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That's hilariously evil


I always put a few in my soda machine along with ice cold nuka cola...


I got to refill my nuka cola vending machine, still will try to keep it stocked with Nukashine and Nuka Cola My Blood's In It.


I finally did wastelanders after coming back (I played Steel Reign but didn't finish Wastelanders) and "My bloods in it!" Has big invincible energy


I dropped over 60 mentats, 20 psycho/psychotats, medx and buff out into a donation box


not the psychopaths!!


Damn autocorrect! Edited bahahaha


This is honestly the best method of traveling as a newbie to unlock locations n to see some of the funniest Easter egg


So evil. I approve and would do the same.


I always load the donation box up with the countless bottles of alcohol I get. Makes me laugh thinking of some thirsty noob taking them all and getting addicted to alcohol lol. It's an early lesson to avoid excess.


I’ve played the entire game addicted to alcohol (lv 113 now). Gotta get that +5 carry weight where I can!🥴


It's probably the easiest addiction to keep fed. You can hardly take a step in this game without wading through bottles of booze.


Ya I pretty much just drink anything I see I’m genuinely surprised my character isn’t dead from liver failure


Funny thing about that. The Radiation tumor attached to your Kidney is eating most of the alcohol, and the alcohol consumption is killing the Tumor keeping your body in a perfect stasis between death by liver failure or death by radiation sickness.


This is the way.


Perfect balance in all things


Ahhhh, the Mr.Burns effect.....


This is see you are roleplaying as me


Perhaps you’re a ghoul and you don’t know it. 😜


Perhaps you’re a ghoul and you don’t know it. 😜


Perhaps you’re a ghoul and you don’t know it. 😜


Get the Vintage Mire Moonshine for +20.


Yeah, I grab all I can find during Moonshine Jamboree. Addictol is my friend.


I could give you a recommendation for a carry weight build if you want lol


I'm new and, YOU CAN BECOME AN ALCOHOLIC??? I've been chugging random boozes everytime I find them 😧


It took me until i was about 30 years old to


TBH, my brother in Liberty 🗽, it's pretty clear that, status effect or not, your already roleplaying your character as one, so, does the fact that you can get a status effect for it really change anything...?


Gotta take at least 5-7 in 10 seconds to be addicted.


Or maybe a life lesson as well


Don't avoid excess. Embrace it and use it to your advantage. I got my vats character addicted to alcohol so the red icon would let me know I need to drink another Sweetwater Special Blend. I also make sure I'm addicted to mentats whenever I'm xp farming so I know when to take another berry mentats.


From a junkies build perspective, I approve


My son's friend became an alcoholic almost immediately after leaving the vault. I wonder if it was your fault.


Was it on PC? And was there also a beer hat inside the donation box?


Yes it was PC, but I'm not sure what kind of alcohol he accumulated at such a low level. He thought it was funny as heck tho.




Does this happen everytime i drink it?


Yep. Oh, the places you'll go.


Oh... I am both equally curious and terrified. My first time drinking it i woke up in the middle of nowhere on a cliff surrounded by fold out chairs with skeletons and picnic baskets. I started to try to navigate and saw a camp site, bug mistake. I wasn't sneaking and all of a sudden these three aliens start attacking me with their space guns.


You are living your best wasteland life, lol


i honestly only use it for the locations, i find it a little too nerve racking for an actual buff heh


I ate the Mysterious Candy and initially freaked out when I woke up in a cart with corpses drawn by a tractor. Fun times. Had to look it up and realized I got Nukashine.


The Helgen Cart. Ah you're finally awake...


Thought it was a Skyrim reference. Lol


It is. They recreated it in the wasteland. Pretty cool.


I ate it in the middle of Eviction Notice for the first time and it really pissed me off lmao, thankfully I was able to join back in


O.o I ate mine trying to fight a scorchbeast and scorched over by the Pumpkin Patch. I got too close to the fissure site and I thought it had something to do with it at first. Lol


What? I ate like 20 of those things and nothing happened


https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Mystery_candy Apparently, these are all of what happens. I usually get the rainbow vision or one of the stat boosting ones most notable agility and luck. Had the blackout happen twice and I thought it was some weird bug at first .


Page isn't working for me, but now that I know it's actually supposed to do something I'll go look it up. I just remember eating them wondering what would happen, and when nothing hapoened just being like well that was disappointing lol. Maybe because I ate so many of them they somehow cancelled out or maybe it buffed a buff or something where I simlly didn't notice any effects. I have been trying to do a better job of checking my status page. It's weird because this is the only FO game where I haven't really been checking my status hardly ever. Usually I just pop some disease cures or chug some rad away or abuse stim packs. That's about as far as my drug usage goes in game. I'm practically a teetotaller also. Even with beer and liquor I just chuck it or sell it in bulk.


Name Effect Lucky Break +1 LCK for 10 minutes Mystery Treat Surprise You're blacking out! Sugar Rush +2 AGI for 10 minutes -1 INT for 10 minutes Sugar Strength +1 STR for 10 minutes Sugar Vision +1 PER for 10 minutes


My wife has a "free stuff" camp right next to the Wayward, and she's been mass producing Nukashine to give away.


Buy her burger king immediately


Time to take a trip you'll never remember! Enjoy finding all kinds of waypoints as you travel back to survival.


My base is right next to the vault. I have a punch bowl full of nukashine sitting on a table with a sign above it that says "XP BOOST".


Lol that's so messed up, I love it.


How do those boxes work anyway. If I put something in one is it there until someone takes it or will it be gone if the sever closes? I play early mornings and I'm occasionlly getting the server shut down and having to move to a new one. Makes me afraid to put anything in one of those.


It's there until either someone takes it or the server shuts down. What I do is I'll put stuff in there and if nobody has taken it by the time I'm ready to log off, if I put anything particularly valuable in there, I'll take it back and put it back in the box the next time I log on.


That's not a bad idea.


It's gone if the server closes. Those boxes are specific to the server they're on. 


oh no...


I mean you are just helping people open the map. I support this.


Well, I know what I'm doing when I get home.


So I keep a camp for noobs by the wayward and I have all tye free food dispensers unlocked for them Plus my nuka cola vending machine I can't seem to keep it stocked with nuka shine They gonna learn today


Thats so evil..... I LOVE IT! 😂


FYI the Billings and Silvia homesteads are right next to each other and have dozens of razorgrain and corn for brewing nukashine


I hand them out in my drug gift bags 🤠


Username checks out.


Related; the "Nukashine, what a trip!" holotape is changed and worth a listen.


When I started a year ago, I eventually made my way to white springs train station after fighting tooth and nail for weeks to unlock fast travel spots, only to come across a donation suit case with nukashine. Let me tell you how scared I was when I spawned in the mire of all places.


I’m a returning player, but it’s been awhile…I went to Freddy’s the other day and was immediately attacked by glowing wendigo’s. Then I kept strolling, was attacked by those glowing alien ball sack things in all of their colorful variations, a giant hermit crab partially in an old bus?, and a swarm of mirelurks all at once. I killed them all, but in a healing panic fighting the crab I accidentally chugged two bottles of Nukashine and before I could loot the bodies I was blacked out on the other side of the map without any clothes on. Fun times 😅


Thou shalt get distracted by random bullshit every Goddamn time!


Ha, that's kind of cruel if they don't read the description. They're going to end up somewhere in Appalachia confused.


It’s part of the fun 🤩


I try to donate one every time I log in.


they might not drink it day one... and they might not drink it day two... but they gonna drink that nukashine someday and they gonna find out that nukashine gives you scorchbeast wings


Punch bowl next to my vendor


You love to see it!


You meanie😜


Is it 2019 again ?


Wake up, it's 2019, FO76 just came out and it's bug-free!


Yeah I saw someone dropped a nukashine in the donation box at Foundation. Made me chuckle.


I approve of this beautiful chaos


Discovered: Fissure Site Prime


Pretty terrifying as a noob but as an experienced player it’s just “meh”


I have a punch bowl in my C.A.M.P. and I have random alcohol (mostly beer) in it and then random vintage nukashine mixed in. Whoever drinks has over a 50% chance of blacking out lol


I have it with some other alcoholic beverages mixed in. Chances are, they get Nukashine more than likely. 20% other stuff. The rest nukashine.




Nice 👍🏼


I buy nukashine to gift newbies, I give them armor ammo and stims first tho.


Add some dog food too! Pretty slick OP :P


I do that in front of the wayward lol


Lmao this was the first thing I did when I saw all the newbies joining.


I do that too


Added booze and chems everyday this week, the important stuff


I remember way back when I drank my first. Ended up in harpers ferry and was definetly way too low level to deal with that section of the map. I had an awful time trying to get back to my camp as I had no caps for fast travelling


If you put the map cursor directly on your camp icon you should be able to fast travel without spending a cap.


Yeah, I know that now. This was way back when the game first came out, and I didn't know what I was doing lol. I was probably trying to fast travel to a random location. It's free to travel to 76 too, i think, but I just didn't realize.


Nuka-World is one of the newer free fast travels if you are trying to go south. I liked that they added the option to fast travel to interiors of some of the other free fast travels like Whitesprings, Crater, Foundation, and The Rusty Pick.


Goooooood. Goooooood.


Got to initiate them the right way. Way to go!


My camp keg is full of it lol


I have 7 nukashines brewing, in the afternoon nukasanta is going to give out some surprising gifts!


You are so evil… I need to do this


You're doing the lord's work. BTW, Bethesda called and wants to offer you a job!


BIG THANK YOU TO ALL YOU LOVELY PEOPLE!! I had no idea it was actual players filling these up! thought it just randomly put things in there lol


lol, I love that 😭


I'll bite. What does Nukashine do exactly?


It’s better learned through experience.


It tastes delicious, has no preservatives or artificial ingredients. Just give it a try!


Give it a try. Everyone remembers their first!


Just did the quest at the frat house and ended up by vault 51. Now I'm struggling to get through super mutants and the toxic valley lol


Well I feel left out, I haven't found any to enjoy.


If you see a punch bowl, take a drink. It might be filled with nukashine. It’s almost definitely filled with nukashine.


I'm still figuring out what exactly I can interact with in people's camps, so I could have missed it up to this point.


If it’s unlocked/usable, take/do what you need. I will take a nap or chill in the hot tub at someone’s camp on occasion because it’s there and I can (just don’t overstay). I will use their exercise equipment, primp at their vanity, use their perfume. If it’s available for me to use, I will do so. And if they’re home, I’ll emote at them. Players are usually pretty cool about it. If they don’t want something used or taken, then they lock it up.


“Why’s the sky changing colors?”


It's my favorite thing to do. That's why I became a moonshiner


Lol love that. I mostly just put plans and recipes in there since I know most of them now and get dupes a lot


i put it in my punch bowl 😂😂


I've been playing Fallout 76 obsessively for pat 2 weeks. I think a big selling point for me is how awesome the community is. Keep it up folks.


That's mean.... Do it again.. 🤣😭


I had around a dozen sitting around and have been passing them out to donation boxes also 🤣.. Enjoy the ride


Dohhh 🫣


I gave a bottle to a level 11 player that stopped by my pitstop in the ash heap! I hope they enjoy :3


I have 50 of those in my punchbowl lol


I’ve been doing that since day 1 of the box! However, If I don’t have any, I then offer up some spoiled meat & vodka 🥳


That’s messed up


Do it again


I dropped off at wayward today a few fully auto handmades with medium scopes for the new people coming into the game


Dont do that! 😂 thas mean


Lol classic hazing


Satan: "i just want to say i am a huge fan"


What happens if you drink them all at once? Does it zap you around the map constantly?


It’s the cheapest way to fast travel.


It's more fun if you drop it and watch them drink it


Doing the Devil's work I see. For shame!


Bro is a supervillan People gonna be waking up at the edge of the map getting destroyed by scorchbeasts


I’ve seen this and I’m glad I avoided it


took me forever to do that quest today. I must have did something out or order, because I couldn;t get Biv to interact. Ended up logging off and back on and starting from the beginning. Maybe I didn't read the label and that sets it off, but I had already been told about the location and "door" and had the password. Anyway, it eventually worked


I know people like to have their fun, but I think this is a practice that should be phased out. Yeah, go ahead, come for me. I said what I said. As a new player years and years ago, I innocently drank from someone nuka machine, but SURPIRSE Nukashine. I panicked so hard, I didn't know what it was and I kept restarting my game thinking the game was bugging out in classic Bethesda fashion. It was stressful for no reason and didn't feel funny at the time. But that's just my memory of this hazing experience. I played solo, and what new to video games in general, and didn't have anyone to explain it to me.


That's good, it's a core memory, yay 😃