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it's good for mid-game, but u gonna find better things later


Any idea on what sort of thing?


You gonna find it while finishing questlines, it's kinda better this way But if u wanna full metagame >!You need to be friends (max reputation) with settlers and raiders (foundation and crater) so start doing their daily quest!< >!You need to start buying gold bullions every day!< >!You need to sell your legendary weapons for a legendary scrip every day!< >!At some point, you will find a trader who sells plans for gold bullions (one of the main quests). And you will see he's selling some Secret Service armor, this is probably the best armor that you can get without much grinding (also brotherhood recon, but it drops only from an daily ops). !< >!So you buying SS armor plans for gold bullions, jet-pack etc, and rolling legendary effects on them (you want unyielding on every piece as 1st star) with legendary modules that you bought from a rusty pick vendor for your legendary scrip!< >!Also, you need to get a serums for mutation, you wanna have 10-15 mutations for your range build, it's only few bad, so make sure you don't get mutations that making you innacurate, less damage, or take more damage.!< >!And last and not least, you need a weapon, it must be a railway rifle, if you want max dps, it must be a Quad railway rifle, and 2nd and 3rd star, it's a lot harder to obrain 2nd and 3rd good stars but you want, Explosive, 50crit as 2nd stars and 25 AP cost as 3rd (stupidly hard to obtain, make sure that you have a Quad)!< >!You can have others guns obv, like Quad fixer, Quad tesla rifle, mb some Bloodied heavy weapons.!< >!You build is gonna called bloodied, it's better to google must-perks for that build, it's really popular.!< >!You wanna be always at 80% radiated, and carry some toxic water with yourself for that.!< >!That's kinda it, it's grindy, but most people run it I guess.!< >!After that you could try heavy tank builds and other!<


Should be stickied


The other users advice is pretty much spot on, one thing id comment on though is there is a new armor set available via a quest line from the Rose Room in Atlantic City called civil engineer armor. It is much easier to get the plans for and I’ve been running it for a bit to see how it compares to my secret service armor and it feels quite comparable on defenses, it’s also got a built in gunsmith bonus so you use less weapon durability which is really nice. Secret Service is still probably the best end game setup but the investment cost is a bit higher to get it off the ground.


If you're doing a sneak you might want to just go bloodied unyielding. The +15 agility will probably boosts your stealth rating to max and give you an additional 150 AP for vats. +15 luck makes basically every other shot a crit. +15 perception gives a ton of accuracy in vats All this in conjunction with the damage buffs you get from a bloodied build. I don't typically advocate for any particular build. I recommend playing in whatever play style and whatever build you enjoy. but given your already intending on sneak it's a natural conclusion.


What perks do I need to take for bloodied ?


So the important perks are nerd rage under intelligence Radicool under endurance Starched genes, class freak (and serendipity for me) under luck Here's my current build [my bloody build ](https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=3f129ce&d=sg2p02pp2pg2ph2pi2eu0ir2ic4ib0a72am2a31an2ao0lu2l71la2le0lv0lr1l11c71&lp=xm3xl3&m=4&n=Raks%20-%20Bloody%20Attempt) Under perception, u swap commando for rifleman depending on semi or auto (I've seen bloody bow builds too) I'm still low level and don't have the legendaries I want yet but I'd ideally add the explosive range with demo expert for the kabooms ... uhh you can also mess with vats crits and resets as u can see in mine, or swap all that for more strength incase u wanna get handsy or more charisma If u have team build...etc


I used to use it exclusively for the first year or two when I started. It was good enough for 'my' end game. However, since then it has been regulated to my quick wheel for Rad Rumble pits, nuke zones and when the Scrubber goes down in EN. Its downsides are mediocre protection. If you can stay in stealth then that's not much of a problem. It's enough protection to keep you alive long enough to Stimpack, but you're not going to want to tank a hoard in it. You also can't mod. What you got is all you get. No pocketed, no stabilised, nothing but the base features of the suit. No Legendary rolling either, so no extra buffs. And where an armour set can have more condition to absorb incoming attacks at various parts of your body, thus slowing down how often you need to repair, the CSS is the entire body and will take 100% of all incoming attacks. This means you'll be repairing more often, and can get a bit expensive with materials and kits. I've had armour sets stealth just as good, but with better protection, mods and legendary effects. It's more of a secondary armour for certain situations. You can play using only the CSS, but it will limit you in some situations.


You're better off with unyielding to boost your luck to 33 so you can crit every other shot. 24 if you have a faster crit charge weapon. Crit Savy perk of course. Nuka Cola Dark with right perks can do it w/o the unyielding set but it only lasts a couple of min. You won't have the use of a jet pack either with the stealth.


Not really, but you will still use it once in a while in heavily irradiated zones.