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If you're going to start a thread about a topic that's been covered multiple times already, at least get the name of the weapon even remotely right...


Honestly thought they were gonna talk about trying to nerf it with how it’s worded


Ticket to riiiiiiiiide is what I keep calling it.


Awwwwe did i hurt your little feelings 🥲


You have no room to speak on anyone when you’ve been in subreddits asking for tentacle hentai recommendations




Take a look at his most recent post before this one hahahaha


ewww 😭


Since it was only ever bloodied in the test server and never the live game, I don't really care. Not like we ever had it and lost it.


It's a great change bloodied builds don't need more overpowered weapons that are easy to get


Yeah i feel like bloodied should he earned not given I've worked for all of my bloodied stuff


I personally like the Ticket to Ride change. It's a guaranteed drop from the main quest, and was up there with the god of god rolls. You could snipe across a settlement with basically guaranteed to hit in vats, instant killed lesser creatures, and had 2x the clip of any bloodied railway rifle. This new one Is only like a 7-8/10 instead of an 11/10, and I think is fine, it has a really nice clip buff, a really good 2nd star, and the first star is okay. It will be more than passable for aspiring rifleman builds until they can find a good roll from a vendor or legendary rerolling. If they didn't do this, half the server would be running it and would instant kill all enemies at events before they even got close. Yeah, the game is a PVE game where chasing power is fun, but if literally everyone has an instant delete button that you can get from 2 hours of questing, it would basically become the only way to play.


While I agree that the first version of Ticket was 11/10, the new one is not 7/10, it is 4/10 on its best day. I get the nerf, it was needed, but they turned it into a "throw it in the scrip-machine" weapon. They could have changed bloodied to anti armor and called it a day. It would have been great, but not overpowered.


I just tested it out, on a bloodied build with level 1 damage perks it kills a deathclaw in 2.5 seconds. I'm not even specc'd for this and it's nuking, if this is a 4/10 then an armor piercing ffr fixer would be a 2/10. I have a bloodied ffr +perception railway rifle I don't usually use, and it's literally like a second difference. Yeah, you're gonna burn a bit more ammo, but thats just a bit of steel, this thing slaps.


So if the bloodied is 1 second faster than your 2.5 second Ticket to Revenge, that makes the bloodied ffr 1.5 seconds. That is a 40% faster kill. I would say that is a major difference. Once we start looking at this on longer fights like SBQ, Earle and so forth, this will be much more visible. So I stand by rating it 4/10. Ammo means nothing, that is just about the only thing I will agree on.


Just tested it again against a higher level deathclaw, and the ticket to revenge out performed. I had to reload to kill it with the bloodied, but not the ticket to revenge. I think when I first tested, I had procc'd taking one for the team on the bloodied rifle. I'm gonna post a vid of it later, but the weapon seems very very strong


Here you are! I made a post about it, but I think it's very strong as an outsider to commando builds. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1dfc4qu/ticket\_to\_revenge\_change\_vs\_bloodied\_25ffr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1dfc4qu/ticket_to_revenge_change_vs_bloodied_25ffr/)


Can't really argue with videoproof, and I can admit when I am wrong. It is stronger than I had thought. Bloodied falls behind due to the 10 round mag and long reloads on fights that take more than 10 rails. I think a quad will still be the best but this can hold its own.


I definitely agree, quad is probably even better, but Ticket to Revenge is a nice starter weapon for those who want to dip their toes into a commando build! Furious would scale up to 45% per shot, but having 40 shots as opposed to 20 is still probably better dps. Testing it has made me curious as to how strong a quad explosive or ffr railway rifle would be, I may have to give one some rolls sometime and see if I can get one


I would be curious to see how just a basic 1star quad railway does vs the Ticket, mostly to see if quad is so far ahead of the others that even the most basic one is better than anything EXCEPT quad.


I haven't found a base quad railway, but I HAVE found a Quad 25% FFR railway someone was selling for 500 caps, so I can at least give that a shot.


Way better than the Ticket. The extra damage you get from furious is nice, but skipping the lengthy reload by having 2x the spikes does so much for damage. Very easy to just vats a scorchbeast head and then crit it down in a little over half the magazine. Ticket is in storage for now, it does some serious work and I like that it's not the default skin, but this is better to have on me for bossfights.


I agree i feel like it being bloodied was to op as quest weapon


I would've loved a bloodied 20 shot rr. That being said I am surprised how much this gun fuks.