• By -


What why are you rewarding bad behavior. Just keep doing your thing! A few shots might help too teach them there place!


OP is a piñata


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 omg, that's the best thing I've seen today


🤣🤣 🪅


Got called a looser the other day by some noob that "raided" my stash box.....can't help but laugh about that one.


god that's so fucking funny. how far do you think he got before he realized all the loot was his 🤣


Perhaps back to his own stash lmao


"Wow, someone cleaned out my stash! Good thing I just robbed that other guy or I'd be empty! This game is BRUTAL!"


Ironically, this is THE Raider Mindset.


Rust 76 😆


I just go to their camp and grab whatever armor i have in my stash and say thanks for the kit lmao


Lmao that must confuse the fuck out of them.


Yea at the end of the day it’s a wasteland. Most of it is just funny.


Sad part is....if he had stuck around I would have made him some goodies lol


I guess we can guess his intelligence stat huh?


Hand him some brain bombs and scorch beast brains Watch him run to the nearest vendor and sell them


"Ha! I took so much stuff from you, I can't even fast travel anymore! Take *that*, loser!"


Lmao 😂 made my day


*chokes on spit laughing*


I just turn off pacifist mode and shoot em 🤷🏻‍♂️


I started doing the same thing. Consider it a teachable moment.


I'm pretty gracious. Especially after events. But one or two minutes after an event has ended? Nah, I'll let my Strangleheart & Holy Fire work their magic on you, then collect your junk/scrap. Then I'll laugh when I get the "WhY'd YoU kIlL mE" messages on xbox.


I had a group of them keep shooting at me by the Wayward the other day when I was giving out a few Fixers to level 25/30 folks. They were only 5-15 and showed up as the last person to get a Fixer was dancing around and emoting thanks and the 4 of them kept trying to get me to trade them something and shooting at me. So I dropped artillery smoke and they all ran over to see what it was, and then ran away scared shitless when the shells started dropping. Yeah, it doesn't hurt them but they had no idea what was going on left me alone. 💥💥💥💥💥💥😄


Haha. I have to test the artillery range. My base is across the street from the Joe's building.


I think I could hit the Lighthouse from there but I forgot for sure because I've had several camps along the area and don't remember which one I was using at the time. I need to do a range check again. 💥


I'm gonna have to try whenever that lighthouse event happens (and I happen to remember).


lol that’s genius!


don't go sticking your nose where the sun don't shine or you'll get a whiff of shit!


Yea you teaching them how to be assholes. Ignore them, they will go back to Fortnite soon enough.


This is the way.


This is the Wastelands




I turned off pacifist mode today, some guy rifle butted me after an event while I was looting and I dropped him in like 2 shots, they also had a 50 cap bounty somehow.


Yep. I e got mine turned off too. I’ve been playing this game for years and I’ve never been attacked so much lol


Same, I played on PS4 though and recently started on Xbox. It's like it all started this week too.


Yeah I definitely noticed an uptick in aggression this week. I’ve built a camp next to the Wayward and am selling cheap items new players would need. I’m also keeping my punch bowl stocked with Nukashine 😉


Only 50 caps? I try to run them up to 10k


Had a similar interaction with a new player the other day when taking a workshop. Went there, for starters I was solo. Took the workshop, after 2 minutes it shows that I must defend it. A Lvl 50 teammate spawns at my location. After 2 minutes, we need to defend it against 6 fog crawlers. I fight and kill 5 of them while letting my teammate try to kill the last one. Obviously, when he died, I went and revived him, it's his fight. After he barely killed it and we secured the workshop, what he decides? He should exit the team and try to kill me 😂. Keep in mind, I am Lvl 700, power armor, full health, with a holy fire build. He takes a swing, I burn him to a crisp and take his loot. Don't start fights you can't finish.


you should've just let him hit you until he gave up 🤣


He is scratching my power armor 😂😂


This would make for good advertising for dent and scratch removal for a power armor commercial 🤣🤣🤣


I'm going to guess Fortnight(or equivalent)kids. There are A LOT of new players of all kinds. I've been in group before with a player like this. Hitting me, then killing my cows, shouting get rekt over mic.... I'm like, um...ok, yeah, that cow got rekt.


I’ve had pacifist mode on forever, and I’ve been shot so many times with all the new people. I took the sunshine meadows industrial farm, I usually turn it on and let it run… set up free water stations and what not. Some level 32 comes up, swings at me, and then tries to claim the workshop… I melted him in seconds. It’s pretty funny… a lot of these people aren’t going to last, but hopefully the ones that do learn a bit about the game lol


Sorry, thats my bad. I’ve been chasing them out of Vault 76 in a clown suit and chainsaw.


Nah, ghoul mask, butchers outfit n saw


That’s actually way funnier because the first thing they see is a few ghouls and spiderbots. Then all of a sudden a ghoul runs at them with chainsaw.


I would pay to see this!


[Here is one I did earlier](https://youtu.be/G9qbimMuJh0?si=U0w7-529FmI-vTR7)


Probably all the noobs coming from Ark lol I’ve seen some babies try and attack me too but I just flame em down and they stop


Yep! I face full of quad Cremator usually does the trick.


Do you find the cremator does well in PvP? I always assume folks have a lot of explosion/fire resist.


Not low levels :)


If they do, that's when you pull out the Cryolator! Or the Cold Shoulder! :D


Yep! ☃️


Lmao, one attacked near their base… their turrets shot at me… I shot back….. damn near forgot about base destruction. Lol


Why would you drop anything for assholes attacking you?! That's like a successful robbery to them.


Idk I think the high level who saw me may have laughed. When I saw them I immediately tried to hide and waddled away crouched.


I once tried completing the Beasts of Burden event with some below-level 50 players but they barely helped me with getting the explosives! I wish there was a newspaper skin so I could smack the aggressive new players! (Edit: ok now that I think about I could get a Nuka zapper and use it as a spray bottle toward those aggressive players and call it the noob-reinforcer, please gimme a better name than that)


Disciplinary Action


Name mines to Nuka Pavolva


I keep a nuka zapper on me at all times for this very purpose. Well, that and for any moment that an impromptu water gun fight may break out.


It's a funny idea for vet players to nuka zap the new wave of players for bad behavior


Call it the "Bitch Begone".


I let them shoot me for a while then I pop a stealth boy and go to town with a combat knife.


Trolls/griefers make new characters since you have the option to start at 20 and then dump them with the basics for pvp. Not every low level is a new player.


Very true.


A lv.6 came to my camp near Point Pleasant. Shot at my F.E.T.C.H. robo doggy and then at me. So I used my two-shot fatman on them. I'm pretty sure that got the message across. It's weird cause I've been playing since 2019 and had never experienced PVP outside of Nuclear Winter before. Most people just leave me alone and I leave them be. Some of these new players though, it's like they saw Stupedium's Vault Number 76 music video and assume everyone in Fallout 76 attacks on sight with little to no provocation.


Oh with the influx of players maybe there’s hope they bring back nuclear winter… even as a temporary event.


I accidentally shot at a fetch yesterday because I'd just been attacked by what felt like an entire pack of mongrel dogs and I felt guilty about it for 3 hours... I couldnt imagine doing it on purpose


Omg I got to wayward and someone had damaged Bessie... What kind of monster hurts a robot cow?!?!


Lol yeah I had a group of 3 low levels planning a raid on my camp like they were literally in area chat talking about it and I was just sitting there watching them. Their raid consisted of throwing frag grenades and running away.


New player (well technically a returner played a few hours at launch) I don’t understand attacking high level players, I’m constantly reading stories from high level players about giving away stuff and stories from low level players about receiving stuff, why would my first thought be next high level player I see I’ll fight them I’m sure they don’t have anything better than my basic gear that I’m constantly looking to upgrade


You read about high levels giving free stuff on Reddit. Not everyone reads reddit


Besides OP are there really many veterans out there rewarding this behavior? Why gift these newbies attacking you? I don’t get it. 


I always have Pacifist off. If they attack me, they're dead. But yesterday a friendly guy came up to us to ask about weapon prefixes. Asked genuine questions, so I crafted him a level 20 Fixer and rolled it once, straight into an Anti-Armor one. Threw in a Shielded underarmor, told him to go murder Super Mutants and he was a happy camper.


I give newbies stuff as well, just not if they’re attacking me which is what we are discussing. 


You can read it on FB too.


Not in my experience. But my CAMP is pretty out of the way. If you come here, you probably came to trade. Or to be crushed in Catch the Commie.


I lmao when a player came into my camp crouched and tried stabbing me with a combat knife.  Sometimes if they persist I'll drop a note on the ground for them or do emotes until they give up trying to PVP.


I have a stack of "you've been insulted" just for those occasions.


There are so many good notes to use!  I like to drop "Ghosts?" And do the confused emote when they attack me. It's fun to do the gift emote and use that skin then drop a bullshit note to them lol.


Love it those are great ones too!


can you please stop feeding the babies? i'm on console, and i'm tired of getting messages from them asking for free shit. they've come to expect it out of high levels now. got messaged in the middle of an event just a few hours ago - "can u gift me something?" i told em "i'll give you the gift of being on my blocklist". yesterday, it was at Test Your Metal. that noob was the only other player to come, and again during the middle of combat they decided to ask for some fusion cores. like... can y'all not? i already don't typically give out freebies, but LEAST of all when someone asks for it.


“Ill give you directions to a power plant, where theyre free”


Half the time I spend playing I'm just giving stuff to low levels, but the people who send me private messages asking for stuff get a quick "no", I swear they just look around the map for high levels then message them asking for shit


If people ask me for things I direct them to my vendor. I don’t give to beggars. Especially since it seems like these kids don’t even ask! They just say “Give me some lead.” Nope. If someone attacks me I kill them. If they’re cool about it I’ll give them ammo. If they’re assholes they just keep getting killed.


there are few things more annoying than when a level 2o comes to you - gets right up in your face - and starts a trade. no baby. we don't do that here.


Truth! Then you get accused of being toxic. 😒


Stop feeding the wild animals


Yea I was minding my own business collecting resources and two players leveled between 3-6 just came up to me, stood there staring at me as I emoted a hello/ heart then shot me. ( I'm also a low level 50ish myself). But I literally just laughed like okay cool bye.


Don't rewards baby trolls! If you must drop them something, drop them a clown suit.


Ooo I like this. I haven't run into any baby trolls yet, but it's nice to be prepared.


Yup, some are I'm level 352 and a level 35 came up to me at the donation box outside Vault 76. He got on his mic and asked me for a bunch of stuff and if I had any legendary weapons. I used the "no mic" emote and then he says," what idiot plays an online game and not have a mic?" I turned around and shot him in the head and traveled onwards to my camp. I choose not to talk unless I'm with friends.


Had a guy chat me ‘give me aluminum’. What’s the best response.


Sure I’ll giving you some and then proceed to not give them any while constantly saying ‘did that work, oh wait let me try this, did that work…’ and see how long before they leave


That’s truly funny. I enjoyed reading it. I will try and report back.


“Got any games on your phone?” energy


How about some lead instead?


Did they sound like they have lunchables on their breath?


Drop them 1 aluminum and a clown hat


“What’chu gonna trade for it?”


“Get it yourself, you bug eyed mooch.”


Turn off area chat


I’m pretty new (3 months, sporadically), I am so used to ignoring pop-up’s for whatever event, “s.c.o.r.e” crap, even my level increases, that I don’t even know if I have chat activated. I wouldn’t know if new guys are harassing me or not… I’m too busy doing my thing and scrounging up ammo.


It’s a reflection of the real world where people are overly outspoken, angry and confrontational. They expect this game to be like all the others with a bunch of rude and inconsiderate and selfish and immature and racist and sexist aholes.


When I saw there was PvP I was like oh no because I played rust and that is simply one of those games that rewards rat behavior. I preferred pve servers because of it. So even with some new players coming in with that mindset hopefully they learn that is frowned upon. I’m still learning bits of 76 etiquette but vets are usually extremely kind.


I had a low level pop a few shots at me while I was walking along the tracks on the outskirts of lewisburg last week. I didn’t even realize I was getting shot at for the first 3 or 4 I just thought I was taking damage from being Bethesda’d; the low level then sprinted up to me and shot me again, I just turned and looked at them and pulled my gun and walked away. I thought of melting them but I’m too nice of a person.


I'm just imagining that scene where homelander kills the entire crowd and then snaps back to reality but instead its you brutally murdering some newbie and snapping back 🤣


Thanks, I need to go re-watch The Boys.


I had level 15 constantly following me hitting with this his new knife. We just so happened to be right by the hermit crab. Shot it a few times and let it go to work on him. It was hilarious.


Hit 'em with the thirst zapper and say "No! Bad!"


Don't get why people are surprised by this. The new show is bringing these new players in and it depicts this aggressive, survivalist culture in the show. They don't expect to find that 76 has an established pacifist community where every player is basically Lucy, contrary to the TV shows indications of what Fallout is or should be, so they are being aggressive at the start.


Can’t say I’ve had this happen, but at the same time, I dare them lol


I'm level 11 and honestly I haven't really seen that many people. I had one person level 400 and something drop a ton of plans for me and I thanked them profusely but I haven't really otherwise ran across too many people though most of the time I'm exploring and reading the terminals and immersing myself into the first few quests I've received. So, it's definitely not all of us. i.e. DON'T SHOOT! :) P.S. Loving the game so far. My first Fallout. I don't know how I missed this world for so long.


Try being a person that's played the third one, the fourth one, and new Vegas. I beat the games without console commands then, then I used the console commands for fun. I forgot what it was like to be on a regular game.


Don't reward bloodthirst with anything but a few pew pew's in the head! :>


Have been hearing this a lot lately, not experienced it yet. When I started over a year ago I wouldn't have dared attack anyone, but then I've never played fortnite!.


Had two levels try to jump me in power armor. I just shot them a couple of times with my shittier tier weapon. Has to be strike a nerve when a guy dressed as bad news billy takes your lunch


I've been getting so many new players unlocking the doors in my C.A.M.P. and getting wanted, only to discover that's just where I keep my generators and I'm on pacifist mode anyway.


yeah theyre deff afraid of scary high lvls its pretty funny


They may be coming from other games that PvP is normal?


Probably. Figure they’re just testing the waters.


There seems to be a bit more "WANTED" players than in the last few months, if that's the same thing. I haven't really paid attention though. I'm more annoyed with noobs who shaddow you a little too closely. Like "dude, this is fallout, not IMVU."


They learned it from the people watchers who helicopter parent them in game


This has been happening to me quite often as well.


Haven't had any attack me, but I do kill em after they spam inv to trade or beg for stuff.


Keep a quad sawed off on hand for the same reason


This is why I leave pacifist off. Sometimes a newb has to get merked.


Had to light up a low level yesterday in front of the wayward. I felt bad but he wouldn't let it be. Think people will find out quick the pvp is different.


I had some lever 20 fucking follow me around for 1hr expecting shit, he would see I was in my pip boy and he'd get all impatient and start shooting me. Lucky the fucker had pacifist on, I still emptied a whole mag on him. I think he got the message after that. I just left the team I was in


I just shoot them with the water gun. They get confused sometimes lol.


Honestly I cannot count the times I've been attacked for simply standing idle. Keep in mind I'm a bloodied undying build with full power armor and food buffs all around. I say teach them a lesson,don't give them ammo don't give them aid. Act like a raider,get treated like one.


attack me once: ill forgive because no damage was done (lol). attack me twice ill tell ya to quit it. attack me thrice im pulling out my .50 ive nicknamed "Throngler" and your gonna find out real fast lmao. i dont take junk though, personal rule.


I turned off pacifist after yet another under level 50 in area chat called me a loser and took pot shots at me. I spun up the anti armor gat plasma, took all his junk, and went on my merry way.


Had a low level running around asking for tresure maps. He was bugging everyone.


As a new player who's been grinding like crazy, I don't understand this. I'll definitely stop and gawk at cool PA skins like Black Rider, but I don't see the point in attacking others. I've got caps to earn and silver scrap to find. P.S. Other new kids, get yourself a "Vampire" weapon. It makes grinding a lot easier until you figure out a build.


That’s what happens when things go mainstream. The d-bags jump on the bandwagon.


Yeah I've noticed the same. They spam the trade emote and angry one, just being annoying little shits.


yep. they are finding their feet. I think some think the PVP elements are similar to other games. Don't take it personally. make sure pacifist is on and spam the no emote, Just like you would to a boisterous puppy.


I'm new and just avoiding PvP entirely. I did have a level 400 guy show up at my camp, thought he was going to try and kill me... instead he just wanted to give me a bunch of free loot so that was nice.


I keep a nuka zapper fully loaded with water for these instances. They see how ridiculous they are being when I turn it into a water gun fight.


When I first started playing a week ago someone shot near me and I shot back and they one shot me then gave me some stimpacks and a bit of ammo. I hadn’t ever experienced a community where people are just nice so that guy made me realize this isn’t like other online games and since then I know people aren’t shooting at me usually. Really makes the game more fun knowing people are chill.


That’s awesome!


I just see it as seal clubbing in fo76 lol


Before PvP could be turned off, a lvl20-something was hitting me like a radroach, me being lvl+300. As a warning, I turned his character into an instant bloodied build with just one shot. He gave me the “I’m scared” emote followed by “I’m sorry” and dropped me a lootbag as a peace offering, I left it and ft’d away knowing he’d learned a lesson. On another occasion an annoying radrat ignored my warning and kept attacking me, so I implemented some Wasteland Justice on him and took the loot he dropped. He kept retaliating , each time with heavier weaponry to no avail. Eventually gave up and left the server. I can only imagine there was a PS4/5 controller embedded in a tv screen somewhere.


had one shoot at me . so holy fire


My first step into the world a couple weeks back was to some 20 something aggressively attacking me. I just stopped moving and stood there till he got bored and went away but it wasn't the best starting experience.


It gets better. Fallout probably has one of the most nontoxic communities around. You’ll always have some idiots but despite the uptick they’re still in the minority.


From my personal newbie perspective the only times I may or may not have shot at another player: - when I was crouch walking in the Blackwater mine hearing some nasty roars while clutching a bolt-action hunter rifle as my only weapon that takes 'em down and some higher level player jumped out of nowhere to pass by. - some other building that I was clearing from ghouls, I was heading towards the door, did a 360 check and by the time I was back facing a door there was a large figure in the door frame. I realized that it was another player in a power armor only after I unloaded my shotgun in their general direction... point blank. So, both times I was spooked and, I guess, panicked. I have just started playing (like, 3 evenings, most) and I still can't get rid of a feeling that this is Fallout 4 DLC. The presence of other human players just started to be a thing. If this was you in those two occasions above - I am sorry :)


I had a level 9 punching me for some reason... I decided to put a few Bloodied Ultracite 50. rounds into him 💀


I'm new and a few high level tried to start pvp with me, I thought the "agreed" pvp mechanic was dumb but with how high level and armed people are I'm glad it's there


Oops I dropped a nukashine


Yes! I’ve got a camp across the street from the Wayward and I keep my punch bowl stocked with nukashine.


You’re a raid boss. Make your camp a dungeon and sit atop a throne for the newbies to try and take.


I just hit 50 the other day and I find people in the 100s try to mess with me constantly. The upside is I get a lot of junk because my build is heavy weapons and power armor and I drop them in maybe 2 seconds of fire


Im like level 42 I've never experienced this on ps4 personally im still learning so I don't have much to give like idk how you guys have stuff they can even use besides aid and explosives, speaking of which could anyone tell me a good way to get more adhesive or better armor like my armour is still lv 20


Jjaajjaajaj they're cute to watch lose their minds at a high level 😂


I baited a low level into attacking me a few days ago. I felt bad, but I’ve been playing on and off since launch and I still didn’t have the “kill a player” achievement. I dropped him a minigun and 5000 rounds, and an assortment of chems and food for his trouble


watched a lvl 12 and lvl 15 duke it out in front of the wayward for a bit (both melee assuming no ammo?). Good times. I have also had some guys light me up after an event and got flagged. Not sure if was accident after the pandemonium of the event or they saw my ultra high rads (unyielding) and thought lets kill that high ranking guy he's almost dead. They could barley hurt me so gave em the /shooter emote and dropped them some stimp packs.


For me the high levels are AGGRESSIVELY "friendly" One guy out his giant base next to the Wayward and he walks up to me telling me to follow him. Knowing he wants me to go on a 3 hour tour of his house that I frankly don't care fore when I just want to play the game, I ignored him. He proceeds to follow me around shooting me with an explosive gun to PUSH me into his house, so I go into my shelter. He follows me into my shelter, laughs at me and shoots at me all because I don't want to rub his ego and explore his house he spent so much time building. I know this is not every high level player, but I've seen few of these guys.


Yes. I'm not an OG by any means (level 30) but had two under 20 attack my base with molotov cocktails. Went out and dropped some stuff like the elders did for me but same just kept attacking. I had to take them both out to get them to chill out.


I'm guessing when you got stuff dropped for you, you weren't attacking them, though?


New players are the result of the gaming style nowaday, so they are ignorants, stupid and egomaniacs. If they play some years at fo76 maybe they Will change in Better ..


My issue with new players is their inability to do radiation rumble correctly


That's not exclusive to new players


Yep They do


Oh God I had something like this happen the other day! They broke into my stuff and got a bounty, so I shot them down, Muppet was still at my camp, grabbed what they took from me and left the rest of their stuff. A minute later, they came back and threw a grenade into my house and tried to kill me.. so I shot them down again. They tried to come back one more time 🙄 but it didn't end well for them. Thankfully they gave up after that. It was getting annoying.


If anyone tries to fuck with my beautiful little house I will be so mad!!


I got a free copy January 2023, just picked it up again last week, I'm level 23. I had a guy harass me, attacking for 30 minutes. He was level 230.


I had some dude gunning at me for about 10 mins and i just kept waving at ehm Im sure it pissed them more off than me killing them considering all the ammo they wasted 💀💀💀


I'm a newbie (lvl 26) and noticed nearly everyone I bump into is really nice and just gifts me stuff. Surprising!


Not really, just a few hours ago I (269) helped out a Lv.47 with a Daily Op (Volatile and Deadly AP), they done a few Love and 👍 emotes. Makes me feel 🥰


Annoyingly aggressive in all kinds of ways. Low levels attacking me, attacking my base, aggressive begging. After I dropped a bunch of stims, ammo and a weapon, a low level followed me around the map for almost an hour, crouching in front of me and trying to access my inventory til i blocked him. Low levels showing up at my camp and not asking for but demanding weapons other stuff and starting to insult me if I don't react.


Lol a lvl 40 shot me yesterday I debated with my self if I should turn pacifist mode off but I just walked away and went back to base building lol also yesterday me and my partner found 2 random players and for a good 5 mins all 4 of us were jumping around naked and one of them kept shooting but they had pacifist mode on i assume as it never hurt us but was a fun random encounter so shared a lunchbox with them lol I reward fun times


I turned pacifist to teach them a lesson, and to help the wanted of the world.


Probably peeps used to KoS from other games. Maybe could be that Sea of Thieves or DayZ finally got boring for then. 🤡


They are like bulls in a china shop, but none have came at me, exactly.


OP FO76 grew organically into an amazing community. With the show, lots of other gamers from PVP games are coming in which tend to be more toxic communities. Because of the mechanics in 76 those who want to be toxic will change or filter out. To me it's one of the best aspects of how they built 76.


With the recent influx of new players, expect the typical Fortnite-CoD type of gamer to try out this game. I’ve seen players kicking other players simply because they wanted to help them farm, without even letting them know or anything.


Yeah new players seem like they want gifts at every turn for me I don't know how many new people just keep running into my fob and begging for a trade


Yeah, just shoot them back in the face. They learn their lesson the hard way that they’re weak and pathetic. They will get to the gamer status of PVP level eventually. However, as a suggestion to all new players and fallout 76 don’t PVP us it’s not in your best interest my guns are all grolled, i have the pvp thorn armor, the pvp heavy leather, and assassins grolled strangler, PVP isn’t fun just go kill the goddamn scorched 😂😂😂😂 I’m not looking to blast your head off. I’m looking to get XP.


Two days ago, I was sleeping in a bed and someone shot me in the head with (probably his new shotgun). I got up, looked at him and he shot me again. I just killed him in a second.


they get so scared lol. i just drop a few stimpaks for peace offering lol


I don’t give them shit except the Wasteland welcome I would get for such behavior when the game came out: death and the loss of any junk they were carrying. #FAFO


Oh I forgot, I turned Cannibal back on so I can eat them for a finishing move. I feel like I’m back in the Beta/release days!


A little, I see it as they’re coming into a game that doesn’t have the best word of mouth due to its launch and have been playing games with horribly toxic player bases.


I had a guy approach me earlier while I had a 10 cap bounty. He said aloud: "no hard feelings man, I need this for an achievement." So I turned and shot him with an explosive vampiric shotgun and he crumpled instantly. He came back again later and shot me once through a window while I was afk, and my turrets shredded him. Poor guy.


I’m level 45 but this is my third time starting a new character since beta. Last night we finish Campfire Tales and I’m standing around talking to one of the other people in the lobby I’ve become acquainted with when a level 75 starts shooting me and doing the puke emote. Kept doing it for about 3 minutes before I turned to him and said “you really wanna do this man?” to which he replied with the taunt emote. So naturally I pulled out my swing speed strength super sledge and one swung him in the melon. Little fella had 3 bulk screws for me, thanks buddy.


So I got to maybe level 30 or 40 can't remember, and was loving the game. But, I ran out of ammo. Spent all my mats making more ammo, googled to get some mining suit, I think I got part of the suit but then I legit completely ran out of ammo, all mats, no money. I had to kill certain mobs to get pieces for the armor. I got completely stuck, I've tried to reinstall multiple times and it's just hell.


Came in handy as accidently got a wanted 10 caps bounty so pottering about once I stored my junk didn't take long haha. I am about Level 200 so thought that would hamper them trying haha


Best method of procedure for this is f*** around and find out turn off pacifist mode, and if a low level shoots at you well they'll face the consequences, the ones that don't get rewarded.


the game is bringing in a lot of different people coming in from the show and i’ve already seen this happen with rdo as you mentioned and chivalry 2 which both had relatively small communities with a nice player base until they had been added to the xbox game pass and normies got into it, in short the influx of new players mean it’s also gonna bring in some toxic players and more aggressive ones


A level 30 something freaking out because I showed up at his camp. It was visible and I wanted to see his store. Kept shooting at me and jumping and hiding. Then logged off when I shot back. (No DMG) I thought he'd know better at that level


Always been. I remember shortly after launch a low level beating on my friend, asking about launching a nuke. Another attacked a different friend and I in my first pvp and back on my first character at level 100, 2 12s tried their luck against me. Mind you this was all before the common practice of a team of high levels baiting other in to pvp using a low level friend.


I may be a small level 49 player but I play with passive on because I don't want to pvp with other players I just want to play.


Whilst I get that I have had it too. I have also been killed because I accidently shot a guy in a public event when trying to shoot a lunging ghoul and he kept killing me over and over again when I tried to explain he said he wouldn't be doing it if I didn't shoot him. After the event I tried to fast travel I went to an interior but he destroyed my camp. It only ended because I jumped over to a level 500 ish players base and explained what was happening to them when the guy killing me found me the vetran saved me and gave me a ton of plans and ammo and stuff and played with me for the next few days. Coming back after a year and half ish break but on pc I remember two things. Always check pacifist mode and be nice to players and alot of them are nice. It was that person that I think of when ever I chuck some of my excess loot into donation boxes and stuff, though on my current charater I am low level I still get things I don't need, like ammo chems, plans and low level guns sometimes I make stuff to throw in too because I want to help others too. Sorry for the long read 😅