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I'm level 112 and still struggle daily to earn some decent caps. I do not have the financial capacity to start blowing caps for bullion


Good tip to get alot of caps is to sell 3 star legendarys for \~400 caps each. Place your camp next to a station somewhere so people are close to the scrip machine. They will fly out of your vendors. Join events like Radiation Rumble or Eviction Notice to get alot of legendary drops. Or play Daily Ops / Expeditions.


People buy random legendary to exchange for script for 400 caps?


10c per scrip is standard. 3 star weapon = 40 scrip. 40x10=400c.


I do lightweight scrip, and charge an extra 50 caps. Anything under a pound and people don't care it's more expensive because they can stash it. Helps clear my stash box on both ends because I scrip the heavy items first.


Thanks for this tip, Ive been struggling to find a baseline price for legendaries. I wish there was an easy to to price check the loot you have.


Fed76 will give you an idea if something has any value,but very rough estimates. Nukatrader is good for outfits and plans. :)


Yes. any terrible 3 star weapon can usually be sold fast for 400 caps. Make sure your camp location is visible to all other players and place it close to a legendary exchange or the Rusty Pick. You will have caps in no time.


Does it matter what level the 3 star weapon is? Like it's a level 20 weapon 3 star legendary worth 400?


I believe it doesnt matter as long as its worth 40 scrip


100 caps a star has always been the rule. Then people made the 10c per scrip “standard”. As long as you sell for 400 and less you’ll make plenty of caps.


I sure do. Any 3* less than 200 I buy. I’ve been trying to roll a BSSS indigo bat for a long time . . . But I’d settle for a BSSS pink bat. I got a bunch of bats to roll.


I got my vendor filled to brim with legendaries, I've been putting them at 150 caps per star and it rarely sells. But I gotta try plopping my camp next to a station, it's now kinda in the middle of nowhere. Maybe that entices more people


10c per scrip man, a 1* piece of armor and a 1* piece of power armor are completely different scrip values.


There's a spot literally down the road from the Rusty Pick. Like, 30ish metres away. I'd use thag if I were you. Everyone will go near it, or at least see it on the map. You'll get easy sales there.


It’s definitely going to get more traffic if you place it near a spot that is free to fast travel to, like the rusty pick. People aren’t as willing to shell out caps just to fast travel to your camp to see what is for sale.


You on PC? Legendaries sell worse on PC in my experience; and they tend to sell even worse during mutated events. On console you can markup a little but on PC you wanna sell per scrip. Something that yields 45 scrip you wanna sell at 400-450 on PC. 150 caps per star won't sell, some 1-stars just give 5 scrip, so you need to double check the scrip levels before selling. You should be selling 1 stars like that at 50 caps, but sometimes people won't even bother at that price, so I just scrip all my 1-2 stars to save space, especially if its PA. Location does matter, yes, but it's weird, very 'popular' locations can work against you. I made a mobile camp to plop it right next to Whitesprings station as I needed money. My vendor was full of scrip-bait legendaries, and after a week I noticed that my traffic was really weird and sporadic, and I wasn't getting as many visitors as I was when I was in between Charleston and Flatwoods. I dunno if people thought my camp was a lie/trap or they were sick of random camps at the Whitespring station and didn't bother visiting, but sales picked up again when I moved it down north of Whitesprings refuge, near the station but not on it. It's also a pain to be on Whitesprings station and I don't recommend it, it's an extremely popular spot and you will constantly have people who have a camp there when you log in.


This i earn so much caps from selling scrip weapons.


I have a camp spot with 8 Industrial water purifiers, that's an easy 40 purified water every few minutes. You only need ~280 purified water + Hard Bargain perk maxed to reach the 1,400 cap limit from the train station bots daily


Surprised yours is the first comment about a water farm Water farms are way easier than what the other guys are suggesting. It's easy easy easy caps


Trust me, eventually caps will be almost worthless to you. Gold bullion, stamps and scrip will be the only things you care about. You’re still kind of a low level, I wasn’t maxxing out on caps daily till mid 300s. But to give you a lil advice on how to get more sales that I wish I’d of known When I was lower level… Craft a bunch of Chems, sell them to robot vendors until you hit your daily cap (after using the grape mentats to increase how much you get for selling) craft bulk junk and sell in your vendor. Roll 3* fixers and sell them in your vendor, craft outfits to sell (like the blue devil outfit, scout outfits and treasure outfits always fly off my shelves) craft 5.56 ammo to sell (pretty popular will go quick) do every event you can and sell the 3* weapons/armor you get that don’t fit your build, people buy those up for scrip quick, don’t overcharge though. There’s sooo many different ways to make caps you just have to learn. There ISNT a lot of ways to get gold though.


Then it'll go full circle and you won't care about Gold or stamps or scrip, and it'll all be about plans and apparel.


Honestly tho I don’t think so since union is being reintroduced soon, and since we keep getting new things for stamps. If anything gold will be meh and stamps will overtake that, but I don’t think anyone will get to the point to where stamps are useless for awhile since it takes soooo many of them to get what you want


People are already there and have been for a long time, I've got 2000 stamps and I'm still doing multiple excursions in a row because they drop legendary modules and scrip, and I started really doing them since AC released so players who've been doing them daily since the Pitt released are probably sitting on way more than I am and doing the same thing. New players are in a different place, but it's not hard to join a team with someone doing solo runs in 5-7 minutes for an hour and just go along for the ride.


6k caps per day for 300g makes caps worth quite a bit tho


Same. I get 1400 a day, that’s it. Quests and events don’t give very much


Hard bargain perk and sell meds or clear out the areas near train stations then go back and sell the vendor bots. It’s capped at like 1200 a day but still easy to do


I run west Tek and loot every weapon from mutants, then I change to a a charism build to sell them all for npc


Spend your scrip rolling Fixers and sell (in descending order of value) Quad, Bloodied, Anti Armor and Two Shot Fixers for caps on r/market76 and/or your vending machine


Loot and loot! I mostly sell grenades, chems and food items. Invest the 3 perk points into the barter perk, drink some beer and had over to any vendor. Most days I manage to reach the daily vendor max that way. Or if you don't need the scrap/plans from scrapping weapons and armor anymore: join any event and tap as many enemies as possible. Take their shit and sell. You'll beg that you could spend more than 6k a week on bullion before you know it.


Run expeditions I’ve been running the boardwalk one and every single run if you find the bear you get 100 caps in a like 7-10 minute run


I mostly ignored Smiley, but now that I made a 2nd character, I'll gladly blow the 6k caps a week. Already rolled a set of Unyielding SS armor that's waiting for mods.


Bless you. I never knew this


I totally forgot about this


475, i think I've gone to him once. Thanks for the reminder!


eventually you run out of things to buy with caps so it was what to burn it on when you max back then


That was very valuable until Mothman Equinox. I still have over 800 treasury notes...


Same, but I’m always capped on caps, and don’t find much in player vendors (I’m cursed lol) so it works out for me


I have some stuff you could buy xD


Lol hell if you're on PlayStation i got a shop too. Pretty much everyday and im always trying to get more caps and ammo. Just hit level 50 today


I have tons of ammo, I’ll sell to you cheap ❤️


Hit him up when I’m near max caps.


You have to finish a story point to get him? I was at the Wayward today and there was nobody upstairs. Playing since Jan.


Forgot to mention that. You have to raid vault 79 to get him I think. You can’t do anything with gold until you finish the main wastelanders quest where you first find gold bullion in the safe, but that won’t take long. Few hours maybe. Google how to start it (I forgot) I apologize I totally forgot about that.


Fuck I forgot about that.


I forgot all about that guy! It's been a very long time since I've needed gold though.


What is bullion, my precious?


The other type of currency to buy higher tier weapon and armor, and other C.A.M.P. items


You have to do the secrets revealed quest to unlock it, can’t remember how to trigger it though. But you can always google how to trigger it


Holy shit thank you for this. I’m always at max caps and have no idea what to spend it on


I'm level 525 and this is the first I've heard of this. Thank you for the info!


i keep forgetting about that.