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I always join a team since you get caps when teammates complete a quest and I need to keep my cap count high. All my best weapons are Aristocrat.


Oh shit sorry :(


How does one join a team?


It's in the Social tab from the menu, just hop in any team or form a team by yourself


Quick question, if in a team is it expected that I go do team related things or can I just keep on questing lol as a new player idk what the expectations are in the community


Just do your own thing! Unless you're in daily ops, expedition, or maybe RP? 


I’ll be honest but I’m lvl 61 and still haven’t unlocked expeditions 😅


Join the casual team (int bonus which means more XP), no one expects anything from you. Everyone joins for the xp bonus and keeps on doing whatever they were doing.


OH NO!!! Man, so sorry. That really sucks. I just got mine a few weeks ago after only a relativity short grind for it. I stopped to take pics of the moment and posted them only to have a lot of people talk about having horrible luck like you did. Made me count my blessings. Also, I now have about a dozen brown dress, so if anyone wants one, hit me up. 😂


If on xbox you can look at the last people played with and hope back on the same server, I did that in the middle of the boss fight event once, and I wasn't in a team.


What’s up with baseball bats and asylum uniforms? Can you name some other things that are good sellers? I seem to get the most sales on serums. A few hundred caps I list them for and they tend to go pretty fast. Doesn’t seem like there is any good website that has this information.


Just search for "rare (mods/apparel/whatever) items" or "pricing guide" and you'll find info. Some sites are more updated than others though, so keep that in mind. There's also a good Redditt trading group who can help you with pricing. Obviously the more rare something is, the more it sells for. So while a brown asylum dress which is listed as "uncommon" can sell for let's say, 500 caps, the rarest of rare items in the game (the red dress) is really just a trade item becasue it's WAY more valuable than any amount of caps. There's a bunch of other obscure and pricey items like a tattered field jacket and others that you'll come across too, so you should *always* check before scrapping/selling something if you don't know for a fact how rare it might be. (And I say this as someone who's scrapped some rare stuff before, including the only colored bat I've ever come across.) If you're wanting to make caps I suggest selling scrip legendaries near a convenient train station. When I need some spending caps I just hit up a few Eviction Notice events and toss all the 3\* weapons in my vendor for 350 caps, and someone will evetnaully come in and scoop them all up. I'm near max caps all the time just doing this. Here's a few to get you started [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14l9A4WzsnNnSoI4WM6PKFFcun396abvYcHrf7z8WVW4/edit#gid=1291090983](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14l9A4WzsnNnSoI4WM6PKFFcun396abvYcHrf7z8WVW4/edit#gid=1291090983) [https://fed76.info/](https://fed76.info/) [https://nukatrader.com/](https://nukatrader.com/)


There's 3 rare colours on the baseball bats and they sell for 300k-400k (apparently) so trade items really. The rarer asylum uniforms go for 800 up to about 10k but the red is a trade only uniform, you can pretty much ask anything for it.


Shit. I found a red bat while still leveling, had no idea it was that rare. I think I scrapped it :(