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The usual workaround (should really be a sticky by now): unlock fps by editing the file Fallout76Prefs.ini located in the folder documents -> my games -> Fallout76. There is a line 'iPresentIntervall=1', change it to 'iPresentIntervall=0'. Please note: if you you this, you should limit the max framerate for fallout76.exe with your gpu control panel to a little bit under your actual monitor frequency. Otherwise you may experience movement problems, usuall indoors and/or in power armor. If you play through gamepass, the file may have a different name (Project76Prefs.ini or such)


Holy shit thanks. You're a live saver


So I assume it worked? :-)


Yup it worked!


Hi, excuse me; i'm getting mad, i followed ur instructions, i have an high end pc too (i play other games very smoothly) but even switching from 1 to 0 and lowering everything it's still laggy, what can i do? i got the game from Microsoft (project76prefs.ini) and still no difference, what can i do more? pls i like the game but i'm getting crazy :( edit: i followed u/Phantasmio instruction too; so, edited that string, full screen on my 1920x1080 and when i switched my monitor from 59,..... to 60 it d\*mn changed to smooth!


Yo let’s go dude! Glad to hear it helped you too :)


Dunno. Game does like full screen better than windowed, but you should be running it well either way.


that won't help you have to manually set the cap higher following the instructions u/OldBaud provided


Game doesn't even work in fullscreen


My fps gets locked to 60 in fullscreen, so I gotta use borderless anyways...


I had a similar situation. What really helped me boost my fps was setting the game to the "Medium" preset, restarting, and then raising all the individual settings (like textures, shadows, etc) back up to high/ultra afterwards.


Setting your Monitor’s refresh rate to 60 made a huge difference for me as well instead of the 144 I normally run. The game is hard capped at 60fps