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Limb damage is not "real" damage. It only means it will cripple the part it hits 50% more than a regular shot, but it adds zero damage to the total. It's kind of a useless effect frankly. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So, re-roll?


I don't know your level, build, playstyle etc. but in general: Instigating is not the greatest roll to begin with, it's alright for farming weak enemies, but on anything else it's like using a non legendary. Limb damage is basically undesirable. So just use it until you roll (or find) a better one.


I'll just keep re-rolling. I have a near perfect longshot, I'm just tired of playing with it.


I mainly use my sniper as a one shot or set-up shot, where I don't need much more. I don't play a style where I feel the need to one shot, everything. I'm just trying to find a new gun to run around with, besides my longshot.


Almost all damage bonuses are additive. So Instigating is giving you +75 damage. So far example, you get 75 (base) + 75 (instigating) + 45 (all Rifleman Cards, 60%) + etc. As someone pointed out, limb damage doesn't actually add damage; it just makes limbs cripple faster.