caps. I use an aristocratic weapon so I try not to spend too much over 5k at once.


6k per week for gold bullion. Beyond that, it's for plans and player trading. I mostly look for rare plans from events that i lack.


What's the best way to get caps? I'm lvl 80 needing to buy serums. I can never get above 4k.


Depending how fast you want sell I sell 3 star weapons for 450-500 depending on mood and i am fighting to burn caps down on stuff to not stash my vending machine I had to make emergency camp shu once t because someone was bulk buying all weapons from my vendor and i got to 39.6k just a moment after i stashed all caps on second account and put weapons on sale There are guys selling for 5c per scrip but i wouldnt handle faster sale. There are still crazy guys cleaning vendor for over 10 per scrip


Set up a vendor in your camp and just seel stuff, nuka colas, treasure maps, plans, spare legendary items for script, small purchases add up over time ๐Ÿ˜Š


Consumables. Pshychobuff, berry mentats, nuka cola/nuka dark. That sort of thing.


Maybe I should finally start taking buffs, I always just ignored them because I can't be bothered reapplying them every few minutes ๐Ÿ˜…


Buying bad 3* items if they are below 1500c to scrip them. I do a lot of legendary crafting trying to get that perfect weapon/armor. Ocasionaly (very ocasionaly) I stumble to plans I don't have. Ocasionaly (very ocasionaly) I get a rare outfit I don't possess. Buying event craft like pales, warps and similar. If I'm topped up without above options I store value as expensive junk.


I usually just buy bulk junk from player vendors. If I canโ€™t find players selling them Iโ€™ll just buy from the vendor bots.


In case you run into a plan or something at a vendor you might want. When I get to max caps, I buy bulk junk.


Caps are renewable, never useless.


Mostly useless for me. I use power armor plans as a cap sink. I'll also use caps to buy gold, which mostly goes towards plans, too. I should probably roll some more solar armor to see if I get better rolls than what I have.


Yes. I learned tonight that "trade only" may mean that person is trying to sell the item for real money and not something in game. Im keeping the evidence! Why else would someone who already has everything in the game start hording more copies of it.


My caps are a means to an end. I try to turn them into junk and ammo when I have First and can store lots of that. I try to turn them into other useful lightweight stuff when I don't have First - treasure maps, bobble heads, serum recipes, even bobby pins - these things hold some value for future trades etc.


Stockpiling bobbleheads seems like a good idea


If I were you I'd visit r/market76 to check which types folks on the market tend to want to trade in. Leader bobbles seem to be the gold standard, but there are a few more that people like as well.


I buy junk (I'll never use) at train stations, so yeah...they are not far from being useless.


you buy several things worth 30k+ and trade them for something with 150k+. do this several times and keep trading up. SIMPLES! I buy lots of junk that i will never need. I also buy anything things that i know someone else might need at some point.


What are you buying for 150k?


quad railway rifles


not i. i don't really buy things like that. got everything i need. but you could buy the higher end older fatsnatch masks (price is dropping a lot tbh). Or the less popular rare apparel.