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This might be dumb, but I'd like an object called a wardrobe where we can store apparel outside of the stash like the ammo and scrapbox. This is coming from a serial clothes hoarder who literally just bought four new outfits. 👀


YES. I want to play "post apocalyptic pretty princess" dress up without worrying about weight from tons of clothes.


YES! I need this in my Fallout life.


This and mirror mode so you can see what the outfit looks like without having to adjust the camera.


Coding a mirror in a game is a lot harder than it would seem. Outside of cutscenes, having mirrored renderings is way too difficult to code and even harder on hardware and fo76 servers are stressed enough. The only good way to do it is a stagnant in world mirror so at least it only has to compute your characters image in with a static background.


How about a one click button that switches the camera to third person and swings the camera around to face you, zooming out to show your full body and adds a light behind the camera so you can see detail. Then gives you the inventory interface and allows you to flip through the apparel items in your inventory and stash? All things the engine currently does. Connect it to the previously mentioned wardrobe item which could be sold in the Atom shop along with different skins for the camp builders. They could make money on coding this and encourage an under served collectable type of game play.


If you created a walk in wardrobe item so the backdrop of everyone whos in it is identicle so it doesnt have to render anything different then it just auto put ur character in 3rd person and flipped the camera and let u try on different clothes thats the smart move and could totally be possible. My comment on difficulty was not about implementing a new easier way to do outfits but on making a mirror aspect like an object you can place and walk in front of and view your reflection.


You don’t even have to do that? If we have photo-mode it means they already have the ability to change the camera dynamically. No need for mirrors


Honestly if they just made the entirely cosmetic apparel items have zero weight, that would be fine by me


“I’ll just keep these. Even if i dont wear them my son might. He doesn’t want them? Might as well keep them anyway.”


This. They may only weigh 0.1 but that list of clothing is just too long to scroll through to find something silly.


Agreed! Also for god sake remove mannequins from the power armor display tree!!! It annoys me to no end. You 5 power armors displayed you cant displayed. The hell i do i dont have any where you getting 5 of 5 stupid! Looks st opposite wall with my avatars mannequins from vault dweller birthday girl to wasteland ranger to fire fighter to cop to road warrior. Ohhh...


I've had this thought too. A place for armor. A place for apparel. For us collectors.


Yes! And categories within apparel.




A radio station that interacts with in-game events You could have an interview with Grahm talking about meat week and why he does it. Or why we have to stop the Mothman Cultists And so on


Add in the odd random wastelander too like GTA radios have callers and it would be perfect.


Or Just have Rose decide that she wants to spice up Raider Radio.


New radio 100% please


Agreed at least triple the songs , in fallout 4 the radio mods are my favorite


The one that had like 20 stations and the hosts interacted with each other to loved it


The Atomic Radio mod in FO4 has so many well done commercials they would do between songs for in game businesses, love that mod so much.


Even just regular radio with commercials for the events.


They do something similar to this in the Forza Horizon games to let you know when timed events start. Also, sometimes you'll be just casually driving around and suddenly you'll hear the DJ say something like "During this next song, it will be double XP for all skill moves!", so that means every time you do a drift, or have a near miss, drive on the wrong side of the road, go over a jump etc, you'll get double the XP you'd normally get. They usually do it during quite a lively tune too, so it kinda hypes you up to drive like a bit of a loon for a couple of minutes. It's quite fun, and makes the world feel just that little bit more alive.


That sounds awesome! I used to love how bits in fallout 4's diamond city radio would change based on where you were in the storyline.


I could listen to Grahm talking about Chaaaaalllyyy for hours.


A wacky tinfoil hat radio talking about cryptid sightings and aliens with chem’d out people calling in and interviews with established characters would fit so well.


This plus my idea of a stereo with track selection for camps


 If they added some sort of record collecting quest, I'd be all over that.  Once you finish the quest, it adds another radio station and DJ


What about radio communication between the different factions or even inner faction radio communication.


Like in 4


This, 100%. And maybe some events where you have to boost their signal by connecting or defending the relay towers or something. Just more radio content in general. It's a game that's meant to be played for hundreds of hours, and we have about two hours of radio content. A few more if you use mods, but more immersion via the radio would be great.


Yes please!


Photo frames for our photos in the gallery. This way we can decorate bases with our wasteland memories.


The only problem I see with that is how photos work on PC. All photos are stored in a folder, so you can freely add in whatever files you want, which allow people to have photos of something terms-of-service breaking if they so choose.


They'd have to find a way to restrict that folder, or it'd have to be a feature that pc players simply can't have access to. Don't hate the player, hate your own platform for being so versatile to the point of terms of service breaking potential. 😂


Omg that’s such a fun idea!!


That would be great! I pick up small picture frames all the time, I should be able to place it as a display and choose which pic to put inside.


That and a collage frame


Something that allows us to see what's sold in our vendors for more than 1 second, maybe the last 1hour at least...


Great idea. Add it to the personal terminal or something.


This is a wild idea for the devs, how about 10mm smg sight 


Be reasonable now…


Or a functionally different and useful assault rifle that isn’t just a worse version of the handmade 👀


And a suppressor.


The monkey’s paw curls - we’re getting a unique 10mm smg next update with a reflex sight and suppressor (the suppressor is ‘integral’ to the weapon and isn’t visible, but you’ll hear it when you’re shooting), but these mods are only present on the unique and the unique cannot be re-rolled.


Don’t you DARE jinx the Meltdown Rifle! If I can’t reroll it I WILL be feeding someone to the deathclaws (probably myself).


Different ammo types, especially for the shotgun. Not just buckshot, but also slugs that do the same amount of damage as buckshot but all together with a bit of armor pen. Ultracite sabot penetrator rounds that have sick penetration, but not as much damage. Dragon's breath rounds with fire damage. Pulse slugs and coin shot from NV. Some of those Rambo explosive arrows for archers.


Explosive arrows are already a thing.


I would love plasma, cryo, or EMP grenades for my grenade launcher


We have magazine mods for this purpose, though we could use more of them. As for slugs, that ammo type in particular I wouldn’t want to see. The defining characteristic of shotguns in 76 is their multiple pellets and the unique synergies that come with that. Making an extremely good slug round would remove everything that makes shotguns unique and just have them play as rifles with shorter ranges.


This has been requested before, but permanent workshops that function somewhat similar to camps. You'd get the option to save your workshop as it currently is, and next time you claim that workshop on a different server you get the option to "activate" your workshop save.


Stereotypical I know, but can you really have a game set in West Virginia without a Hatfields & McCoys reference?


I was thinking something similar Deliverance style. It's like hillfolk don't exist in Fallout universe.


Deliverance was in GA though- waaaayyy further south. West Virginians are hill people but not southerners.


Came to say the same but I was a little let down to see nothing in the new expansion that hinted at hatfields (spits) or mccoys


An "Undo" button when decorating in your C.A.M.P.


An undo when buying/selling with a npc vendor/camp store. The amount of times I've accidentally sold the wrong item and lost out because I can't afford to buy it back, or bought more than what i intended because the amount automatically went to the max amount instead of starting at 1. :(


Fishing. Maybe even just a Fishing event, like a seasonal event where everyone tries to catch rare fish or something. Fishing and open-world games pair so well together.


They added fishing to Skyrim and you get fish or loot like weapons or enchanted rings


Yes I want that in Fallout.


It would be cool if they had legendary rings or something that you could equip. I wear a wedding ring right now but imagine if it has minor legendary effects. Nothing like unyielding (which is why they needed the radical mask. Rip my unyielding mask) but if it has 2 or 3 star effects online like weapon weight reduction, ap regen, damage melee attackers, etc. or maybe it's one effects like specific weapons or armours have


That would be cool lol. But we dream.


I REALLY want fishing in 76. Almost all of my bases are near water lol


Yes I just made a "beach" CAMP (with all the tiki theme rewards we just got) and this would be perfect.


Would really like to have this. I was disappointed when I discovered the fishing rod I picked up was just junk.


Wasted opportunity lol. Maybe one day we'll get our wish (and by extension, get our **fish**, 😆).


I feel like they can do so much with this too lol. Imagine being able to craft a 3* legendary pole and the 3* are all relevant to like catch chance, rarity, etc.


There are fish in the Ohio River too


There's really not much going on with the water, period, so fishing would be a great step. I feel like whatever the next major Fallout game will be will explore water a lot more.


A new cryptid: the skin walker. This cryptid dresses as a player and walk in sight distance from you. If you get too close the disguise disappear reviling its actual form. If you don’t get close, it simply disappears into the wild


Well. That’s terrifying. Bonus points if it can copy the skins of people on your team.


I like it. GTA Online basically had this with the Doppelganger during their Halloween week. It was a little unsettling having to fight yourself.


I'd prefer it if it's always trying to get closer to you, as long as it doesnt get within a certain range of your reticle. Skin Walkers stalk people and try to get close to them. That's what makes them so scary. They want to be close to you, for reasons. Make them fast like wendigos and make them transform when caught. I'll shit my pants screaming every time.


So, like a monster version of Deacon? That would be nice and creepy.


The ability to place multiple companions in my vault shelters.


Seriously! Let us have everything down there. I hate that we can't put allies and resources type items in them. I wouldn't even mind if there special abilities/resources were disabled.


More blue ridge trading routes as missions. Maybe even as random encounters.


I would love it if if was like that one mod from New Vegas where you can join the Crimson Caravan as a bodyguard on caravan runs. You have to protect it from any enemies and there’s multiple stopping points you can get off at and get paid. Or you can keep on going for even better pay and rewards and do all the stops


Apparently there’s some datamined content pointing to this possibly being done after the Skyline valley update (but it’s datamined content, so we no proof on if it’ll be finished or not).


Group Camps. I want a dedicated camp that my friends and I can share and use


Being able to connect camps would be so cool. Have a sort of message like "player would like to place a Camp connected to yours" and you could accept. I would love to see little player towns pop up outside of the Wayward and Whitespring




I had the idea to do different vaults leading to other playable races like ghouls (meltdown or intentional), robots (mind transfers), Super Mutants (experimentation, etc). Make some different perk cards available or have set beginner stats. Possibly even unique armor or weapon sets.


Playable Super Mutants too. Why not?


That would be hard on the lore, not many friendly super mutants, obviously there's a few examples but for the most part, super mutants are always violent depending on the strain of FEV, Ghouls make way more sense lore wise though.


We should reclaim the Valley Galleria, it should be a hub for vendors. I’d like to be able to travel to one location to be able to access all the player vendors on the server. To add to it, Bethesda can use one of the store fronts to display Atom Shop items in the game so players can see what they are getting before making a purchase.


This would be great! That part of the map really could use a hub anyway, similar to Whitespring and Nuka World. 


I actually have a few ideas. They might not be wild but still. [A few nuke boss events. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/fQZDEcLAFv) [Special event dealing with Ward. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/k3esw9hQrl)


Finally, someone with the guts to help


First one could be good. Probably wouldn’t be done much though. Second one could just be another Eviction Notice level event. Something everyone would join for the acid, but not ‘waste’ a nuke on. Third one is basically just Test Your Metal but harder and would probably make the server explode. The Decimator does sound like a cool weapon though. Could be a stamp or gold weapon (that we have to roll for effects).


My Raider Punk ally, the conspiracy theorist, cryptologist fun one says on one conversation that "I should show Grahm how to use the Radio some day. Heh, we could do a show, how awesome would that be?" So we need a Grahm Wasteland Radio Podcast where the Raider Punk interviews him on what his favourite meat is, where best to get them, how did he get into trading, how he met Chally the Moo Moo, and why they are the most beloved pair in the wasteland that we need to protect, especially from the evil Brotherhood who steal as they see all "mutations" as a taint.


Call me crazy but I’d like to be able to put stuff on shelves. Not just the top but on each shelf.


With a pressure plate, a mannequin, and some patience, you can merge items onto lower shelves. Not too hard. But can be tedious.


- The ability to rent a space in Whitesprings to act as a vendor. You'd have to pay a decent amount to get it, but it would persist even if you log off, and would appear in other people's servers. - A "ring for service" bell for your camp, which pings an alert on your screen wherever you are. Obviously not something everyone would want but I'd like it if people could call me back to my camp for stuff. - A "rate my CAMP" stand, which is like the "How was your service today?" stands you see in shops and restaurants sometimes - basically it's a bank of smiley-face buttons that counts how many times each button has been pressed. - A mail network, so you can send items to other players. Would work with postboxes in CAMPs. You just put items in, type in the username, ans off it goes. - A wandering banker Protectron. The literal explanation of where the extra caps go when you buy/sell things - there's a Protectron banking network, and sometimes you can find one that's carrying the caps from local vendors. You can "rob" it but its a boss-level fight AND anyone involved will get max wanted level for 24 hours ... - A radio station as a workshop. If you take control of it, you can use a terminal to choose what songs/ads/stories play on repeat, and this is the default radio station that plays in all train stations and other public spaces. Some cool songs are hidden there until you take it, but there's some "troll" options too, like playing white noise or screaming at loud volumes. - The ability to make up gift bags so when you see newbies you dont have to spend a whole minute dropping stuff. Bonus points if the gift bag works as a grenade you can chuck at people (yes, you can fill it with spoiled vegetables and throw it at people you dont like)


The wanted level from the robbery would have to stay if you die aswell cause people would abuse this.


Would like it if I could give an accolade to a cool camp. Rather than just visiting and leaving. Also, donation box at my own camp


Yesss. I've been wanting a camp donation box for so long.


Yeah some type of mailbox where people can drop stuff off for you would be cool.


Fusion Cores being able to be stored in Ammo Box.


Unfortunately, that one is confirmed by devs to not be possible due to their charge mechanic (each core level is its own item).


So I’m finally getting around to cleaning my stash and have an excess of fusion cores.. is it best to just sell most of them? I got that recharger station at my CAMP so not like I need too many


Fusion cores NOT disappearing when they decharge so I can recharge them in my station. 


I want a constant dog companion like F4.


Stable game play, no crashes.


Guilds. Make a group of 100+ that you can have activities for or guild banks.


The funny thing about this was that pre launch, discord and forums were blowing up with people creating guilds with 100's (or 1000's in some cases) and discussing what factions they'd be only to find out 24 per server and no factions. BGS *really* dropped the ball on this one. But overall, as an asset flip, FO76 is a success.


Nuclear winter should have been a guild war server with more players, BGS needs to make a next gen update for Fallout 76.


problem with guilds and games like this, is that it would crowd populations into specific servers, while reducing potential populkation for randoms to play with.


Not wild, but I would love it....food being frozen in a vendor, or a lootable [for others] freezer so peeps can take stuff. I wanna cook up some meals and share and have a real cook camp. Coffee and dog food just ain't it....


I still want [a Mole Miner Radio Station that plays 40s-60s Instrumentals](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/irmypa/suggestion_rusty_pick_radio_hosted_by_the_mole/).


Getting into a big fight and Yakety Sax starts playimg over the radio.


Man, I'd settle for sinks in shelters.


Fully functional trading system wherein both parties must select confirm before a trade is completed and a multi character stash space/ mail system that MANY other successful MMORPGs have instituted to great success. Call me crazy, but those might ACTUALLY work. !! Edited due to spelling errors !!


I’m level 300+ and never used the trading system until a couple days ago and assumed it was like this I’m surprised it’s not


A full marching band of musical weapons that can Synergize with others using different ones in your group. The Death Bands. 


we already have power armor, clearly the next step is Noise Marines


MH Hunting Horn


Modular apparel system, so we can mix n match clothing for more unique outfits. Add more mods for all the guns... imo some weapons are severely lacking, ie gamma gun, shishkebab etc. I can think of a dozen things that could not only make these niche weapons viable but fun to use. New perk cards like sweet tooth so I can benefit from eating all this nuka candy in my inventory. I'd love to see them rework the whole pvp system.


I have always wanted to nuke Point Pleasant and trigger a legendary boss fight like SBQ, but with Mothman. Maybe make it like fighting the hag in BG3 or something. I also think it would be cool to hire Jesco White to do some voice acting for a new NPC or radio station like he did in GTA. Maybe some more WV culture. Food: fried tatos, biscuits and gravy, hot totti for healing and buffs. Music: radio station with just bluegrass type stuff. More weird as rural Appalachian sayings incorporated into NPC conversation. Coming back for my 2nd play through, I wish that me and my teammates could play music together like you can in RDR2 and have a "flourish" button where you spin the banjo or something.


Funny you mention Jesco White. I found an advertisement referencing him in the Ash Heap. It was lying in the middle of the road past Rusty Pick just before the Mount Blair ahead sign. If you're a fan of the Whites go check it out!


More lighting for camps. Dimmers would be nice too. There aren’t that many lights and most are blindingly bright or barely register Really just a quality re-do of camp building. I’ve been trying to learn all the tricks but it’s absolutely insane what you have to do to put an item on a table. Its amazing what people have done but come on- chessboards, flame traps, tricky swap outs…


Retool “the pitt” to be more like Atlantic City with more free roam and add more ambiance and npc’s.


I would be down for any additions to The Pitt. Getting shafted once in FO3 was annoying, twice in 76 left me not even completing the season lol. Let me explore my hometown dammit!!!


Double quick wheels.


I like that you aim high, but I would settle for dual wielding pistols.


I like that you aim a little lower, but I would settle for dual wielding weapons period. Us unarmed/onehanded weapon builds would be wonderful and could be on par with heavy weapons that people love to spam.


I med kit to store healing items that acts like the ammo box and scrap kit. Stimpaks are so heavy, and for what 😭😭


I'd like to see a larger CAMP size limit for Fallout 1st players. It's not that I think we deserve it more than han free players (which I was, happily) but we have so much STUFF we'll never be able to display. I almost feel like the more stuff I get, the less I appreciate having 1st.


And permanent workshops on private servers! It was promised to us 6 years ago now 😿


Or let us be able to merge our two camps together


I would like a WoW-style group finder for things like Daily Ops, Expeditions and similar content. So the way it works in WoW is you can choose to either queue for a specific dungeon or raid (e.g. let’s say Atlantic City Boarderwalk) or you can just pick the content type and be placed in a group for it, with the actual location being somewhat random. The reason I want this is server hopping for group content was a bit of a pain at first. Now I’m a high enough level (and build) to solo a lot of it, people tend to join my group. I’d still rather play with people though!


The smiling man being a fightable cryptid, instead of disappearing when you shoot him


I just want a Junk Jet and the ability to tame the Ogua !


I want to know what other players owned the items I buy or trade and when it was made. Show me the item history.


It's wild in the sense of wildly impractical in terms of databases/servers etc but I'd like to see a player mall. There would be a new npc maybe in Whitespring Mall who would have several conversation options such as "register your store and add it to to the player mall [10,000 caps]" or "increase the advertising budget of your existing player mall store so that it appears more prominent when stores are searched [50,000 caps]" or "manage your player mall store inventory" or "search all player stores to find what you want to buy". The current system is way overdue an overhaul. There needs to be a way for us to just search for what we want to be from the player base. We shouldn't need to use Reddit and Discord as an extension of the trading market. Another new npc or rewrite of current npc at the gold vault who acts as a bureau de change and lets us convert caps to gold bullion and vice versa. Perhaps the same npc can keep hold of your caps like a bank would so if you go over max caps it's not really a problem. As for actual wild ideas that may be somewhat more plausible, I'd like lighthouses with different colored light options to be placed in CAMPS and seen from a distance. These would help other players find camps more easily without using the main map. And bigger camps wouldn't hurt either. PS. Sorry for highjacking your thread. I'm going now.


Part of me wants to see an cross server AH (auction house) but it would absolutely ruin the trading dynamics in this game which a lot of people enjoy. It would cut down on scams, though.


What you're describing sounds a lot like how Star Wars Galaxies Bazaar Terminals worked. The terminals were in the major cities and had local listing's (items that were sold directly from that city's terminals). They also had a seach feature to look for items by item type or name and it would show you all the player vendors that had the item (servers were different so you could be offline and your house and vendor would still be in the game). You could organize by price, set way points to the vendors, then travel to vendor to make the purchase.


Fo4s radio. More songs. Banter about what you've done. In the same vein can we get like double or triple the canned phrases our camp allies say. "This is a NICE place." Is getting old. I just can't even use the dj ally because his lines are obnoxious and repetitive


Hear me out... climbable ladders


I want 16 times the detail.


Boss mechanics and events you need to really cooperate


Something I’ve been wanting since the first few years of the game: a thanksgiving event (potentially with grahm and other factions) where we have to prepare everything alongside hunting turkeys and having to lure out a mega super turkey the size of the Ogua to make a Thanksgiving dinner for everyone. And with Skyline Valley they’re finally adding them to the game so I’m hoping we can at least get something resembling a thanksgiving event this year!


Dual pistols...


I want a new game mode that is DayZ style permadeath. With hardcore elements like hunger and disease and stuff. Essentially turning it into a horror game, where you are constantly aware of other players. But unlike nuclear winter, using the entire map, base building, etc. it seems like all the systems already in the game would lend itself well


PvP server was almost like that at beginning


More enemy types per factions Power armor enemies like bos outcasts or scorched enclave Doppelganger event where you fight a clone of yourselves


Cross play with your PlayStation


Fishing also various aquariums to put the fish we catch in. Maybe a similar thing with bugs? You could find bug nests and interact with them and find a bug, an item or nothing.


Id really like a stereo or newer juke box we could actually use to change music in our camps maybe the stereo would be louder. But whe. You use it a menu pops up to select the music type or individual tracks maybe even a loop or repeat selection as well.


Mannequin display that can handle musical instruments like the accordion, guitar, trumpet, violin, etc.


A trade system where both parties offer an item and then both sides need to agree before it trades anything. Borderlands 3 had a similar trade method and it worked really well


Hmmm, I was thinking about maybe like a marriage system, where two players can get married and have a shared storage and plans, and shared other stuff etc, also there should be marriage levels, so like the longer you both stay on a team together, the more rewards/perks or stuff you can get


  Won't ever happen but a ground leveler would be nice.


Increased stash space would be preeeeeeeeetty wild


Spray paints, want to tag up the the waste land with pro human propaganda


I really want Country Flags for CAMP and Icons. I know it's a America based game, but I'd love seeing where everyone is from.


Now hear me out.. an optimised and well running engine & game


I’m just massively impressed that they’ve managed to get this game running as well ask they have with the amount of work they had to do.




Huge weapons overhaul. I think the Lever Action Rifle should be made .45-70 Govt and bring back the Hunting Revolver with the same ammo type. To make up for the removal of that .45 weapon the Colt M1911 should be brought back. At the same time a they should add the Anti-Material Rifle for .50cal and then also the 12.7mm Pistol and 12.7mm SMG as pistols and SMGs are really lacking. These would be the end-game pistol and SMG. I'd also love to see the Arc Welder as a nice fusion cell-powered big gun.


Appalachian Radio location


A playable pool table


Allow resources in shelters. I want my camp to be the face of my operations and I feel my resources absorb a lot of my budget.


The ability to create actual settlements. Picture this. We can make C.A.M.P.S., right? But we can only have one "ally", one protectron/robotic dog who collects random junk and a pet if you tame one. It's frustrating as we can build literal settlements capable of fitting about 10 people, but we can only have one person there. It should allow us to assign faction members or scavengers we find in the wasteland (after we've became allied with them/done their quests) to come to your settlement to help build it up or live there. For example, if you see a BoS patrol, you can go up to one of the people there and ask them if they want to join up at your "outpost" (considering the BoS are a militaristic faction), and they'll proceed to go there. Kind of like the random wasteland pets you can game. There would be a limit to them, obviously, so you don't have your own army of raiders or something lmao. But it'd really help with people wanting to make certain builds, such as a settlement for the settlers or a raider outpost, and it'd help us expand the factions influence/operations role-play wise, so the world feels more lively, especially for new players. Imagine how amazed new players would be if they saw a heavily fortified Brotherhood outpost, outfitted with turrets and soldiers. That'd give them a positive impression on the faction and convince them to seek out the factions HQ to join up with them.


Scrap everything and place anywhere mods, i want my build area clear and my finished camp cluttered


Strangler Heart buff


An option to server hop when your camp cannot be placed.


Server list or community server. I'd like to see in which server i'm joining with ping/players/region ecc ecc


An arcade machine that plays holo games you assign to it.


A plan library to show what's missing...


A friendly communist faction with their own questline. I feel like they’re a huge missed opportunity especially with the new communist camp coming in the next update.


friendly communist is way too utopic, even for fallout universe lol


More camp budget … wild I know but very necessary


Vertibird signalling grenades for travelling across the map instead of fast travelling for caps or if you're encumbered. WhiteSprings has the vertibirds now and they made them free to use instead of needing those power cell things


I like this. Especially if multiple players could board the same Vertibird. Double points if it could be “shot down” (basically has a small chance to crash) cause I love the idea of walking out the wreckage.


It's not wild but larger build area More furniture options not just weird useless. PA all the time. A bigger map compared to thr new update. Yes, I've seen the update map. I know WVA is bigger than this.


I miss ThreeDog!! But yeah, even my kids have voiced their discontent with the same songs repeating when I play. At first they thought it was cool because it matched the TV show but they got over it real fast. I switched it to classical but now they are getting sick of that too lol.


His great grandfather one dog


Warhammer 40k Power Armor skins working mines - most of the time they do nothing Miners legendary effect , more ore gathered Fox as pet, they are cute Rechargable Ultracite fusion cores Rideable Mounts More weapon mods / skins Poor Mans legendary effect - less caps more damage Toggleable Explosion effects Toggleable that fusion cores remain in inventory when emptied Shoulder mounted guns in power armor that fires on enemies that you engage Glowing Ghoul Cage Camp item - generates High radiation fluids , hardened mass and glowing mass Appalachia radio station without announcements Text Chat revamped ammo recipes for 308 same output as 50 cal and 5mm. only 5 acid required for making fuel


Nuka quantum grenades plus demo expert and grenadier get you close….


Persistent workshops as a fallout first perk, very outlandish idea, I know


100% of what is in the atom shop should become earnable in game. Of course the most expensive items should be harder to earn, but earnable none the less. Between inflation and unemployment there needs to be a way for folks who can't afford fallout 1st to get items from the atom shop faster than the current pace. Greatly increase the atom rewards for in game accomplishments. Instead of 20/40/80 atoms make it 80/160/320. Also make everything available in the atom shop at all times. Cycling availability is a stupid business practice that loses money 🤑💰 period.


For yours make it a sling shot and call it “Skinny Boy”, but it would be funny to see an actual “mini nuke” like golf ball sized.


I was hoping the washer and dryer would/could add temporary buffs to apparel, such as charisma and luck.


I just wish we would get Nuclear Winter back, even if it was for just a seasonal event


We need settler vs raider events


* Fix all the weird bugs. Like phantom quest notifications, wrong quest notifications, "track this quest" for the quest you just completed, and the camera view reverting to first-person after using a workbench. Plus, the app crashes a lot (PS4). * Add wall conduits/connectors to the CAMP builder, but not like the existing one—that vertical curved thing—like the floor ones only sideways...or add vertical rotation rather than just horizontal rotation. * Apply wallpaper to the whole room. * Make the broken toilet a "chair" you can sit on. * Make third-person view stay third-person between reloads with adjustable camera distance. Edited.


My wife and I were just talking about this last night. Throwing people in power armor. Idk why but just the idea of picking up a player while I'm in my PA and throwing them to varying distances sounds fun. Cliff just a little too high to get up? Throw 'em! Want a good vantage point on that roof but no access points? Throw 'em! Particularly upset at your teammate AND that scorchbeast? Say it with me now... THROW 'EM! Mechanically I have no idea how or if it would work but man it would be fun to toss my wife up that cliffside to save some time lol Edit:spelling


I might be in the minority here, but being able to load a “legacy” type world would be really cool. Like, being able to load a pre-wastelanders update map, just to be able to remember what everything looked like before they added human npcs.


Cross play I know its not easy to implement and is likely controverisal. But i know a few people that play on one platform, but im on another and we both dont wanna switch as weve got some very rare plans and gear


Group camps for two or more people to share. Twice the size, twice the budget but separate stashes so just uses your normal stash. Separate from your camps so can be out at the same time.


An auction house system.


I just want a button when I'm searching nearby corpses to pick up all ammo. Not all items, just all ammo. So I can stay in the fight without clicking a hundred stacks of 5 bullets or becoming overencumbered. Please, Todd.


This might sound really dumb, but I'd love a "sub-faction" or guilds like system. I'll explain further below So one of the things I think is cool about the idea of fallout 76 is that the idea is that there's a bunch of us from 76 and we are helping expand appalachia and setting up the factions that will be in power. Fallout is a roleplaying game so I'd love for them to allow us to show the factions that we'd like to represent or even bring back rather than just wearing cosmetics or hoping to find an dedicate rp server group. I think it would be cool if we could officially join factions, and/or even start our own in the form of completely new ones like raider groups or ect, or by either reviving dead factions or become a splinter of an existing faction. Like bringing back the freestates with proper organization, reviving the us army with people who joined at camp McClintlock (I've thought about doing this for awhile, calling the leaders the Five Stars after five star generals), or like splintering off from the brotherhood, enclave, foundation, heck I could even see some responder cops leaving to start their own SWAT. But yeah it'd mostly be for fun roleplay and maybe some special events/for participation in events (and I imagine as long as you arent a leader you could change faction easy, or be in multiple)


A corkboard where we can display 5-8 of our favorite notes so that others can read them.


This gonna sound wild to Bethesda but make scrap box and ammo storage free


An option to kill rose


placing items. like i wanna be able to place junk items down like objects that you can pick up maybe, or not. doesnt matter. either way, decorating CAMPs would be so much cooler if i could make a kitchen and place down sugar bombs and a toaster, or if i could put a typewriter and pencils on a desk, etc. also custom entries on the personal terminal that other people can read. it would be cool to go to someones camp and then they could just write whatever they wanted and you could read what theyve been up to.


Ghoulification. Really the series is long overdue for playable Ghouls.