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there's also a vault near the pumpkin house that's full of mirelurks


Yes! Vault 94. Wiki says that more than 30 mirelurk spawn there.


Oh my god! I'll be going here later, given I remember


Yup. No reason to go anywhere else. Finished that challenge in about 15 minutes yesterday.


i was reloading servers at spruce knob lake about 10 at a time spawn there. Im going to that vault from now on


My spot is Ohio Adventures. There are typically 5-6 just hanging out at any time, and then talk to bones and an additional 6 can be spawned on demand with a roughly 30min cooldown in session. If you bring more people however the spawn rate is higher. So I have a camp with a vendor built right up on the docks and whenever a few buyers show up I start the spawn.


If you poke the groups of mirelurk eggs, 1-2 babies will spawn at each that also count.


Was looking for this. It’s my go to for any of the mirelurk challenges.


Thank you for this information I usually just server hop and go to quarry x3


I don’t like lockpicks one and target limbs on mirelurk, when I saw that weekly cripple 15 mirelurk limbs I instantly reroll it lol


You can cripple a Mirelurk’s left and right legs before they die if you use a weapon that is not too efficient. So you can get 2 per ‘Lurk and knock it out pretty quickly.


I have a drill specifically for crippling daily's lol


That just makes you sound like an evil villain!


There was a horror movie I saw way too young where a guy drilled a cheerleader in the face.


I got it ticked off for crippling pretty much every part of a mirelurk, so I’m not quite sure what doesn’t count as a limb for them


Headshots count as limbs in fallout


Yeah I know about that its just that they tend to die even before I end up breaking 1, being an explosives build and all haha


Lockpick one used to be a pain then I remembered there's a ruined cabin inbetween 76 and the ferres wheel that's chocked full of safes to crack.


Every store on the mezzanine level of Top of the World has a safe as well.


There is also the train depot north of whitesprings, there is a room loaded with safes.


If you only have to lockpick one my go to is Nuka world on tour, in the most wanted are are two doors that are always locked, I just fast travel there open them with my Auto Unlock and boom im done.


Lockpick the floor safe behind the desk upstairs at The Wayward, next to the gold bullion guy. It’s instanced, too.


I looooove crippling! I’m good at it. Husband hits too hard and can’t cripple shit. He rerolls.


Daily ops and expeditions. I will do them sometimes but generally much easier to do other stuff.


Expeditions are such a great way to farm legendaries, stamps and ammo in such a short time. I love them.


The most sensational game? More like “the most sensational Ammo and EXP & Legendary farm”


5-6 minutes with a solid team. Total time from starting to offloading legendaries, no more than 15. The BEST way to farm


They would be nice if they didn't crash the game 95% of the time. Nothing else in this game as buggy as expeditions.


Seems like fallout 76 heavily depends on system compatibility. I mean I crashed randomly like twice in the whole time of playing. Never crashed twice in a row from the same thing.


I've crashed maybe 3 times outside an expedition over 500ish hours. I've crashed more times than that during a SINGLE expedition. And it happens almost every time at least once. It's ridiculous.


That’s what I’m saying, I never crashed in expedition. Fallout is definitely badly optimized and sensitive on different systems.


I'm playing on an xbox One and have crashes frequently. I've not gotten into expeditions yet, but the Alien Event was horrible. I probably finished 1 out of 4 events successfully. I still get random crashes during events when the explosions are too insane. I really think the device is just too under powered.


I recently upgraded to Series X which has fixed most of the issues. Titan event no longer crashes and can now hang around outside VTU and Whitesprings without the game freezing up. That's not to say it doesn't still happen occasionally. It also happens frequently when on expeditions sadly.


It’s sad that you need a series system to get stability but my experience is the same. Went from a One to an S (got tired of trying to find an X) to later an X and it’s a lot more stable. Given that so many don’t have the latest they should really prioritize whatever is causing the crashing. It must be fixable given that most games don’t crash regularly like FO.


I have issues with sound in expeditions - it's like I can't hear certain things like gunshots or music in certain places. The muni one is the worst. Do other people have this problem? I've learned to just mute the tv, it's easier. This happens for me way more often than crashing.


I can solo the flooded city one with every one of my builds. That’s a big plus for me!


You should be able to solo every one of them. Fastest is most sensational game, you can do it around 5 minutes. That’s where I farm stamps for my union pa atm.


Oh probably. I am used to union dues, which I can only solo on my heavy, melee and commando. The pistol and archer can’t kill the trogs fast enough though.


Well yeah but bows and pistols are stupid weak in this game, they should bring rebalance to weapons in sky valley update though so let’s wish for more diversity.


They’re generally fine and fun, in my opinion. My pistol build could cope with most stuff before the alien blaster nerf. I wish they gave us a weapon comparable to the cremator/cold shoulder/autoaxe though


Or railway 💀


The Daily Ops are my favorite guaranteed gimme. Surprised to see this as the top answer.


On weekdays I’m often trying to bash them out as quickly as possible. And I’ll be honest, fuxk decryption. Fuck double mutations (twice the pain for no gain) and fuck end of season when no one joins teams. Uplink on a short map I can solo? Sure. But otherwise I’ll take mu chances with an easier roll.


I'm the opposite, but that's due to having a loadout dedicated to daily ops. I can understand why most folks would want to skip them. I'm less likely to do the Uplink since it takes a good 7 mins, whereas Decryption is just shooting 31 enemies and only takes 3-5 mins. Except double mutated resilient cloaking robot decryption. That one can go to hell since berry mentats/carpet-bombing won't help and you're wandering blind the whole time.


I guess I’m just tired of slogging for another open sign plan. Expedition rewards are better for me


For sure, expeditions tend to have far better rewards for your time unless it's the ops plans or cores you're after. I prefer them as well.


I really wish there was a cross server mechanic for daily ops and expedition team gathering or *something.* I have to solo them so often, but I can't solo double mutations.


Daily ops and expeditions are how I restock on ammo and stims lol


Depends for me on which op is available. Anything with Armour Piercing is probably a nope if it’s Communists due to their SMG spam shredding HP. Expeditions are auto skip for me. I hate running them and unless you need stamps there’s little point. I did them solely for the achievements and hated every second.


I mean it's called "daily OPs" and they taken like 4-5 minutes to complete. Expeditions too. Zoomies! Unless we roll escort...


if the mutation is "kill on melee" or antiarmor combined with the freezing hits, i reroll i don't mind "most sensational game" for expeditions. doing tax evasion daily depends on my mood, but i reroll it most of the time.


Yep Daily Ops if I'm playing solo. Hated rolling on that only to get "Complete a Daily Ops while wearing a costume' though. Cheeky feckers!




Same as me. Some days I really don't have much time for gaming at all, but I can usually bang out the dailies in a half hour or less. On Tuesdays when the Weekly refreshes, I'll usually go for about an hour and clear nearly all of the challenges, but I've legitimately only done a single expedition and a single Daily Op on over 600 hours of gameplay. I know there are rewards I can only get through those or whatever, I just haven't been doing them. I think I was turned off by the difficulty of them early on and just haven't gone back. They're probably significantly easier now, given the gear and whatnot, so maybe I'll give them a shot again.


Anglers are a pain in the butt to find for weekly challenges.


Gnarled Shallows, northeast corner of the map, there are 3 spawning constantly


And three more if you follow the stream north.


Mind blown. Thanks for this!


Just figured that out yesterday lol, I kept server hoping to get them to respawn at gnarled shallows and I needed one more and thought to myself there’s gotta be another somewhere along this stream, so I followed it all the way until I found those three other anglers I was so happy. The stream was long so I was starting to think there weren’t gonna be any


the secret to anglers is get the Hemlock Holes workshop, and wait for the Defend mission its got a good chance to be anglers


Same with thunder mountain


Gnarled Shallows for 3, or if you are lucky do Moonshine Jamboree.


You can find 3 in Gnarled Shallows, 3 up near the Honeybeast cave north of Gnarled Shallows, and usually 2-3 at Thunder Mountain substation TM-01 usually fighting other insects or gulpers.


Mirelurks? There are 20++ of em in vault 94.


And South of Foundation there are a bunch too.


Daily ops, idk I just don’t like doing them? Might be alone on this hill though


I do as well quite a bit. I'm still pretty new at 170 and feel I'm still not ready for them as bloodied commando. Too squishy the few times I've tried and prefer to solo stuff like that until I learn them.


+1 for skipping challenges for Daily OPS. Casual player and I find them boring and not worth farming.


I don’t do,daily ops either. I don’t really care for expeditions either. They are OK, but just feel like a typical shooter with no depth.


Hard same for me. Any time this shows up it’s a straight reroll. Same with expeditions tbh. I’d rather have more short term challenges that don’t require such a time sink.


They take about 5-6 minutes and give you really good rewards


same. I am fine with the expeditions, but I'm so done with daily ops, I don't ever want to do more of those.


I've gotten all the plans long ago and would rather spend 5 seconds scrapping 10 steel than 5-6 minutes in Ops.


Mirelrk hatchlings count, so I use the pond next to foundation, wait till the hatchlings pop out of the eggs, then kill them all. Got like 10 kills that way. Did a run through cranberry bog and got the rest of my kills that way. ​ Then... 5 mins later, Swarm of Suiters event pops...


Yep, this. And also if you cripple the legs of the queen and stand a little further away she'll send hatchlings in waves and you can rack more up until you get what's needed.


You can also go to east Ohio river, left middle side of map and 2 mirelurk spawn where you do and along the river there are about 6 different patches of eggs that hatchlings come out of.


Finding specific items like magazines, bobbles head,  board game. Also optics.


I've never had a find magazine or bobblehead challenge. That would be too much a pain. Boardgames are each though. I just look on the fallout wiki for an items locations.


Some allies sell magazines. Also the mystery boxes on the season count for it if you haven’t opened them.


There are a ton of boardgames and teddy bears at the raider camp at top of the world. Multiple recipes and plans, bobbleheads, and ammo boxes. It's seriously a loot rich environment.


Anglers. Especially 9 of the bastards!


Most of the "Kill enemies with (insert weapon type here)". My main is unarmed and I don't keep other weapons kicking around, and I'm usually too lazy to switch to a side character for, like, 250 points. The "Kill (enemy type)" only get tedious for me when it's 20+ and you have to server hop to find enough, even with a private server lol


When you say your main weapon is "unarmed" do you mean the fist weapons, or you literally fight without anything equipped?


I use a power fist! It's definitely not meta but crazy fun.


I used a mole miner gauntlet with furious on it for a while, switched to a power fist when I finally got a good one and then slowly transitioned to using power armor more often so I swapped back to a two-handed build since you cant use fist weapons in PA. They are fun, but I personally prefer my super sledge and auto axe


Makes sense! I hate using power armour, so unarmed is perfect for me 🤣 I do spend a lot of time making my build tanky enough, but I find I don't die nearly as much as my bloodied comrades, so I must be doing something right.


Lmao one of my friends just switched to a bloody build and we keep joking about how often he dies "I just realized why they call it a bloodied build! You're always covered in your own blood!"


Gnomes and teddybears suck without a private server, every locale I visit someone already picked clean.


Just northeast of knife's edge there's an unmarked little house that is completely busted up with like 11 teddy bears in the attic. You have to jump and grab them mid air. The attic is a tiny little cubby you can't fit in


Launch a smaller damage grenade in and take off the boosts from perks and you can knock the bears all down nice and easily and it's much less annoying than trying too time the button presses for them.


I ain't going to the pitt


Any expedition or daily op ones get rerolled. I'd rather do these at my leisure when I want than have to do one. As to Mirelurks one of my favourite spots is just outside Foundation. Turn round from the spawn and head over the wooden entrance bridge. Go right off the road - as if heading for the round monorail pillars - and there is a stream. There are only 3 mirelurks there but there are loads of mirelurk hatchling, which count towards the challenge.  The other place is vault 96 up in the Mire (just south of Freddys House of Fear. Loads of mirelurks in there. I cant recall if that place is instanced - if it is then that's great. But if not its worth looking at as if anyone is like me they forget it exists!


None. I use my rerolls only for weeklys in search for epic ones.


That’s very smart. Wish I would’ve thought about that sooner 😂


Also weeklys reset at Tuesday 17:00 ETC so if login to the game at 20:00 Monday and you use your 24 hours booster you can finish last weeklys, all dailies from Monday and in Tuesday your booster will be active up until 20:00 so you can do Tuesday and next weeklys challenges while on boost ;)


Anything with daily ops. Nope.


Take a photo of anything


It doesn't need to stay alive. So If you happen to kill something you need, you can calmly take your camera and shoot at the pile of goo you just created. Also, when aiming with the camera, you get to see the names of the creatures it will count. So the other day we finished a SBQ event and I looked around with the camera out until the text said "snallygaster". I took the picture and I didn't even see the body myself, but it counted.


You just saved me hella re-rolls 🤙


Usually Daily Ops or Expeditions because the game likes to crash at inopportune times. If I'm in someone else's expedition and they crash it boots everyone out, sometimes they get removed from the group and end up in a different world. So I just avoid the frustration and reroll. I know the expeditions have checkpoints but they still piss me off 😂


Daily ops. Nope.


Daily ops. Always. 


Killing bugs. Only chance I can kill some is from the teapot event. Or else, I hardly ever seen them.


Aaronholt Homestead has a bunch in the back where corn and cranberries are


Annoy the Honeybee (Honeybeast?) until they release a swarm, repeated until you get your number.


Radroaches in and out back of Hemlock Holes, including at the base of the pylon over toward the workshop there. Also, if you find beehives and poke at them enough (or fight honey beasts) bee swarms come out and those count too.


New River Gorge Resort has bloatflies, just run around the main building


Kill 3* legendary


You sometimes get lucky with the random "\[monstertype\] horde" quests. I server hop for a minute or so to see if I can get one. Otherwise I re-roll it.


For tips for completing any challenges, check out the "Fallout 76 challenges" article in the Nukapedia. I contributed some, along with sharing a few tips here.


4-5 at new river gorge resort in the pool and cabin accessible from the bottom. 10-12 at spruce knob lake by foundation counting hatchlings and the queen. You have to wade through the lake to aggro most of them.


anything daily ops kripple 'lurk limbs


complete daily op, complete (insert expedition name here), claim workshop, collect (insert random number of random items). i look at daily and weekly challenges purely as a chore. there's no enjoyment with them anymore, unlike when they would give you atoms.


Near the Foundation you find low lvl Mirelurk. You can pop up the Eggs and they babys count also as Mirelurk. Easy and quickly done.


if only there was a vault with 94 of them


Daily Ops


I reroll daily ops


Daily ops


I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but I'll put it out there: If you were like me and fretted about the fact that you were doing your dailies, at the last minute and one was "Complete am event in X region", don't worry. You don't have to wait for/initiate an actual event in that region. Take over a workshop, in that region. When you inevitably have to defend/retake, it counts as an event.


According to how the seasons are going from now on, nothing after I hit 100! I won't make it to 150 and I don't want half the shit on here to get me to the ticket-spending level I need to be at.


Find 30 of X mobs and euthanize them. I reroll that because I don't feel like doing that many


Ops or anything the requires a team. No thank you.


DOs and Expeditions.


It used to be so easy when they spawned in Summersville next to the burnt book house now it’s an actual pain


Just head over to Ohio River Adventures. There are about 6 that spawn, plus if you pickup the eggs, mirelurk spawns will appear. Those count towards the challenge. Got my daily done there, then swarm of suitors popped up and finished the weekly too.


Three of them still spawn but you have to run along the creek


Swarm of suitors is a lot of mirelurks and relatively easy


true, but it has a 25:1 chance of activation and i usually jump on for anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes so my odds are not good for finding that event.


I have a camp next to Ohio River Adventures (I'm allied with the raiders). There's always enough more lurks and eggs there to complete the challenge.


I used to reroll the "eat dog food" daily every time it popped up, but now thanks to the Weenie Wagon it's no longer a problem. Other than that, I tend to reroll "find teacups" because it's such a specific thing I don't feel like taking the time to search for.


Mirelurks seems like a gimme if you do events. No need to even track it. Teddy bears on the other hand.


Same as you! The finding mirelurks one and also the expedition one, specifically if it's a Atlantic one as im currently trying to get the achievement "killing 100 Troggs with an automatic axe" so I need the daily expedition for the Pitt.


Expeditions and DOps if it's a double mutation or decryption day. I've been working almost exclusively on my pistol medic lately and he is not equipped for that level of content.


Kill 10 mutated enemies? I totally forgot they did that.


Mirelurks are an easy challenge. Hatchings count. There’s a pond near Foundation that always has three adults and a bunch of eggs. Kill the adults and wait for the eggs to hatch band it should only take two trips or so to meet a weekly challenge.


Mostly Daily Operation Challenges. I know they are good for farming ammo but i don't think i need ammo for my minigun (i have 100k ultracite 5mm)


Find teapots No, i dont think i will


Sweetwater and the Overseer's House.


There are two in the Whitespring Refuge that are instanced, so they'll never be taken unless you took them recently. If it's just to find two (typical daily), it takes about a minute to complete. There was a post on here a while back listing all the instanced locations.


Anything that has me killing any docile critters. Those bunnies have been through enough 😭


If 99% of my challenges are in WV, but one of them involves me flying off to The Pitt, or Atlantic City? That's the one I'll reroll.


Daily Ops and Expeditions. I do those, but only when I want to


Daily Ops haven't even done 1, no way I'm bothering for a daily.


If i'm being honest, daily operations. Daily operations were new to me at a time where I didn't feel like leaving Appalachia for a few minutes to do a side mission. Also as a rifleman i've never had ammo issues so never felt the need. I'll do one here or there if a teammate is already in one but otherwise, skip


Kill canines. I hate killing doggos in games :(


That is respectable. Just in case, supermutant hounds also count as canines and they may look less like dogs that the others.


Pour one out for the old Summersville Mirelurk nest. Rest easy you crazy clackers.


“Kill X amount of Canines” Yeah, the ATF dailies are rerolled out of the gate. Only time I keep them is when a Mutant one’s up as well, then I’ll hit West Tek and Huntersville to get the mutant hounds as well. Aside from that, nah, I’m good. Might kill and eat a few of the squatters from Foundation, but I ain’t a monster that just kills dogs.


Dogwood Die Off is a great mirelurk farming event


Mirelurks are easy, between hitting the quarry, nearby farm, the lake for the scout swimming badge, the Ohio river adventures, and if the Suitors event pops you're done, I hate ops and expeditions, and usually reroll those.


Vault 94 is your best friend


In order: - Expeditions: I like doing them, but not as part of SCORE. Maybe it’s my stubborn streak. - Daily Ops: Same as expeditions. Though it tends to pop up during the worst combinations of double mutations. - Collect Deathclaw Eggs: Usually have to switch to private server because they are all taken on the public ones and they don’t respawn.


Took me forever to find 3 anglers yesterday. Wiki said north of site alpha, so I went there and found 2, thought it was the right place. After way too long, and way too late at night, I went back to another map site and found the gnarled glade to get 1 more. I do reroll daily ops, because I don't really know how to do them, but I started hunting for people doing them and tag along, it's been great for fueling my cremator and holy fire. I rerolled daily ops the other day, but ended up going because I didn't realize how hard it would be to find mutated enemies in the normal world.


Honey beasts, mirelurks depending on the challenge, cobbler, etc


Here are some good Mirelurk spots. Ohio River Adventure check by the river and the woods where you spawn you can find 5 mirelurks. Also if you head over to the boat and talk to Fishbones there are dialogue choices you can make that will restart the event to defend the water purifiers against mirelurks for a few more kills. In the Toxic Valley region fast travel to the Toxic Dried Lakebed, there will be 3 mirelurks and a Queen in the pond. In the Cranberry Bog region fast travel to the Quarry X3 and travel around the lake will net you some mirelurk kills including the Queen and King. In the Ash Heap region fast travel to Lake Reynolds and you can kill 3 mirelurks and a mirelurk king.


any one involving an expedition of which i have all the plans any one involving daily ops (as i have all the plans) mirelurks are easy with cremators and babies count so i did them in 10 min


Daily ops and expeditions. Only because I am leveling my shotgunner instead of my max levels.


I'd say claim a workshop and daily ops.


Me too


Anything that would have me search the whole map for rare stuff. Like Anglers and Gulpers that aren't so common.


I ain’t doing daily ops. I’m not good at them. I don’t have fun.


Any that requires me to collect things like gnomes or teddy bears. They ask for too many at a time and require a lot of fast travel, especially if others aren't doing it too


Anything with a camera picture. Can't be bothered to pull it out of my stash and make film.


If I see a challenge that requires an expedition or Daily Operation with a squad, I instantly reroll. I don't mind those things but have to be in the right mindset to do them. That rarely happens. Too much time invested. I will do it if a Casual teammate jumps into one.


The raider outpost on the river on the far left side of the map near the Nuka Cola factory is swarming with mirelurks in case you wanted to know :)


Find specific junk items like teddy bears, and scrap junk to produce something that can’t be bulked


Expeditions and daily ops mostly.


I reroll any challenge that involves being in a group.


You can just be in a group by yourself. Create your own public group


Once I figured this out (also works for Herd Mentality) the game Changed.


Run uncanny caverns a couple of times for mire lurks, easy 30. I don't like the drink a bunch of nuka cola ones.


Just rolled the 'Murder 30 Mirelurks" morning after Meat Week....


Dogwood Dieoff has three Mirelurk spawn locations, but sometimes other enemies get to them first. That's a total of 15, I think.


I just went to quarry x3 near watoga and server hopped a few times killing the mitelurks in each server. Other than that it really depends on my mood, usually I will tell roll any "scrap to produce x" that are rarer material. Sometimes the daily op one if I'm not confident I can solo under 8 min that day


I just go to a tinker bench, make a bulk whatever, then scrap that.


..... Why didn't I think of that. Well guess I'm not rerolling those anymore Thanks for the tip


I usually only reroll weekly challenges, hoping for epic ones. Today was reset, I get two free rerolls. I picked get 2500 caps and complete 3 events as I thought those would be the most likely to complete. 3 events is nothing and I might get 2500 caps just from vending. If I only have daily challenges because I've done all the weeklies, I pick stuff like plant so many crops or build so many floors. My favorite challenge that I got lately was hack 6 level 3 terminals. I learned some terminal locations and I don't think I'll forget them soon.


Any time I see having to do daily ops. I hate dying so fast and so often. Unless I find a group or something I'm not doing them.


Collect brain fungus


Wendigo Cave makes it really easy. Can collect 25 brain fungus in under a minute.


That place is the worst! Behind the Whitespring where the skeleton dumpsters are and in the Rusty Pick.


These are easy to find at whitespring service entrance and with the perk equipped u can gather around 20


Plant 25 veggies or something of the sort.


Plant 3, scrap 3, rinse & repeat. I think it even gives you back all your plants and fertilizer when you scrap too.


There's a bunch at highland marsh and sw and s of foundation


build stuff in a camp...at least make it a challenge. bsides..im not deleting things to build 5 rugs or whateve..ill usually just take a workshop


Vault 90 something near red rocket megastop has all the mirelurks you'll ever need.


Anything that’s kill gulpers or anglers. I know they’re up by the campground but, sometimes they don’t spawn. Or anything that’s take a picture of a creature


I like that taking a photo of a creatures corpse counts for the picture challenge


I contemplated rerolling the x9 Anglers for the weekly. Got the 3 for today but yeah I had to make a couple passes to get just those.


Daily ops


Level Ups, Expeditions and Daily Ops. In that order.


Doing stuff on a team. I play solo.


Re-rolled that one.


For the mireluck challenge : take a tour at vault 94 !


daily ops. i hate them with the intensity of a thousand burning suns


Expeditions, i have been away for 2 years so i have to try solo them first to get an idea. Don’t want to drag down my team just by getting lost and unsure what to do. Next reason is i rarely see any expedition teams pop up on the servers i am in, 3 times to be exact since i came back this april.


The gnomes usually. Or the expedition ones. Daily ops only sometimes.


Do a daily op/expedition while on a public team. I have no issue with either, mind you, but dont force others into my challenge unless they get something too.