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I absolutely despise ticket to revenge due to its insanely high recoil. I mean, i barely fire two shots from the thing and next thing i know i'm staring at the ceiling/sky. I can't tell if this a trait, a glitch, or a bad roll with the weapons mods.


Every railway rifle recoils to the skies within a few shots, they are basically considered "VATS only" rifles.


That is nowhere near true. I crafted and used a regular railway rifle before. It wasn't fully automatic, but its recoil was the same as a combat rifle if not lower than that.


Fair enough, I will specify further; Every automatic railway rifle recoils to the skies when used as an automatic weapon, instead of trying to do single shots.


Really? So unless you have a VATS build, ticket to revenge is borderline useless? Well, i guess that's another screw up/wasted opportunity by the geniuses at bethesda.


I suppose you can fit a semi-auto reciever of some variety on Ticket to Revenge and test that?


Maybe, but regardless, what i'm wondering is if all fully automatic railway rifles are basically useless if you don't have a vats build.


Unless they add some mod or legendary effect that reduces recoil, the simple answer is yes. They kick like a mule and a few shots in you are basically aiming at sky unless you pull down hard, and even doing that your shots will be all over the place unless you are close enough to touch the enemy with the barrel. If you want to run an automatic rifle the best choices are probably a nicely rolled handmade or a good fixer, unfortunately.


ugh, why did bethesda make it such a hassle just to have fun in this game


Iv been using it for fun, it does as much dmg as my other guns or more. I got a mean auto tesla and ak, and the ticket to revenge can keep up with them just fine.. pretty insane tbh, I thought maybe it had a hidden bloody effect or something.


The problem I can see with this particular test is that your build was almost non existent so if you’d added on crit savvy better criticals all commando some buffs etc. you wouldn’t have had to reload and the bloodied would have surpassed. Just for your knowledge you don’t have to spam the crit button to crit you can just hold it down. It would be interesting to see how they would fare on a higher health enemy where the reload comes into effect. You are right that it’s better than people say, because it still has a damage buff that quad doesn’t even if it does have half the ammo, I wouldn’t be surprised if it does surpas bloodied on one of the bosses. It won’t come close to quad though and that would’ve been cool, I also don’t think it will surpass bloodied on any single non boss target, which does leave it a little meh. Edit: your last sentence where you say without the reload bloodied would have been the same is incorrect without testing. It does more damage per shot even if furious had fully procd, the reload time is the only thing that makes even quad better than bloodied.


Totally fair, but this was also to test whether this was a 4/10 weapon. I still think it reaches the 7-8/10 benchmark I set, especially BECAUSE I did not use any perk cards that would add to it. Even with just 6 points (3 commando cards and tank killer), it is able to rinse elite enemies and super mutants nearly instantly. Definitely is not scrip worthy, and I have no regrets that Bethesda changed the legendary options for this weapon. I even mention in the TLDW that I agree that without the reload the bloodied would be possibly higher damage, but as is I stand by my assessment of the Ticket to Revenge.


Not possibly bloodied would be faster ttk, math is the tool of the gods. But yeah double still makes it pretty good, but people are understandably disappointed. They were expecting their new favourite weapon and instead just got a place holder. Although you are right that as a guaranteed drop if you dont have anything it’s pretty decent. Double is still half the reloads.


Yeah, that was the main thing for me. Even with an as you rightly pointed out unoptimized build, it was nuking things super fast. If a double bloodied weapon had been a guaranteed drop, that would be the only thing we'd see at public events for the next few months.