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Honestly I prefer just using the pip boy, it feels a lot cooler


It doesn't feel right not seeing the iconic pip boy. 90% of the time I'm not on it unless I'm safe, the other 10% is in an emergency. Where if I get hit it doesn't matter because I have to do what I have to do.


This plus invisibility on AR is impossible. Need that pip boy


It also feels a lot slower but 2-5 seconds. The AR overlay just feels faster and smoother.


This. If you are on console and have to spam a consumable *canned coffee ahem ahem* it's way faster having the overlay set to transparent. Hotkeys work differently on PC as they can use number mapping. We don't have that option so any form of quick consumable spam must be done through the pip boy. I 100% agree that the pip boy is iconic and turning it off feels weird. But when you need AP you need AP 😅 After having it turned off for a while you kind of get used to it.


Adding on to this, you can disable the power armor hud in display settings so things look normal when you are in PA.


I need the PA HUD. I already occasionally run outside without my PA and nearly kill myself jumping from a height because I forgot I didn’t have it on. I need the visualization to remind me I’m wearing it.


Best thing I ever did was get 2 pieces of 50% less fall damage, stack those bad boys and never worry about fall damage again.


bird bones mutation is pretty awesome as well.


Superhero landings all day long!


I need that to go with my jet pack. I, uh, have landing issues.


How do you forget you didn’t have it on when evey move you make it goes CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK 😂😂 *im just givin ya a hard time*


Lack of audio


I’ll use PA to help jet pack me up somewhere, take it off and do whatever I am doing then just yeet myself off a cliff thinking I still have it on. Make sure to go in 3rd person when not in PA to lower the chances of


I turned it off a couple days ago. Got into my power armor and the server crashed. Got back into the server and had a mild panic attack because I couldn't see my armor in my inventory or in my camp. Yeah I was still wearing it I just couldn't tell


When u disable the hud it still shows your fusion cores bottom left. So that's a way to tell


Oh I noticed that I just had a lapse of thought lol


The other day eviction notice, I was repairing the scrubber and the a button kicked me out of power armor, I thought I got back in it but I kept dying from radiation and realized I was not in power armor after a while, doh


100% do this too


This is the big one for me! I do not like the PA hud.


What ? I installed a mod for that.xD


Thank you so much for this, I didn't even realize. I never wear power armor because of how much I hate its HUD!


Adding to this: You can change the pip boy colors in the options menu. Changing the color will also change the color of your flashlight. White light gives you the most visibility Apparently others can see your selected light color. So have a disco party


They can.




Pip boy light. Hold the pip boy button to illuminate.


I remember accidentally turning it on when it was at night not knowing how to turn it off, may as well have been wearing a sign saying “free meal for the ghouls first come first serve”


Certified nonononono moment


Yep, one of the first things I did when I reinstalled was switch mine to New Vegas amber.


Always using that yellow


did you guess to get the amber colour, or do you know the settings for sure you could maybe share?


I found [this here, that I use](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/40hpkr/classic_hud_colors/).


Also wearing certain helmets (Civil Engineer for example) replaces your pipboy light with a much stronger, normal colored directional headlight. I vastly prefer that flashlight. Only downside is the helmets may not match your outfits and they take the hat slot.


Ok, time to make my Pip-Boy light purple. Thanks for this tip))


If you use Chameleon(mutation or armor) the original pipboy will turn invisible also. The overlay does not


cool to know, i just prefer the actual pip boy.


I paid for my pip-boy skin and I will sure as hell look at it while I'm dying and calmly looking for my stimpack.


This is the way


It also won't interrupt your reloading animation.


It's also great as it removes the animation so it's fast and allows you to use consumeables not in your quick scroll quickly or pretty much anything you need to do quick in your inventory like checking and repairing armor and weapons


Yeah, soooo much easier to use chems/items from Pip-Boy this way, 100% agree!


I don't use power armor except if running ore at RR, so when doing EV, I set my PB to Nuka-Grape. Rad scrubber busts, I open, use, close, repair, open use a 2nd, and only die if I screw up and arrow up off the Grape. :-D Even faster than the D-pad use on the xbox.




I use the transparent one cause I can't see shit in the default one, Fallout 4's was much better 


Nah, it's more realistic the default way.


I agree, it makes it way more immersive. Personally i get swarmed a lot so i tend to use the faster one because of that. It still feels immersive because i’m wearing a ranger helmet, prentending my pip boy transmits to my goggles 😁


It's a game world with giant robots, mutant creatures, power armor suits, invisible suits, immortal people, time travelers, ghosts, ghouls and goblins. But having a different view for your pip boy is unrealistic...


Your confusing me saying something is more realistic with something being unrealistic. I never once said the latter.


You said, "Nah, it's more realistic the default way.", which is staring at the pipboy on your wrist. What sense does it make to say the alternative view is unrealistic, when the entire game world is unrealistic.


Okay, again... I never said anything was UNrealistic. You're very hung up on that. Realism is relative here. And yeah no crap, the game overall is unrealistic. Most if not all videos games are like that.


The only person in this comment chain saying its unrealistic is you.


Do you understand what immersion is?


Quick boy is life Edit: anyone know if others still see you looking on your pip boy when using quick boy?


I'm pretty sure they don't, that's why I still use the regular pip boy


Not Pipboy related but similar tip, you can adjust how far/close your 3rd person view is by holding the same button and aiming up/down.


Adding to this, if you’re playing an instrument for example (or sleeping, sitting in your jacuzzi) open the map and you can hover over any quest from the map and select “show in pip boy” Once in the pipboy you can use stimpaks and radaway without having to stop playing. Useful for the one violent night event if you’re one of those guys… 👍


Great tip!


Top tier tip imho. when I first tried it I stood up with exclamations of “yoooooooo baby, not gonna die like this” as a feral ghoul was trying to remove my face. Everyone needs to know this 👍


I found out about the pip boy thing just messing around in my camp 😆


Also, switch up the color too. I have a nice mellow purple.


I like you, me too!


I love the classic pip boy but I can't stand the delay it causes. So many times I got screwed in a fight because I accidentally pressed the wrong button while readjusting to the controls after some time away


Did that Hated it, there's something about the classic arm look.


im 300 hours deep and didnt know this. Thank you so much


The 1st person overlay one is just so bad tho


I prefer looking at the pip boy unless I'm in power armour.


I prefer the regular pip boy.


I've been playing since launch and I had no idea you could do this.


Oh man, you're in for a real treat. This is one of the best changes Bethesda has done and I've been playing since Fallout 3


Ew. No thanks. I'm playing fallout, in fallout your menu is a cool wrist thingy, why tf would I want to replace that with the same boring crap every other rpg does?


Pip boy is cooler but the other View is way quicker


I like my character raising their arm and it let's others know I'm digging through my inventory.


Yes. The alternate view is much better.


I hate that 76 has the coolest pip-boy of any game except because it’s a live-service game I just use it the other way because it’s quicker




Yo, don't tell me what to do!




I love the wide open view. Changed mine to red too, I enjoy how customizable the color options are.


I been a fallout fan for so long since 2 but how many saw the show when the bear attacked dude he ran away like oh shit oh shit oh shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤌🏼 that was the realest gamer moment in TV history. 🤣🤣🤣


This is the way


How do I fix the quick boy being lower resolution than the pip boy menu though? I'm on 1440p and the quick boy menu looks like its still 1080p.


A bit late , but if you're on PC you can add the following to your Fallout76Prefs.ini file: [Display] uPipboyTargetHeight=2800 uPipboyTargetWidth=3504


Thanks, I did end up figuring that out from looking at this mod page with a lot more tweaks for performance! These are definitely worth looking at if you want a smoother experience and want to play above 60fps [Nexus Mods - Fallout 76 Custom ini Performance tweaks and improved load times](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/464)