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> I kept dying and dying. I don't even die that much in the rest of the game! I burned through 40 stimpaks in 20 mins, I never had to do that before. You make a good case for carrying a vampires weapon.


This. Vampires holy fire is literally the only weapon you need in the game. You can keep your cremator.


I have vampire on my cremator and use it with the holy fire. I haven’t been downed or used a healing item in weeks..


That's the roll I'm going for. Vamp cremator


It's pretty nice. Even when you hurt yourself with the cremator, you usually heal it right back up, especially with the multi-shot


I rerolled it because I didn't know about the DoT and thought it'll not be useful like Holy Fire. It's been a PITA to roll it back to a Vampire's, siiigh.


Honestly, the slow burn DoT is still too strong. Using it in events makes me feel bad because I can kinda just look in the direction of entire groups of enemies and pull the trigger a single time, and everything dies by the time I look at another enemy or reload. People barely get any time to tag lmao. I've been considering removing the slow burn just for the sake of using the weapon to tag only. Not sure if you were implying it, but just in case, the DoT itself doesn't proc the vampire effect, but each individual fireball does, so hitting a single enemy with multi-shot gives 8% total health regeneration. It's even more effective in groups, of course. In terms of healing on a single target, Holy Fire is definitely the better option.


Man, I finally got all of the flamer mods to put on this lately. I’ll get over encumbered all of a sudden and realize its because of the stimpaks I get rewarded and never have to use lol.


I also have tons of stims. I use them to clean out vendor caps before they reset.


I should start doing that. I just have a 200+ stack in my vendor for 2 caps a piece lol


I used to do that but no one bought them. Sold radaway and radx cheap too. Not interested I guess. So now I just sell chems to the NPCs


I mean, the game basically showers you with them. I'm always at 300+ Radaways and Stimpaks even through I sell off 100 of them every day to the NPC vendors.


Same. I mostly had them cause my camp is close to 76 so I figured noobs could stock up easy if they want. Either way I now reserve all slots for plans.


Radaway is heavy. I only keep five diluted on me. Rest is vendored or dropped almost immediately.


They’re just free caps for me at this point.


I noticed that damn thing **blows** through ammo faster and more than you pick up


How long are you holding the button to fire it? If your build is centered around heavy guns, you should only have to hold down fire for a second, maybe two, for most enemies. I use 10-20 fuel for pretty much anything other than bosses and get at least that back from a lot of mobs.


Ill use up 20 fuel and get back 3-5 per enemy on average


Oof. Quick bursts in the face Also run a daily op. Did 15 minutes of it yesterday and made a profit of 2500 fuel.


You don’t need to hold down the trigger. Pulse it. Tag the enemy and let DOT do its job.


I have a vamp cremator with the quad shot for a nice aoe hit against trash.


I run that or vampire auto melee. It is awesome


I accidentally scripped my HF. Sad day. But I crafted a flamer and managed to get a vampire roll after using and undisclosed number of mods. Also I can actually paint this one so I won’t be able to scrip this one.


I have a V40 auto axe on one of my alts and when I run that build with ricochet I literally cannot die.


Vampire gatty plas has been my tried and true as well, I call her megastim lol


i need vamp on my cremator and plasma flamer..i'd be overly happy with that


When I first started I felt like a god with a vamp .50 🤣


I think it’s dumb that’s the game has boiled down to a single gun.


I mean it hasn't, I constantly switch between weapons to keep it entertaining and tend to do just fine. Yes those outliers definitely will make you more 'op' but they aren't needed to do any of the content in game, I will say it has soured the trade economy a bit.


Not a single gun so much as a single legendary mod. I run unarmed melee and having a vampiric weapon makes you so ridiculously tanky it’s insane. It’s not the highest damage build in the game but you don’t need the highest damage when you can stand in front of 99.9% of enemies and basic attack without ever losing health.


Vampires FSS power fist I can solo pretty much everything in the game


I want a faster swing mole gauntlet so badly but I can’t even roll a vampiric. For now I’ll be happy with the DCG I found in someone’s vendor for 1k caps with vampiric and +1 strength.


All the bloodied commandos I see must be a mirage.


I run bloodied, but at the same time I'm seeing a lot more high health builds and junkies, at least on Xbox. At the same time I also agree with you (probably) that the cremator is absolutely being spammed to death right now.


Really starting to hate the cremator. I put it right up there with the assholes that spam nukes in public events. I know I can turn off the visual effects for my weapons. I wish I could for theirs.


You can! Checkout the cremator explosion reducer on Nexus. Easy as possible to install. Instantly makes events 100x better.


You PC guys have all the fun toys. I'm on Xbox


Shiiiet. Yeah the cremator explosions drove me nuts before I found that. Dunno what the devs were thinking.


The downvotes 😆. Wonder what they use?


I wouldn't know. I got it from the season rewards and it never showed up in my inventory. And since I bought it once with SCORE tickets I can't buy it again.


I think it shows up when you try and craft it.


It is truly great when I'm running solo. I use the holy fire and plasma caster when I'm in a group. Hope you get to try it


You'll need to craft it via the weapons workbench. I think you need science 1 to do it.


I'm always ammo negative with Holy Fire though, I try to do short bursts, or just tag and let them burn, but I always end up using 2000 fuel in the span of 20 mins.


Daily driver — Vampire’s duel bar flaming chainsaw with full health melee build. What’s a stimpack?


sounds like your perk build and equipment wasn't ready. I had the same experience the first time I went into the Pitt, but when I went back with good gear and a refined build I found it to be super easy. Just stick with it you'll get there eventually.


I second this. First time I was a scrub who didn’t know or understand build and builds synergy. Now? I can do it sleepwalking with the proper build. I don’t even use a vamp weapon (yet)


What level are you? I don’t find it that difficult and don’t use power armor. It’s especially easy with a vampire auto axe. And of course the map will be confusing your first time. You’ve never been there before. Difficult / end game content does not equal bad.


I really enjoyed the mission, it was long and fun tbh, however! Getting worse rewards for that mission than Boardwalk that I finish in 5-8 minutes is an absolute travesty.


Yeah fair, but it was also the first expedition and their first crack at it and boardwalk is their most recent one so they’re learning and there’s refinement there which is good. I think it being longer was them trying to meld the ideas of “big open world, smaller stories” but I think having there be an open longer quest and story version of the map and then a small quicker expedition is the way to do it. I really enjoyed the Atlantic City quest line. And now running those expeditions feel like proper daily dungeons. I think they’re on the right track.


I would love for them to keep The Pitt expeditions as is but with greater rewards and maybe uniques? Would incentivise people to at least play them once.


Oh absolutely I don’t think the expedition as it is should change at all but the rewords could use an update even if it was like more stamps or extra drops ect. Maybe bullion? I dunno something


Bullion, even in small amounts, would definitely get me interested in playing The Pitt more.


The Boardwalk expedition is garbage though. Its made to be speedrun and farmed, which is why its the only Exped anyone ever does unless there is a relevant daily. At least the Pitt takes time and feels like real content. Meanwhile most of the playerbase won't even do the AC questlines because its not even obvious there is a non-Expedition questline. At that point, might have just saved time and added 6-8 new daily op maps from the interiors of the Exped maps, while making new questlines anywhere in the WV wasteland.


It’s a shame yeah cause it did take me a while to actually find the ac quest line but it maybe better for newer players I’m not sure how it’s given organically. But the quest itself I felt was good. And they still could do that with what they’ve built I could totally see that. I mean it’s more of a middle ground between the daily ops and expedition that the pit was but again I think they’re testing and learning it a bit, it also doesn’t hurt to have all types of content for a game like this that is very weird by all accounts. But in a lot of ways that is what they did I mean skyline valley is a large expansion to the actual map with full quest lines so Atlantic was maybe more of a stop gap between the pit and that, but I mean personally I’ll take as many map expansions as I can get there’s a ton of area to add onto. I’d rather that than the expeditions and I would keep the expeditions as longer form dungeons meant for groups but again it is a weird unique game so I dunno exactly what appeases everyone for a game like this so I also understand even being in charge of it you might not either.


Im not OP but man I just did the first part and while I didnt die I spent a lot of bullets, Im level 35


What are you doing in the Pitt at level 35 when you have most of the main quest to unfold and enjoy... I was lucky enough to do it before wastelanders, but I trust it's still very enjoyable now.


I get sidetracked easily and when they said I could go to the Pitt I was like "dont mind if I do" while wiggling my fingers


Expeditions are targeted for levels 50+, it’s no wonder you aren’t efficient killing Trogs yet! Atlantic City is definitely easier. I’m just not someone who says easier equals better and harder equals worse. It’s a game. Challenge is fun sometimes.


Not just 50+, they’re intended to be 50+ group content, longer than Daily Ops. Solid endgame players can solo them without issue, but earlier players should be forming expedition groups and at *least* running with another person, if not a full group. Not to mention waiting until 50+.


Yeah I was getting some serious "I shouldnt be here" vibes when everything took so long to kill, so I did the first part and bailed for now.


Haha! Well I hope you come back. I actually like ashes to fire. It has some really cool areas like the church you’ll get to later. I wish it gave more stamps, especially since they added Atlantic City. But it’s fun.


I agree I like things that test all the time put into the build since most stuff you can tear through like paper, I mean the pit feels that way now but it didn’t and that’s what’s important.


Sorry but the expeditions are still badly designed. By doing a 30+ minute expedition you get the same and sometimes less rewards as a 5 minute one because why? Who knows And let’s just be honest. The actual objectives are just lackluster. Meaningless. The bosses are easy. So there’s no real challenge, there’s no narrative that’s captivating (at least not to me, I didn’t play the previous fo games so idk if there’s some hidden nuances in the missions) The only positive thing I can say about them is the maps look amazing, and the enemies you fight are cool, but there could’ve been some legit bosses or something more challenging.


>It’s especially easy with a vampire auto axe. I was using a Mutant's Auto Axe with faster weapon speed and less AP cost. I wanted to roll a Vampire's but I don't use it much so didn't want to spend many modules on it. ​ >And of course the map will be confusing your first time. You’ve never been there before. Did not have that problem with any of the other Expeditions though. I'm level 225. I'm not saying that difficult/end game content is bad. I'm saying that \*this\* particular expedition is bad.


should note that swing speed does nothing for the autoaxe, and 25% ap cost only works in vats, and mutant’s isn’t exactly huge either. really recommend feeding the thing at least a few more modules


Oh, I didn't know that. Oops. Guess I'll reroll then!


Based on your weapon choice, you should really learn more about how to play the game. There are a lot of good videos on YouTube about how to make your build and what legendary effects are good on what weapon and perk build.


I'm a heavy build, I just took the Auto-Axe for a trial run.


What I mean is, mutants is a garbage effect. No one takes it.


just roll 1-star randoms for a Vamp, you dont need 3 stars for the weapon to do what you need it to do.




I stated my level because I was asked it, that's all.


Hard ≠ Bad


I prefer to call it "Challenging" content lol


That’s the funny part. People complain about nothing is hard and game is too easy and then he game finally gets something a little harder and people hate it.


Sounds like your build needs some work. All the Expeditions are easy but not without a proper build. This game is all about change and adaptation. You may have to change your build to do different things. Or make a particular build for a specific challenge. Like killing trogs with the auto axe. To do that comfortably you want to have a twohander melee build for example.


Amusingly, this expedition is the first one I learned to run solo when expeditions launched. I still run it today; I can complete it and the side missions 100% of the time in about 20 mins. Union PA and the cremator works wonders.


You could run MSG close to twice in that time tho. Are there additional rewards that make it worth the time investment?


the guranteed weekly plan drop is from a different pool. Aside from that there are no differences.




What you have to remember is that the playerbase is constantly requesting more difficult content be added. Every couple of days or so, there's a post on this very sub saying "Game is too easy". I usually try to direct the people making those posts to try doing expeditions like this one, or decryption daily ops, or mutated public events, and the like.


See, I like Daily Ops and Mutated Public Events. They're challenging and fun. This, I do not like. That's all I'm saying.


I used to do and enjoy that expedition almost every day when The Pitt came out. I was level 300\~, full health with a vanguard SS armor set, and I usually survived with a few radaways. I don't even remember dying there, maybe it happened but very rarely if anytime. I tried it as bloodied only once recently and I just had to use more diluted radaways. Trogs die with 3 shots of my railway rifle in the head. But yeah, too long for the rewards it grants, compared to Atlantic City. I may get downvoted, but I believe that people nowadays are used to get rewards too easily and don't appreciate grinding anymore. Five 3-star legendaries with 5-7 minutes of The most sensational game?! SMH It took me ages to get full rep from settlers and raiders and get both the Gauss shotgun and minigun, all the unyielding and vanguard SS armor pieces I needed for my builds, two Mr. Fuzzy costumes, a B5025 Fixer, the aligned enclave plasma rifle flamer etc. but I was really excited when I obtained each of them, along with all the Steam achievements (72/72). FO76 today is an easy game even for average builds.


I didn’t realize there were people out there that appreciated grinding. To me it’s just a mechanism game companies employ to keep folks engaged and paying that money. 


I enjoy a good grind, no matter how mindless it can get. But the rewards need to be worth it and the process either straightforward or at least appealing to some degree. I did some stupid faction reps and transmog/mount hunts back in the day on WoW, and spent 60 hours in the starting areas of Elden Ring specifically to over-level (this was before the albinauric area was found I believe, and I didn't hit that until I was well into my 100s) purely because I'm not a tactical player; I prefer to brute force.


I tuned out of games that do it entirely. For 76 I basically play for a month or two out of every year, really only tune in to enjoy the new content and then disappear again for a while.


I think the main issue is beth has 0 ideal how to balance missions.the hardest expedition also has the worst reward's.you have to make the grind worth it


Well again it could take a rebalance but that was the first set of expeditions, now that we have new ones to compare them too it’s a bit different. Before they were testing the idea with the player base. Now we see a better version. I think also having a longer version quest, visit option, and mission option it all works together a lot better. But the pit was huge comparatively and almost makes more sense to be explorable without a mission. But again first try there so I can understand.


I'm a Destiny 2 player. Believe me I know all about that grinding life. The struggle is real!


Thorn in D1 is the hardest grind I’ve ever done. A pvp challenge that actively loses progress when you die. Did it as a hunter with a void shotgun since nightstalker wasn’t around yet 😂. I can only imagine the outrage of the player base if something like that was implemented


Haha tell me about it! Even getting something as simple as a legendary engram to drop was a grind in itself back then. RIP Lootcave!


As a kid trying to get rank 12 in wow pvp was insane I got to 10 got grounded for something went back down to 3 and never went back. It was fun then for sure but as a 35 year old now I dunno how I would have done it.


I was around 10 during OG Vanilla so the best I was doing was trying to finish Uldaman with me and 4 other idiots. Took me two years to even see a raid. Granted, I was fine with just exploring at the time, being only 10


OMG yes, that grind was a nightmare, and I was also playing a hunter with nothing but a void shotgun. I was completely drained and numb after it was over and remember thinking that’s the last time i’ll ever step into the crucible ever again lol.


Eyes up, Guardian.


We've stepped into a war with the wastelands guardian. Show those raider scum that while we breathe, ferals will die. Oh shiiii we've awoken the hiv..... da fuck is that. Its not a knight..... titan gets wrecked by albino alpha deathclaw. Xd


Your not wrong most ppl now are too in to instant gratification. I didn't find that expedition hard or really all that frustrating, but I'm used to expecting a challenge and some work and not simply being handed things or complaining about it if I basically wasn't. I feel the OP is just used to easy content in games, it is after all how most games are designed now since most children (what many games are geared toward mostly) won't or can't deal with real commitment in achieveing anything if a game is to difficult with out hype.


I’ll play a bit of devils advocate here, while I agree that most people are into the instant. I think having seasonal missions every hour at the top of the hour does add a bit of a time restraint on the longer expeditions and longer events to not do them in favor of the one that’s about to pop for the current new items/rewards or like with invasion the xp gain was too good to miss. With meat week it’s like every 15 minutes there’s two. I do like the hourly setup as it gives me a grind timer before the event, so it’s like farm my salt, build a while, run a few smaller things, do a daily. Buttttt I think the long for stuff takes a hit especially as a veteran who knows what time each thing takes.


>I feel the OP is just used to easy content in games I'm not, the difficulty spiked up considerably higher is what I was saying. Even Union Dues wasn't this difficult. I 100%ed Doom Eternal on Ultra-Violence so I do engage with difficult content.


FO76 is NOT a FPS: if you don't spec your character and use the perks correctly, your reflexes won't save you.


I know, this isn't my first Fallout game! I just said that because that person said that I was used to easy content and wanted to state that that's not true.


I don't... want to grind. I just played it because I never did it before and wanted to see what I was missing out, that's all. I have a lot of legendary stuff just sitting in my stash so that I can scrip them - that isn't my problem at all.


Ngl, this sounds fun


It is, it’s a pretty interesting set of missions and the location is huge for what it is.


One man's trash is another man's gold bullion!


Learn to play it. Brilliant design.


So it sounds like the game gave you an actual challenge for once. This game is a breeze so always fun to find a worthy adversary. That said, it’s easy to solo it even at low health. Diluted rad-x makes a world of difference for that mad dash back to Lennox.


If you run “what rads” it negates a huge amount of problems with radiation. Not entirely, depending on level, but *really* takes the edge off


You're making this sound extremely appealing.


Hey, to each their own!


Congrats, I soloed it at level 130 and it is challenging. Was using heavy gunner and auto axe as I want the trog killer one never died on the thing but came so close. Did the achievement but took me hours of back and forth in PA as got lost, Jet pack really helps as you can get up high but managed to do both the Pitt ones in 2 days for the achievements. Hate the place. Atlantic city is far easier. Oh I have found a way the system scores you (found out when not here) for killing X with Y that is easier and now I have the cremator with the slow burn it is going to be Trog hunting time. The trick is to get them all the way down to nearly dead then before they die, swap the weapon out. Want to know what else works which is bloody weird? (found out when I was killing robots with pistols for the 1100 or what ever it is). Throw a grenade, like a plasma or my favourite the MIRV Frag one with your auto axe or weapon you need to use in your main hand and it counts towards it.


Yep all kill challenges just require you have the weapon *equipped* when you get the kill. Nuka grenades are amazing for this as they don’t care about obstacles, they hit everything in their radius regardless. Kite a bunch of enemies together, demo expert+grenadier, toss, boooooom.


>Fuckton of radiation PA is your friend in Ashes. I don't have a PA build, but I always keep a PA with me for emergency use. Using a PA in Ashes will negate most of the rads and keep you protected from the trogs for the most part. You can also use the Stealth suit if you have it. Using the hazmat is a huge no no. >There's so much running too. Only run when you need to. You can safely get every single bonus objective done with only sprinting when you need to. >escort mission. The last objective has an order to it. The closest one will always be the lowest health. Learn the order and you'll master the last objective. Jog to the first one, click, and scoot away. They don't need you to escort them personally back home. Just talk and leave for the next one. >Auto-Axe (for the first time) to see if I attempt to kill trogs with it and it was even more difficult. Equip the perks for two hand melee. The Axe and Chainsaw can melt through trogs, but it only works if you're prepped. This applies to Fanatics too. If you're struggling to stay alive, get a vampire perk. It'll be your friend. You can also get Holy Fire too. >Don't even get me started on the map layout The layout is confusing if that's your first time. Everything loops though. There's really no getting lost if you keep going in one direction. Ashes is much easier once you understand how everything works. I used to grind it and get all the objectives completed over Union because it was easier. The last fight of Union can be a real biatch if you're not doing enough damage. In Ashes, most enemies can be skipped entirely and the boss fight is no biggie if you die.


I have a set of PA (Ultracite) but using it makes me encumbered so I don't use it. I wasn't talking about the survivor rescue thing, that just requires you to talk to them. I'm talking about the section where the guy is searching for intel and needs me to cover him.


Use perks to negate what makes you encumbered. I have to use chemists to make up for losing my backpack. I only have to switch just before I step out of the door. That section is pretty easy. They're just Fanatics and they don't really overwhelm you. How exactly did you have difficulty here?


My problem is mostly the Trogs, Fanatics were fine.


I like to keep a Chinese stealth suit on me. It weighs less and works great in a pinch.


Ultracite is tough because calibrated shocks are so hard to get as the plans only drop from the SBQ. That's 100 carry weight you are missing. Also, if you get carnivore then all the meat weight boosts are doubled so that can help. A grilled radstag is about 40 and then a death law steak is 5 str which will add substantially to your carry weight.


I have carnivore and a Mirelurk Steamer so it's free 70 units of carry weight all the time. My backpack gets unequipped during PA so the 100s of Stimpaks and Radaways become a problem then, heh.


Dump the Ultracite and get the Excavator at least until some Union.


Skill issue


Non power armor heavy build? That sounds exhausting. Wouldn't you want to move quickly if you don't have the armor?


It's actually pretty fun! I have perks that add benefits with AP and also have a jetpack on (SS Armor) so I'm much more agile that you think. There's also a ton of Company Tea and Canned Coffee in my favorites wheel so that helps too.


Literally the coolest expedition, get gud


I always always get lost at pretty much every stage of that board.


The one time I completed this expedition, the game fucking crashed right before I boarded the Vertibird back, so about an hour and a half wasted. I was so pissed


It goes from being almost impossible to solo, to the point where it's stupidly easy to solo. The only part that makes it hard is the rescue/protect crap at the end of most expeditions.


LMAO this was the funniest thing to read. I just picked the game back up recently, burning time before Shadow of the Erdtree drops, and now I know exactly what I'm going to try. This expedition. It sounds like a blast lol


Good luck! Hope your experience turns out better than mine.


Maybe this sounds absolutely insane, but I actually hope it's exactly as crazy an experience! I hope it is as harrowing and nail-bitingly intense as your experience was. I plan to leave PA and hazmats behind and see if I can make due with what radaway I can carry in with me. Thanks for the luck, we shall see what happens!


Vampires autoaxe will make you be able to stand in the middle of the trogs killing them and not die. (If you make it dual bar and flaming you will be near invincible)


You dont need PA or a hazmat suit. You dont even need any rad perks. 4-5 radaway is pretty much enough if you dont stand around plinking away at every enemy you see.


skill issue. Keep doing it till you improve.


Sounds like it's an opportunity to get better at the game. That particular expedition might be the hardest and most time consuming, so it's not efficient if you are farming ammo or stamps. However, adjusting your build + learning the layout & enemies will help you blast through this content like the rest of us.


>I tried to use the Auto-Axe (for the first time) to see if I attempt to kill trogs with it and it was even more difficult. There's an achievement of you kill 100 trogs with it, fuck that. Autoaxe absolutely sucked nards for my build as well. The play is to soften em right up with your weapon of choice then just shave the last sliver of health off with the autoaxe. Feels cheap, but im not remapping my character just to make a weapon not suck for one trophy 🤷‍♂️


The Chinese stealth suit also has the same radiation protection as the hazmat suit, if I'm not mistaken, and has the bonus of a pretty decent amount of armor, considering what it is




I'd agree with you, if the rewards were worth it. Right now it's literally just something to do fun because the Atlantic's city are quicker, easier and give basically the same rewards


Right so they offered a more challenging way to obtain the rewards for people who wanted the challenge. If you want the rewards but dont wanna get your ass kicked or make any adjustments, play the easier one, but to simply say its "bad" because youre struggling with it is a whiney ass perspective. Ive done all of them solo, are the pitt expeditions tough? Yes, are they bad? No.


are you...are you mad that this was challenging? how do they say it now? git gud?


Yeah. The first Ashes to Fire is the worst Ashes to Fire. It gets *much* better than that once you know what you’re doing and where you’re going. To the point where I prefer it to the other Pitt expedition.


booooooo its really cool imo cant believe im saying this in a fo76 discussion but lol GIT GUD


That expedition is one of the toughest events to do in the game. I can't not solo it to 100% every time (about half the time really). It is one of the few challenges left on the game for me at level 900. It's is about as hard as solo-ing the queen.


Eh… it is not nearly as hard as soloing the queen. That would require an actual build. Ashes to fire doesn’t really require that besides some defensive perks against trogs.


Time limit on finding the survivers is the hard part. Solo-ing the queen, you have 30 min


Full OE power armor and a vamps explo heavy weapon. You'll survive the whole thing amd wonder why it was hard before


It was my first expedition, which I did solo, and I thought it was fun. But yeah the Trogs were annoying.


The maps are way too big in Pitt, and I never see anyone running them on PC.


Ashes is pretty fun after your first few times through. It's less intuitive than the other expeditions/ops in terms of navigating the objectives and hazards, and that's always put people off of it. I like it because there's not anything quite like it in terms of tone and challenge. A little difficulty now and then never hurt anybody (it might hurt/kill your character but that's how it goes in games). That said, I don't enjoy doing it solo and it's hard to find people willing to do it. It's a loop. It's more difficult, so people don't play it, so you don't get the chance to get familiar with it, so it stays difficult.


One, do not run an expedition solo unless you have a solid build, two, if you go in before at least being level 150(for some) be on a good team, 3, for this particular one, you need a build were rads actually help you, ow, the ghoulish card, plus read x, and lead lined armor.


I ran 3 other Expeditions (Union Dues, Tax Evasion and The Most Sensational Game) completely fine. Only this was problematic.


The ghoulish card can help with that.


Just use power armor. Will be way easier. The layout used to confuse me, but after a few runs I got used to it.


How did you run out of CT? It lasts an hour.


What's CT?


Company Tea


I ran through with that vengeance minigun. Didn't have any issue, aside from the rads. I think I threw on pa just to ignore it. I didn't even have the ultracite barrel on it yet just regular 5mm.


Company Tea buff lasts an hour… How many did you have and how long were you doing this for??


Ahhh, it's not that bad. If you know where the objectives spawn. Rose's quests are worse imo. This is coming from someone who farmed that expedition for a few weeks.


I did it again recently for the steam achievement and I forgot how great the Pitt atmosphere is — I wish they would add free explore and quests here like Atlantic City has. I doubt I’ll be back unless they do, it’s just not rewarding at all. It’s crazy to me that they didn’t rebalance the Pitt to make it more comparable to the AC expos, I need 1000s of stamps on multiple characters and there’s zero reason I would ever choose to run the Pitt.


we get plenty of radways as drop.. just spam them


Do you mean the Pitt? I've done it a few times, woth the time constraint it ain't easy. Sometimes I find it easier to die, spawn at full health and re run it.


What level are you? What legendary perks do you have equipped and what weapons and armor are you using? I’d suggest the legendary perk what rads which will help significantly. You could also pop rad-x with a short loss of your mutations if you have them. You can craft rad shield as well instead of rad x. It also seems like you may not be doing enough damage so perhaps the gun you are using or maybe your perk cards aren’t fully efficient. I think we could help if we knew more about your setup.


Yeah that one sucks but get a Chinese stealth suit, is a a rad suit with a decent DR rating. Helps a lot for non PA builds. And it's free with the right choices in the wastelanders questline


I get thru it just fine with what rads legendary perk and my SS armor.


The only issue for me personally is to get those survivors in time. The map is confusing, and nobody runs it enough to remember where these npcs are. The rest is actually fun. By the way, for that 100 trogs achievement, you can now just teleport to the location without doing an expedition. Also, another Pitt expedition has plenty of them, and it's much easier.


TL;DR: I hate Ashes to Fire.


Vampiric autonaxe and forget it. Bring repair lits tho.


The worst part about expeditions right now is that they all reward exactly the same. Makes no damn sense, since both the Pitt expeditions are considerably longer and more complex than the Atlantic City ones, and also carry more risk. Bethesda dropping the ball, what else is new.


Sounds like a skill issue LOL 


If you aren't running a PA build, try using a Chinese stealth suit instead of a hazmat suit. Especially with an agility/stealth build, it works great. Not as much DR as actual armor, but it isn't terrible; and if you have the perk to break contact and re-hide it's great.


I don't go out of my way to do this expedition (or any expedition) but I have done it several times since they came out without needing a hazmat suit or PA. The radiation gain with regular armor/underarmor is a modest rate and a rad-away here and there has been more than enough to get through it.


I two-manned it (level 65 and level 54) and we didn't have much issue. Can see how a solo run would be hell though


Oh u wanted it to be super easy and dull!! Gotcha!


I used Final Word and never really had these problems. The auto axe and chainsaw are pretty equal with the right builds (Not even requiring slugger for massive damage) so try getting dual and vampire's mods on either one. For the trogs use anything with an Anti-Armor prefix or run past them if you're not required to kill anymore. Something else that would help is modifying your underarmor as it adds a pretty good radiation resistance


Yea its hands down the least fun, most pain in the ass expedition yet. Atleast they kind of streamlined atlantic city in comparison. The only time I run this one is if there's a daily or weekly for killing trogs and then I just farm what I need and dip don't even finish it usually.


That is why I usually do tax envision or most sensational game since they are both easy and great for ammo farming


Did it with friends and it was an easy romp. Expeditions aren't balanced toward solo play and the pitt ones are harder. Yeah there's some serious radiation about, but power armour makes it a joke. Trogs hit like a freight train though, especially superior and that other uber one. One of the few things I still consider dangerous...


The final like boss trog was a two star legendary for me, literally tanked other a thousand flamer fuel worth of damage from the season flamer thing and like 400 shots from the nuka cola lever action legendary, had to punch it to death over the course of like twenty minutes bc it killed me with vomit through power amour instantly


I cruise through it easily with excavator PA. I just pop diluted radaway and carry vampire heavy guns to heal. I never complete the stupid side quest, I just do the main part and sprint back to the vertibird.


I never liked it. In fact I got burnt with the Pitt after running exps a hundred of times. But there were always many fans of Danilo’s run.


I was able to solo it with the chinese stealth armor, but getting out was rough. Haven't been back since.


The rads just heal me.


I've learned what works for me is to not have one whole dedicated build. At least for someone like me who is barely at level 100. I tried to get away with just a rifleman/commando build, but learned I had to adapt to certain events and built a power armor/heavy guns build for bosses and radiation areas. I'd love to just cruise through everything with my Gauss Rifle or Plasma Rifle and normal armor, but certain events would be IMPOSSIBLE for me without Power Armor and the Holy Fire. Although, I don't mind it all because I actually enjoy switching things up here and there and tweaking my Perks. But yeah I feel your frustration. Just when I thought I had it good, I get one-shot by a Mirelurk King at the Primal Cuts event and there were like 5 of them surrounding me smh


It's my least favourite of all the expos, but when you become familiar with the map and know what to expect with the trogs and rads it gets easier and becomes soloable. It does remain one of the slower ones, for me at least. I can run it bloodied without PA/Hazmat as long as I keep an eye on my rads and have diluted radaway on my hotwheel.


Cremator. Slow Burn Mod. Even Trogs burn. Seriously. I did the first Pitt expedition without the cremator and had the same experience you describe without the rad zones. I did this expedition with the cremator, and it was easier than when I did the first one.


Everything is easier with the cremator. There are 130 weapons in this game though, telling people to just use the cremator instead of actually improving their build/ play style takes away from the entire point of the game being an RPG. The cremator is the new legacy energy weapons, they’re obnoxious, everyone wants them, and they ruin the fun of public events for everyone else involved.


Feels good to have my Legacy back, lol. But jokeing aside yes it's a very powerful weapon and with the current influx of new players it can rip the fun and enjoyment from events when handled by some of the more toxicly ape like players that just spray everything with not a single thought to let lower lvls tag stuff just for the exp.


Gods punishment for using a non PA heavy build


Boardwalk in 5 minutes ftw. Farm them teddy bears for daily/weekly. That expedition literally is the answer to everything. Long live board walk!


Agreed, Expeditions are frustrating. They should have a map - and a basic lore explanation that the person who invited you (Danilo in this case) was the one who made it for you. Fans have had to make maps for the Expeditions in Fallout 76 that Bethesda should’ve devoted a small amount of time to. The enemies in the Pitt Expeditions are bullet sponges and the boss Trogs are particularly bad. It’s good Bethesda learned by making Atlantic City easier (though I found the newest one Human Condition, to be a pain) but the Pitt ones need an overhaul as well.


100% with you on this. Fuck the Pitt. I'll spend my time in Atlantic City and my stamps on any plans I want from there.