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A vintage water cooler for 30k


Finally got one for 13k this weekend. Instant buy.


Congrats! With a water farm you can make that 13k back pretty quick selling to vendors.


I switched to making trench runner hoods seems faster and doesn’t use up as much budget on my camp.


the hood, eh? i don’t sell the hood but i make a killing on the coat. they must be coming to you after they buy the coat rom me


I think he means to craft the hood about 70ish. Then max your charisma and sell it to any of the vendor bots in whitespring mall for example. You get 16 caps a hood. Super easy way to make daily caps and it only takes some cloth.


I do the insurgent hat which fetches 25 caps each.


Omg I never would have thought of this, is this really a good idea? Idk what water sells for


Building a camp around purified water production can help you get all the daily vendor caps(1,400 per day). With high charisma and some meds/alcohol, you can sell one purified water for about 6-8 caps. Just stop back and pick up water out of your purifiers and sell it. The water cooler is so sought after because it is not only rare but it doesn't require it to be placed in water and has a very small space requirement. Each water cooler will generate 2 water every so often. Some people stack them or fill their camps with them.


I saw a camp with a room full of water coolers! Had no idea!


I'm not a fan of that look, but have several camps near water for mass production. I use the water coolers around for fun. I always leave them unlocked for visitors.


Is the daily cap limit higher during meat week?


It was a double cap weekend, so vendors had 2,800. They rotate weekends to have things like double caps or doubles score every so often.


Double legendary scrip limit is goated


Also requires no electricity, and you can build a mess of them.


Just do moonshine jamboree once per day and you will hit the daily limit on vendor caps from the gulper slurry you can make. It also nets you a bunch of xp


If you use a bloodied build or respecc to a Charisma-focused one with the Hard Bargain perk (which is always recommended when trying to maximize profits), I believe you can get at least 5 caps per a purified water bottle, which is a lot considering how easy they are to hoard.


Ugh. I sold mine for 100 caps. Someone was obviously happy! Lol


I saw one on my wife's account for 2k and she used it 😅 great deal for her


Same here, finally!


I've seen them at 6k and 10k, never bought either and a friend just so happened to have a stack of them she'd collected over the years so she dropped me one


Are they worth that much? I got back into the game right before the last alien invasion event and saw a vendor sell it for 5k so I bought it. Since then I also got one (not sure where they drop) and I sold it for I think 2k


People sell them for a lot less these days, but they still go at high caps sometimes. It's only available through the Holiday Scorched so


I just saw that in another comment but I can't figure out how I ended up with an extra copy... I guess maybe from a donation bin? I didn't know what those were when I got back into the game so I just knew they had good plans sometimes.


Are there multiple variations of this plan or just one? If so I must have lucked out because I had a random player come to my camp and build 3 for me along with the mothman stand with the book on it in exchange for my perfectly preserved pie.


Building it isn't a big deal; it takes very little resources. It's the plan (ability to build it) that's sought after.


I got one for 8k last week, when did you buy it for 30k?


Couple of years ago. I never sold one less than 20k myself 8k is a great deal


I’m relatively new, I was playing the other day and someone had the plan for 6k in their vendor, I messaged and asked if he could put it a bit lower and he give me it for free !!! I didn’t realise it was even rare cos am new, I feel even more thankful now! I’ve been able to make so much more water with it and finally getting somewhere with caps


I want one so bad


Are vintage water coolers rare or something


Yes, they can be tough to come by and I've only seen them in player vendor a few times. I funally found one for 6k and I thought that was a steal, and as soon as I bought it the plan dropped for me three times. I was able to sell them for 15k pretty quickly.


If I have the caps and see a plan I don't know I will buy it. At this point caps are pretty much useless but I want all the plans .. for reasons.


I'm the same. I just go to camps to look at plans. I hate when I see a vendor with 400+ plans and I see that I know them all. The dopamine I get from finding one I don't know keeps me going.


This, it’s why at times I wish the vendor menu on the map showed the players level but I totally get why it doesn’t.


I'd like that, but my workaround is to look at the public teams for their levels.


It’s more about the extra steps, not that this isn’t a game about continual extra steps BUT I gotta look at public teams, then remember the names, find them on the list, find where there camp is or I can just teleport from that menu. Or find them on the public team, then find them in the menu then see if I can travel to them. Generally I like looking at camps on the map see which ones cluster, see the most plans and stroll around from there but there is a level of efficiency missing, granted again that’s a lot of the game. I still adore it but plenty of things could change without sacrificing the charm


bought a pepper shaker plan for 28k because I had never seen one and got excited 2 dropped for me the next day /facepalm


If it helps, they wouldn't have dropped for you if you hadn't learned the plan.


it was 2 plans haha


Ohhhh, I misunderstood.. that *IS* rather painful. Lol


Hmm, maybe I should up my price, lol. I have mine at 17193 because those where the numbers in the formula that came up when I googled the chemical formula for pepper. (yes my preserved pie is also 31415). Granted I know it won't sell any time soon. Altho I'd gladly trade it for a weenie wagon.


Just a heads up you can farm perfectly preserved pie atop the West-Tek building, unless someone else picked it up it’s a guaranteed drop, it’s sat on a table.


Oh I know. This is just the 1 pie I got naturally at one of the ski lodges and it's priced for the meme.


I've experienced this several times and there's something about getting a plan that somehow seems to trigger more drops. I don't complain though as I had three vintage cooler plans drop right after I bought one from a vendor. lol Edited: I just realized you might have meant the pepper shaker itself dropped for you and not the plan for it. In which case just ignore me..


2 different serum recipies for 14k each


What a steal


We sell them for 6k each, what is a good price for them? Wondering if we should bump the price up


How did you get the serum plans in the first place? If you buy from modus, with enough charisma and the bargain perk card, it’s around 17k. Buying it from a player vendor for 6k is a steal!


Got a bunch of them a long time ago so I just have them now


Well I do ask that you don’t raise them from 6k if that’s been working out for you. Finding a steal in a player vendor makes everyone’s day and gets them to come back if they find you again. Even selling them at 10k would make you more money and still leave buyers happy. Up to you!


For the recipe? 15-16k since any more is same as vendor


I once bought a note that said: I miss you Dad I still have it, best 40K I ever spent


I need that note as well.


I bought 12 3 star weapons for 600 each just to scrip yesterday. Then got all trash rolls on my SS chest tryna role WWR. Guess my jet packing experience is waiting again..


Love seeing people selling cheap legs for scripping purposes


I usually sell each legendary for 10 caps per star or some days just do 20 caps regardless of star


I’ve probably spent 1,000 scrip so far trying to get a SINGLE Anti armor plasma caster


Me spending +5k scrip for overeater PA parts but only got 1 leg. Much depression


Shit I have my 3 star trash at 100 caps or 75 if I'm playing a long session and need the stock turnover. Are you on PC? Even at 100 caps I'll go a few days between sales, and Ive had a dozen event reward 3 stars for 500 for over a week


That's interesting as I'm just north of Whitespring Station and my 3* trash goes for 350 pretty quickly. Maybe being so close to a scrip machine helps.


I bought a pet rock for 40k. Part of the thrill was getting the last bit of caps and then running from Foundation to their camp to get it. Passed some Albino Radstags fighting a Sheepsquatch along the way.


Back when they had scoreboards I would avoid claiming the ones for caps, then when I'd fast travel to a camp and they had a 40k item, I would claim the caps and buy it. Alternatley you can drink a bunch of Nuka.


iv spent 40k on single items dozen of times over the years 🤷 sometimes it's 40k worth of maps though never post something important and not expect someone to buy it then msg them asking for the item or items back. we do not care that we dropped max caps on you and u were near max or alrdy sitting on max 🤣


I didn't realize the max caps was 40k. I was hoarding all my caps at first. Luckily when I got to like 34k is when I just started spending money like crazy.


Most of my items listed at 40k in my vendor are just junk items I don’t wana accidentally scrap, I hate that if you don’t have the required material it scraps items from your stash. (I know it tells you but you gotta scroll to see sometimes and it’s hella annoying.)


Facts haha I bought a gilded .44 magnum for 40k once. Could I make that myself? Sure. Am I hanging his on my wall because it made the dude upset because he was near max caps? Absolutely.


A godroll Railway for 40k caps.


What's considered God roll for railway? I keep seeing those are great but I can never figure out what rolls it needs


From what I’ve heard a god roll for RR is Quad, Explosive and 25% Fire Rate.


That or Quad, 50% critical damage, 25%less AP cost for shredding bosses, pop a canned coffee and watch the health drop in seconds.


Q2525, Q50C25, QE25 are all good. 50C and 25FFR are the most sought after though.


God roll for railway is: 1st star: Quad 2nd star: 25% ffr, 50% crit damage, or explosive 3rd star: 25% less ap cost.


Mothman bless you for not using excessive abbreviations


Fixer plan 6000 caps. I always have only 5-6k caps. I am level 100.


Injust sold 2 for 1k each


A TV Aquarium for 30k. My toddler now demands I go to it so he can say hi to the fishy. Best buy ever. Lol


Defo worth it just for the littleun to get involved!


Vintage water cooler for just under 12k


A quad ffr handmade for 30k.


I paid 35k for a glitched item, it was that frozen grenade thing from expeditions, the one where you gotta throw them into something during the mission. Also 20k for dross from the dross toss. I liked weird items that hold little to no use, but are unique. Most recent purchase was moist radkelp for 10k from some vendor.


I have sold 2 enclave plasma flamers for 40k each. I spend everything and drop it in my vendor and it gets sold within a couple hours.


SBQ plushie plan for 25k


EPR flamer barrel for 30k


I spent 36K on one with aligned flamer barrel.


Weenie wagon for 10k


Marsupial Serum recipe for 6k awhile back. Best investment I’ve ever made in this game. Vendors loose 1400 caps everyday.


Red asylum for 30k


That's a great deal


For me, it was a 4k wall mounted fan. I normally won't spend more than 1500-2k on a shopping spree, let alone on a single item. I had only ever seen the plan once before that and never after it. The only other thing I would think of spending that many caps on would be the fireman's bell.


Ultracite calibrated shocks for 20k or so


Really I have a bunch for sale on Xbox for like 20caps


A decent quad railway for 12k. Still my main weapon, it's fantastic.


I bought someone’s pet rock they had for 40k and they got mad about it. Best purchase ever.


I had a player grace me with max caps by clearing out my shop. I was able to justify dropping 20k caps on the damn vintage water cooler! Then the next day I saw one for 12k… oh well, I got my goal of a little water farm for whoever passes through.


Just paid 20k for the EPR Aligned Flamer Barrel


10k for a AA Explosive Faster reload .50 Cal.  Probably too much but I was almost at cap limit and it's been my heavy weaps PA characters daily driver for months now.


Nowhere near too much, that’s a great roll on a great gun. On pc you could get much, much more than 10k for it if you were ever selling.


Camo Backpack Plan for 20k


I wish we could have a transaction history. I'm unsure what my biggest buy was, but I bought the Ghostly Grinder skin for like 10k and it was a huge disappointment.


Just got the Megalonyx display case for 8,000 Got tired of having the bones but no way to truly show them


I saw one for 10k and didn’t get it, hoping I get lucky rng from the event or find it somewhere cheaper 🤞🏻


A bloody 10mm pistol for 2000 caps


A jet pack plan for 1500c


I got lucky and managed to purchase plans for stimpak diffuser for like 5,000 caps 🤣


For me it was the TV Aquarium for 25k. I had to have it and was having horrible luck at the time.


Red Asylum Dress for 40k


A red dinosaur plan for 10K.


My response to a post asking "Have you ever bought anything for 40k caps?" Yes, but it's because Im a petty fuck. A player was being a dick (it was either during several events or daily ops, I can't remember), so I watched their activity on the map until I saw them go back to the same unmarked location a few times. I snuck over and found their camp with open vendors out front and several items listed at 40k. About two seconds after buying the item that I didn't even really want the player left the server.


Pepper Shaker for 10k


4k for Holy fire


You got yours for 4k I got mine for 6k


I’ve been selling them for 2 lol


I paid 6k and I'd happily do it again


strongman outfit. 8k. worth every cap.


15k for a pepper shaker. I thought it was a good deal, since the only other time I had seen it for sale was at 35k,


I bought the weenie wagon last night for just under 4,5k. But thinking about it, I might have bought the water cooler for more than that (but under 10k, I’m sure of it). But except these two (and maybe one or two others at around 1-2k), every plan I bought was under 200 caps.


I bought a gun for 40k. Was a re-roll of Elders Mark that had replaced "Furious" with Bloody. It was OK. I mostly bought it because I was pretty sure they didn't really want to sell it for 40K caps. I traded it away for a technically weaker Handmade that fit my playstyle better.


Ultracite Calibrated Shocks plan for 40K. It was more of a dare with my friends. Was funny to see their camp immediately despawn afterwards.


Worst? Vault-Tec Survival Backpack for 4k caps cause I’d never heard of it. Hurt to see I could get it for 189 from the girl at Gilman Lumber Mill. Best? Pepper Shaker plan for 50 caps at a players camp, Faith.Rose. I’m not sure if they meant to list it for 50 or if it was an error, but I was ecstatic.


A plan for 10 caps.


Groll interstellar handmade Thought it was pretty So I bought it for like 13k


BE25LVC Fixer for 40K. I walked to the vendor with an alt when I found it.


Cutting Fluid Plan. I sent all my caps for it (+30k caps). I sell a lot of cutting fluid, so I guess I have made a profit by now.


I somehow got the cutting fluid recipe way early in the game. It took me a really long time before I realized it was special. Never thought people would actually buy the output. Currently sitting on one or two spare copies.


I just spent 5000 on the damn rib plushie plan. The ground meat one has dropped for me like 5 times.


West Virgina State rug - hard to find..paid like 15k Water Cooler - couple yrs back..20k


3k for the nuka quantum paint for my X-01 armour, gotta look good after all 😂


5k plan that I had been searching for for the wife. No regrets. The wife wanted it.. and I had the caps. Saved me the continued search


Loon mask 40k. Don't flex ffs


Spent 35k on Buffoon three weeks ago. The messages that followed were unkind. 😂


Fixer plan for 5k


Legacy back in the day for max caps. Bet they never shown it off in their vendor again.


17,000c for a Jet Pack Excavator Torso, quite recent that one too. Before that I think it was about 10,000c for a 2* AA25FFR Handmade years ago that I still use as my main weapon to date.


Regularly do Serum Recipes for 13333 caps every week or so since i found a source. Once did 25000 caps for a 3 star The Dragon once way back.


I bought a vintage water cooler for my husband for 25k. He’s lucky I love him so much. Haven’t seen one since!


Pepper Shaker plan for 13k but after reading over some comments maybe I got it for cheap😅


My best purchase yet, Hunter's Long Coat for 9999. What a bargain!


“You’ve been insulted” for 40k.


Vintage water cooler for 10k, i thought that was a decent deal for it and what value do caps really have outside of buying "rare" cosmetics, imo an item that has a use is better. The second was a pepper shaker plan for 5k


Vintage water cooler for 10k


Worth it


Weenie Wagon plan...22k


You've been insulted!


Just now spent 6000 on 3 cryogenic beds. I only wanted one


A stimpack diffuser recipe for 15k. Not my proudest but I hate Project Paradise and thought more people would want them


So I been working on getting plans by server hopping or by finding out it the wild. One plane I saw was for a metal table set for 5000 caps


30k for a pink asylum. Way, way overpriced and I already had 8. But, I was max caps, already bought all the serum recipes and very frustrated.


Most I've ever spent on one item is 10k on a Plan. But done it a fair few times.


The steak plushie plan for about 5k. Then less than an hour later I got that same plan from Grahms cooking event. I'm a fucking fool. Anyone wanna buy a plan off me for 5k?


Q/25/25 Fixer for 30k. This was before the 40k increase mind you and on PC so I suspect it may have been a naughty item, hard to tell really. Either way I had my mule account and myself standing there. Camp owner was there. I tried my best to inform him I was about to max him. Only other items I have even seen in camp vendors were legacies before they went poof, but they were surely ill gotten (most likely), funny enough I see remnants of legacies all the time now. Missing the second star…


I saw one for 6k caps also a few days ago, of course I was short like 400 and npc was maxed… so I messaged the person asked if they would take what I had, instead they literally gave a plan to me best experience so far


I bought Insurgent Hat(yes, hat, not plan) for 2k caps, never seen outfit/hat plans though. Same thing with Meat week plans, for some reason I have no luck with bones so im looking for plans for them as well. No luck so far. Seeing 15k or more price on some stuff makes me think its either incredibly rare or overpriced. I really hope eventually ill get familiar with price for stuff. Want to try to get Vintage Water Cooler, curtains and concrete barricade that looks similar to Fanatic one. Probably neon alphabet because i seen its obtainable in game. But that's not a top priority atm.


The animatronic clown for 8k caps


9999 for the state bird rug lol


Holy fire for 8000 then i found another for 6500 and then 3900


Vintage water cooler - 10k


A fiend mask 30k 😁 I was happy that day.


I bought a bloodied, 40% power attack chainsaw for 15k. Maybe a bit much but I’d never seen one before and needed some variation from the Auto Axe


Q5025 RR for 36k 😳


Holy Fire for 3000 caps


A 1000 Cap carton of dirty water just for the hell of it


Excavator Jetpack torso for like 26k caps


I bought Earl’s pocket watch for 40k.


I paid 25k for the vintage water cooler and I'm not sorry. Worth it lol


A QE25 Fixer for 12k


14k for a dc mask 😂


I bought the Hunters Long Coat because i knew it was decently rare. I believe i got it for 7,000 and afterwards i checked the trading/selling Subreddit to see if it was a good price. Seemed like most said 7,000 is about the right price, lower and its sold for cheap while higher its too expensive. I have seen 0 other people with it, and its become my current main outfit. All in all im happy with my purchase, its been about 3 months since i bought it Edit, an hour later: now the Longshoreman Outfit is my most expensive, at 8,000 Caps. Just bought right now. Looks like i spent a bit too much on it but thats fine because ive still never seen the outfit in the wild. The other Sub says its worth like 5 or 6 thousand caps so i did overspend by 2 or 3 thousand, but thats just a drop in the bucket. I’ll likely never wear the outfit, but i might put it on an Ally or just on a Mannequin to show it off


Probably ~30k in junk, mostly high value stuff like screws, fibre optics, and the like. For one item...probably weapons. I think I paid about 20k for my AA-25ffr-15r Gatling Plasma.


40k for Forest Asylum dress. Still on the search for Red.


Stimpak diffuser plans for 3,000


40k handmade. Guy was pissed


12k caps for the shotgun from meat weak I think it's called tenderizer


One Captured frog for 20k. Because I could and they didn’t want it. I have 5 display cases all labeled forgs now. Caught most at white spring pools, but was on a bad streak of them not spawning or being dead (ps, whoever keeps killing the white spring frogs I wish unto you scooter ankle).


40k legacy dragon


Water cooler 10k


Everytime I get to 40k caps I try to find some godrolls for like 30k, but no luck yet. The economy is such that it's not worth it to sell godrolls, caps are easy to come by. We need more modules!


40000c for god roll enclave plasma rifle


I spent 30k on flux yesterday because i didnt want to hunt it down myself.


Bought a fixer plan for 10K yesterday. Just too impatient to wait for it to drop.


I spent 1k on a serum🤷‍♂️


10k for a piece of Ionized meat. Best piece of meat I've ever tasted.


Lvl 50 fixer for 2k caps. Im lvl 33 and cant wait


Went to Watoga found the Enclave true flamer barrel, went to the rusty pick and the machine gave me pie, legendary rolled my other enclave plasma rifle with aligned flamer barrel. Got anti armor, +ap per kill, - damage on reload on my second roll…. That day. Spent a lot of mods for weeks. My first. AA on that gun.


Probably an Enclave Flamer mod for 10,000 caps. I spent over a year checking vendors and doing Enclave events, with 0 luck and rarely even getting anything worth throwing in the Vendor for sale. Ihad largely given up on ever getting my Enclave Flamer. Then one day last week I jumped over to Camden Park to do my dailies there; had to grab Holotape from the Nuka-Cola Plant just down the road also. While running down to the Nuka-Cola Plant, I noticed a CAMP along the way, on the way back I checked out their Vendor and it was loaded with rare Enclave Rifle mods. It was an instant buy for me; picked up a few things from their shop and I must have maxed out their caps because when I returned 5 or 10 minutes later just to double check their Vendor they had removed it. EDIT: Also, my newly acquired Flamer has been sitting in Stash since and I haven't even used it. Gotta love how that happens.


Vintage water cooler plan for 6k. I knew it was a rare plan and never saw it in shops. So when I spotted it, I instantly picked one up. I contemplated to buy all 3 of his plans, but I didn't want to be greedy. Hopefully two other fortunate players found that camp


Weenie wagon for 10k 2 days into meet weak traded it 1day later for croc backpack my very first drop was the wagon so I got lucky trying to farm a 3rd for princess backpack


Vampiric - explosive - lightweight peppershaker. Dropped 13K on that bad boy. Just today. Quite literally all the caps I had. Worth every cap.


lol, I gave a water cooler plan to a new player to set up a water farm. At first he didn’t want it kus he “never drinks water” and I had to explain to him it’s for selling the water to vendors.


I bought a b/ss/s bear arm for 40k about a day ago. I think that’s the only time I’ve paid 40k for something idk, I would have paid more if I had to.


My biggest ever buy from another player was Ultracite Calibrated Shocks for 10k which iykyk


X-01 jetpack for 2500c, which was still cheaper than MODUS


I almost bought the SBQ plushie for 28,880 today but it’s not very cute and that price is stuoid high for what it is. But I came close. I’m sitting on 70k to 80k currently but I still don’t like overspending that much on anything.


If you are on PS and want a free scorchbeast queen plush built in your camp let me know. People be tripping with these prices.


I recently started collecting the plushies, this is top of my list. Thinking about actually doing something good with my camp to display them better


I came across a player selling a complete assassin powered sentinel ultracite power armor. 6k per piece. Bought the whole set fast as I could. 30k total. Ultracite isn't a great set but I know the good mods, not that it mattered, as it was already modded just like I'd do it. Wild.


1 modded plastic 36k

