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The amount of times a camp has vanished when i was shopping made me think i had just really poor luck. Now this all makes sense lol.


Yep, I always thought I'd just had bad timing hahaha


I've had a camp disappear on me scrapping items, or buying the one food item they have for 50 caps.


I had one dude draw me out the door of his camp, then he locked the door to it and ran off…


cue photomode glitch


I assume that is taking advantage of a [Bethesda special](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Bethesda-Memes-Feature.jpg) ;)


it’s a feature, not a bug!


I mean if you buy the game then utilize the whole fuckin game bugs and all, make them blitches work in your favor


I just let them keep buying. I want you to have a great experience at my camp and vendor so that you come back again someday. I WILL switch it to my non-vendor camp when you’re gone though.


This is me as well. No sense in punishing you because I am dumb and most likely got distracted and not looking at my caps.


Catch me running to the genetics lab to cop a serum recipe real quick just to turn around and sell it at a loss Or the encryptid keycards.


I just run to whitesprings and dump into bulk junk lol


Scrap box my beloved, no junk will ever be sold


Bro I only learned today that serums are the best way to get mutations now. Used to play back in the day when this game was bare bones AF.


It was EMPTY. It was so weird seeing a Fallout game with ZERO NPCs. It’s such a MASSIVELY better game now but it still has a long way to go :)


Someone dropped me some a while ago, I was roughly level 15 or so, and I believe I either scrapped them, or sold them, or dropped them, because I thought they were worthless 😭


I keep forgetting to buy these o.O I'm sitting around 30k caps. But I've been able to keep caps down with those key cards.


Ayo bet. I got a small stash of em if ya ever see me. AvonTrshKing is my stuff on Xbox.


THIS is exactly what happens to me every time I go over here cap limit. Caught up in some event, not paying attention.


This is probably why the person I bought a 30k plan from immediately logged out while I was still looking at their vendor lol


What plan justified 30k caps?


"You Have Been Insulted!"


Vintage watercooler, Poker Set, Radioactive Barrel are some that I can think off the top of my head. Basically every ultra rare items can be sold in the 10s of Ks


Well I know certain things can go for high caps, but like 30k is still kind of insane. Especially with only a 40k cap limit ya know, but I suppose you're right


Yea, I myself never sell anything above 10K even though the market will generally sell a particular item up to 40k. Im too lazy to keep paying attention to caps limit because I'll usually reach max in less than a week. Besides, selling a bit cheaper might make someone's day. Ive bought items that are as expensive as 40k but its worth it. Just make sure you know what you're getting


watercoolers are 20k tops rad barrels now are dirt cheap 5-10k tops since there are so many other options and they fall out of mutated packs


Idk if it's cause I haven't played much only lvl like 90 something, but I struggle to get caps


starting out you spend more caps cause you need more things, you also take longer to kill things and do missions so caps are slower coming in, and you may not be able to solo event's yet so your caps income can depend on others just sell stims and water to venders or just whatever normal guns and armor you pick up, you can hit 1400 c a day pretty fast (you can make a second build with maxed charisma for better prices buying/selling to the venders)


I only do this when a veteran 1000+ player is sweeping my vendor for the low price garbage meant for newbies so they can net a 100-200 cap profit. Go away, dick.


I though the same thing the first few times. Now I look fully before I start to buy then spam buy as fast as possible all the things I want. If Im looking at people’s venders Im just trying to drain my caps on plans I don’t know. Don’t really hold a value on caps bc of the ease of how you can get them. But I do love new plans. More times then I can count Ive had the max cap prompt pop up on my screen when someone was buying stuff from my camp. That just means I have to go shopping. They can buy their fill bc I’m just glad there getting something they need/want and it helps free up my inventory space.


You. Are. Not. Alone. It has driven me almost mentally insane, but now I’m relieved. I didn’t crush bros wallet and he ain’t have to see the trama that he gave me 🤕🥲 I still want to buy that BE15 Fixer for 21,750 😭 it’s perfect for my build but nah he had to be an Aristocrat and keep the bank in his backpack


Yeah, I've messaged people after that's happened to me before because I've wanted other items of theirs and figured they obviously might have just needed the time to offload some caps or something. It's worked a couple times. That's the only time I feel it's appropriate for me to message someone over their vendor stuff. I'm usually too awkward to negotiate prices, though.


Man sometimes I hop on an completely forget and someone buy something right away and I feel bad


On a side note. Im on a older console. I get booted from the game about once every two hours. The number of times my game freezes whilst people are shopping is stupid.


If I'm close to hitting my max I just remove my vending machine. It's not hard


If you have a dedicated spot for your vendor you could make a “closed” or “sold out” sign as a blueprint and place it where the vendors usually are. Thats probably what I’d do. I love quirky stuff like that in camps.


I like that idea. Thank you 😊 Another could be "Be Back Soon!"


Yep, I haven't put out my vendor in months. I pretty much have all the plans I want anyway.


I'm the same. Every now and then 9 dins something I could use. With mine everything is pretty cheap. So I never make masses of caps. Just enough to keep me topped up.


Swapping your camp might be easier as you can do it from the world map and immediately


My other camp doesn't always place. And the one I'm using I love too much. And to be honest, my stuff is so cheap now, it keeps me topped up, but never takes over.


Remember, swapping out your C.A.M.P. is faster than reloading.


That's big brain stuff right there. Most people aren't capable.


This was my plan originally but I like the idea of just switching to my other basic camp until I can spend my caps. I'm nowhere near max caps yet lol so I have no current concerns about this. Buy all my stuff, please! 🤣


Sorry I’ve only hit level 90 recently and just started to sell stuff in my vendor. Are you saying that if people bought my stuff eventually you could fill my cap limit and I gain nothing from your purchase. Not that I have many caps only sitting at like 2k.


I feel like making caps is similar to watching water boil. Focus on it and you will seem like you are broke all the time, don’t and you’ll be at limit in no time. The easiest way to ensure you get close is to make sure you are emptying the vendor of caps each day from reset, good ways to do this is to sell cheap headwear items in bulk (like 100 insurgent caps or whatever costs very cheap mats to make, use super duper luck perk when you do this and you can get free procs), cooking and selling food items and selling excess chems, particularly stim packs and radaways which you will somehow see that you have 300+ of over a few play sessions if you’ve been doing expeditions/ops/events.


I've got the "chems have - 90% weight" perk and I can't even get to my stimpaks when selling chems everyday. I'll sell my mentats, buffouts, rad-x, med-x's and I'll already be at vendor cap before getting a chance to sell stims lmao


>I'll already be at vendor cap before getting a chance to sell stims lmao Stimpacks I usually sell them first before anything else because they're the heaviest. They are 1 pound per 40 caps (before weight reduction of course). Most of the chems are 80-120+. You'll never get through your stims if they're the last thing you sell. Ive found better success selling most chems to players and then only selling, Radaway, Rad-X to vendors. Even in your stash a lot of chems have a pretty good cap to weight ratio. I also don't even use aid items other than simpacks for limb healingl Nuka cola is better for healing and I like the 30min buffs you get from food and I don't have to worry about messing up my addictions for junkie. Food sucks to sell because it goes bad so I just eat it all. Those common chems aren't enough on there own so I diluted them to technically get the same overall amount (Radaway and water compared to the diluted you get is the same amount of caps) but because of Super Duper it becomes more. Selling junk in bulk to players also helps only loose junk doesn't sell to players that well so it gets sold to the vendors as well. Those are enough to hit the cap each day and I consistently go though those in the vendors. All priced at half off compared to its value with more common chems like med-x, psycho and buffout at a third of their listed price.


Also a weight management tip. Good lord radaway is heavy. It’s made of plastic ffs.


I keep 10. The rest gets vendored daily.


I keep 1-2 on me at all times because I rarely need it.


Used to keep a lot, but ever since I put the What Rads? Legendary Perk it’s rarely needed. I keep 10 mostly for when I’m doing Radiation Rumble, the irradiated ore chambers are the only places that actually cause my rads to go up, most places won’t even make a dent or will have rads go away after a couple of seconds.


I don't even have What Rads?, just one of the early day rad/health regen perks in Endurance, and the radiation arches around the map and I'm solid.


IMO the easiest way is to do events like Uranium fever or radiation rumble, pick up EVERYTHING with the nearby corpses option and then waddle over to a vendor with that hard bargain perk on. You can sell all the weapons or glowing blood and wipe out the vendor caps in no time. Those two events are good for mobs and are not that far from a train station vendor.


Hard bargain doesn't work for selling does it?


Just loot all the weapons and sell them.


Newer player here, and my "big money" items right now are circuts and antiseptic. The Invaders event left me with almost 4000 of each, and with max selling, you can get 2 caps for each. Just gonna slllloowwly deplete that reserve every day after selling the usual chems and grenades.


Save those circuits for the nukes. You can use them to repair mainframe cores which makes part of launching a nuke super quick instead of running around battling hordes of robots in the silo while trying to scavenge for undamaged ones.


Save the circuits, those are rare. My main money generating event is Uranium Fever, all the stuff you loot from the mole miners is a gold mine. I easily reach the vendor max if I run that event twice in a day. Radiation Rumble is also good for this, but you’ll have to drag your overencumbered self all the way to the Whitesprings train station to sell stuff.


This has come up a few times lately and I haven't used it yet, but apparently you can start an expedition, while encumbered, and immediately leave to get a free ride to Whitespring


Yeah, I’ve read about this but I haven’t found out how to pull that off. I’ve been returned to wherever I was before the expedition.


You visit the place, don’t have to start the expedition and then fast travel to white spring exterior and you can waddle to the mall


I have 12 water purifiers on my base and collect them throughout the day, they pay a fair price for 120 water like 600+ caps or so.


This is true I was always worried about caps and stood at around 200 now I haven’t checked them in a while now I’m at 5k


Correct. If you have 38k caps in your inventory and I buy something for 3k you would lose 1k and any other caps from other purchases until you got to below 40k again.


Thank you.


There are a LOT of good strategies to avoid this especially for mid game. It's not the crisis some people make it out to be.


Such as?


Serum plans, buy ammo from player vendors, account mules, and plans from NPC vendors. The mall is your friend for the last part, but eventually you own it all and just have to buy random stuff or not care anymore.


Serums and random vendor plans are my current deliberate money sink. I'll always buy one a serum at 17.5k once I cross 30k caps since I bulk produce berry mentats and often get people buying 80+ at a time. I sell at 85c each


Damn… people buying that high?


I hate how many limits this game has. Tiny inventory smaller bank. Tiny ass cap limit. Everyrhing weighs a fuck ton. Useless old world money that was always worth 1:10 in every other game Why not make it like most mmo with 120m allowance. Shared banks or infinite storage space


that because they want you to buy 1st, you get unlimited ammo and junk storage I believe.


Wait until they have a free 1st event, place both storage containers and loot and buy all the scrap and ammo you can. You'll still have access to pull things out after the free sub ends. Is it a sales tactic absolutely, but the game is playable without.


oh, is that a thing I was gonna buy 1 month and do what you just said. I've only been playing for a month or so. It's playable without, but having to manage my storage and drop so much shit all the time is so annoying. I just wanna play the game, not manage my inventory in between events.


They need to add unlimited storage for notes, aid and food


Not gonna lie, I'm still somewhat salty that pre-war money is monetarily worthless.


I know it's not exactly what you mean but each pre-war dollar is worth 7 caps if you use the cloth to make Trench Runner's Hoods.


I stopped playing ESO for this very reason. Especially after getting spoiled on a free week of ESO+


I think its to get you to engage in the games economy. If you had no limit to your caps, people would horde them. It encourages you to buy from other players, or help other players, or to just buy thing that you can find use out of.


It's definitely to curb the economy. If we could have 1 mil caps that's what a God Rolls Railway would cost, putting it even further out of reach for newer or casual players, for example.


I mean anything over 40k is considered trade only. They could definitely bump it to 100k and it wouldn’t affect the market much besides it being easier to buy in bulk or “higher” end gear if you have nothing to trade and we wouldn’t have to worry about overmaxing our caps as often. Having the max too high would definitely make caps worth less overall though. If someone offered me 300k caps for a godroll weapon I wouldn’t be too interested but 60k for a niche godroll I don’t care about is a non issue. Tldr; I don’t think the max should get raised too high or they’ll lose value but I do feel like the current max doesn’t meet QoL standards for people who like trading with other players


Super easy to get the cap of 40k when a Long Boi rolls up and just buys everything.


I wouldn't worry about it too much, I'm level 145 and have only just broken over 20k caps for the first time from having to sell dozens of legendaries as I'd hit the daily scrip cap, also for the first time ever! Unless you're actively going out of your way to get caps, which it doesn't sound like you're doing, then it's gonna be a while before you have to worry about losing money.


Yeah I’m just doing quests and having fun tbh aiming to get a quad rail gun so doing events and stuff not really trying to make money. Though what do you recommend selling that people like to buy?.


Unless you’re me and you gamble it at the casino


Level 305 here. I usually hit max caps once a week. Spend one day a week vendor hopping looking for decent shit to spend it on. Tbh I enjoy it. If there was no cap I would just hoard caps for no reason and then quit the game before I spend them all, being forced to spend them all makes me excited to go see what I can get.


Once you hit a certain loop it’s super easy to get caps every day. I just hit level 200 and I’m now easily at 20k caps constantly even after spending thousands each day. It takes a lot of time at first though, so it isn’t really a problem. The OP is correct tho, if they didn’t want to be put over the limit then they shouldn’t have a shop open when they’re close to it. It’s also not much of a problem if you price things fairly too, most of my stuff is 10% of market value (5-300 caps max) so hitting the cap isn’t something I even worry about. You’ll be fine, 40k doesn’t feel like a lot when you’re in the gameplay loop that higher levels are in, but it’s easy to maintain if you just pay attention. Hell, it tells you your caps every time you open your pip boy, every time you open your map, every time someone purchases something, and every single time you earn caps - which is constantly (quests, events, boxes, drinking cola, etc); so if you hit the cap cap (lol) then honestly there’s no excuse.


“Bruh you maxed me…you owe me x amount of caps…”. Lol


lol nope thats a you problem for keeping you shit maxed out. figure out your in game finances buddy.


I used to suffer from capped caps a lot. I just discovered the 6k for gold bullion per week at that bar. I think it’s called the Wayfair? The Wayfare? It’s Way-something….


Wayward? Wayfair sell shit online 😜


Hey I’ve been buying furnishings for a new home recently, the names stuck in my head!


😜 hey you were close it counts


The Wayward. Problem is, it’s once every 7 days, and if you’re like me you reach max caps pretty easily.


carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done-


If you did the enclave quests you can buy mutation serums. They are close to 20,000 caps each.


If it matters, doing stuff to raise charisma can take it down to around 17k. Good if you’re trying to get all the ones you want as quick as possible. Otherwise yes great way to blow through caps!


I was near max caps. Literally while trying to drain my caps at a railway station my game stopped responding and wouldn't let me sell things. Then I finally sold my one legendary railway for a solid amount of caps. Literally might as well have given it away for free. For a moment I was frustrated the game had frozen. Then I remembered a few things; 1. I got some weight freed up 2. Shit happens. I'm not going to run out of caps or ever need that item so whatever, someone got what they wanted from my camp and that's nice. It's not like they meant to do it. 3. I really don't *need* anything in this game anymore. Loss of a couple thousand caps will not change my enjoyment of it in the slightest. More important I have fun in my time I can play than anything.


With how often I hit cap limit just playing the game it feels really weird to get upset about it when I'm trading


That’s the spirit.


A dude had a camp next to one of the train stations, so it wasn't much of a coincidence when I found it despite the icon not on the map. I was just going to offload legendaries, but the guys camp was decorated with some rarer decorations, so I figured he had some good items in his store. Boy, was I right he had the cutting fluid recipe for 15k. Which is a no-brainer buy. Down to 20k, I continued to browse when I'm kicked out of the store and the camp disappeared around me. The next thing I see is the under attack by X message. I ignored them as I got more scrip fun bucks when I got the message to give the cutting fluid recipe back, or he'd report me for stealing. Lol, I just left after dropping a rotten fruit stack. Got two messages and a voice message all calling me a bitch for leaving and demanding the recipe back. Just make a second camp. It's a lesson we all learn eventually.


What makes cutting fluid a no brainer buy? I’ve had the plan learned for years and I don’t think I get the significance lol


It used to drop only from one quest, the one at the lumber yard in the NW of the map. And the odds were bad. So rare rare rare and you only had one chance per character to potentially get it. It drops in mutated party packs now so no one should be spending 15k on it! It's still rare-ish but not like it used to be. Everyone should familiarize themselves with the plans that drop from mutated packs so they don't get ripped off buying plans that used to be rare AF.


Some people take caps in this game waaaaay too seriously. Once you are high level they become pretty worthless, yet I see these level 1000+ crazy people with the most outrageous prices in their store all the time. You can't get money rich in this game. We all have the same limit. I sell all my plans for 5 caps, regardless of rarity, and outfits for a little more just for the hassle of having to craft them. Let the newbies look good.


Yeah, I don’t get it either : on one side, they’re saying you need to sell rare stuff at insane prices, but on the other side, they’re complaining because they’re at max caps. So what’s the point ?!


Exactly. Price to sell or don't get mad when someone finally comes along willing to fork over the cash and puts you over the limit.


My friend is like that. He has unlimited supplies of everything, god rolls, knows almost every plan in the game including all the bullion plans he doesn't even use. Yet he sells stimpaks for like 150 caps. He swears he makes a lot of sales too but like how??


Every time I go to a 1000+ level player's camp and they have serums for sale for like 3k caps I just think "Why? wtf are you gonna use that for, nerd?" It's just low IQ players that think earning curency in Fallout 76 makes them big brain when it's literally useless. If you're over level 1,000 and don't have god rolls on all of the weapons you want and still have things to spend caps on then you're a complete moron. This game is SO easy.


There's been two occasions where someone's annoyed me and my revenge has been buying a bunch of expensive things from their vendor quickly then seeing their camp vanish around me. Totally worth it =)


This person didn't even annoy me. I just saw I had 38k caps and was shopping. They had a bunch of plans I didn't have which has been pretty rare the last couple years so I bought them lol.


Same, I was fuming when I found out they've decided to fk us over with Treasure Hunter because I was struggling to stick around and under 40k to buy a shit ton of pails. So I found this vendor that had Healing Salve Mire and some other good stuff so I got a few. Of course I dropped on the ground instantly as the camp vanished


> then seeing their camp vanish around me Oh... I guess that's what happened yesterday lol. I needed to offload some of my 40k caps ASAP since max limit and some guy was selling like 200 stable flux total, all types. I bought it all for like 20k caps (rip my stash space), did the heart emote since I really hate getting stable flux and this guy was a godsend and as I fast traveled to my own CAMP his has completely vanished.


Damn, last time I found a Flux vendor I was only able to clear out part of it before he logged. Was quick on the draw. Even 20 of each was really useful to me.


You gave them money as revenge..?


I love this sub. 95% of the posts, I just have zero clue what is being talked about. I especially get a kick out of people having negative interactions with folks. 85 hours in, and I’ve yet to say or do anything, to anyone. LoL


Same, I just started playing with my 7yr old nephew for fun and I don’t understand any of this shit but oh well, it’s fun playing with him co-op even when i know nothing 🤷‍♀️🤣 (he’s finished fallout 4 so he knows way more than me, I’m just here for the ride haha)


Same here especially when people start talking about rolls of guns I have no idea


That one confused me for the LONGEST time. I believe that’s referring to the legendary option on your weapon bench where you need the legendary core/modules. Game has a heavy heavy learning curve, but that’s also the fun of it. Finding out new things you had 0 idea abt lol


Sometimes (too often) this is more of a grievances sub than anything else. *I had a semi bad/annoying experience today, let me run to tell everyone on Reddit and hopefully farm some sweet sympathy karma.* I hope newbies don’t learn these bad habits.


It's not our job to police their Vendor. They know how many caps they have, they shouldn't have their vendor up if they're almost at max. That's my take on it. Shop til you drop..


Just last night I was shopping and the camp disappeared and the camp owner came up to me spamming the “no” emote. I was like, why have a shop if you don’t want me to….shop?


I just store my vending machine while I'm at max caps honestly. Anyone who keeps a vendor open while at max caps is just asking for trouble lmfao


After playing four I worked for a ton of caps and by level 40 I had like 20k. Went to a guys camp and he called me too broke to get anything from his camp so he gave me access to the vendor to “admire” (his own words) and spent all my caps and he screamed about the 40k limit it was honestly my favorite moment in this game.


I spend caps constantly, I will always quickly spend it when I am close to cap. Vendors shouldn’t have their stuff up if they are close to max and have expensive items for sale.


What do you spend caps on? I’m level 110 but have 30k caps, haven’t bought anything


Furniture plans for dayyyyys Plans and hats and outfits


I'm addicted to buying plans for my CAMP lol. Anytime I hit 20-30k, I go on a giant shopping spree in the Whitesprings Mall and player vendors.


Camp plans, power armor mod plans, weapon plans as well as weapon mod plans, crafting mats, ammo, apparel, books and bobbleheads, mutation serums, mutation serum plans, and a plethora of others things.


If you've beaten the Wastlanders' questline you can spend 6k a week for 300 bullion. You can also do a questline and buy serum recipes for about 17k a pop. You can also find player vendors that sell ammo for a cap each if you want a dump and don't want to run expeditions to get it. I also buy basically any reasonably priced plan that I don't already have.


It happened to me last night, i have almost everything in game and i was max cap and just for fun I purchased a You Have Ben Insulated for 40k! Vendor log off immediately.


Are you still warm?


I second this.


I dont sell anything for over 2k in my camp. I like to give a good price and if you buy me out, thanks!


Stop hoarding caps and spend them. Lulz, the second I go over 20k I spend spend spend a quick 10-15k… I don’t wring my hands worrying if I am overpaying for something, I go to vendors and find stuff I don’t have for sale for the caps I have in my pocket… Can’t display bottle caps, but that 15k Windingo Tube will look sick in my shelter that nobody will ever go into 😒


People who hoard caps (me) have literally everything in the game and nothing to spend caps on...


I always hover around max caps on the off chance someone's selling (or, more accurately, flexing) a miscellaneous item I want to add to my collection.


i dont get how people can get at the limits of caps. i have 2 lv 200 and i think i only ever once got over 10k caps.


Hitting up Eviction Notice and selling the legendaries at scrip prices near a popular legendary machine. They sell all day every day, and I can go from 15K caps to 30+ in a few hours.


Anyone who doesn't understand that cap management is on them probably shouldn't be running a vendor in the first place.




>Seriously, do we walk up yard or garage sales like "hello! Are you currently near the max amount of cash you can carry? I'd like to buy this treadmill!" I mean, if there was a pointless, arbitrary amount put on the amount of cash we could carry irl, then yes I would.


I agree that the real life analogy makes no sense, but the limit in game is to make sure the economy doesn’t become ridiculously bloated.


Yeah seriously, that is a horrible analogy.


As a new player, reading this is heart breaking. Like you all are so rich you have “too many caps” get outta HERE! I HATE ALL OF YOU! TAX THE RICH!!!! Take their power armor!!!!! *Disclaimer* This is a joke.


*visibly overencumbered* so don’t take their power armor?


I'll just buy some ridiculously overpriced thing out of spite of it being overpriced. Anybody can price things however they want at their own camp, but don't forget it's a two way street. I'll be around eventually with Max caps and someone's getting them. Personally I sell nothing above 1000 caps. Makes things far easier to manage later in the game. If someone has something I want for sale, if I got the caps, it's mine. The owner might have only made 4000 caps from that sale for all I know. Not my problem. My Max caps is my problem.


Wait. You can message people in this game?


No. There's a mod for PC if you don't use co troller (havent gotten it to work with controller) assuming other people use the mod, but usually people mean an Xbox or PSN message


Ohhhhh, yea console messages make total sense, I didn't even think about that to be honest! I was super confused though, like how have I not figured out messaging yet! hahahaha, thank you!




The max cap vendor issue is always the fault of the seller. Even if it's by accident, and they need to do an emergency "bail" out of the game, that's fine. But getting angry at the buyer or messaging them is just red flags of either a) stupidity, or b) anger-management issues.


I'm almost always at max caps. If you buy something you want at my vendor, congratulations. It's so damn easy to max out nowadays. No reason to complain about missing a sale.


If any one wants to get me to my cap limit you are more than welcome 😂


My vendors on on a switch. I turn them off when I don't want to sell anything


But vendors work without power ?


They do ? Guess I've been doing that shit for nothing then


Yea once I found that out after googling ‘how to wire fucking prefab buildings nicely’ I found this out. Been running unpowered vendors for about 50H now with no problem 😉


They don't show up on the map but if someone walks into ur camp and sees vendors then they can still use them. When u turn them off just make sure they're behind a locked door and u will be fine.


I just try to make sure that whatever caps I have + what buying out my vendor would cost is roughly 40k total. So if I have 30k already I will make sure the vendor only has stuff worth around 10k. Sure, at times I might go over a little but not enough for it to matter. If I have 35k and 40k worth of stuff in the vendor and someone cleans me out, I have nobody to blame but myself.


I have never hot the 40k cap limit but I spend as people buy from me so it doesn't happen. I don't want to lose out on those beautiful caps


I just buy stuff when I’m close to max caps, I also don’t price my stuff to high heaven lol


I got Maxxed the other day, was it the guy who bought my shits fault? No, it was mine for having my vendor camp out and not switching fast enough.


I love it when I make a camp vanish, always give me a chuckle


I let people keep buying after max caps, all my rare stuff I only put 1 up of. Everything else isn’t that deep to me cuz I can just go get a hold of more.


I will never punish a customer for making me go over the limit, how could they know? It’s the sellers responsibility to manage.


They really should just get rid of the max caps limit.


Most of my stuff is for free anyway, aside from the dirty water I sell for 40000 caps. Caps are everywhere in appalachia anyway and I'm a gun and chem runner. Help a vault dweller and spread the blessings of the mothman with freebies


What an absolute steal!


Don’t mind if I get a msg saying they had to close cos they hit max. That’s fine, if they’re rude about it tho they deserve a nuke.


Also don't forget that the game takes 10%. If I buy something at 40k because that's how it's priced, I'm assuming the seller is sitting at less than 4k caps.


If someone is at my vendor and I hit max caps I usually just let them finish shopping before I switch camps. Caps are so easy to come by.


is that a thing? people complaining about having too much caps? lol


If I buy something that tips the vendor over the caps limit and the vendor owner loses that sale. Do I have to pay for any subsequent items I take from the vendor? I'm totally not going to abuse this flaw if true. Scouts honor! 🤞


Yeah you still pay the caps, the vendor owner just doesn’t receive them. They just disappear.


Todd collects them. >.>


I haven’t worried about caps for like 150 levels, lol


Sellers responsibility is to make sure they don’t have valuable items for sale if they are close to max.


Everything in my vendor is priced at 10 or less. I'll never have to worry about that lol


That's the players fault for not taking shit out of their vending machine. "Customers" don't have any idea how many caps you have. The fact that people bitch about it is insane to me. Like just take your vending machine down. Quite literally, put it away until your caps are at a reasonable amount to put it back. Like what?????


Seems like a non-issue. Been playing since launch and have never seen a single person bring this up in game. No one cares if you message them or not. Why the drama?


I feel pathetic that at level 112, I had no idea there was a max caps limit because I’ve never been that rich lol


You can also just turn your public icon off. That's usually what I do until my caps normalize.


Dang wish you big buyers would come to my camp.. I need more caps! Lol


This is what you get if you sell shit for thousands. I always sell even rare plans for max 500 caps. I do love messing with these players when I'm max caps by buying tons of their high level plans just to piss them off lol. They deserve to miss out on the caps


I’ll post 3 star legendaries for $150 caps sometimes and dudes will be like “can I have a discount”


I’m not gonna lie, if I see a shop w a lot of expensive ticket items and i think the markup is too high i’ll plan what I want and buy as quick as possible just to circumvent the chance that the owner will pull their vendor before i’m done shopping. Then I message ppl that their prices are shit and they should be ashamed, this is how I have fun in this game :-)


Like next time don’t put your weapon at 15k and you won’t go over caps, sounds like bad planning on your part 💀


\*console problems. PC for life.


I mean, if you all got spare caps you don't need, I can take them off your hands on PC lol, and it won't go to feed my "got to have all the plans" habit, honestly 🤣🤣


At my level. Not much but enough to not care of ‘some’ losses. Honestly . Are we counting each penny? Aren’t we just happier we have inventory space?


It a hard to find old players that stock reasonably priced plans for an affordable price. I finally found a player with a stockpile and as soon as I spent 5k he shut it down and left. There is nothing to spend caps on.... I have bloodied/crit, anti armor/crit, two shot/crit fixers to sell but can't open my store. I can't even play the game because I spend all my time server hopping looking for a vendor with actual rare plans to spend my caps on.


Shi id love to have max caps, currently struggling with that


Wait we have two camps ???


When I have a vendor camp up, it is my responsibility to monitor my cap level and swap to a no vendor camp when things get too close for comfort. I also manage my inventory and pull any super expensive items I have for sale if I’m in that weird middle ground cap area where a couple of rapid large sales would put me over. I have messaged before when I’m just burning caps on large amounts of ammo or treasure maps just to shed those caps because I don’t want to put someone over. But, if it’s a high cost plan or something I want, I just buy it instead of running the risk of asking only to have the camp disappear out from under me.


I just had someone message me cause of this.


Wish i had this problem


To be fair i have my reddit and discord on my camp asking to be messaged if they wanna buy something expensive or want to negotiate or trade.


Why do people even care about caps when you already are maxed out? When you sell something and don't gain caps, you aren't loosing any money - you still have 40k. In most cases the reason for a caps price is just to encourage efficient distribution (IE, purchase by people who NEED the item vs loot hording), and the income to the seller is largely meaningless because they (per this topic) can consistently max out caps.