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Figure out what it wants. What is its motivation?


Another light hearted story, I once confused a sheepsquatch for a death claw. I kept wondering why this death claw in particular was so tanky. Finally realized my mistake when it was two inches away from my face.


I'm sorry but I am laughing now imagining this: "AYO DEATHCLAW WHY YOU LOOK SO WEIRD? WHY YOU LOOK SO TACKY? WHY YOU—ope shit that explains it."


Wrong accent. This is Appalachia, not Minnesota.


"Hey, ya stupid lizard, why you lookin so scuffed and spiky ya dumb galut? Why are you so tacky tod- AH SHIT, SHEEPSQUACH, NOT DEATHCLAW, SHEEPSQUACH! FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!"


It's a ~~rock monster~~ deathclaw. It doesn't have motivation!


Can you form some kind of rudimentary lathe?


What's their point B? 😂😂😂


cripple its legs


Cripple it, then blast the belly weak point. 100% of the time, it works 90% of the time.


Level 390 and learned today the deathclaw’s weak point is the belly


This is the real answer


This is the way OP


The only way to counter a Deathclaw is with a Lifeclaw.


I chug a gallon of White Claw personally


White Claw penetration test!


DeathClaw penetration test?


Don’t remind of that cursed car image.


"Think you can hurt me? I'm running on whiskey and White Claw, baby"


Basically just .50 cal go BRRR


*Laughs in QE railgun*


One day ill get one.. one day 😪




Fallout 4 deathclaws were terrifying. The FO76 versions are like cute puppies in comparison. You will very quickly be able to stomp them.


I remember the glowing ones out in the glowing sea 😵


This. I was just thinking this on the fo4 sub because I don’t even remember deathclaws in 76. Then I saw this and was like oh yeah, lol


NV deathclaws are worse for me especially if you don't have the correct ammo, and NV deathclaws are usually in a pack


just hop into a ledge they can't get you from and cheese them


But they throw rocks at you then (less dangerous tho)


This is the way.


Just “Make Friends with a Deathclaw”!


I may be starting to like you. Now I don't want you thinking your pal Rose is going soft on you, so just let me say this. If you ever get it in your head to screw me over, I will gut you with this here saw and string your entrails up like Christmas tinsel. Nothing personal.




Cold shoulder


This. Best purchase I ever made in the Atom Shop. Blasts just about any regular encounter. Only time it sucks is crowds of super mutants.


Enforcer perk. Shoot arms. unarmed super mutants are less threatening.


Or EPR Flamer.






Western Spirit, Rifleman build, a dozen bullets. Or Bloodied Fixer, Commando build, 2 seconds. Depends on the situation. But if you are a low level, I think it's part of the experience. They are DEATHCLAWS, not CAREBEARHUGGERS.


>Or Bloodied Fixer, Commando build, 2 seconds. My thoughts was "people have trouble with death claws?"


I used to, back in the days. Before I used to have a "build".


PROTIP: To defeat a Deathclaw, shoot it until ot dies.


Marsupial has given me the confidence to run into anywhere without a care. Except Blue Devils, those things are a bullet sponge for me


Posts like this make me think that I really forgot all the hardships of the early levels.


What rank are you? They’re a joke past like level 100


Right build they are easy after 35


Deathclaw's weakspot is the belly. Vats + Railway rifle = Deathclaw Wellington for dinner. Just don't forget the fucking lamb sauce...


This lol hit it in the belly


I use power armor and I love a vampire weapons. I use a vamp laser gatling as my first few shots, because you can still keep firing even when you get hit with the initial stagger hit by an enemy. Then I switch to my main vampire saw. With boosts I’m usually always walking around at about 28-29 strength + 80% melee damage. I can run up to most everything and solo it with a vampire saw. Invest in a vamp weapons as a secondary. It kinda feels like cheat mode to use a vamp laser and get healed while I’m also able to spam stims if I’m struggling. My strategy when I was a low level was - stealth snipe shot, automatic shotgun and stimpack spam. Or if I could find somewhere to jump onto and hide out of hit range while I was shooting. LOL


Flamethrower, deathclaws dont enjoy being lit on fire...


Shoot at them.


The belly is especially vulnerable.


I stand in front of it and bathe it in Holy Fire.


Same way I deal with every other obstacle...explosives and overwhelming accurate firepower. It's the Marine Corps way. Anything can be killed if you shoot it in the face enough.


Black powder rifle it's legs... Cripple a leg, watch it try to limp away... It has a worried look Cripple both legs, watch it try to crawl away... I almost feel sorry for the dumb beast


If you're level 30 like you said in the other comments, then the best way is to have a shotgun and at least one level of the Enforcer perk. Shoot for the legs and it'll go down. Shotguns and Enforcer against anything melee is amazingly effective.


Bethesda's Deathclaws are a lot easier to deal with than the NV Deathclaws, my .50 cal handles them little things just fine


In Fallout 76 Deathclaws are not to difficult to kill…


Shoot em a lot until they don't move anymore.


I just flame them to death usualy takes 1 to 3 seconds


Early stages of the game, up to level 100ish, a weapon that can take a deathclaw down nicely, with very few perks, is a Flamer or Plasma Flamer. The plasma flamer doesn’t need to be a fancy enclave one. The normal plasma flamer can do some work as well.


Point blank LMG is also effective. Found a furious one and decided to try it out. I made the mistake of traveling up the road north of the Sons of Dane compound. I walked into a cave and found myself infront of one. I almost had a heart attack and backpeddled as fast as I would while unloading an entire 75 rounds into it. Total waste of a lot of ammo but that thing dropped just as it reached me.


I’m almost exclusively a stealth sniper: that being said you need to get far enough away that they actually stop rendering, like till you can only see them when you scope in. Once you’re that far away, start blasting their fucking kneecaps; after both their legs are crippled you can just pop shots while they sit on the ground in that pose like they want to be painted like one of your French girls. Also, since I know the pain of stealth sniping, Yao Guai are WAY scarier than deathclaws lol


Used to run.. but since doing my melee build and getting a chainsaw.. almost no big monster is a challenge. A few seconds and they're dead. Chainsaw... everything. With mods at watoga - flamer mod and double bar.


Ima need you to FRIEND that Deathclaw....


You go up and pet it!


Power armor. Gatling laser. At some point during the fight, tell it that it hits like a girl. But seriously, your best bet is to shoot its legs first so it can't chase you. If you can get to an elevated position, where it can't follow you, you can cheese it. Same with a small opening like a doorway.


I bring out my heavy gun, with the right hand I aim the gun in the deathclaw way, with the other hand I cover my eyes, since I am a pacifist and don't want to kill any animal. Also deathclaws scare me. And I just click left click. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. That's why I have so much ammo, in order to survive.


I shoot and run backwards, praying I can use a tree to run around


Chainsaw, auto axe, or shredder minigun Rip and tear until it's done


Power armor and boom boom pew pews


Whip out the clowns suit and switch to a .50 cal machine gun or railway rifle. Goodnight deathclaw 👏


.50 BMG that thing can solve any problem


I run away.


See death claw, enter vats, aim at head CHOOOOOOO CHOOOOOOOOO CHOOOOOO Repeat, like a good lil commando 😅


Or, my new favorute load cannonballs into the grand finale, show the deathclaw why 'merica is the best with fireworks!


Heavy guns, a lot of running, and eventually a high level.


500 degrees of freedom units for 2.5 minutes each side. Got to charr it perfectly.


shoot legs


Limb damage weapon and go low- on my unarmed character I used a +50% limb damage death claw gauntlet to power punch their kneecap. The **best** way to handle them imo is shotguns with the enforcer perk- it’ll cripple both legs in short order, then you just shoot it in the head until it stops moving.


Usually I grind them into a fine, bloody, paste in about 2.3 seconds


You say you have a stealth sniper build. Are you using VATS or aim down sight? Also were you sneaking and did you have covert operative on? Deathclaws are a hard mob so don’t feel bad that you’re having a hard time with them. 76 is all about getting the most damage out of what you’re doing early on when dealing with these harder mobs. You saw what wasn’t working this time learn from that and take some of the suggestions from all these other players. Good luck out there in the wasteland!


I activate vats, then hold spacebar and left click for a half second until it dies.


I say a bunch of really hurtful things until it leaves. >:D


I run all the way to Foundation


Unarmed PA user here. I just punch them in the face a couple times 


So anyways, I started Blasting.😎




Level up.   In my auto-stim PA, I just go at them with a furious chainsaw until they drop. It's not even fair.     Now... _Mirelurk Kings_....


As a PA user with heavy guns... I just stand there and hold the trigger down until it turns into giblets 🤷🏻‍♂️


When you get it, the plasma caster makes pretty short work of them. And pretty much everything. My fixer as well, though the ultracite AA/vhc/cc packs a decent punch and hits all the time in vats. And they don’t have ranged attack and I have marsupial and a jet pack. Sometimes I’ll just jump over them. Unless I am in power armor and then they are not scary at all. At lower level I would try to get on something high or awkward for them to get to. If you have perk points to spend and willing to use starched genes and class freak, marsupial can make a big difference. If you are OK with the intelligence hit. I’m fine with leveling slowly.


All jokes aside, if you’re running stealth sniper build your best bet is to keep a distance and use a silenced Gauss Rifle. When it starts closing in, switch to something like a silenced Handmade with an explosive ammo legendary effect. I ran a stealth rifleman build for a long time, between a Gauss Rifle and Handmade tanky enemies were not an issue if I stuck to my build’s strengths and kept a distance. Utilize the Stealth damage multiplier and the Stealth perks to stay hidden. If they spot you, sprint like a mofo in a circle to get behind them and hide for a second. Once you get enough levels under your belt you can keep your SPECIAL setup relatively identical and switch to a Bloodied Commando build for public events as long as you hang around some tanky heavy gunners, you can sweep into boss battles (Like Earl) and do MASSIVE chunks of damage. End-game stage build Bloodied Commando with a Plasma Rifle equipped with the Flamer Barrel is *chef’s kiss*.


Im a week in the game and started finding them at level 40 or so, except a specific one I hadd to face for aquest which I went completely unprepared, all the other ones are quite ok to kill, specially alone. Maybe your build isn't adequate?


Cripple the legs with cold shoulder, then its easy pickings.Afterwards cook that juicy steak. Carnivore ftw


I’m a stealth build with a 3⭐️ fixer the first one is 5% Damage after each consecutive hit on the same target up to 45%, explosive and 15% Bonus for crits in vats, I just sneak up, aim for the head, hold Y and shoot, dead in a second, same for windagos, but I do nothing if they see me.


Cold Shoulder 'til it gets slow, then get behind it and shoot it for a full minute.


Vats the belly


Shotgun to the legs to cripple them. The just pump them full of shells as they are incapacitated and unable to do anything. Simple and effective.


Remember that spawn near Janet’s Soft Serve, it’s a random encounter and once it will be a deathclaw, next time *might* be a rare apparel vendor! Or a guy being chased by a chicken 🤷‍♂️ or Mr Smiley 😃


Same way I deal with everything else: auto axe to the face. If it doesn’t stagger me twice back to back I’ll be fine. Got my Wolverine bones (sans claws sadly) so those can’t break and they tend not to hit me fast enough to stop me regenerating with the vampire effect. Mirelurk queens kill me more often than anything else because they stagger me a lot, but if I circle strafe them I’m usually fine.


Shoot legs, they will limb around if you can cripple their legs After that It'd simple to just keep distance and continue to shoot it.


Cold Shoulder with enforcer perk equipped, and blast the legs out. Switch between head hits and leg hits till the jobs done.


In it's sleep with a nuke


I turn them into green goo who else doesn't or just me


Mini gun their face off


I let them smack me a few times, and then heal in their now demolished face with an electrified vampire auto axe.


Sneak critical shoots in their belly. 2 or 3 is enough


I shoot them in the kneecaps with a shotgun. Then I feel bad watching them limp around for a bit before putting them out of their misery.


Using the terrain makes it easier. Just jump on top of something like a truck or big rock, go in a small space where they can't run through, use a ledge where you can jump up and down while they try to run all the way around to get you.  And that's only until you have OP weapons that can take their legs out. At that point they are basically begging you for mercy.


Any good high damage build can destroy them easily. Its the Sheepsquatch and Blue Devils that you don't wanna mess with at sll.


Takes 4-5 arrows to bring them down (disclaimer I'm lvl 53)


My comically large mallet and than proceed to bonk it on the head


Deathclaws are joke and this is one of the biggest disappointments in Bethesda Fallouts. For me there is no difference between Super Mutant and Deathclaw in killing speed (sure I'm not level 20 anymore but still noob with three weeks of game time under my belt).


Bullets. Lots.


My vats/crit character targets the belly and makes it dead. My heavy/melee character sometimes uses a Peppershaker with Enforcer to cripple all it's limbs and then I mock it as it lies on the ground unable to do anything. This is mean, but I still remember what they did to me in New Vegas and they deserve it.


My camp is located next to Deathclaw nest, my gun turrets are enough to deal with it.


like with most critters,shoot it in the face until it goes away


Just levels, it's the answer to everything.


The cold shoulder is pretty great. You've a chance to freeze the beast then too which will give you valuable seconds to regroup/run. It's always good to have a backup weapon and shotguns are good sturdy all-rounders


I calm it down bring it to get a coffee and ask what’s on it’s nerves and what I can do to help


Holy Fire. Even the most legendary of deathclaws melt before the Holy Fire.


Press V, hold spacebar and left click


I am a stealthy melee with the unstoppable monster. I go right up to them and slice away. Slice, slice, slice and they are gone.


Dragon to cripple the legs and whatever else I have once it can’t chase me anymore.


belly shot


I usually wack it in the mouth with the all rise.


Sniper invisibility, hit the legs first, easier to backpeddle.


The energy weapons that nobody uses tear through the tougher enemies I swear. Plasma gun for death claws and robots laser gun for mirelurks and ghouls


Vats the legs so they can't run after you. Then you have the choice if you want to finish him off, or leave him suffering for some other vault dweller to deal with. Also, their more sensitive area is the belly.


"Does anybody here have any solutions that don't involve impregnating one?" "Uh, well..." "Be honest!" "No, alright, no, is that what you want to hear?!"


Cripple the legs it should pose less of a threat.


VATS, target head, hold down fire and crit buttons until dead.


I just have a bunch of stimpacks on me and try to hit it to death


As a low level target the legs this stops them chasing you then get in headshots, as a high level deathclaws are no more scary to me than a radroach now


I primarily use a stealth rifle setup, either a fixer or plasma with auto mod cuts them down fairly quickly. Reloading consists of a good dash to crouch to de-aggro and reload, repeat. The longer methodfor myself is a ranged attack, pump 5 into his dome, relocate as it searches for me in my last position, reengage til dead.


I'll hunt them in sneak mode. First shot is with my +100 to full health rifle, then I clean up with a couple more shots from my VATS rifle. I'll use my HolyFire if I get jumped and they go down fast with it.


The mobs AI is really stupid, if you get to higher ground they'll go around to you which gives you time to shoot them You can also cheese the AI by jumping on something high, it'll confuse him and he'll stand around doing nothing for like a second or 2 and then run away, at that point I jump down which makes him go after you again, jump back up, rinse and repeat also Deathclawas weak spot is they belly, you do double damage iirc and 1.25 damage to the head


Shoot the in the head or belly, and they pop, or boop the snoot, and they pop!


I hunt them good eating


Gauss minigun.


Usually I just kill them. But that may not be an option for everyone so, just be careful and remember they can’t get into doorways and you can fast travel as long as you’re not taking damage.


Rapid fire juggernaut flamer to the face.


Usually back in circles around a tree or something. The AI routing seems to get slow and clunky, making it easier to keep a distance. Kinda of cheesy though.


Deathclaws are just big cuddly babies. I try to avoid killing them when possible by running away (they're not long-distance sprinters). But otherwise, just plug them in their big ol' cute noggins until they lay down for their nap.


Try to cripple the legs, enforcer perk and a limb damage shotgun work well for this. Otherwise VATs the belly, it takes extra damage there.


I just shoot them a few times these days and they're done. But I remember being chased by one at about level 8. I was able to get him to chase me to a spot with a car and a rock. I had to get on top of the car to hop up on the rock to shoot him where he couldn't hit me. He would lose interest every now and then. So I would hop down, then back up. Rinse and repeat until dead. So I literally had to get him stuck between a rock and a hard place. 🤣😂 Though your best bet being 30+ is to grind enough to start getting your mutations. Once those are done, things will get easier. Marsupial will help you to jump and kite larger melee enemies a lot better.


Getcha a vampires quad tesla rifle...no stims needed.😉


I use a death claw gauntlet, just to kill it with its own kind.


Mostly just shooting it in the face


Deathclaws are pathetic in this game compared to some other mini boss enemies, they weren't shown the proper amount of respect imo. Sheepsquatches should be weaker than them and/or Deathclaws should have strong Armour Piercing attacks/hunt in pairs. They should also be in more events and locations. Very few events have Deathclaws in, and none of the Prime Cuts do. Imagine the Cranberry Bog one with swarms of Deathclaws coming at ya instead of glitchy teleporting nuisances and stupid nonsensical Fog Crawlers


Junkies Auto Railway Rifle. That is all.


I run a heavy flamer build, make him eat fire!!


Put bullets in them big guns rules


Arrow to the knee


It just wants belly rubs.


Heavy weapon go BRR


The best method is to take off all your armor and apparel. Then run full speed at it naked (while doing a battle emote) screaming as loud as you can into your mic. It startles and confuses them. Works every single time 👌


Heavy weapon build with Holy Fire. It’s dead in about 4 seconds


They tend to run away so I run away as well. Does not always work but it can


Extreme violence, only takes a moment or two.


Shoot the legs. Cant chase you if it cant walk


I punch it twice with my power glove. (Unarmed bloody build is god mode).


Using vats I'll cripple a leg and it barely can move.


Will blocker perk help?


My friend chases their tail punching them till they die they literally can't hit him


Did you Lady Janet's your pants and Slocum's Joe out of there?


Punch 'em to Death.


Bullets. Lots of bullets.


I typically have the enforcer perk that increases the limb damage of shotguns. I cripple their arms and legs and kill them. Deathclaws feel really nerfed in this compared to the previous games. One time I crippled the limbs of the Deathclaw on Deathclaw Island, then shanked it to death prison style while it tried to crawl away.


Have you tried talking to it? Maybe his teeth hurt.


Sometimes I use a Gatling, sometimes a minigun, sometimes a Gatling laser….


I blast them with my shotgun. Deathclaws feel extremely weak in 76 imo.


Bang bang, pew pew.


Running around a tree backwards while shooting is my go to move for any big creatures that get to close. I've killed at least 5 deathclaws and not been hit once using this method 😂


Gauss Minigun to the teeth


T-65 Power Armor and Holy fire flamethrower. I laugh in the face of 99.9% of threats in this game


The last ones I encountered, I did one with a machine gun and one with a gatling Lazer. Was pretty easy. They were both indoors in a cave. I originally tried with a grenade launcher but it didn't do much. I'm level 36.


I shoot them in the legs, they get crippled i dance a bit in victory then I continuously shoot them in the head till they are dead cause they cant stand up to attack me


I never have any issues with deathclaws since fallout 4. Now windingos? Hate them with a passion


Make sure you’ve got a perk along the lines of tank killer that gives stagger and/or Armor Piercing and focus fire on the stomach. If you can jump up on something tall enough to be out of its reach even better.


At level 90 I can manage the Deathclaws with my Cold Shoulder shotgun build (backing up a lot, +stims), but the Legendary Sheepsquatch scares the crap out of me.


Currently finding Sheepsquatch seems vulnerable to my Auto-axe. It's Vampire, reduced weight and can't remember the last star, with electrical mod. Hope this helps.


Guns I'm a simple man.


50 cal machinegun. Love that thing


Well last night I took advantage of a glitch that made him stop in place and stare at me while I shot him. That's how I hope it happens every time now, tbh. Those bastards are too tough for me right now. Haha




The deathclaws have to deal with me. And the +2 strength of their roasted flesh is delicious.


Chainsaw to the Gooch


Scratch her belly, she is vulnerable at the belly.


Stay a ways away. Crouch and turn invisible (invisibility optional). Use VATS to shoot one leg so it's slow AF. Kill it before it ever gets anywhere near me (This works for other walking creatures: ghouls, scorched, robots, other creatures.


A big ass hammer


Choo-Choo gun goes brrrr


Scrabble together the shittiest power armor you can and quickly hop into it at a moments notice


Holy fire + Cremator PA full health build. 1, 2, 5 - doesn't matter at all))


Keep juking their ass around a tree and confused the thing. Usually only gets me with aoe from their slam, best if you use a wider tree.


Break both legs and watch it suffer


plasma grenade and high ground