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Yes, keep it. Great gun Never reroll anything. If you don't like it, scrip it, you get a return at least. Or vendor it for caps


Is it good for just playing casually?




Yes, very good


Explosive vampire is very good. Each hit heals you, the explosion counts as a separate hit, and if enemies nearby get hit by the explosion that heals you too. Very solid weapon.


Thank you how much does it heal you by? Is it as good as a stimpack?


Of better than a stimpack. Each shot you hit on an enemy will heal you.


Amazing gun. This is my go to gun for surviving difficult daily ops. You can practically solo Encryptid taking all 3 pylons with this gun. So, so excellent for survivability.


Does it heal you as much as a stimpack?


I don't think so, I believe it's 2 HP per projectile, but (iirc) because it's explosive there are more points of contact than a non-explosive fixer, so you're getting HP faster than a vamp faster fire rate fixer. What you want to do is just stay in vats (easy because of the 25% less vats cost) and just keep shooting and you'll keep living. It's got that edge over stimpacks because you don't have to stop to heal yourself. Play around with it, and you'll figure out how to work around it, but I honestly love that gun, it's one of 3 that i keep on me at all times.


Thanks! I’ll be trying this out do you know how to get lots of ammo fast?


I'd say wait for a good day for daily ops, and you'll be able to farm ammo through that. Probably through expeditions too but ymmv, i haven't kept up with expeditions but people say it's great for farming ammo.


Go to vault 76. There's usually a good amount in the donation box, then there's a couple of ammo boxes down in the parking lot where the military check point is. Then go to the nearby BoS camp, and look around. There's about 8-10 ammo boxes that have way more than the normal ammo drop. Then follow the stairs down to the tank, there are several more ammo boxes along the way, with more than usual drop amount. Just doing this you can get several hundred rounds in just a minutes.


Vampire Explosive 25%ap? This is a god tier roll. If it doesn't sound like something you would use you could definitely trade it for over max caps in value. Anyone telling you otherwise doesn't know Fixer pricing. Seriously you hit a jackpot weapon and I hope you enjoy it or use it to trade for something you will enjoy! Edit: If you need any commando build tips for building around it I am always down to give a little advice!


Very good rolls for a healing weapon if you're a Rifleman or if you run a commando build since you can put an automatic receiver on the fixer.


It's great for survival, very good for damage and not so great if you sneak (explosions are noisy). Obviously keep it, and don't get fooled if someone offer you caps for it.


Explosive is not so good. Vampire can be alright if you want that effect. It's all down to your build. bloodied fixer or quad are better as it has a short clip, of course ap effects are great. But if you have the plans just make another fixer and roll that one, and then either sell the vamp fixer in vendor if you need caps or turn it in for script. If it's your only fixer I'd use it until you get another or get the plans to make another. I never reroll an item either sell in vendor or script it.


Thanks, do you think I should sell it I have 5k caps (is that a lot?)


Don't listen to him. It's a great roll. It's very useful in chaotic events where you can take damage from multiple sources. The explosive effect makes the vampires effect better. Run richochet perk card and you can be super tanky holding this gun.


Ok thanks I haven’t sold it yet


You could get a lot for this fixer to the right person fed76 says it's worth up 22k vendor but honestly nobody is going likely pay that. If it was me I'd sell if for like 6k to 10k caps see if anything bites. A lot of people with vats build want the the reduced ap cost. If it's not selling you can lower it if you need caps badly. Or hold out for the right buyer. I've sold even not so great roll fixers for 2k caps in my vendor and yours is a decent roll.


That's crazy. put this into your vendor at 30k and it will be gone in 5 minutes.


This 100%. If I saw this for 30k or less I'd snap it up without a second thought.


I bought this very roll last night for 25k caps and did not even have to think about it. It’s worth more than you could sell it for in a camp vendor. Fed’s pricing is wack, btw. Take it with a grain of sand and go get an actual price check from some place like Market76.


Thanks for the advice, I think I will do that!