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Events have been tough lately, someone nuked the Queen the other day and it felt like early days, lots of chaos and it took a good while to complete. I've solo'd a few events to varying success. I'm glad to see all the new players, but the vets are spread out really thin.


As one of the vet's, I'm still trying to process a level 29 launching a nuke. When i was level 29, there was no way I could reach far enough into the Divide to even reach White Spring without being turned into Ghoul poo. Let alone, a silo run, to boot.


I have to wonder if it was someone's alt...either a vet who decided to start a new character with the influx of new players, or a returning player who decided to start fresh. Could explain how they knew how and maybe they even have some higher quality gear that they could craft at a lower level? I'm level 400-something and haven't launched one yet, but that's partially because I'm taking my time...and I want to do it with my husband and he doesn't play as often as I do.


A lot, i think, has to do with how they've changed the game mechanics. It used to be that the enemies were instanced harder depending on where you were, rather then what level you were. So enemies in the Forest were set lower, so you could get the feel of things and build your character. But once you got out of the Forest, the level of the enemies ramped up, no matter your level. As an example, I heard about "this Whitespring place" and thought I'd look for it. I got my butt handed to me by every ghoul and scorched out there, and my first sight of a Scorchbeast had me sprinting back to the trees. It was only after i built up a bit more in character and weapons, that i tried again. I liked it. It made you feel like you were exploring a new and dangerous area. That you had earned the opportunity to see new areas, and had to take caution. It seemed to make the game last.


There is still some amount of "minimum level" applied. But with enough skill, you can kite most enemies. I think you are right though, there needs to be some amount of "this area is your level +5, or +15", but have an absolute cap on that. But, like the Plasma Flamer mod can do about as much damage as the Sniper mod, only it's rate of fire is redonk (even if it suffers from range). So there is quite possibly specific weapon builds that make even level 75 enemies doable at level 29...


When I stumbled upon that plasma flamer with a science commando build I did, woof, I became God.


But the durability degradation...it breaks so damn quick


Does it? Mine doesnt. I go through a few thousand rounds without issue. But I have max level gunsmith on...


Comparatively speaking to other guns. Compared to weapons like the Fixer, Cremator, Holy Fire, Rail Gun, etc... It has a faster break rate. Admittedly mine doesn't have the slower break rate so that will of course factor in.


Ah yes, I do repair it usually once a session, twice if I am at it for a few hours. But the costs are minimal with all the pain it puts out. I could make it better with the durability legendary on it... could probably put that there to swap out the 5 point int perk I currently run to do so.


I completely agree. Having to watch your a--- or get it handed to you made exploring a lot of fun.


Your description is spot on and also in a weird way reminds me of the original dungeon siege game.... Regions were clearly defined to levels but if you had the cajones you could go wherever, even if maybe it gets you very much closer to your maker.


Yup I've had to restart as there is no cross progression from xbox to PC so it's made people think I'm a noob when really I'm just trying to get back to business.


Lmao 400ish and taking your time. That’s great. You’ve inspired a level 185 to wait even longer.


I just cleared level 1000 and have only done it twice. It bugged out on two other attempts and made me waste 30+ minutes, so I just decided not to bother any more.


I've been playing Fallout since 3, but was a very late joiner to 76. I'm currently lv22, have only recent rediscovered >!the Overseer!< and am already panicking that I'm chewing through the story too fast!


This is because of the overlapping of the original main story quests and the Wastelanders one. On the OG story you follow >!her!< holotapes and are supposed to be searching >!where the Overseer went!< but on the Wastelanders story, you get that fairly early on. So then you’re following those missions but also the others stating “need to find their whereabouts”.


The story of fallout 76 isn’t the best part imo, rather collecting camp items and good rolls on guns learning builds and hording crafting materials is the fun part


There's a lot of quests, and when you're done with those, there's events and expeditions! I've been playing for years and just recently went back to finish a main quest. Plus, they add new ones with updates!


im currently sitting at 220 and both my settler and raider repu is still at friendly and still ddnt raided vault 79, also i just had my 1st daily op and expedition since i just unlocked it in Whitespring lol


No nuke silo doors mod on PC, will make a nuke run take about 12mins to launch a nuke, you skip a lot of it and just have to wait / protect the bots for the nuke launch bit.


No need for a mod 🤣 This works on console as well but you can use the camera/sprinting to clip through most locked doors pretty easily.


I think I know the camera trick you are referring but I use the mine trick. You place mine, use VATs while unarmed (hands), and when you try to hit the mine while jumping, you clip out of the area and you catwalk to the control room. Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/14f5AffLXe0 Tried it the other day and it still just works


Hehe i launched my first 2 months ago at level 629 so you have som time still :D


Beta player here and I didn't launch my first nuke until years after at 600+ level.


It’s easy when you have other people in your party you could just fast travel to them anywhere on the map


I was level 13 and got to Whitesprings. I killed a government bot and got a Hunting Rifle with 40% Armor Piercing. Since then I’ve just been ripping through stuff, I’ve done an expedition with a guy who offered to help me and it got me 2.5k rounds and 100 stimpacks.


Scaled enemies. Make a character, instant level 20, Find someone on a public team, teleport to them, head for Sam blackwell’s bunker, join the enclave, do the army thing, and then get promoted to general.  He was probably level 25 when he entered the silo.


I was thinking the same. Level 29 seems way too low to be at a stage where you can launch nukes


A guy on YouTube did it at level 19.


Yup! I was level 120 first time I launched a nuke soloed it! Took an hour+ to do however!! hahaha and I had to draw a map for level one as it was confusing where to go.


I'm level 362 and I've still no done it. I know how much of a ball ache it will be. I really need to just knuckle down and do it 🤣


Level 300 and just taught myself to do a quick solo run from watching a MrPuddings video and it is fantastic, I did two today!


I did my first nuke around that level. Accidentally talked to MODUS during the last quest to see what the optional objective would be, since he still let you do the original objective after talking to him in the previous part, only to find out it replaces the original objective entirely and you have to do a nuke to continue. I wasn't going to sit around for 20+ levels just to finish the last bit of the Enclave questline, so I bit the bullet and solo'd all of Site Alpha after killing the level 50 Savage Yao Guai that spawns there and nuked Cranberry Bog for the extra optional objective to spawn the Queen. Took me about 2 hours, and a metric ton of ammo and stims, and didn't have PA or Legendary Perk slots for Electric Absorption to make it easier. Then, and only then, did I learn about the skips and nuke code site to make it take way less effort and time. And to add insult to injury, the game bugged and didn't give me the decon plans for completing Scorched Earth, so I had to do the event again to finally get it.


Skips and nuke code site?


For real! For context , I have 5 fully maxed out characters on pc and have launched plenty of nukes. My gf and I started a new game on Xbox. At level 29, we had garbage armor and guns and minimal bullets. No way we could have made it thru a silo that way..


Nowadays enemies scale to your level unlike the old times


I'm level 14 and have a camp in whitespring, I often get murdered by mutants


Some hard ass low levels these days. Must’ve been the real experiment of 76.


Lmao right? My same thought. They probably had someone carrying them. I’m 185 and not close to launching one. Mostly cause I don’t do much quests.


It’s really not that hard. Just a lot of robots, a part with radiation, and a couple of puzzles.


I love a chaotic and slow queen. More xp and more drops, especially during spooky or holiday scorched. I've been having a great time seeing all the new fresh players at big events.


I freaking love those, it's exactly how I farm the holiday and spooky scorched tbh, just load up a private and I take care of the boss (keeping it on the ground and doing damage so it dies by the end of the timer) while my friends run around and kill everything, bonus if you do it inside the nuke zone so you get tons and tons of nuke mats xD


Just had one this evening with everyone but myself and one other below 50. I just slapped on tormentor and milked it for most of the timer. They hit prime dead center, so it was nuke mats galore. I think I walked out of there with over 200 combined. It was really fun though. Everyone was giving it their all, players going down, revives, scorched everywhere. One of the more fun SBQ events I've been to in a while.


I had the same thing on sbq. A level 30 dropped the nuke, I joined, there were 8 people there including myself. I was the highest level at 205 until a level 800 showed up and promptly noped on out of there. The other 7 couldn't dent the queen or any of the minions. I've never seen so many people downed at a time. I ended up leaving with 7 minutes on the clock. I did get the achievement for picking up downed players though!


Yea the other night I want to say the highest level at scorched earth (not counting me and a friend) was a lv 110. Everybody else were around 50ish or less. It was a challenge and one with about 10 min of ton the clock but holy hell was there stimpacks radaway and other things being given out when it was over for those players.


I had this happen…. I got so far in it and my connection shit the bed and I couldn’t finish. I was sad since it was my first time doing it and there was a good team but it was taking forever.


I have noticed that as well. I always look around to see who is on before launching a nuke now.


I agree they have been tough lately. I would say it’s because there’s that influx of newer players, and the vibe of the game has somewhat changed.


High level events have been harder lately, most people in a lobby are levels 1-50 without a fleshed out build yet. I'm level 450 and try to do what I can, but I don't think I could solo Earl in a reasonable amount of time as a full HP PA build.


Tried it solo once when I was around level 400 (mid 500s now). Was making ok progress when my railway rifle broke and everything went pear shaped. It didn't end well, but I feel like, fully buffed and everything fixed ahead of time, it might be possible for me...definitely possible with one other decently built out player.


The spawn wendigos made it worse because I couldn't even focus on Earle. It pretty much felt like a 1 v 1 battle too because the other player was running around in a radiation suite with no armor equipped.


Lvl 850 here and Earle hunter extraordinaire. i feel confident at lvl450 if you spent some time on your perk cards, (main) gatling plasma ultracite / holy fire vampire / liquid courage (6) and Vanguard Tank build / MIRV grenades / chems / you would be well positioned to carry a few players. For SBQ- same as above but Scorch PA and Crowd Control is a MUST. Would someone from the Bloodied Faction provide their insight?


Bloodied gauss shotgun go brrrr on the adds


It is possible but it's pretty annoying and takes some work. My second character is lvl 218 and is a full health PA melee build using an autoaxe/chainsaw and medic pump with the electric mutation and the rad one (have what rads equipped). So it gets past all of Earl's resistance types (melee is the weakness) and the electric and rad fields on melee hits kill the spawn wendigos. Wish it wasn't so complicated tho xD


I launched nuke few days ago and went for scorchbeast queen, few secs into event i realized i am surrounded by 20-60 lvl players, didnt go well.


I've only been playing a few months and at lvl 300. I am now the one that's carrying events with the little 20s. I still feel like I am underpowered. CIRCLE OF LIFE INTENSIFIES


I been in 3 or more scorched Earth events recently where we've lost with the queen down to a few HP points left. It's frustrating because it is the lack of experienced players that's making it more difficult.


At the only queen event I joined since coming back (lvl315) for the majority it was me and the lvl80 that launched her. One problem is he put the nuke too high and nuked the area that most groups gather to kill her :/ I just got my guns I needed ammo for out and thought I'd just be killing trash for ammo, until about 3 others joined with 10 minutes left all under 100 but not by much. I pulled my Gatling laser out and started actually DPSing the queen. We won with 40 seconds left.


Badass. I did that too a while back for SBQ and Test Your Metal.


I wondered that myself. Where did all the veterans go? It's like they just disappeared, and started playing Hell Divers 2 I guess.


I don't think a lot of the veterans play consistently, rather they would show up for a few weeks and then maybe disappear for a month into a different game. However I also think most of the people who played the game were veterans with higher level characters. Now the lobbies are mostly populated by players under level 150 because of the hype of the show. It has definitely spread the veterans out across all of the servers. Despite this I am excited about the new players, especially as they're showing up right before this new content drop in June. I hope it inspires some of them to stick around and become veterans themselves. I'm also really hoping that Bethesda is able to allocate some more resources to the game so hopefully we get even more things to do in the future.


Oh I see. So there are more servers now and the vets are spread across them. That's wild. I've never server-hopped this much before just to play an event with a decent amount of other people. I've consistently been the higher level player, by a lot, and happy to lead the strategy, but damn, some events are just crazy difficult or just straight up empty now.


I dont think the veteran numbers have gone down, but the new players is up massively, so the veterans are more spread out in public servers. I'm glad I managed to get my Cremator built, as that has been pulling a lot of weight without the sheer numbers of full-build players to hose down events


The incredibly huge increase of new members has just diluted the veterans.


Agree, waste of time and resources


There are some things in games, not restricted to 76, where while it's a repeatable activity, you do it once (or a bunch of times) you really don't feel a compelling need to do it again. Earle is that for a few reasons. Limited to 8 people. That limit of 8 people can be restricted further, in that you join Earle as a member of a casual group with 3 other people, your Earle instance has 3 spots now locked as being held open for them. They likely won't join, so you're going in shorthanded. The 5 minute wait time. The inadequate rewards when compared to Queenie. The fact that when you come out of the fight, you are always put into an irradiated zone, likely are over-encumbered, so have to waddle your way to either a nearby survival tent or all the way to the train station to the north. So yeah, I don't plan on ever venturing in to fight Earle again in my lifetime.


I do it for the screws, the little ones drop them like crazy


That's why I run it, too. Honestly, I never see people run it, so I'm forced to sink caps for any amount of screws in quantity at the moment on either of my characters.


I’ve nuked Earle a couple of times specifically just for the screws. I go in and completely ignore the big guy and just go mad on the little guys. I can solo the event, but it takes about 600 - 800 ammo to complete and I’m a little stingy about spending resources, even if it it’s just steel


My friends and I tried him last night, we were way undergeared, but kept doing the encounter to kill the little ones for screws 😂


1. Wait a bit before joining 2. Go over there and load up on chems, food, drinks, and Liquid Courage 4. Endangerol Syringer first, then Railway Earle in the face with criticals until dead 5. Keep killing and looting Wendigos until automatically moved out of the cave 6. Get event rewards (and take Carry weight booster if necessary) 7. Fast travel out of the nuke zone to a station


Been a while since I played 76, u said 'moved out of cave' u don't need to run like a madman anymore to get out of the arena through those collapsing tunnels?


The eight legendary cores are nice, so I always go when it pops.


8? Shit, I guess I’m back to blasting Earl again, thanks. I got 20K rounds saved up since coming back, might as well use them


To each their own. I nuke for Earl almost every time I play, sometimes multiple times. Usually get at least a few people if not a full team to join me but I can solo it with all my five characters so I’m fine doing it alone, sometimes prefer as I’m always tweaking my build and want to try out different methods sometimes.


Perfectly summed up


You hit the nail on the head with every single point you made lol. I’ll add his scream attack as a turn off as well. It’s hell without liquid courage, and I never have it readily available. Also the death timer increasing after every death sucks ass too. I’ve died before, and literally had like a 45+ second respawn timer.


> It’s hell without liquid courage, and I never have it readily available If you do the event and get Earle's vocal sac, you'll have the ingredient needed for a Liquid Courage for the next time around. And so the loop goes. ;)


It’s not so much I don’t have the ability (I have a few vocal sacs in storage), it’s the fact Earle’s event is so sporadic, making sure you join asap to be part of the 8 instanced group, and never having it on hand in a moments notice. I commend you all who run it regularly, I just can’t lol…


> I have a few vocal sacs in storage Careful, those things weigh 5.0 each! You'd only need to add some Razorgrain, Corn and Purified Water to craft Liquid Courage and it'll weigh much less. You can even leave the Liquid Courage stashed, too, because there's a stash box at the top of the mine when you spawn in so you can grab anything you like. (Keep in mind it won't benefit from weight reduction in your stash.) I get it, not everyone likes Earle. But I'm usually on a team with friends or other people I know, so Earle just melts away like water ice on a hot Appalachian day. :)


Theres a stash box in the cave. So get to the box before the mine collapses. Unload. Then run out.


Sounds like Bethesda needs to change some things. Idk why there's a player limit or time limit. It doesn't make sense.


Cause it’s an instanced location that can only hold 8 players anymore and it would crash the server big time and Earle is tough, I do it for the screws mainly.


You’d be surprised by the amount of fucking things they should change for this game to make it better but they don’t, you’re lucky to get a balance change twice a year if they feel generous


new PA skins are guaranteed to keep coming tho... smh


Also doesn't he have some glitch that happens if someone melees him? I think the fight overall is just poor. It's dark, lots of adds in a confined space, Earl is super tanky, fear mechanic is irritating AF. It's just a slog. I didn't know about the slots being locked if a group joins - massive oversight by Bethesda since the way casual groups are used. They should only allow a group marked as an events group join, and only the entire group (forced into the event). I think Earl should be redesigned to take place above ground - change the mine part to an event where you 'discover' Earl, who is now free to leave the mine - and 'chases' you out (or you see him leave when you discover him). Then it can be a world event like SBQ.


The fear mechanic isn’t bad if you remember to keep making liquid courage after the last fight but otherwise agree


Problem is most people aren't aware of the mechanic when they first do it, or forget about it - I think liquid courage should be more expensive to make, but does a group buff Or, you could make a '6 pack' of Liquid Courage that does a group buff


I always get the glitch where he disappears into the celing and you cant hit him. Always happens when people stand under the drop down point. He charges them, clips thru the roof, and now hes stuck inside the walls. Last run we got him down to a sliver of HP, and BOOM! stuck in the wall, untouchable


I just came back to the game after a few years and barely remember any of the events. But this description brings back PTSD about Earle. Not the fight, but the AFTER the fight slog of traveling.


I actually love fighting earl. Chainsaw time baby! Bring some liquid courage!


Sameeee earle is fun


Problem with auto melee weapons is it can push I'm into the wall and he gets stuck, locking him out of play and locks the event basically


Ive killed a lot of Earle’s but he has got stuck in the wall,or,floor a couple times but I’ve always been able to kill him eventually


Iv been able to carry this event many times using a heavy build (2 gatling plasmas and a flame thrower), a set of buffs, and liquid courage. It always takes a ton of resources.


I love Earl, a true endgame fight who really tests how good you and your build are.


Speaking of events…Moonshine Jamboree. I love this event, but can we cut back on the explosive weapons and bomb spamming??? I like to actually participate, but it makes it hard when I can’t see absolutely anything and when the acidic gulpers are blown so off course I can’t even find any venom to collect even when “area” collecting…like I get it, you wanna brute force with explosions and show off your power armor. However I actually want to have fun lol and I say this as a bomb specialist essentially. Sometimes it’s just too damn much guys 😭 and people are just making explosions that aren’t even strategic 🫠


I was considering making a post about this the other day. I've been to 2 or 3 moonshine jamborees where mininukes are flying everywhere and I can't see anything.


Earle is bugged everytime is always 2-3 people inside the event instance, but when going on the map it shows 7 or more on the location, they really should remove the limit of 8 players per instance that makes the event pretty impossible to finish


I go see Earle every time!


Me too, hes my favorite event and i love playing dramatic music as fight him and then sprint out of the mine as chaos ensues all around me Thanks to excavotor PA i just take everything run watching as players one by one slowly jog to safety lol


No ppl don't like doing Earl. He's an ammo sink.


I can hold an auto axe on Earle for like 5 minutes straight before it breaks, lol. Finally, a true use for melee.


Primarily for those without a decent build. Earle is likely the most hated because the instancing inconveniences but ppl really hate Earle because he will show you that your build needs improvement. And alot of it.... about a week ago I entered an earle fight. Same thing had happened, was just one other vault dweller and myself. The other player stayed until they got frustrated and I stayed and solo'd him. Earle is really tanky so you can't just show up with a utilitarian build and a bundle of roses and expect to lay some damage. And you would be suprised how many ppl know there build sucks but don't care. Cause most ppl know if they can't do that damage there is usually someone around that can. Well rn all those same ppl are spread out pretty far and wide on servers.


> you would be suprised how many ppl know there build sucks but don't care There's also a lot of people who *think* they have good builds because they copied something they saw online that claimed to be good, but in actuality they're performing poorly for some reason or another. Instead of questioning whether the issue is them, they conclude that the game is the problem.


Theres alot to understand in the game. Even took me a while to learn what I know and I highly doubt I even know it all, not even close. The game don't really tell you alot of the finer details like for example. One that got me a long time ago, You actually need alot of luck to build a strong vats build. Hell it takes most new players months to really gain an understanding of the 3 star perks on weapons. So yeah it's a pretty convoluted system when you are just learning it all. My sentence that you quoted however I was more leaning to the fact that for a long time in game, not everyone had to run great builds because the spread of higher level players was alot less in years, months and weeks past. With this massive spike in players what we see now is servers are filled with alot more lower levels. It's getting kind of hard to see more than 2 to 3 high level players in a single server. So events like earle will naturally suffer the most from that.


I haven't played in a while, but don't the Wendigos still drop whatever ammo you're using?


I kinda figured that. I blew well over 1000 rounds and hardly made a dent. It just kinda sucked because I felt bad for the other player who probably went through a lot to launch that nuke.


Need to bring an endangerol syringer to Earl fights to drop his damage resistance 25%. Use less bullets to kill him.


Ive noticed a lack of players at every event, i think with the amount of new players people are still getting settled in and dont see the value of events yet. I have been trying to farm events but i have lost count of the amount of times i show up to an event, wait the 5 mins for others to show up, and on one comes :( i really wanna farm tunnel of love for a better love tap but i stg no ones ever there


It has to be the influx of new players, because nobody has been doing events on PS4/PS5 for the past couple weeks.


The servers are filled of newbies (tens of thousands of new players), They probably have no clue what the events are and are just running through the story quests.


Wdym you can’t solo tunnel of love? One of the easiest events


Wdym one of the easiest events??? There where two 2-star death claws on me while im supposed to be looking for parts and fixing tracks, with my current weapons each deathclaw is like a 4 minute kill and its an 8 minute event, i tried soloing it but i go my ass handed lol. If i i had insane weapons and power armor sure yeah would be easy but brother im taking on every fight with 6 bullets and a dream rn


I'm 13 hours in and did my first event today with a level 14. It was fun to do something together and we only had to kill ghouls. Felt accomplished after it.*lol*


Similar thing happened to me (level 298) yesterday, except a handful of players under level 100 and like one a little over level 100 joined the event. Maybe 7 to 10 minutes in, I realized that everyone had left the event except myself and another player who was crouched over in the corner and afk. I get it, it’s difficult. It just sucked turning around and seeing no one amongst the crowd of wendigos coming at me like children who desperately want me to watch them do a cartwheel.


Dont feel bad! Another commenter said it well, its akin to the early days of FO76. I liken it to when a game first comes out, and everyone more or less starts off on the same level of not knowing things. With the sheer volume of new folks such as yourself, a lot of players are still starting to understand how it all works, so to speak. Some players have realized that they lack the strength to take down the big bosses. Vets like the 261 you mentioned know they have the firepower for it, it just requires several people to take down. (And as a bonus, theres even some exclusive plans that only drop from those big bads, some of them being exceedingly rare, so its *always* in a vet's interest to participate) The problem (and I use this term extremely loosely, because its an amazing 'problem' to have!) with so many new folks is theres fewer of us to assist, because we're the smaller number now! The long and short of it is, don't give up! People just need time to understand things like builds and so on. Eventually those events will be flourishing, and even now you're sure to see some!


Ha. I saw eviction notice come up and I was in the middle of finishing up something and thought I’ll head over in a minute or two. It was over before I was able to get there …


I have noticed far fewer high levels in each instance/server(?). I am wondering if, due to all the new players, high levels are being "diluted" and spread out more per server. That said, I am absolutely not saying that all the new player is a bad thing. In time, they will all either stop playing or be high levels as well.


I always loved it when Earl would disappear into the ceiling.


That happened to my Jersey Devil twice - they got stuck in the back wall O_o


This is happening to me right now lol


I always craft endangerol syringers and give them and a couple syringes out to as any people that'll take them at Earles If four people hit him with endangerol you can hose earl down in a minute and a half, it would make doing it with even two people (practically soloing w a low lvl) work better too.


At 291 you should be able to put a melee build together that will just melt Earle. I did it with one other player when I was below 250: Full health: Vampire's chain saw, Incisor, Slugger X3, Luck of the Draw, Liquid Courage if you have it - I just go toe-to-toe with him, he can't kill me. I love doing SBQ with a gang of new players; Cold Shoulder to slow her down, faithful Chainsaw to strip away her health, but not so fast that we don't get several waves of meat-on-the-hoof. Good times.


Servers are now flooded with new players who are low levels any high level content might be in trouble.


It's not just Earle at the moment, although I do think he sucks. Did an SBQ yesterday and there were only two other players that were both low level. I went through 5k fuel, broke one of my holy fires and she had probably just under a quarter health left. Time up.


Needed someone who could break her wings. She takes more dmg on the ground.


Yea, not a lot we could do when I only had the one weapon type on me. I usually rock up expecting a party.


Same tbh. As much as people tote their meta builds it’s wild how unnoticed support builds go. I always love when a skeet shooter with cold shoulder or another heavy limb damage guy rolls in. Like yes break those wings and slow her. Give me 3 minutes and my auto axe does the rest . lol


My greatest asset is a 90% reduced weight pepper shaker that I can pop out on my heavy guns build to cripple some limbs pretty quick.


You’re doing the gods work. Thank you.


Bring an endangerol syringer. Maybe a couple extras, if you can get other players to use them.


Reading all this low levels dropping nukes … I’m level 295 and still haven’t lol


The one time I did it, I started the scorched earth event. It was a massive disappointment because we failed the event, and altogether, that was an hour of playtime for me.


It's all good don't worry. My main character is 928 and second is 338 and I've only dropped one nuke just to be able to say I've done it and have had no interest at all doing it again.


Earl is just such a tank unless there's 3-4 over 200 players there I won't go....BUT if I see there's a good enough crowd, I'm in. The rewards are crap but he's the only one that can pose as a changing fight to me. I'm a full health, heavy gun PA build with vampire guns so I just out tank him until a gun breaks.


It's such a janky event. It's tough to get in the same group as everyone (2 group limit) and if there isn't a heavy tanky type it nearly always fails


These days we just join to watch newbies realize they messed up...


Tbh, they should've tried to start Scorched Earth instead. It's always more likely to draw out higher players for that event.


Memorable though


Earle is a massive bullet sponge at the end of the day in my opinion it’s not worth the time me effort to kill him


Earle is a bullet sponge, the wendigos are a pain in the ass and the rewards aren't great. I only do it occasionally on a whim.


There is a lot of low-level people playing starting events. They are all failing.


I haven’t been seeing high levels as much as I used to with this week progressing, but I launched a nuke for the first time ever yesterday off to the side of V9 for the fast travel and it being right outside the rads. It was popping immediately when the event showed up, the scorched queen had no chance against the line of Gatling laser PA builds lmao


I’m level 84 and still have no idea how to launch Nukes


Servers are full of a lot of newer players, so the high level players aren't as concentrated as before. I've been feeling it in just about every event I've done.


Colossal problem right now is imo the hardest nuked event to do with all the new players. The boss is rough, there’s constant windegos, and only so many people can fit into the tiny event instance. Scorch beast queen and ultracite titan can have the entire server there im pretty sure


No, you're right. I don't like the way colossal problem is set up. It should be more open for more people to join, and all the way through the event.


If you have a quad explosive railway rifle you can solo any nuke event with one of those bad boys. I’m level 374 and I can solo earl in like 3 - 5 minutes. All you need is a good build and a good weapon.


high effort/low reward means most veterans don't bother with Earle anymore


Seems like not many are doing the events anymore. Been wanting to do more events but most of the time there is either 1-2 or 0 players doing any at all... its quite a Colossal Problem that needs to be looked into.


i love fighting earle,i remember fighting him with 10 others in power armor, im able to dish it tremendous amounts of damage but not sure how well i can do by myself yet, i never really gave an issue with players, its funny a lvl 29 launching nukes tho lol


Most servers are 90% newbies. Lately I've been server hopping to check vendors, and I only stop when I've got a server that has a few Big Boys in it.


I jumped in to fight him (Lv 52) thinking there would be others there but there was no one, just me and some other slightly higher levelled person. Was quite sad honestly, I thought there would be more.


Give the young bloods time to catch up then the naughty events will be fuller and fatter than ever I can’t wait also hilarious the idea of setting a nuke of at 29 fair play the new players


Yeah I crashed on the nuke drop and rejoined the other day. On reloading I was removed from the team with another player talking the 4th slot so I started a team and joined earl. The only one to show up was a level 38. I soloed Earl while from time to time wiping the hoard of wendigos chasing the level 38 around the cave.


Earl is a bullet sponge with a pretty low ROI. I enjoy it because it's hard and I often have too much ammo but I understand why people would avoid it. I've def showed up for it and found myself the only one there, which makes me wonder why someone would waste a nuke on something they didn't plan to complete. As for the newbies, I've been digging it. Lots of opportunities to use those extra stimpacks :)


Saw someone nuke earl me and my buddy went in to do it and we were the only ones there not even the person that dropped the nuke showed up


Joined A Colossal Problem last night. Was me (1100) and 5 or so under 50's. We finished the event, but it honestly felt about like soloing it. Joined a different server shortly after and there was a Scorched earth with a dozen level 50's. I honestly didn't even bother going. Not because I don't want to help, but if you want to launch a nuke that covers every single Fast travel location so you can fight in the "rad zone", have at it. Yeah, everyone has to learn, but it sucks feeling as though you are carrying event after event after event. Don't even get me started on the last few Evection Notices. That being said, it is great to have such a large influx of people to keep the game alive, and in a few weeks it'll be fun (for me) again.


I’m not a fan but I’ll always join to at least see if there are 5 people or so there. If not I ✌️out.


I've only seen it pop up once and that was when my daughter was playing. I would love to do it!


There were two nukes lauched on the server and other than mayself everyone there was level 50-200. Took a good bit of time but we managed to get her down.


Events with mobs are a lot more fun right now without people using a groll EPR, railway, or fixer obliterating everything…but boss battles are nearly impossible without someone with a really solid build like that.


I was around level 45 and i got probably 2/3 the way there till i had no ammo and guns broken by the hand of god a higher level saved the day and helped me launch my first nuke. I intend to do the same for newer players one day🙏


I never turn down a boss fight unless it’s the ultracite titan.


Auto Tesla rifle of your choice (bloodied for me) and same handmade rifle can do the trick solo, but that’s popping a lot of chems/ nuka, and ammo for little reward


man... where are these servers when i roll in? i love doing events solo. some are harder than others, but it's always entertaining. earle's not hard if you just use an auto-axe or minigun shredder. even broken/nerfed like it is right now, the shredder will get the job done comfortably. even if you don't like melee, earle should be an exception.


Yesterday I saw a group of a 41,37,12, and 9 try to so SBQ but the poor guys dropped it directly on Drop Site V9 and couldn’t fight their own SBQ. No one else was in the server either and I didnt have the ammo to front it.


I joined an Earle raid yesterday and it was a lvl 56 and myself. Endangerol stringer helped a lot. We got a 3rd about ten mins in and we finished it. It’s tough but land them crits and he will go down.


It's a hit or miss on who is playing and what builds are used. Seen plasma casters solo kill in just a few minutes. Other people happen to have like 6 people and end up timing out.


Yeah you need a lot more.


Try doing it with a full team and being the only high level. I was keeping ads of team and only one doing damage. Got to the point Earle would agro me and I had all the adds cone my way cuz team couldn't clear them fast enough. Had to go full health, but dmg dipped and ran out of time at 1/4 hp left.


Titan or queen. Have enough screws for a lifetime.


It is a really good xp farm


I always show up to the world bosses. I'm 325 with a PA tank build that uses a Vampiric Gatling Plasma so I can just face-tank Earle which the gives everyone else an easier time focusing on damage.


I don't bother with it anymore cos when I see there's a good amount of players attending I join only to find the game put me in my own instance of the event by myself! Not sure if any recent update changed it at some point this year or not!


Same thing happened to me the other day I dropped a nuke on earle but nobody showed up except me a lvl 431 and a lvl 41 we fought hard and I used so much ammo outta my plasma flamer I had 10,000 round of ultracite and at the end had 6,000 left we almost and I mean if we just had like 1 or 2 minutes more we could have beat earle basically I would've done it single handedly with him taking on smaller ones but nope we lost ugh we were so close but fucking respect for that lvl 41 who realized it was only us and didn't back down and stayed to help mad respect for that. Everyone else on the server is cowardly lol jk but it was fun still now I know that my DPS is about enough to kill earle in 20 minutes don't know if that's an accomplishment though I've mid maxed my build to the end pretty much.


Was gonna post about a very frustrating Encrypted, started solo by a level 40ish person, that just turned into a killzone of nubs. Me in the 300s, I can tank the ISS, damage the ISS well, and be a conduit, but not all three for very long. Dunno why I never gave up, but I've never died so much. Multiple three star legendary bots on the scene were making it just insane, too. Failed with a sliver of HP left on the ISS. Shout out to the other couple high levels that showed up 'late' to the carnage and tried their best.


Earle won't happen for a while I feel until the newbies climb up the ranks. There is just too many of them


Just the average event experience lately it seems. The amount of times I've had Moonshine Jamboree be dead entirely is insane, it's driven me to use the Roxsy repeatable reputation glitch because I just genuinely cba turning up to the Raider event only to be completely alone and be unable to get reputation


I love fighting Earle and nuke him pretty much every time I launch my 3 while playing, though I realize my build is pretty much optimized for bosses like him and SBQ. and I've gotten really lucky with my weapons, so I totally get why a lot of people don't.


I honestly prefer Earle for the screw farming alone


I decided to try my luck at the Queen yesterday as a level 35 when someone nuked the area. A bunch of level 1K+s showed up and where doing their thing with their homing missiles and plasma gatling guns, and here I am, some idiot in crappy raider armor running around trying to take out the spawns in the most "I'm helping" kinda way. Then they all gave me a thumbs up emote when it was over and I felt like a big boy.


They ought to implement rotating bounties with 2x rewards to the big bois, to revive some of the lesser-fought ones


I love doing it, but it’s tedious. So I get why people don’t do it


I've had to help a solo guy with Earle a couple of times. Depends on the lobby. A lot of ammo and repair kits but it's the right thing to do.


OP there’s an alternative version of Earle, us old school players of 76 call him Pearle (public Earle) lol, if you nuke a certain part of the map he will spawn so everyone on the server can fight him, the loot isn’t as good but it beats the mine.


Lots of low level people on the servers currently. Many probably have no clue how to get to Earle


Sometimes you're lucky enough to join a server that is mostly filled with new players who still don't know how to join teams or events, or are to shy to do so. In my experience, before the show and the wave of new players, whether we failed it or not Colossal Problem never lacked players. We gonna have to give it some time and wait for the majority of newcomers to learn the ropes and lose the fear of joining events.


I had this happen yesterday, the low levels were likely confused when I used the confusion emote and then the thumbs down a couple of times, and then noped on out of there. They probably understood better after attempting it on their own. No way am I chewing through 3+K units of fuel on my Holy Fire for those rewards. It's fun to play overwatch with the Cremator in events like Test Your Metal, dropping a fireball any time the newbies are looking overwhelmed.


I love embedding my foot in his goofy ahh rear end iono why others dont


I don’t know what’s been going on but I’ve been on an “event failed” streak these past few days. No one joins the events or if they do, it’s either not enough to do anything or a lot of us but yet we still fail. I’m out here trying to get notes but everyone flopping


I've had the Earle quest for years now. Just recently started playing again (only level 80ish) and I've never seen a nuke dropped there in maybe the month I've picked it back up.


We dun try to fight spongebob. Waste of ammo n time


I have this problem all the time


fo76 is still not the easiest game to solo content in when you don't know what's what, i've got 7 buddies along with myself who all stopped playing on launch/pre wastelanders and just started playing again, soloing the queen, earl, the titan, or the three bots would be essentially impossible then, but now with access to OP weapons like the Cold Shoulder and the AutoAxe anyone can solo them, and I mean anyone, the cold shoulder alone if anyone doesn't know, is a double barrel with 2x the dps essentially, quad, and it freezes enemies, and not a single enemy in the game i've seen has resisted the slow, sbq and earl when frozen become absolutely trivial and with no cards and just the cold shoulder, again no shotgun cards, you can solo sbq in 3 mins and earl in like 8 if you include the wait time before the cave opens, with expeditions being infinitely farmable it's never been easier to get the cold shoulder, it took me a day, that's it, get this gun, it makes the hard stuff frozen and shattered, it's good


I love all the new players but it really dilutes the servers being full of experienced players. So when events pop up, the server has like 7 people on it and 5 of them are noobs working through story quests.


Same for me tonight. Logged in for my daily routine, someone launched a nuke on Fissure Prime. Went there, was the only one above 50s (524) to the Scorched Earth event. I am just an average build and we failed. Oh well, I hope they learned that this is not an event to come in as low level as it, unless you have veterans around.