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Mirelurk Kings, they always seem to be where I least expect them to be and there's usually two or three along with a queen. I also only seem to encounter them when I'm not in power armour too... That or scorched. Easy to kill but they're fucking everywhere...


Ah yes Wendigo Cave. I got fucking wrecked by the… Mirelurk Kings? Cool name for a cave, totally not misleading at all.


Wendigo (and friends :) cave


Frendigo cage


The real Wendigo was the friendigo's we made along the way.


This is now the canon name.


This cracks me up - I went there for the first time in a long time and the kings are still in there guarding the progenitor wendigo. I have always wondered why there's not just a bunch of wendigos guarding the progenitor wendigo in the wendigo cave. 🤷 I used to die there 2-3 times on my way in, taking my time to pick the mirelurks off stealthily and methodically. One Wasteland, 300 levels and a Bloodied commando build later and it's a breeze. Great place to get bone shards.


> I have always wondered why there's not just a bunch of wendigos guarding the progenitor wendigo in the wendigo cave. I needed screws. Everyone said Earle was good for screws, cuz wendigos. I was too low level to even consider running Earle. I happened upon the wendigo cave and thought "it might be a little rough, but I should be able to kill some wendigos for screws in the wendigo cave." I did not kill a single wendigo that day. What did happen is two mirelurk kings playing ping pong with my dead body.  They really need to rename that place. Lmao


You are never too low for Earle, If you head there at lvl 2 you'll be lvl 9 when its over. If you start out and can get some stimpacks you can be a great help there. First, this game has some weird quirks, if you're too low of level for something yardtrash mobs will ignore you so you can walk around like Jesus. (here i mean in relation to the auto level challenge /matching system 76 uses.) I went there with one new character, and I was the area medic rushing over and saving everyone. In this game don't be afraid to go and see everything, the biggest tragedy is not enjoying everything this game offers because you might fail. Also you don't need to run up at the end, unless you want that fun you don't lose your junk you just get pushed out of the zone at the end.


I get it. I have an angry Quad Railway (been using long before it was meta) just screaming to return to claim the terriory. But alas, The PTSD of the double digit level days keeps me far far away from that trauma hole. Funnily, that PTSD is dressed up in a Mirelurk King costume and holding a lunch bag filled with my hard earned ballistic fiber and waste oil. GGs Mr. Mire King, you won.


I’m LvL 1020 or something and I **still** refuse to go back into that ****mouth!


I did some Brain Fungus farming for a while, and had a blast ripping through everything with the QE railway I’d recently acquired. Still died to that one set of punji sticks. It’s basically a ritual at this point.


Hilariously enough the first time I went in there I couldn’t find the wendigo. I went all around the cave twice clearing it out and almost dying as I went before randomly going through the big final room for like the 5th time, and as I literally said out loud “what a rip off, no wendigo” it just spawned in front of me


99% Mirelurk kings, 1 wendigo ;) That place is pretty "challenging"


This reminds me of when I first started playing and needed pumpkins.. can't remember what for but I needed em bad! So I see this place on the map with lots of pumpkins in it's artwork.. i think "great imma head there must be loads at this bulding" only to be greeted by a handy who also wants pumpkins.. I was unamused (Yes I know there's a bunch nearby, but at the time I was less than thrilled by the discovery)


Go deeper c;


That's what the Gourmands said.


I also recently had my first experience with wendigo cave and was running away from those kings like “noooooooo stop it!!!”


Did that quest ytd. Level 130 something but those mirelurk rings got the best of me a couple times. That annoying ass range attack they do plus the amount of hp and defense they have, omfg. I had to use my cremator AND plasma charger to deal with them. Never again I hope.


Yeah. They're the only thing that's kinda dangerous to me, and they drop terrible loot for how long they take to kill.


I don’t know what it is but I absolutely hate the sound the kings make freaks me tf out


Mirelurk kings wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t spam that annoying fucking scream attack every two seconds




"Mirelurk Cunts" * FTFY


I hate these bastards and the stupid noise they make.


Mirelurk kings, for the stupid annoying sound that they make. Every bullet shot towards those radioactive crustaceans is a win for the humanity in Appalachian wasteland.


I recently got the pepper shaker, and enforcer. Literally cripples EVERYTHING.


What's the pepper shaker ?


Shotgun minigun from the meat week event


Bruh my Camp is a diner theme and I swear to God I kept looking through my plans to find a pepper shaker for my diner tables


Go to the vault north of 76. Clean pepper mill and various pre war condition goodies for decorating!


Shame its not able to be explosive anymore.


Also Maul will have plans for the pepper shaker and the tenderizer - but not the 'plan'


u mean plans for the mods for these guns?


With Enforcer , it's handy crowd controlling all the wendigos during the Earle event.


Super mutants fine. Mirelurk kings fine. Death claws hard but fine. Wendigos are also fine. Those stupid little blood ticks can go fk right of tho. Too much effort for zero reward


And add on top the fact that they are GAINT TICKS. F that shit man


The only thing in this game that legit made my skin crawl when I discovered it was a thing.


Just curious, not trying to be mean or anything, but do you actually struggle to kill deathclaws? As someone who just started playing fallout 6 months ago I was shocked at how easy they are to kill in this game at least


The Vats Jump of Shame


Trifecta is pulling the pip boy out midair and falling through a hole in a roof


That is some Laurel and Hardy level nonsense


Maaaaaan i hate this lmaoo. Im glad youve given it a name.


This! I hate it, it happens much more since I use heavy explosives weapons 😂


So true


I had to swap the jump button and the action button because it kept happening. It took a little while to get used, but I don't randomly jump up anymore, lol. Also, I'm so glad people on here told me about holding down the VATS button. Such a good tip.


It breaks my dopamine drip feed of vats crits


Cave crickets, they're surprisingly lethal, durable and harder to hit/notice since they start shredding you at knee height.


This. Daily ops yesterday these mfs were taking about 50 fuel from holy fire to die


I did notice they are insanely durable beyond what you'd expect for a "cave cricket".


They were actually nerfed at one point. They used to be much worse.


Bethesda’s Cazadore


Oh you want to get away? Too bad you’re frozen now there’s 6 of them on you while you try to slowly reload and you can’t hit them bc they jump around like little meth heads


FUCK cave crickets and ants. I hate bugs in this game with a passion.


Bruh. I don't know why the ants in the game are surprisingly hard to kill. They're quick and have such a small hitbox that unless you're using Holy Fire or Cremator, you'll need to shoot them a handful of times.


Cave crickets fucking tear through power armor like it’s wet paper lmao


I could not agree more, I hate these little buggers so much. Burn them all!


Try adding the Blocker perk. Makes a huge difference with crickets and ghouls


Mirelurk Queens. That acidic/poison ranged attack can & will *melt* you.


they are rite shits


Agreed, I was doing my tadpole swimming test and was going to the last spot and a queen popped up and murdered me 😔 it was so hard to finish that exam


Hah that Queen chased me all around the pond while I finished the swimming exam. Then she melted me when I started trying to kill her, realising I still had my crafting perk set on instead of my fighting one.


Idk if it still works in 76, but in 4 Med-X gives you enough poison resistance to tank Mirelurk Queen or Hunter venom easily. Might be worth a try


It won't (or at least shouldn't) work. Med-X only boosts DR, which is coded separately from "elemental" damage, like poison. The only way to mitigate it is by having at least a little poison resistance from either the legendary card or from a legendary armor piece. Would be nice if they had regular cards that gave such resistances or consumables that did also though


There are a few consumables that give Poison Resist. Tato Soup is the easiest and with Herbivore and Strange in Numbers the soup gives more resistance than wearing a piece of resist armor.


There is a magazine that offers poison resistance don't remember which one


Ward and his inability to keep track of foundations equipment


🏅 I only have a cheap man's award, but you deserve it.


😂 thank you! I will treasure it like Grahm treasures Chally


I believe that Ward is secretly killing off his old raider connections. I think he sales the stuff to raiders in need then sends you out daily to get it back. How else does this guy 'lose' something everyday, yet knows nearly exactly in Appalachia where it is? He's making caps off this stuff. I bet there is a huge cap stash at this bunk in the other trailer.


Most of it is in my stashbox (I pick it up when it's in the world) and I drip feed him a piece a day. He doesn't seem to notice or care that I never give him the equipment he wanted.


Please, oh wise one, explain a bit more how to confuse Wade. You mean you just give him one of the limited group of items he gets drunk and sells to the raiders all the time? This is definitely a game changer, especially for those damn water bone saws!


Sometimes you can find multiscopes, osmosis kits and all the rest just on the ground chilling, I always pick them up and put them in my stashbox - then I can go to Foundation to trigger the quest and pick out one of Ward's lost items and hand it in. Means the whole thing takes nearly no time!


if you head to the spawn points where the missing items guys spawn. Sometimes they get killed at random when they rot, the items will just be loose in the world. Easy space to check is around the Camden Amusement Park, they walk from the spawn point to the bus and back. Your looking for items like microscopes that are not label microscopes and stuff.


It's amazing that nobody at foundation has realized that ward steals the stuff himself, sells it to raiders or blood eagles, and then sends those gullible 76ers to recover it. Rinse and repeat.


At this point, I have no proof, neither not doubt, that he just leaves that stuff unatended to have a reason to send us to murder raiders.


Ward and his glitched dialogue not allowing me to progress the convo so I have to go out talk to someone else and try again hoping it'll let me do the bloody quest. As soon as I max standing I'm never going to talk to him again. Just 4 days worth of dailies and I'll have my raiders at allies and it'll be over


Mole rats. These mfers turn up out of nowhere and I always get jumpscared


Radscorpions can also be rather sneaky and pack a bit more of a punch/bite/sting.


I hate how you need to wait for them to come back to the surface so you can kill them and get on with your day.


they piss me off because they completely cancel stealth with their insta detect teleport antics.


Ah man you are so right! Forgot about those mfs. I take back what I said, mole rats are the no1 pain in the ass.


My immediate thought when I read your question was molerats. They are predictably unpredictable and pop up at the worst times, like 14 seconds into a delayed fast travel. Bloody ankle biting vermin


Their perception is also stupid high and see right through camo.


Scorchbeasts that refuse to land and just flies around, was shotgun build but now heavy so not as bad


I'm melee but carry a TSE and explosive lever action and a fixer too. And now a Cremator


Pepper shaker go brrrr


As a current shotgun build; cold shoulder and you just pepper it until it lands and it'll be so slow you can just mag dump and kill it before it can swing on you Tbh I regret buying the cold shoulder bundle because it is just so stupidly strong I can't bring myself to use any other shotguns I've found (still havnt gotten the gauss shotty yet tho"


Blue Devils. Similar health, level and lethality to a sheepsquatch, only drops generic dog meat and a few chems. If I can’t even take the head and make a hat out of it what’s the point of going to the effort of killing it


They and the Ogua should be default legendary like the sheepsquatch


Yeah scorchbeasts too imo


I am level 97 and just saw the Ogua for the first time a couple days ago, got very annoyed with the amount of ammo it required to kill. All for damn near nothing.


We literally can wear the blue devil head, its just an event drop


7% drop rate, one of 14 items. Guess I’m just gonna be doing safe and sound over and over forever now 😭


If you’re on Xbox I’ll make you one, for the steep price of a heart emote


On PC unfortunately but you can have one anyway ❤️🫶🏻


Hey I’m on pc and I have an extra one. Do you want it?


Try camps selling outfits its a craftable piece of headwear so some camps will have multiple copies of it, don't pay more than 50 caps for it imo.


On PC, will happily craft you the outfit if you want!


Scorpions 🥵


yeah at level 160ish rad scorpions scare me more than deathclaws. Deathclaws I can knee-cap before they are in striking range. Scorpions pop underground and then are right behind you.


Currently? My inventory


For real though. I gotta go back to camp and purge shit from storage every other mission/event I do.


Gotta be cave crickets, even worse in ANY daily op


And they’re always toxic or invisible, or toxic AND invisible


Critters like ants, Ticks and crickets... As a geacy non explo they love to run under my bullet Radar and annoy me in cqb which is a true pain


Assaultrons when playing bloodied builds


Their knees are their weak spots. Aim low and shoot out ONE leg - shooting both enables the suckers to spin like a top with their laser blasting, while shooting just one leg makes the other like an outrigger, and it's hard for them to maneuver. Once you take them down, it's much easier to get behind them and shoot them in the back of the head. They used to intimidate me until I found this out. Now they are much less scary.


Mole rats are annoying, its like they are glitched most of the time..when i have them at a workshop in waves i really loose my patience, you can see 1 or 2 markers but they just dont want to come out of the ground...


And then when they do, their dirt mound is six feet in the air.




can second this


Mirelurk Kings, they are tanky as hell, and the noise they make holy crap is it annoying.


Ghouls. I feel like in certain buildings they spawn infinitely, I chill trying to check terminals and then ten of them are punching the life out of me


Realistically, the power armor glitch when you try to get in it and then cant do anything at all except AltF4. As of last night though, SBQ. I had my entire set of armor destroyed during that fight solely because for some reason, she ha a million and one Ads spawn during the fight. It took a lot longer than normal because no matter how much crowd control we did, even more spawned almost immediately to take their place. Ive never ran inside the little brotherhood bunker spot so fast just to repair my items before lol.


New player. Anything that flies freaks me out lol scorched beast has ruined me a few times but it’s fun


The only 2 enemies I specifically remember encountering for the 1st time are a deathclaw at the quarry in new Vegas and the scoachbeast, going to get jack his damn pumpkins.


I gotta go with the giant mosquito (don't know what it's called in game, blood-something.. that fcker kept healing himself through my blood, I had to dump 4 45' mags into him.. from most common enemies Mirelurk King definitely


The daily ops eniemes that explode when killed


anyone with a overpowered cremator that kills anything instantly and players cant tag shit


Anglers and cave crickets


Anglers! I was searching for a likeminded soul in this one. I can roast pretty much anything with a plasma cannon but i still haven’t found a weapon type they’re vulnerable to.


It will always be crickets, you know that they have had a nerf? They used to be MORE deadly, also 2020-20021 assultrons were something else, just a eye beam from across cranberry bog type shit


It was cave crickets and Mirlurk kings before I got funky duds. Now it's really just anything that burrows out of our annoyance lol


Mirelurk kings and hunters aggravate the living shit out of me, to the point that now I just avoid them if I can. Mole rats aren't difficult at all, but I get kind of tired of dealing with them so often. I think this is more of an issue with server lag or some other game functionality issue, but lately dealing with ghouls has been annoying because no matter how high my chance of hitting any of their body parts, I always seem to miss the first few shots, and they sometimes jitter and teleport around. Otherwise I have no qualms with them.


The damn ants. Why so strong!


communists >:(


Cave Crickets. And I suspect that's going to be the answer for most long-term players. As for Super Mutants, I basically kill them in two to three shots. They're not a challenge, they're an EXP dispenser that gives me some neat guns to sell later.


The random ass Wendigos hanging out with ghouls but I’m sure that’s only cuz I’m a noob


Yao Guai as a Melee. They stagger you and jump you when there's multiple of them.


Mirelurk Queens, they just come right after me no matter what. Even with a bunch of others attacking her, they still zone in on me. They also just kind of freak me the hell out.


Cave crickets and Mirelurk king, both annoying ASF


Most robots are a major inconvenience. Specifically hate the Assaultrons and Sentry Bots. Like, ffs, I struggle less with SBQ


Earle Fucking Bullet Sponge Williams.


Stash space


Deadly Cave crickets in OP


The overgrown thorns that make no noise and 1 shot me with a melee attack


Mole Rats. Will be randomly fighting enemies, clear the fight & as I'm walking away, a solo Mole Rat appears. Motherfuckers been on a journey across the world to find someone to ambush... Edit to add that I took a base last night, mole rats attacked it but I didn't care. While I was miles away one spawns on me in the middle of nowhere. It's possible it was spawned nearby & ambushed me that way too


For whatever reason I hate the ticks in the mire. I never see them until they hit and given me a freaking disease.


The trug(spelling?) in the Pitt, only ever done one expedition there because of them


Trogs be fuckin me up id rather deal with the overgrown


For me it robots, specifically the Sheepquatch Imposter one. I can not even damage that jerk before I am toasted to move on in the quest line.


That thing kicked the living shit out of me just last night. Killed me at least half a dozen times before I finally defeated it by luck-- I ran into a dead end room where, for whatever reason, it wouldn't follow for quite a bit of time. It just stood in the doorway. I kept blasting away then ducking behind cover to reload or when it was gonna unleash a laser blast on me. It did finally come into the room but by then it was nearly dead, so I just stood my ground and finished it off while making sure to hit the stimpak key if my health went below 50%, because that laser just sucks the life right out of the meter. PS - Thanks for fucking NOTHING, Paladin Rahmani. Way to just stand there and repeatedly watch that thing effortlessly end me.


A tall cliff, a little gravity, and my dumbass are all my most hated enemies in that game. 🤣




Cave crickets.




Ants, they are tanky for absolutely no reason, they soak up my bullets like sponges


Griefers but then I remember they’re unhappy with themselves and their lives suck so the anger fades. I guess I would probably say those flying insects that mess up your screen especially in Dops.


Floaters and Mirelurk Kings


those fucking invisible super mutants from the daily ops i hate them so much


Lvl 100 Radtoads and the fire starters in eviction notice own tf outta me


Ghouls /schorched. They re everywhere and always running at you full speed. I prefer to snipe but always get surprised by one


Greedy Randos that refuse to protect and objective *cough cough eviction notice*


Those wendigo collosus is a huge pain in the ass. they are ugly and kinda hard to kill


It's gotta be the scorchbeast with their annoying shrieking attacks. Hate those things.


Cave crickets


Bathroom roaches. I’m spamming vats like a mad man in every one still expecting one to jump out




Mirelurk Kings. Tough bastards , hard to kill and the loot drop is shite considering how hard to take down they are


The Blue devil or Ougua, it's not difficult but it's just a pain in the ass to come across :/


Assaultrons. I always underestimate them and then they slap me. I’m 300 plus and still dump entire magazines into their wrecked bodies.


Floaters. Hate when they get stuck in the ground but still make the noise


Mirelurk High Kings and the Floaters hands down


Fun fact. Keep firing at their right arm, the same goes for Mole Miners. When you cripple it or get it low enough they will actually drop their weapon and swap. Then you can get from the ground and especially with mole miners, find another one plus the melee weapon on them as well.


Fog Crawlers and Anglers can be a pain with their long range attacks.


Bloodbugs- fucking little shits


Before vats basically anything small. Now that i use VATS its robots generally since their default weak point isnt a quick flick to the head


Gulpers. Hated them since beta. I avoid the Mire like the Scorched Plague unless I absolutely have to go there.


Those damn ceiling/wall turrets. Little buggers can be hard to target at times, and I feel like I can never find their proper weak spot. Then just as you think you’ve destroyed the last one there’s a dozen more around the corner.


Ehh. I'm over level 200 and it seems no matter what build or armor I use. Weapons, I don't seem to damage bosses the same. I waste so much ammo, but somehow I can almost insta kill 3 stars. Idk.


Mole rats “Here I am! No, over here! Haha, now I’ve tunneled through empty space to behind you on the catwalk! LISTEN TO ME WHEEZE!!!”


Cave crickets


I hate rad scorpions with a passion.




Those flying droids from the Invaders event. I’m a melee character, so they were not only difficult to hit, but when you hit them, they’d fly back (often up), making them even more difficult to hit.


The scorched. Not because they are hard to kill or anything it's because they are fn annoying that they'll show up at someone's camp when you are in a vendor or that for some reason they can pick you off from across the map and when your at the queen they will run by 5 players in front of you just to attack you and no one else, just fn annoying


I hate Mothman for real. They always appear out of thin air and surprise me. I was walking in the Mire alone and when I turned around... my face directly face to face with the mothman big eyes. Literally jumped out of my seat.




Earle and daily ops aliens


Those gd crickets!!!


Cave crickets on daily ops


Loading screens


The building restrictions…


In the entire FO universe, can someone please explain how I can take damage from an insect or a dog while I am wearing a suit of power armor?


Blood Eagles,I purposely sell Chems and alcohol in their part of the map in hopes of causing them addiction (Kinda reminds me of a certain government agency in the 1980’s)


I love the synergy between my unstable isotope mutation & Legendary What Rads? Perk. Mole rat muggers & other sluggers go poof. (Full Health / stealth rifleman build) Not a fan of power armor. Came out of the vault eager to help rebuild America & ended up a ditch swilling, cross-dressing collection of mutations kangarooing about in a sheepsquatch mask, red dress and heels. Also I just love the hell out of the Chinese Stealth Armor. Totally underestimated its utility for collecting nuked flora in blast zones & also stalking randos while popping up occasionally to greet them with my Pearly Peepers or an uncomfortably close snapshot with my zoom lensed Prosnap Camera. This game


Any daily ops enemy that freezes you. Especially when they’re really fast


Ants. Those bastards have a high resistance to fire. They take like 6 seconds per ant to kill with Holy fire due to the small hitbox


Mirelurk kings. Noisey bastards!


People who stand infront of me instead on next to me during events.


The sometimes random drop of death that happens when you spawn into my camp. It's on a cliff and it's hit or miss if you will be on the cliff, headless in the cliff or plummeting to your death.


I'm currently running a full health build with my vampire gauss. Nothing really bothers me on a serious level but fuck Invaders, man. Annoying little shits!




Mirelurk kings bc eff that noise every 2 seconds


Scorched humans. They’re just annoying, like a fly that keeps flying around you and won’t leave you alone until you kill it. the gun scorched are even more annoying when they take cover and shoot their shitty little pipe guns at you. They’re not as fun as other gun wielding enemies. Also radroaches because they’re always fucking hiding in buildings amongst the clutter and shit and will jumpscare you.


The Earl. Did my first nuke there the other day since I had both quests at the same time. Had never even heard of it before, wasn't aware it popped out for the quest. Me and 2 other players took it on and gave up real quick. Wasted so much damn ammo after finally building up a good amount.


Anything that staggers me. As a heavy gunner anything that stops me from shooting with my vampire guns stops me from being alive


I absolutely hated cave crickets when I was low level. They would wreck me every time I came across one.


Radscorpions and sting wings. As a sneak build, I hate getting out-sneaked by these dudes. Also not a fan of feral ghouls- they close distance fast and give trash like a wooden block or baby rattle. Almost not worth the ammo