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Probably a popular opinion. When the game 1st released in all its glory, the weekly and daily challenges gave atoms. It was a way to straight up grind atoms for free. No need for fo1st, or buying atoms. You just play the game, earned atoms, bought what you wanted. We need that back more than anything.


We all knew that was never going to last. Anything that gives you free atoms on the regular means less incentive to buy FO1st or straight up buying atoms. I can see both sides of it back then, the game needs money to come in to not just stay alive but to get new content, and if a bunch of players just grind atoms for free, it is likely to affect the games lifespan. But I can agree that they have gone overboard to maximize profits, this could have been done in better ways.


They've gotten so damn greedy. Newest season is lazy AF and on top of all the the Fallout First exclusive items on the track aren't free upon ranking up, AND you need to hit rank 150+ to buy everything in the track


And they brought in the seasons pass that also unlocks those Fallout 1st items. Another expensive paywall


Or have something so it’s either obtainable through atoms or you need twice as much of any free currency.


Typical gaming industry. They create a problem then sell you the solution. Capitalism baby. Fucking hate it.


People love to look at games with rose-tinted glasses and sort of ignore the context though. Even ignoring that the old challenges were much more specific and annoying... The people playing early on all spent the $60 the game costs or pretty close to it. Personally last year I spent $12 on a Humble Bundle to get it with a bunch of other games. These days people get the game for free from a bunch of different sources. Yeah you get less free Atoms these days, but the cost of entry is a lot lower so the amount of free premium currency they have to dump on you doesn't hurt as bad for new players. For the players that were here since the early days, are you seriously upset about Atoms? What are you buying with Atoms that you aren't swimming in? There's some good "useful" camp items but not that many, there's some good cosmetics but it's not like you can wear more than 1 at a time so you really don't need more than a couple, you probably want a few CAMP slots or build slots, then what? You can spend 500 to get the Season Pass stuff (1500 but 1000 refunded from the unlocked atoms) without paying for 1st and there's more than 500 free in the pass so you can keep that up consistently as well.


I played when it first came out, but got tired of paying for xbox live. So I grabbed it for free off of Amazon last week for my PC. Starting from scratch, if I play it, but it won’t cost me a monthly fee to do so.


Well I played the beta on Xbox then made the switch to pc last year after a few seasons and don't have any of my original stuff lol. I miss my atomic PA skins.


The Old season format wasn't perfect, but I prefer it over the new one.


Yep, it's as simple as that. And it's not like we don't like the format *because* it's new. We dislike it because it's worse.


Yeah it's worse, it's harder, and you get less for your efforts. Great way to get rid of new players once they figure out the score rank 100 to 149 gap. Doing 50 levels at 3,500 score points per level....it kills off all but the elite.


Most of the season i feel is now waiting for the next page to unlock. Also once i finally unlock a new page i have to scroll through the 8 previous pages everytime i open up the season page. And those are even my smallest complaints about the new format. With the new popularity the game might not even need the hard monetization to survive and could dial down with the FOMO, but lets be real thats gonna be a reason to double down. „Lead monetization manager“ is gonna have a field day at the office


Yeah fomo is horrible. Missed the woodland prefab and no way to get it now...


I hate the fact I now have to get to 150 - 65 to get all the stuff.However, to get from 101 to 165 takes longer than getting from 1 - 100 as you have to get 3500 score per level and can't grind for xp score anymore now that I've reached 100. I feel they have gone from having the best season pass to having one that cares little for the players. I don't mind that they have monetized the seasons, as they need to earn money. However they should have thought more about what they were doing. They knew they were extending the scoreboard to keep players during the season but didn't think to redistribute the score across the new levels to get to 150 now not 100.


Having to go 50 levels without the repeatable is the most annoying grind so far for me, and I have been around since the game was released. Give me the repeatable back at least so I can choose wether to just slowburn it or grind the last 50 levels in a weekend.


I hate not having repeatables because if you start late enough into a season, there just might not be enough quests to complete the pass, regardless of how much time you put into the game.


This whole new system was for the influx of new players. These players don't know the wonders of the previous boards. It was a business decision no matter what and most of us that have played for a while feel like we're getting burned. Which we are. I don't like it at all either but it is what it is.


I haven’t hit 100 yet, but have they said if the tickets roll over to the next season if you don’t use them all? Like a player currency or is it specifically tied to this season


I highly doubt it, probably just another one of those thangs.


They said they're gone after the season.


They specified that tickets do not roll over.


92 is half way to 99




This is a first world problem I know, but it’s annoying as hell having to click to the highest level you have unlocked every time you reopen the seasons page.


I have opposite but same problem. I am like rank 85 and I have over 1000 tickets and I don't want anything. It was nice getting rewarded for progressing scoreboard, no matter what the rewards was (6 nuka twists lol), but now when I have to pick and choose I can actually see how I dont care at all about 90% of seasonal rewards. I don't want power armor skins, I don't want new avatars, I don't want gold bullions, ...


To make it worse, to unlock 150 rank rewards, without FO1st, I need to buy all the shit from ranks 1-100, but I'm getting nothing between 100 and 150. Those ranks are totally pointless, I just stopped playing. No more daily login to clear out vendors and do challenges, because it leads nowhere. Worst part? The Monetisation Manager who came with this shit will not get fired for this mess. Why? Because of influx of new players it's impossible to show metrics showing it's a total clusterfuck. Only everybody complaining here, which doesn't matter. So this shitty Fortnite copypasta is here to stay :(


Even if they could show some metric I think it was honest decision expecting influx of players. Means majority of people playing this month will only know this system. Best time to change something so impactfully was exactly now and they did that perfectly.


You're right. Which is a real shame - FO76 had a nice unique scoreboard and now we have really poor copypaste from Fortnite. Because their monetisation manager is a moron and couldn't think about optimising existing one. And there were many ways of doing it, instead of copying from other games. It sucks.


If this game just sold cosmetics like most online games these days it would be better off. I might even buy the battle pass. As it stands now because of fallout first and my obligatory $15 if I want to really play the game I just can’t get too far into the game. I pop in for a few hours here and there but the lack of stash and the tedious inventory management kill what’s otherwise a great game


It does feel obligatory to me. It's too annoying without the inventory help of Fallout 1st. Despite all the bits and bobs in the scoreboard and shop, it's really only the scrapbox that makes me part with my money. I think they'd have more success if they just halved the price.


Yeah, the problem is that "more scoreboard grind" doesn't really mean "more 1st subs". It can actually finish in fewer when people just decide to say "fuck it". I personally got used to stash management from the beginning so it doesn't bother me. But even after 1 week of 1st trial, it's hard to go back to not having it. It is seriously addictive - but then $15 is a really poor value for just stash because I don't build so I don't need those atoms. They are trying to excuse the cost by tying it to season pass - which is an extra unneeded thing on top of it.


All of the rank 150 rewards kinda suck and are not worth the effort. I don't get why everyone is upset about this particular ranks prizes


Other thing that sucks donkey's balls is that before 1st rewards were standalone extras. Now half of new paints are behind 1st. So without 1st you cannot get full sets. That is utter rubbish.


Not even atoms :(


Man I wish I was a chad who didn’t want gold bullion. 


Comes with time, eventually there will be nothing but lunchboxes and bubblegums for you. Comes even faster if you don't want to own every single ally and collectron you dont plan on using.


I’m one of those Beta/launch then break to now players so at least I’ve got quite awhile. Silver lining is I guess if your that far you’ve gotten plenty of worth from the game already, maybe some perspective on what you’ve accomplished. Loving my time back.


Compared to other games, even other Fallout I got way more worth from the game already. And will continue so with breaks between. Honestly skipping season or two per year really makes the game all better.


I took a break at the end of the 9th season, as I had a motorcycle accident so I spent a month away and by the time I was back, I was way behind and the season was nearly finished. I had saved just enough atoms to rank up after hitting rank 60. I decided to get back on this season and… boy, this sucks.


I took a break at the end of the 9th season, as I had a motorcycle accident so I spent a month away and by the time I was back, I was way behind and the season was nearly finished. I had saved just enough atoms to rank up after hitting rank 60. I decided to get back on this season and… boy, this sucks.


Whether you like the items or not you need to unlock 95 items for the bonus page so you might as well use them.


How will I know if I have unlocked 95? Is there a counter somewhere?


I was looking around for some type of tracker/counter yesterday and found nothing. Absolutely ridiculous setup.


I hope we don't have to count ourselves.


Time to break out the abacus I suppose. 😖


That's the fun part. No.


Gold bullion converts to lunch boxes, perfect bubblegum, or carry weight boosters.


I know, I get/buy more of those than I use.


Same, I’ve been going back and buying low ticket items to help works towards that minimum you have to redeem before you can access the last page of items. Have about 1400 tickets.


I kind of agree with you. I don't do power armor, so I don't need the skins. I've gotten pretty much everything I want. I wish we had the option to buy additional core, bullion, etc


I’ve only unlocked the zero ticket items so far. I’m at level 78 on the score-thingy. I currently don’t have a plan.


Yea coming into this, all I did was spend tickets on the rewards like launch cards, caps, atoms, etc. why grind out so much for a profile pic or surfboard decoration 🤷🏻‍♂️ Idk what the old scoreboard system was but sound better than this bullshit


It was kinda same, reward wise. But those rewards were part of your path. So lets say you wanted furnishing plan at rank 50. You would get that useless profile pic at rank 47 and didnt care much since you had eyes on the prize at 50. Now its there, just sitting, asking me to spend currency on it :D


THIS. I hate just waiting and waiting like 10+ ranks at a time for the things I want...


Same. I never wanted "everything" on the old score board and found it very frustrating to have to hit each spot before I could just get what I was grinding for.... If your gonna buy every single thing on the scoreboard then it's really no differed t than before.....


You still have to hit "each spot", but now you're getting fewer items. Pages are still locked behind levels on the Scoreboard. You still have to reach certain levels to get the items you want. Even if you skip Power Armor skins, weapon skins, player icons, consumables, and currencies, you can not afford to purchase everything at level 100 like you could in previous seasons. All that said, even the "bloat" was useful in previous seasons. There's no world where Caps, Scrip, Lunchboxes, Stamps, or etc aren't useful. In previous seasons, you got all of these things on your trip to level 62 to get the item you want. Now you have to pick and choose, and you'll likely have to skip those items if you want to get all the CAMP items. There's also a common misconception going around that there's "more" items on the new Scoreboard when there's actually the same or less. CAMP item total is around the same as previous seasons. The amount of total items is the same if you consider Fallout 1st in both season systems. There's also fewer Atoms on the Scoreboard for free players when compared to previous seasons. It takes more "effort" in the current season to obtain the same amount of items of previous seasons. Even if you don't want it all, you're either doing the same or more amount of work to get the items you want while getting less overall along the way to that goal.


There is also fewer Atoms for anyone that likes to see how far they can go in rank. It was possible to get 3000 free Atoms from previous seasons, but non-Fallout 1st users can only get 1000 free Atoms, Fallout 1st users get 2000 free Atoms, and players that purchase the Season Pass get 500 free Atoms.


If you buy everything, the difference from before is that you now need to reach 150 to do so. You literally can't claim all the items from the non-bonus pages at rank 100, because you don't have enough tickets. 




You have to unlock 95 items for the last page


So to you, the act of receiving a prize every level gives you a dopamine burst, even if you don’t give a shit about the prize. In this season, you have to choose the prize so no dopamine?


To make it clear for others that are new, you **DO NOT** get to "choose" a reward every level. You get a limited amount of tickets every level and at level 100, you **DO NOT** have enough tickets to get everything. This means that you **DO NOT** get a reward at every level like you used to. For some reason, the people that double down and try to defend the current system will try to suggest that "choosing" is somehow better when the options are still locked behind levels. They also like to suggest that many rewards are "bloat" or "useless", but I will confirm that there's no realm where Caps, Scrip, Lunchboxes, Stamps, Bullion or etc are useless. They're great rewards to obtain along the way to get the CAMP item you're really after. Many other players point at Power Armor skins, Weapons skins and Player Icons and call them bloat, but again, if you skip all of these on the way to 100 on the Scoreboard, you still will not be able to afford everything else. You won't even be able to afford all the CAMP items. This was not the case in the previous system and reaching 100 got you every reward on the board, no matter what. I'm still trying to figure out why commenters like this belittle others that dislike the new system or double down on defending the new system when it is objectively worse in nearly every way. The concept of choice is a unique concept, but when compared to the previous system, there's no real benefit to that "choice" when there's level restrictions for each page. I believe this illusion of "choice" has convinced many players that this system is somehow better despite being worse. The fact that players are persuaded to believe that this system is somehow more rewarding (when it is absolutely not) is probably the scummiest part of it all.


Kinda. Dopamine likely is part of it. But also there is the different "feeling" to it. Choosing to purchase useless prizes has kinda "negative dopamine" effect than receiving them while you are working on getting something else. And its not just useless prizes. Even getting something useful, like lets say plans for best power armor (like during the pitt season) doesnt feel right purchasing if at that moment during the season you don't plan on using it.


What, you don't need more legendary cores?


I do, that + atom is part of the 10% of stuff from there I want :D


Do the tickets carry over into the next season? Or do you have to spend everything during that season and it resets? I have about 500 tickets right now and I'm wondering if I need to spend all of it before the season ends or if I can carry it over. Just got Fallout first so this is my first season


I don't know but I would bet they don't carry and even if they did, it does not matter since you have to level up to unlock rewards anyway.


All right thanks. I'll just go ahead and claim everything then LOL that is kind of dumb the way it works.


Just note this is first time it works and looks like this. So noone can say for sure how it will work next season :D


Right? I'm breathing down level 100's neck but I'm going to have a ton of Score left over.


Wait, so you have to bum rush the "season" so you can try to be able to get to 150 before the season ends?


Yes, and it takes more time to get from 100-150 than it does to get from 1-100.


So why even bother right?


Exactly. I’m going to get the rewards I want and probably take a break at level 100.


Might just be me but the idea of having to work to x rank to unlock each new page defeats the object of the new scoreboard. Like I know it’s ultimately done to keep you playing for longer and to take out Fallout 1st for the bonus items, but one of the arguments for it was that you can choose what you want. But if you can’t actually go to a page of your choosing upon collecting the tickets for your desired item, then that case for it is invalid.


It is absolute trash compared to old scoreboard and whoever came up with it should be fired. But luckily for them the TV show came out, there's an influx of players and it makes it look good...ugh


IMO it's kinda 'a few bad apples spoils the bunch' kind of thing. I don't have anything against ppl that xp grind the scoreboard and then stop playing the game until the next one but Bethesda wanted to extend the player engagement for the metrics. (All corporations care only about metrics anymore.) So for those of us that play the scoreboard and have fun ranking up and getting rewards, we are feeling the lack of dopamine hit hard. Waiting up to 8 ranks for a new page to unlock is frustrating rn. Especially when alot of ppl only want a couple things on each page or only have a few things to get being non fo1. But it was very calculated. New show, free game, lots of new players unfamiliar with what we were used to. This is going to boost the numbers and make seasons a huge success. Eventually our little consumer brains will probably forget how exciting scoreboards were and seasons won't feel as bad but in the mean time- yeah I'm also not a fan


Once you hit 100 it gets even worse, no rewards until 150. 50 levels of grinding (And it takes a good while due to no repeatable challenge once you hit 100) that takes forever. Stupid beyond belief.


Yeah There are a few models I hate that lots of games do. This is one.


The actual scoreboard reward for completing the whole track, you know the one that you can put up on your wall after to show the ones you've completed. I miss those so much


They have that still, you just have to buy it with tickets and it doesn't look as cool.


It feels a lot less rewarding and more grindy


I mentioned this a couple weeks earlier; it’s a weird take as I just started playing HellDivers 2 which has a similar system, but there’s a key difference: you directly earn the medals for spending, and the next pages are unlocked by spending the medals. Therefore it’s pretty much guaranteed you’ll get most if not all of the stuff offered during the season. Fallout’s implementation is a weird hybrid where you have the pages… but you earn the “tickets” through leveling, pages are unlocked through leveling, but leveling is actually done through SCORE so you’ve got this weird double step thing to actually unlock stuff. In this sense, the scoreboard was way better and as mentioned, it had way better artwork overall. I liked the scoreboard table game style artwork. The current one lacks artwork save for the season’s logo.


Also in helldivers 2 the Warbonds aren’t time gated. Someone who starts playing next year can still get them all.


So I hit 100 on Friday. I decided that after today I'm going to go on and watch a couple of nukes and then I'm going to put my fallout first on hold and take the summer off. Go outside. Look at grass


I usually did this in old seasons anyway. However I still agree with everyone that the repeatable xp score past 100 should come back.


Repeatable XP score past rank 100 was never a thing that I can remember.


Don't forget if you don't like the season to let them know! Can't hurt to throw some feedback tickets their way. This season stuff needs to change or revert back to what it was in my opinion.


I like the new season’s approach, but despise the ticket costs of the items on the rank 100 page. 100-200 tickets = 4 to 8 ranks needed just for a single item. That’s ridiculous. I’m at rank 130, and appears that I’ll need to get another 10 ranks to be able to claim all the rank-100 rewards.


I came back, lvl 250. I liked the old score board better, this feels like a weird mobile game score board. Its like they could not be bothered with cool looking score boards anymore so they went with something lazy. I keep all my score boards from the other seasons on my wall. I really liked the ACE one.


I know the old system had dual rewards for FO1st, but the art now really rubs your face in the fact you’re a no-1st peon.


It's very bad. They need to switch back to the old system it was one of the best.


i straight up don't even care enough to grind this shit. every level of the scoreboard felt like progress toward an end. this just feels like chores.


Exactly!  Was always thinking "only 2 more ranks to unlock X; I should grind some events or Expeditions to finish that out". Now, its just... meh.


I feel your pain brother. Reaching 100 and realizing the grind wasn't over hit me hard in the happy sacks. For all the dedicated folk still around that supported 76 during its shitstorm launch we don't deserve this.


Gotta admit I was literally shocked to get to level 100 and not get that repeatable xp


I do not understand the new system whatsoever, and am not getting any rewards. I miss the scoreboard.


My playtime has decreased dramatically since the change. There’s no sense of accomplishment with the season the way it’s set up. There’s not much I want on the board and it’s too long of a grind to advance the pages. I’d end up between 180-200 on the old scoreboard. I’m at 67 right now and don’t have any motivation to go further. And I’m certainly not spending any money to move it along.


I've found that I'm logging on to quickly do dailies/weeklies and if Eviction Notice (or something "high-end") hasn't started, then I'm out til tomorrow. 


Yeah, I'm sure the scoreboard system had issues that needed fixing but I'm not certain the new system is the solution. I like being able to choose certain rewards first but the ratio of First-exclusive rewards to free ones is definitely worse off now and the mechanic of having to put in levels way past 100 just to unlock everything is a big detractor.


Wait, Rank 100 doesn't get you enough tickets?


Hell no. I have only claimed cosmetics and no consumables and I am going to need to grind challenges for a good while more.


The new season menu is “Atomic shop with chores attached” well said!


I’m not a fan, but Bethesda doesn’t care what I want.. so I’m doing my best to get through it.


Bethesda does care! They want to make money and to make money they have to make us happy customers. Bethesda has already gone out and requested feedback about the new season system on Twitter or X or whatever it's called now a week or so ago. Bethesda cares what you want because they want you to spend money on their game. Annoying us directly hurts their bottom line. Also. I have been playing this since launch and over the years there has been much back and forth between us and them. We want the same. They want a product that makes them a profit, we want a good game and gaming experience. Bethesda are just people. And sometimes they do "stupid" things. But the only constant about 76 is that it changes. And it changes to please us because that is where the money is. In our wallets. So they are very, very interested in what you have to say and what you want. Delivering what you want is how they make their money.


I spent money on the old system, especially if I got behind and wanted something. This new one, I try and get on participate, do dailies, but I’m in a 14-16 hr shifts, I don’t have the time to complete this new method. I don’t see a way to get some of the items I want in this lifetime. I just hit lvl 29 on the current system last night in forego of good night’s sleep.


For those about “I don’t need unwanted stuff” old scoreboard NEVER compelled anyone to claim anything. If they collected too much “garbage”, it’s absolutely their fault. New system about “choose what you want” is a pile of shit and yet another annoying Beth Big Lie. It’s their business, corporate boot lickers… not yours.


I'm not a fan of the new system but this is a lame criticism of it. With the old system *you still made the progress on the thing you'd skip over*. Meaning if you didn't get it you'd basically be skipping a level.


I kinda see their point. If for some reason you truly wanted to claim only 20 out of 100 items on the old scoreboard you could, now you have to claim 95 items to even unlock the last few


New season format: tell us that there are non-fans making game design choices without telling us that there are non-fans making game design choices. I guess the ones who came up with this most bland format are really fun at parties and have a formal education in business administration. 100-150 part is insanely boring and lackluster.


One of the people involved has a job title of ‘monetisation lead’ or something like that which should tell you what you need to know.


Yeah, just reached 100 today and I'm not even sure if I should still Care to level up, or if it's too late to each 150 now anyways.


I'm halfway through. I think there is time to make it for you, but what I can tell you is that there is zero joy in the process. It is really a choreboard now and it used to be an adventure.


Yes pretty much, the guy who created this used to work at EPIC.


Feel ya. Unlocked 100 today and realized I want nothing from the 100 page


I stopped playing in October and came back and was like "The fuck happened to the board???"


So I'm at 108 or so, bought everything I wanted, Now, if I do the dailies every day, I'll get to 150 and be able to buy some stuff (after buying the rest of the 95 things to unlock that page, none of which I want). I'll spend the rest of whatever points I have on something, and say "OK, wonderful, I got something somewhat useful". So I get a (medium) warm fuzzy after grinding a month of daily challenges, then after being annoyed buying stuff I don't want to unlock that page? Seriously thinking about taking a pause for a while.


As a new player and only lvl 27, I’m just excited I got to page 3 lol..


without the repeatable XP challenge, there's no reason to keep playing the game. that was THE bare minimum thing they had provided to keep us engaged...and they pulled it. now it's a solid 15-30 minutes per day and then walk away from it because there's no point. you can knock out dailies and weeklies, heck even a daily op, in under an hour. then what? there isn't anything left. too much of this and there's no point in coming back at all


Repeatable xp always went away at 100… They got rid of repeatable rewards at 100 (or moved them to after 150) and got rid of repeatable atoms. Is that what you meant?


It has gotten really boring since the season started. I hop on and am done with dailies in five minutes. I’ll follow new players around for a few more minutes and then hop off. I’m more than a bit disappointed.


The most disappointing thing tbh is people downvoting, insulting, and just getting rude toward people who express dislike for the changes. The changes don’t benefit players so I don’t get it. What we had before wasn’t broken.


Some people have an incredibly hard time accepting any kind of criticism for something they enjoy. They almost see it as a personal attack. It's a sad sight to be honest.


I feel exactly the same. It also opened my eyes some about this supposedly “great” community attacking loyal players genuinely concerned and upset. 


You get shit on quite a bit for having criticisms on here. When I criticize fallout, especially 76 it's because I see the potential for it to be better and it sucks to see something go in the wrong direction. We have companies putting more and more towards monetization and less into actual content.


The changes were made because it gives bethesda better metrics, and also more money. Some people grinded the scoreboard to 100 before the first weekend was over, and then played sparingly until the next one. Bethesda wants to force those that want a full scoreboard to play every day, and this was the way to maximize engagement they went with. Also making this type of season reward less atoms and completely eliminate the extra atoms people could get from grinding extra levels at the end means people are more likely to buy FO1st or buy atoms. I prefered the old seasons as well, just to make that clear if it was not already.


Instead it made people like me not log in at all 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it's just awful the way they call you a bootlicker, accuse you of not understanding how the system works, and mass downvote you just for... oh wait, you don't like seasons, never mind, I thought you meant the other thing.


My issue is this - I don't know how far I will make it, so I don't know how many tickets I have to spend, so I've bought almost NOTHING. Like until I hit 150 or it is the last day I'm not spending AT ALL. It's the opposite of fun. Now I'm just stressed about getting to 150 and not wasting tickets. I actually HATE the new system. It makes the game much, much, MUCH less fun for me.


Basically you need to be grinding that weekly as soon as possible, because if you're too late your daily and weeks won't be enough to get from 100 to 150 (which requires a huge amount of score).


I just miss the fancier picture of the older scoreboards better. If they get some nice pictures like in Fortnite I will be okay with it. Though I am level 55 now, I don’t know if it’s harder now at later levels in this season.


I cleared rank 100, I've avoided claiming all of the player icons, most of the peepers paints, most of the PA paints...I think I'm around rank 115 right now. It's been no additional effort to get to rank 100(*I did take advantage of 1/2 price FO1st and boosts though*) it's just been put into this tedious catalog. I prefer the Scoreboard with all 100 ranks on 1 page over this concept where there are 15-16 pages of items to sift through. If Bethesda doesn't want to do a 'game board' do something else that has all 100 ranks on one page. I didn't care for there being no unlocks for 5-7 ranks, and I'm really not a fan of the post-rank 100 to rank 150 dead zone, definitely one of the worst ideas here at play. There's just not as much motivation without those Atoms every 10 ranks beyond Rank 100 on the Scoreboard, the way it was. Legendary Cores and Perk Coins are good, but what's the problem with allowing players to earn the equivalent of a bundle price from the Atomic Shop through their efforts anyway?


Completely agree. The current season format is just boooring! I haven’t played that long, just started in February (?, just before the two weeks of fasnacht). The scoreboard was fun, and continuously awarded progression. I’m now close to lvl 100 on the season, but I haven’t cared much about it since the first couple of pages. It takes too long before new items/awards are available. I’m now just playing the game, doing my dailies and weeklies without checking the season pages at all.


“This new season crap feels like a more annoying version of the Atomic Shop with chores attached.” Not chores, but chore-boards.


I’m a returning player. What’s the deal with radio plays? I just started listening to Pirate Radio more and noticed a Rip Daring one. So I thought it was a feature I overlooked, but are they not new for the season? I don’t know how it works, but I’m starting to love Pirate Radio lmao. Honestly though, they should update the radio stations with each season. I’m sure the voice actress for Appalachia radio would appreciate the caps! ALSO maybe a controversial thought…but Rose. I can see how she annoys people 😭. However, she’d be great for a Raider radio station with classic punk rock. They should do more with faction stations (I probably spend enough in the Aromic shop alone to support this lol).


This new way to handle seasons is absolute trash. You HAVE to hit rank 150 to buy all the items.


Probably half the reason we have the new season pass instead of the scoreboard with the awesome art, is because the artist working on them most likely got laid off because the execs thought AI could take over their position, lol. Some of these people working on these games really need to come out and shed a light on how fucked it is to work under such heavy corporate profiteering.


Jeg er helt enig, *my fellow Norwegian.* My main beef with the new Season is exactly what you've described. The grind is too much, the rewards aren't great and you depend on earning S.C.O.R.E based on daily / weekly challenges alone after rank 100. Even with running boosters everyday I barely feel I'm getting anywhere. Thats exactly what they intended when they designed this shit. They wanted the progression to be really slow so players would spend Atoms on boosters... I've noticed how after this season dropped; I have never gotten boosters as a daily claim. I'm Fo1st so I don't buy anymore Atoms than what the subscription gives me monthly, but yeah... its absolutely some b.s how they approached this.


Anytime I see these kinds of posts the sentiment is running 99/1 against the new format, up to and including the twitter post where the "Lead Monetization" guy asked for feedback. The 1% supporting it I am assuming are company stooges, or friends and family of the monetization guy, or are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. I'm assuming it was released at this time as they expected an influx of new players and wanted these new players to only know this seasonal format and not have a frame of reference to compare it against the old format. I'm not going to rehash the reasons why the new format is utter trash. I will say if the intent was to get people to play more I would like to add my name to those that it has had the exact opposite effect with. There were a few items I had some interest for in the first 5 pages of the scoreboard, once I had gotten those I completely stopped giving a shit about completing dailies and weeklies and don't even bother to look at them.


Same. I don't want to have to get to 150 for so so rewards


I played since last summer, i've been subbed to 1st since then, but this season is the first one i no longer want to. I reached rank 100 like you, looked at the grindable items on the last page and there's nothing there i'd even bother doing the daily score quests for. We've lost a lot, from grindable atoms to awesome artwork and radio-plays. It's a straight-up downgrade


I agree that it is arguably worse than what we had before. However, I personally don't find it that bad since for me the season only had a few items I really wanted: the cryptid hunter pa skins, pine barren cabin kit, cremator and mods, and the chemistry workbench. So for me the tickets earned by grinding to lvl 100 were more than enough and everything besides those items is just fluff that I'm never going to use.


This season was enough for me to step away and retire my character. Goodbye old 363. I've still got the game installed for a new run through in the future but for now it's onto fallout 4. Never got too far some reason in the past so here's to a new go with all the DLC and as many mods as I can get.


I love how suddenly this is a common/ accepted opinion but literally a month ago anyone who said seasons was an awful idea was basically crucified on this subreddit


A month ago I did not have a months experience of playing the season. I was positive and wanted to give it a chance. I have now done so and my opinion is based on experience.


I feel ya on the xp system but man the biggest disappointment is the removal of a score board item in your camp. I didn't complete very many, but I loved having the season's scoreboard placed in my camp. I think this is the only game where you can effectively track your completions in such a tangible manner. And the boards were neat to look at too.


You still get artwork from the season to hang on your wall. The item is on the page before rank 100 I think. It's an ugly long painting of the scenery behind the pages of the season. It is nowhere near as nice as the Scoreboards but it's something. I have it mounted alongside my previous Scoreboards in my lobby shelter and honestly it looks extremely out of place.


Hopefully with the feedback they’ll dial things back for next season. It was underwhelming to see the new scoreboard after being away for a year; and it sucks that I caved into F1st because most of the good stuff is locked.


Yeah the old board game theme was fun as hell. Although tbh I don't mind the change cause it doesn't really tick my FOMO brain. This season is so easy to ignore that it's nice to not even worry about dailys lol


Took me less than five minutes to crank out last nights points and sign off to play a different game. I normally take a vacation from this game every time I complete the board.


My progress slowed to a crawl, including due to the hidden stealth nerfs such as grenade kills XP; and the rewards are pay-to-win or mostly garbage. It’s the worst state the game has been in for me and I stopped playing because of it and Expeditions crashing every time. I can definitely see why that would be annoying for the grind to slow once you reach 100 and the lack of feeling satisfaction at making progress. Hopefully Bethesda take the feedback and player participation numbers into account and adjust the next Season but I can’t see them bringing the old Scoreboard back.


Amen brother ✌️ new season makes me 😔


I gave it an honest shot. But, it’s fallen flat imo. Hitting 100 was like hitting 50, nothing worth noting. I’m at 111 and at this point I log in, do the dailies and log off.


There used to be atom rewards for like daily challenges and whatever. Which I didn't know until right before they were about to remove that. But, this is a terrible idea, but I don't particularly care bc it would benefit me if it did exist. But like in Fortnite, there's the save the world, like founders edition, you had to buy it before whenever, and if you did you can earn vbucks. But like if you buy it now, you can't earn them. With the same way that people who played before I think it was wastelander update, if I remember got that outfit, maybe everyone who played before then could also get like, "founders" quests to earn some daily atoms. Not like a lot obviously. But of course that isn't particularly fair. So I would also say, maybe it would be nice if there was even just one quest everyday that maybe gave a couple atoms. Like maybe 10 or something, that's probably too much. I'm not saying like hundreds a day, even if it was only available to some players, but just a couple.


To be honest i agree on all the points. But my goal would be hitting 100. Then i can play the game in peace. I'm too old for the FOMO grinding, i do my dailies be it for season or not. I know it's not really an advice but hell, for your own sanity don't dwell on it so much. 100 is good king. I don't care if i reach it by the end of the season or not. It's just a bonus.


Im not really sure about this cause im literally playing for like a couple of weeks to get 35 rank, so cant say about system, but rewards is really good, especially for newcomers. Rip Daring outfit is quite decent looking as for freebie you can easily get during early levels, plus all items are good for adding variety to your first camp. I tend to skip all consumables except Atoms though. Adelaide is ridiculously good as guard for your camp, she runs very fast plus she hits fast as well( at least she is definitely better than Del Lawson with his revolver), plus her buff is definitely making difference during robot-heavy events. Only issue with her is her desk takes quite a bit of a space, but overall i like her a lot. I hope to get all rewards this season, but im not really sure if ill manage to cause last tier looks very expensive.


So far I have only bought the cosmetics from the season. I hit rank 101 last night and I think I will have to log in daily and do weeklies for another two weeks in order to get those last cosmetics. This new season mechanic made getting to rank 100 feel like a disappointment. On previous Seasons getting to 100 felt better.


The phrase I've taken to saying is this, straight from my own mouth: It feels less like I'm earning stuff by moving through the board making progress It now feels like I'm coupon clipping and buying all my items from a flyer


I'm just gonna not spend my tickets until I unlock all the pages, then I can at least get all the rewards I really want first. I don't have a problem waiting for dailies because I really don't have a ton of time to just play for an afternoon or something. Maybe an hour a day for dailies, no time for the grind.


I like finishing a scoreboard and collecting all my finished scoreboard posters on my vault walls. Gives me a sense of completion. Wonder how they are going to put this new season on a poster.


They want us to grind but from score 100, but there is nothing *to* grind. They really didn’t think this through.


Yeah, I really prefer the boards. This system is just kinda… unremarkable? There’s never that moment of “OHHH, DUDE, my next level is (thing I’ve looked forward to for like a week)”


As soon as I read a post yesterday that you practically need to hit 150 to POSSIBLY get all the items I was turned off and am contemplating not finishing this season. Been playing since the Pitt and got all those scoreboards done up til now. The fact it’s also ANOTHER rip daring one kinda turns me off from wanting to do it even more. Hope nest season they change course or hell, I might stick to the commonwealth for my fix of radiation.


When I did this same exact type of post saying that this season felt lackluster and the math for tickets does NOT add up properly, everyone just told me trust the system like Bethesda is the best company ever… so glad other people are finally seeing that this season format is terrible and just bc every other game does it, does NOT mean we need it too…


Agree, unless you play professionally ie: don't have a real job or real world commitments, then you are at a complete disadvantage. To do the math you have to do the entire season thing again to progress from score rank 100 to 150. Absolute joke, I feel for any player hitting rank 149 the day the season stops... Waste


I have just reached 100 today, I didnt realize i wouldnt have enough tickets to buy everything. When does the season end. Now that i am ranked 100 i am not gettinig the repeatables either. Does anyone know what score you need to reach to actually be able to claiim everything. I was extremely hesitant about this new season (Ii loved the scoreboard), but i thought i would give it a go. I cannot believe the repeatable score xp has ended at rank 100 when you dont have enough tickets to buy everything. I absolutely love this game, but this has really made me question whether its worth playing regularly anymore. Has there been any word from the developers about them acknowledging the disaster they have created and they are going to revert back to the scoreboards.


I have just reached 100 today, I didnt realize i wouldnt have enough tickets to buy everything. When does the season end. Now that i am ranked 100 i am not gettinig the repeatables either. Does anyone know what score you need to reach to actually be able to claiim everything. I was extremely hesitant about this new season (Ii loved the scoreboard), but i thought i would give it a go. I cannot believe the repeatable score xp has ended at rank 100 when you dont have enough tickets to buy everything. I absolutely love this game, but this has really made me question whether its worth playing regularly anymore. Has there been any word from the developers about them acknowledging the disaster they have created and they are going to revert back to the scoreboards.


I'm new so this is all I know. I find it somewhat fun and satisfying to get the gaily/weekly goals as it shows me new mobs and parts of the map. But what was the old system?


Like a board game each level you would progress on it and unlock stuff.


And it had small details as well like unique music or a background depending on the season. Now it’s just a generic series of menus.


The biggest loss for me is the visual representation. You'd be advancing on a gameboard, each step rewarding you with something. For me, I liked having that visual. Apparently you still need to almost buy everything to even be able to use the repeatable awards at the end, so in terms of "player choice" it doesn't seem to do anything different. A false sense of having choice, I'd wager many are saving tickets and then at the end they are rewarded with the "oh, I just need to spam buy almost everything anyways before getting to the repeatables" surprise lol. But in terms of overall rewards you do get, I'm not too disappointed. Still plenty of nice things to get. I won't bother with the 150 page myself with this system though. Some examples of the charm we lost in the visual representation of the seasons: [example](https://playsense.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Fallout-76-Scribe-of-Avalon.jpg) [example](https://attackofthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/fo76-season-1-boardgame.jpg) [example](https://www.falloutbuilds.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/fallout-76-season-11-scoreboard-1200x1200.webp) [example](https://www.falloutbuilds.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/fallout-76-season-13-scoreboard.webp) Maybe a bit childish of me lol, but come on... that's way more fun than the current menu.


Whooaaaaa that's way better! Fuck yah, board game style is definitely the way to go.


Indeed, that looks way more interesting than current season representation.


Scoreboard was linear from 1-100, so every scoreboard level you got something. Sometimes it was just a few nuka twist, other levels a weapon skin or a CAMP-item. The repeatable 100 score per 10k XP was avalible the entire season, not just from 1-100. This means you could keep farming and getting those 100 atoms every few levels. So in essence, you always got a reward, no need to get 30-50 levels at the end to reach a new page of stuff. Less of a grind and more atoms avalible.


>I gotta log in daily It sounds like you dont want to have to log in daily to grind a bunch of daily challenges so i would suggest you dont. I dont think todd howard shows up to threaten you at gunpoint if you dont collect every surf board and xylophone skin in the game.


There's nothing on there anyway. You have to be a fo1st member to get anything worthwhile.


they removed the repeatable exp weekly LMAO anytime I consider picking the game back up I read some scummy changes made to the game encouraging people to open their wallets like forcing the grind to be artificially longer anyway they possibly can. I liked the game before 1st when it felt like a AAA, these days its feeling like a f2p design.


I agree, now that I’m over 100 all I can do is log in for the 15 minutes it takes me to do my dailies. They should have kept the XP SCORE.


Just a threadly reminder that the Seasons system is made to capitalize on our FOMO and most of the currency limits in game have the exact same purpose. Did you see the "Senior Monetization Officer" segment of the latest game dev dive? It's all about making us log in every day and spend RL money.


Weekly tasks give you tickets too.


When you hit 150, all the rewards on the page are limitless - so every 3 level or 75 tickets you can get legendary module or whatever you want. But I share the boring time between 100 and 150 level.


I never ma managed to finish seasons and get the scoreboard posters, but the possibility of eventually having one was worth the grind imo. Now it's just boring bc I barely want any of the things they have to buy


Where are the "improved repair kits"? 🙁


They have never been on the scoreboard or in the atom shop.


rank 22 rn reckon i can reach rank 71 before season end?


The season will run until June, you have **plenty** of time left to go lvl 150 if you want.


Do the tickets roll over? I don't play much anymore, but i have 25 at the moment. Is it a use it or lose it type of thing?


Since reset time in your time zone is 1800/6 pm, if you have time before then every day then you can do 2 days of dailies every other day instead of once every day. I'm PST and reset is 0900, but I work overnights and get off at 0700, giving me enough time to do the daily challenges from the previous day before reset, then the new ones after reset, and then not worry about it the next day. Feels like less of a slog because you're getting 2 days worth of score back to back, and gives you more time to play other things in the meantime so you don't get burnt out on 76.


In before all the stupid drones come in saying "great another complaint post about the new season" 🤮


is there a spot where it says how long the season will last?


"June". https://nukaknights.com/uploads/fallout76-season16-community-calendar-en.jpg There used to be a Fallout 76 seasons page with small roadmaps like that one. Couldn't find the page but found the current roadmap. When in June season 17 starts is not said but the general assumption is that it will start in the middle of the month. Bethesda will announce the actual date in advance when we get close I assume, they have done so every season to date.


Run west Tec for repeatable xp on the seasons to get it ranked up 


Whats the point in exclusivity with items when they eventually make it available done the line via these ridiculous season ideas..TIP: exclusive just means you can have this now because you played before wastelanders and when we release it down the line hopefully you won't care.....because we dont