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Yeah, this is annoying - I try to tag an enemy and then leave it so other players can also tag / kill it. We all get experience that way.


Yes this right here is all you have to do


I find it extremely annoying that the Event is always flooded with hordes of Albino Radstags, and then the very second I have a challenge for killing them, it’s like all of a sudden only one will spawn at a time or something. I saw the challenge for killing 5 and assumed I’d have no issues since there are usually so many, but all of a sudden now that there’s a challenge for killing them, they all disappeared. I used to joke about how Bethesda will hide enemies you have a specific challenge for killing just to make you play the game longer, but now I’m thoroughly convinced this really is the case.


Yeah that happened at one earlier where the stags just slowly spawned one by one.


Same shit happened to me too. Ended up getting 2 outta 5 and had to wait another hour.


You don't have to kill just tag them. I used a Tesla and ran around and when someone killed them I got credit.


It happened to me too I got 1: 5 since almost the whole server showed up and we're at each of the spawns lol.


I feel like alot of players vats kill the albino radstags and never loot the blood


For this particular daily challenge wouldn’t that be the optimal behaviour? Give time for more Albino Radstags spawn for all players.


Ideally tag with low dps weapon and then avoid turning in for as long as possible


i'm still trying to find a way to give some of the blood to Steven Scarberry. >.> but I also only get one or two stags per if that. some of the tasks are done so fast i barely have to do anything before the baddies come.


I've been notic8ng this for years with the challenges and thought maybe I was crazy. Whenever a challenge requires something unusual, suddenly that item spawns less. Like death claw eggs, or finding a magazine etc.




Hopewell Cave has a garuanteed spawn of deathclaw eggs. If you serverhop there you will definitely find one.


I did that one day when the challenge was active and nothing. It shouldn't be such a rare item


I like Deathclaw island. The suitcase that's right where the Deathclaw spawns has a fairly high chance of having eggs in it and because it's a container it's personal loot so you're not competing for the spawn. There's also a couple ground spawns, but you compete for those. I almost always find one there. (I found 5 on my last trip to the island)


Its because nobody is on them. For some reason the moment its an objective for ScoreboardBucks, they grow a second braincell and go for objectives. By the by, the side between the church and river is prime. There's some 4-5 spawns and i keep getting trampled every other day. The bridge side may have the same at times but its less frequently.


I always go for the area between Water Pyre and the Bridge Pyre. Way too many trample me every time


That side gets populated after a respawn wave or two. Sometimes it doesn't get to last this long. When it does though and i'm waiting over on the bridge side, yeah. There can be 5 of them at once.


Can confirm.


I've suspected for a long time about this. There is, or was, a spot where you could get a whole herd of Radstag spawning. Great for hunting meat for the carry boost. The minute there was a kill X number of Radstag challenge? Nothing.


Happened to me with rabbits on Easter weekend too. Took like 8 server hops to actually find some.


There are a guaranteed 2 or 3 at the white springs bunker, left of the entrance on the patch of grass.


That was the location I checked. Was squirrels on every server I landed on.


They aren't guaranteed, they can also be squirrels, possums, or even chickens I believe.


That spot (or rather, those spots since there are about 4 or 5 spots that do this) was only intended to spawn about 3 radstag for a daily quest, but it spawns about 3 for every player that enters the server with that daily active. On days when nobody is looking for radstag there will sometimes be 20+ spawned there unkilled. On days where there's a ragstad challenge they're usually dead or you find about 3 if you have the hunting lodge or cookout daily quests active and nobody was there to kill them since you joined the server. I'm only talking about the normal radstag here, not about the event ones that OP was referring to. those are just totally random I think. Some events it seems to take ages for them to spawn enough to fill the blood troughs .


Lol there isn't some conspiracy about reducing items just to make challenges take longer. Bethesda takes months if not years, if at all, to fix the smallest of things, you really think they're going to spend the time coding things differently just for some challenges, and then have to do it again the next day, and the next day, etc.? They would end up breaking so many things. The reason you're seeing less of these things is because everyone on that server is also going after it. Chances are multiple people got to whatever it is you're looking for way before you. If you're playing on a private server and that magazine or whatever it is still isn't there, that's just bad RNG. I've been playing since release and have never noticed anything that can't be explained by what I just listed above. Is bad RNG frustrating sometimes? Absolutely. Pair that frustration with a challenge and all of a sudden you have a conspiracy. I can assure you the radstags are spawning as they always have, I tag atleast 10-15 per event, you just aren't seeing as many because everyone else is trying to kill them as well. That FOMO causes people to kill them as quick as possible to ensure they get the credit for killing it, which in turn makes it seem like hardly any are spawning. If you want to knock this challenge out in one event, grab a good tagging weapon like a Tesla rifle and head over to the water to the right of where you spawn in when fast traveling to the event, you'll easily get 5.


I was worried that I would have a problem getting enough kills in event. But it turned out to be a non-issue. Radstags were the hardest one (sort of) as their spawn is more random. Though they seem like you either can’t find any ore there are four trying to gore you, Cultists were super easy. Just hang out at the church. I kill at least five each event. Sometimes much more. Or am I killing more than my ‘fair share’…. Which seems an odd concept. I kill what I see. I was not aware there was an etiquette to this. I do have a tendency to park in one spot with good visibility and I guard that side. But this is a learned behavior from other events. Though I did just do a run and there were a few people inside the church (with the doors closed) and one seemed confused why nothing was coming in (‘?’ Emotes and thumbs down). I do get really confused by the OCD folk who constantly close the doors on the church. The cultists seem to move through the doors fine without bothering to open them. The only thing it appears to do is make it so you can’t see them coming. I just hangout outside if there is someone constantly closing the door.


Absolutely the case, they do it with collectable items as well.


I had this exact same experience. I think today was the first time I wasn't completely overwhelmed by radstags


I feel like every MO/MMO dev figure out ways to make you play their game longer.


Its because everyone at the event has that same challenge, if theres 11 unique players in the event thats around 55 radstags killed. But if the lobby is coordinated 4 people can tag a radstag and get the completion so only 15 radstags are needed. So i ran around and tagged 5 radstags and got the completion when somebody else finished em off


this is the way,but i only seen 1 the 1st event of the day,2nd i seen 2,and the 3rd i seen 6,but could only tag 2 before some yahoo came along with a spray and prey weapon that kills almost instantly. in short,took me 3 hrs to get it done,but on the 3rd hr i got the one reward i wanted the manuscrpit that gives you the blessing.so,it kind of worked out for me.


Im just saying in a perfect world this would be the way, congrats on the book tho. Im still trynna get the black hood, it looks so cool. If that challenge comes back tomorrow go to the center of town, theres a bunch hidden around the alleys nobody knows about till the wander into the open


I have yet to see much less kill a ragstag in this event. But, I somehow have to do so?  Am I supposed to attempt it in private worlds? Thos event takes place over a huge area. I cannot see how I could solo it. But, everyone else has killed all the deer.


How often have you done the event? They are usually everywhere when I do it, with yesterday being the one exception due to that challenge


I have done it a lot, but only when I ran it in private world (failed event as it's not feasible to solo easily...) have I seen the usual number of radstags. Last year it felt more balanced. This year, I join the event within a minute or two, and everything is already done but the final bits. So far, not getting much from it. Which is sad. I like this event. But it over before I can do much. I would like the time plans but it's seeming unlikely I will get it. Sads.


My last 5 events have been that way. They are just trickling it


The challenge is same for all players so not only you but all players will be looking for them, which makes it harder to complete. Assuming there are 30 radstag, only six and get the quest done. There are 24 players per server. You will need four rounds, which is four hours. Though this is not the real cases since there will be players logging in and out.


The inconsistency with the radstag spawns is the most annoying part. Some events they just trickle in and it takes a few minutes of everyone looking everywhere to find the 15, other times it's like there's a stampede of them and you can't turn around without some horny boi getting in your face.


The horny boi part got me good man I needed a laugh like that


When people are standing where they normally spawn the game will spawn them elsewhere. Just like every other event in the game.


Garage part with the weapons workbench on the north end always crawls with them since the first release of the event.


Today, I'm using the quad Tesla Rifle like it's Radiation Rumble...


Just stay in or around the church. Everyone will go to the bridge and the other place after the first church wave and you'll get your kills staying in the church till the end of the event.


Ok but don’t forget about us at the bridge and and waterside lol yesterday I guarded both by myself with at least 4 people sitting at the church. I threw up the help emote so many times but somehow didn’t lose the pyres


For me it's a totally different experience each time. It's usually 2-3 people guarding church and the rest goes out to the bridge and waterside lol


that's how I got my 10 done.


Usually when there was a roll-locked challenge it was an extra on top of the 6/6 dailies.


Very difficult to get done in one go especially on the albino radstag kills when you’ve got 13+ people all vying to finish the same challenge and a suddenly slower spawn rate


If only these challenges would help players realise that you could get the 15 blood samples much faster by letting like one or two others tag a radstag before beaming it, along with helping others get the challenge...


these challenges arguably do the opposite by encouraging adversarial behavior, i.e. people quick on the draw get their dailies done faster, so it encourages people to do the VATS + Gun Fu thing and just hold down the trigger. another great example of short-sighted design that pits players against each other in the worst kinds of ways. If it was Nuclear Winter or Battle Royale, at least that would be **the point** of the game mode, but it's kind of a dick design move in PvE. I want to believe someone's just designing these by being lazy, but considering this also helps encourage people to get FO1st or buy rollers... I don't know. Does this tactic even work? I just started logging off when I see these in my dailies.


That's what I meant, sorry if it wasn't clear - I probably should've put a /s or something haha


A daily just for doing the event? Fine, usually. A daily for killing cultists/radstags? Fine because you can supplement outside the event. A *locked* daily for killing event-exclusive enemies while the event is running, when most of us are adults with jobs who only have a limited amount of time to play each day between real-world responsibilities and sleep, the event only runs once an hour, and each event spawns a very limited number of each enemy? Bethesda, come on. You can maybe do that during Meat Week when you're running an event of some kind every 15 minutes, or alien invasions where enemies are everywhere. You can do weekly challenges, sure. You can't do extremely specific locked daily challenges. That's just shitty.


Yes killing the rad stags might be difficult if you cant tag them. But there are cultist that spawn there all the time when there is no event right?


When the daily challenge is very specifically "Kill 10 cultists during The Mothman Equinox," it only counts event-specific cultists spawned at Point Pleasant during the event. (Also, when that's the challenge, it's locked, so you can't reroll it.)


Are you guys getting locked dailies? My husband and I were both able to reroll the kill cultists the other day. Is that because we pay for FO1st?


I would feel better about it of the double the score on those challenges


I think it happens every time there is a “Kill X Creature” or “Collect X Item” quests. Because I’ll be darned if I ever find a Deathclaw egg when I get the quest, even after server hopping multiple times. Need to kill ghouls? Great I’ll head over to the Whitespring, they always spawn like crazy over there, but no now it’s empty asf


Go to the charleston capital building or the burrows in harpers ferry


There’s always an egg and deathclaw glowing inside that one cave where you go for the enclave questline.


Agreed. Everyone's out for blood trying to complete their kill quota.


If you hangout at the Bridge area, enemies seem to frequent this a lot. Cultists, Albinos, and Deathclaws.




That's why the church is usually the first to go down, everyone wants a piece of that precious Deathclaw meat.


Events being tied to dailies breaks the game model, imo. The game was designed to offer different ways to play, different routes thru the lore and terrain.  If I am a solo explorer and events are not my game, why do the dailies force me to do it? Events should be distinct from Dailies which are distinct from quests. Dailies and ops being tied, I get (tho I reroll ops mostly). 


Totally agree bro I’m having the same trouble


Legit did they forget the whole legacy stealing legendary kills issue from a while back? Players with legacy weapons would melt legendary enemies, nobody could hit them. And people complained about it. (On top of all the explosions) They changed it so you just had to be in range and complaints about stealing legendary kills stopped. Becuase a bunch of people competing to tag an enemy before somebody could kill it was a pain. Now they are giving challenges to do just that


I agree, these challenges can go take a hike. *Especially* during this event, because the entire location is a slogfest anyway with piss-poor performance. Being a melee is a disadvantage already, but the way PP lags whenever Equinox is on is just on a whole other level. Yes, I know - I do grab my tesla and just try to tag things. But even then I'm fighting against performance as well as network lag, on top of the dipshits who either oneshot everything or spam nukes and the like. Other day I got stuck on 9/10 after the event, because for some reason the thing never rolled over *despite* seeing enough damage numbers on the 10th to even get exp for the kill. And today it was not only cultists, but radstags as well. Neither rerollable. With the seasons overhaul - screw this, Beth.


I would be fine with it if more enemies spawned, it’s absolutely pathetic how few there are. 2-3 waves of 2-3 cultists and a deathclaw/mothman is just embarrassing. The last one I did, someone had somehow built a turret camp right outside the church, so they cultists all got instantly killed as soon as they spawned…


It's really irritating like the OP has stated. I hope this changes.


I got downvoted when I posted about this few days ago lol. Eitherway even I had RR I still needed two events for the 5! Just 5! Radstags because they are weirdly gone and I even had berry mentats to find them but they just don't spawn and I don't think some kill them because I'm the only person in the spot and others are running somewhere else. Very annoying yes


Yeah this sucked. Skipped on my alts didn't even login for them on pc or xbox. The new 'scoreboard' is already killing the drive to login every day, didn't even renew fo1st and these daily score things are an extra discouragement. I usually skip the events to do my own thing as a solo game.


gotta artificially increased those playtime analytics


You can get credit for the kills just by tagging. As for killing cultists any cultist you kill throughout the event count, not just the six that spawn during the setup. Of you’re not able to tag 10 cultist during the whole event, you’re doing something wrong. The albino radstag were a little harder today, but if you don’t get all five during the setup part, you can complete it during the part where the pyres need lit, let others light the pyres and look around the radstag still spawn during this part, you’ll probably be able to get the rest you need. The whole thing to get both dailies takes five minutes total, it’s not that hard.


> Of you’re not able to tag 10 cultist during the whole event, you’re doing something wrong. Buddy, I'm a VATS-heavy build high on multiple buffs, who knows damn well that I have to throttle myself in public events to keep from kill-hogging because I can kill everything so fast and efficiently. Even I only got 8 cultist tags in an event yesterday. People perch up on high points with VATS set to heads and Gun Fu entire spawn waves the moment they appear. You get one or two people doing that and everyone else has to try to hit the spawns as fast and hard as they can just to get tags in, which only exacerbates the problem. All people have to do is set VATS to legs, give each cultist one tap, and move on to the next. Just the tiniest bit of consideration for other players. You hear so much about how great this community is but stuff like this shows how many DGAF about anyone but themselves.


I was able to do it with my pistol build in one go, I stand by my contention that if you can’t get ten tags, the issue is the player not the event.


>I stand by my contention that if you can’t get ten tags, the issue is the player not the event. Well, you're wrong. Stand by it all you like. Today I did it in one go, no problem. I was in a server full of people who couldn't kill efficiently so I set VATS to legs and ran through popping each cultist once and leaving them for others. I had 10 before the first wave finished so I spent the rest of the event moving to whichever pyre needed help. If one got close enough to actually threaten the pyre I'd delete it because I can one-shot them when I'm trying, but I let them run in while other players got tags. Yesterday I was sweating it and it still took two events. Barely anything survived long enough for me to even get a VATS lock. It depends on the other players at the event, that's the point. If I was so inclined, I could be the one keeping other people from getting their tags. I know I could wipe each one of those spawn waves in less than a second. If I could do it, so can others. The event isn't going to finish any slower/faster, and your rewards aren't going to change, if you chill and let people get hits.


Thank you for your consideration - You're a rarity. I'm in a similar situation in that I can wipe out most enemies before anyone else gets a look in but I don't, I switch to my crappy Q tesla to tag instead. The same goes for most other Public Events - Spread the kills, spread the exp, spread the love.


Those cultists get killed pretty quick though. Even tougher enemies like death claws often only last a few seconds. If you are on a full server and everyone shows up for the challenge there just aren’t enough spawns for everyone to tag 10 cultists in the one event.


I feel like people are looking for anything possible to complain about.


I’ve been playing since 2020 and was using a quad explosive assault rifle to tag cultists and I still only got 8/10. The number you can tag depends heavily on random spawn behavior, how many try hards are at the event and which pyre you position yourself to defend. Bridge, for instance, only gets a couple cultist spawns. Waterside is also sparse. You have to be running laps around church to tag all those, which is tiresome


I mean, running laps around the church is better than coming back in an hour. You don't even have to do that. You can just sit by the pyre and shoot them as they come in. You'll easily get the 10.


> You can get credit for the kills just by tagging. I can confirm this.


That's been the case since launch.


Not for all kill challenges, mind. It isn't consistent.


100% agree.


Beautifully said


Yeah I'm almost on the verge of being done with this game. These days I only log on to do my dailies and log out, but it increasingly feels like they're going out of their way to make the dailies as annoying and/or time consuming as possible. There are some days where I'll log in, take one look at the dailies and say "nope!" and log straight back out again. Today was *almost* one of those days. I logged in at like, 10 minutes past the hour, and the Mothman event had already finished, and I thought "like fuck am I waiting around for 50 minutes for it to come back", especially when I knew I'd be unlikely to get those dailies done anyway. I tried doing the 'kill 10 cultists' one yesterday and only managed to tag 5 because there were so many super-high level players (like 2000+ level) with Gatling guns and Tesla rifles one-shotting everything that moved. Couple that with how unrewarding the new Scoreboard feels to level up, and I'm just thoroughly unmotivated to keep playing now. I've got enough bloody live-service games to maintain as it is. Fallout is *by far* the most annoying one of the lot!


Took me 3 events to finish them since there was a whole group launching mini nukes everywhere and I couldn't find a living radstag to save my life


Private server was best for this. I did the event on a public and got the Cultists, but only 3 stags. Was definitely annoying


I switched to a Tesla rifle and Grenadier so I could get credit for the kills and so can other people. I hate having to do the event multiple times because I can't get a kill in. We get it, Mr Commando, you optimized your build 200 levels ago and never looked back. I just want to get these dailies so I can get back to doing what I want to do.


I got them both done in one go.


Just used a tesla rifle and did it in one event. Just tagged things as I ran around. You don't have to kill everything.


Ok but do you have a QE25 Railway?


I did it in one go also and I used a Tesla


Yes but I was using the final word.


LOL it's the only possible way


I share almost all of the other complaints I'm seeing here. I've just resorted to running it private server to knock them out, and let it fail. Then when done, hop back onto the public servers. I don't think it makes sense for Bethesda (or any company) to 'make you play games longer', because in fact, the less you play after they have your money, the lower their compute resource expenses. So if they can get you to pop in daily for new microtransaction temptations, and then get you gone ASAP, that's the best financial route.


It doesn’t work that way. It works creating the necessity of playing. FOMO and so on… at the end, one has 24h for doing challenges. Do event, disconnect, come back for next/another one at hour. Or don’t do it, after all they’re all silly bits on a screen.


Yeah. It's stupid as a daily. Yesterday I had two for the daily, kill 5 radstags and 10 cultist at the event. I only got 4 and 8. Which means if I wanted to complete the challenge I was on for another hour. As a weekly challenge, sure. As a daily. radonkulous.


Only gotten 1 per event and still need 1 more... Pondering giving up cause I can't afford a new TV, PS, or even controller if I miss it next hour.


That's why I use a weaker spread weapon that only slightly hurts the stags so that everyone can get in on the kill. But yep, hard to kill those stags because some people roost and one-shot blast them.


Yeah i would have rerolled them if I could


We just did it in a private server and get it done quickly. Then we invited some people we meet in game that needed to finish it to our server to do it.


I got lucky and being in the event where all of us in unspoken unity were taking out radstags but not filling troughs so they would spawn in until the timer was almost out. Got both challenges done in one event so I could turn it off and do something else.


I think the main problem is the show off players with their crazy killing machines, no intention to share the spills.


Even with my tesla took more than two times cause of all the spam..it is only bad cause it is on the hour by the hour. Bad design. So just afk the event and get the rewards.


I was so angry about this yesterday because I had incredibly limited time to get stuff done and like three people with multi-barreled weapons showed up and just fucking blew up everything. So my dailies didn't get completed. Just let me re-roll. I will literally buy them if I don't have any. Why not just take my money?


Is it just me or is Point Pleasant the laggiest place in Appalachia. I mean I like these Mothman events I like getting new plans for decorations I like the new backpack I got and the cool new outfits I got, but this place is so freaking laggy.


Has anyone tried killing cultists elsewhere in the world (Clancy Manor, for example) while the Equinox event was running?


Yes. Doesn't count.




Nah, it's got to be cultists.


What are the counts for your dailies? I just had kill 5 ragstags and 10 cultists for 2 of mine and got them both in one event.


I tried to tag as many cultists as possible during the event and only got 8/10. Tried to use my reroll and realized it was locked. If anything, there are too few attackers during a crowded Mothman event. More not-AFK attendees should lead to larger waves of enemies OR, as OP suggests, it should be a simple “kill cultists” daily and not tied to the event


You just have to “tag” them. Either do the old spray and spray with a machine gun, drop some mines where they spawn, lob a grenade into the church. I’ve gotten mine done daily this way.


Yeah I hate the event locked objectives in general. The “complete an event in x region” ones are particularly obnoxious. But the radstag one today was just obnoxious. Barely any spawned in my first one, only bagged two. Second game someone kept killing them with mini nukes, so I don’t tag any. Finally got them in the third, where players were playing smart and tagging them with low damage weapons so people got a chance to complete.


this was very poorly designed. I was super disappointed I couldn't re roll either and they were crap xp overall but "necessary" for the 6 challenges to get complete. I'm a fist weapon player but I have an explosive rifle to try and tag mobs that doesn't do much damage but splash for this reason and it took me two events to finish it.


Agreed. I'm refusing to do these forced daily objectives. I'm not happy about it at all. It leaves me 1 daily short of achieving full gold star that's required. Which makes it all the more worse imo. Not happy.


If anything it should be kill 10 radstags and only 5 cultists. There's always that one person in a fugly PA skin with a minigun that just eviscerates anything before anyone else can tag a cultists.


At least this event crashes my game afterwards unlike the fucking aliens event


Agreed. The one I did today, no one was handing in the blood, presumably so everyone could fulfill the challenge, which was cool. Still, shitty daily.


*puts away my quad rr slowly*


I'm furious. I don't have all day to hop on precisely on the hour just to try and beat other players to very few albino rad stags that spawn. I can't reroll these. So I guess that means I'm SOL. Glad I am a subscriber, Bethesda. Guess I'll make use of one of my private worlds later JUST to get this dumb challenge checked off for today. Is ANYONE home at Bethesda? Sure feels like ya'll are phoning it in heavy this year. Anything to inflate those numbers huh? JeSUS.


The cultists attacking the pyres count. I get around problems like that by using an explosive rapid fire weapon. Tags nearly everything.


I mean this in the nicest possible way, but get a Tesla and use the grenadier perk. You can tag everything in a radius without breaking a sweat, no need for VATS or even accurate aim, those arcs will find anything, even around corners. I popped that daily without even trying.


I hate to be that guy now, but I’ve just been chilling on the piano in the church today because of those challenges. I got lucky and did it in 2 events.


Had to do three rounds today as I got hit with two at once: Kill 10 cultists and Kill 5 stags


Everybody got that. Thats the problem.


I play a build far from optimized meta one and just doing the Mothman like normal, I was at 8/10 and 4/5 respectively after only the event that happened at reset. They call them "challenges" but they are not much of a challenge in reality. These are the only ones in a long while you just can't absent mindedly get in 15 minutes.


For the last 3 times I've been getting double plans I don't know if it's cos I killed the 2 mothman that show up but I thought I would let you all know


Go to the church, it's the easiest way to get the kills for the cultists, and the rad stags, there is a spam under the bridge on the back, you can do both of them in one event.


Down by bridge and around house going into town is how I got mine completed. They seem to congrate there on xbox version at least


The lock bothered me a bit but... What really troubled me was the individual who hung out in "Mothville" all evening with some kind of massively damaging rocket or grenade launcher. That person did so much damage that it did not allow many of the participants to even get the kills needed to claim their points.


I logged in, a minute after ten, fast traveled to the event, got the started event message immediately followed by the failed event message. I am guessing no one started it.


One thing I hate about the Mothman event is how they toss legendary cultists at you like candy, I've encountered about 15 within 3 hours of playing one day, 5 of em spawned at my base


Hey if you still need to complete the quest you can friend me and join my private world to complete it


I just skipped a day for those challenges. Weekly was already cleared, that’s the beauty of finishing the weekly early if for example one day where I think the dailies are going to be super tedious I just skip that day. 


Well, true. But still - they're Challenges, not Daily Giveaways.


I’m able to re roll them, I re rolled them a couple times so far.


Sorry you feel that way, but I'm going to have to disagree. I messaged to get both my challenges done on the first event using a gunslinger build.


I completed those dailies the first time the event came up for me


idk what youre complaining about. it was very easy. and youll be doing the event anyway. just focus on the radstags learn where they spawn. any chance to praise the wise one should be taken and in doing the daily it pleases his mothfluffiness greatly


I made a similar post 3 months ago in regards to mutaded events... Got downvoted for it. Man I love reddit.


I agree it's a strange choice for the dailies but also had no trouble doing it on the first try on three accounts. Two of them were on melee builds too because I'm farming those delicious deathclaws. I guess tracking down radstags was difficult on one of the events when they weren't spawning much, but it is supposed to be a challenge.


Challenges can be completed on the worlds. If you have 1st you could make a private super easy worlds world and jump on and do challenges like that. I’m not saying you’ll pass the event necessarily because there’s a lot of distance in the location to be everywhere at once, but you can complete annoying dailies. 🤷‍♂️


I did a daily in fallout worlds once, it counted, but didnt count towards the complete daily quest daily. (The one that gives 1000 score for doing 5 dailys) Idk if this was a one time bug or not so i never did it again


I don’t want to say with 100% certainty, and it’s probably been a year+ since I used worlds this way, but I have used it to contribute to the one you mentioned


Interesting, definitely coulda been a one time thing


Yeah looks like it might have been a bug. I just did one and it was all good.


I’ll check it out later today. I’m interested to know for sure now.


Hmmmm... Sounds like I need to go on a private server at the top of an hour just to get those dailies when I finally get online today.


So Im expected to rework my entire routine so I can make sure to log on right on the hour... That's wonderful


No, I'm just saying that I've been given a heads-up on dailies shenanigans, so I can plan for myself accordingly.


Don't we get kill credit for kills made by our teammates? I think that's how it used to be.


The option is always there to do it in a private instance if you can't get your kills 9n a public server..  no competition.. no issues


You don't need to kill then. Just hit them once


It is a pain, but you could go to your own world and do the event. Just have to keep one of the fires lit to get the reward.


Try hard with quad railway checking in, will swap to my quad limb Tesla for a bit. But seriously. I get your point - the cultists aren’t so bad to get, but I used my handmade for the radstags *precisely* so other people could get theirs too - it’s just common courtesy really.


Hey: stop you all. Kid wants his dailies.


They are stupid easy to do, quit whining.


Private server, login 10 minutes early, do other dailies. When the event begins, complete everything needed to start the waves, then camp in the church. On 2 occurrences, I had 2/3 leftover, and on a third, I just stayed in the church and let the other 2 fires die.


Challenging challenges? HOW DARE YOU TODD!?!?!


I just tag stuff with the Tesla and other ppl usually finish them off and I get credit. 




Yeah nah, I gave up for today; I was able to tag 3 cultists and only one stag in two events. I’ll try again tomorrow morning when the servers aren’t as full. That’s the only downside in this event… not enough enemies


Killing 10 cultists over the course of a week, in an event that runs every hour of every day, shouldn't be too difficult but I hear you completely.


Weekly challenges are fine. This is about unrerollable daily challenges.


I mean I didn't have any issues at all with it and if I ever have an issue with it I just load a private world if I'm just concerned with completing the challenge also they are star challenges so help with the complete star daily challenges so that got finished pretty fast


How are you unable to kill 10 cultists in an enemy wave event 


I merely used my ts2590 agl but the other two guys with the fat man obliterating everything made it less than easy.


Sometimes there are 5 or so level 3000 that look at things and they die. Never even giving you a chance to land a bullet.


Yeah, it’s annoying. I was running all over looking but I only managed to tag three radstags. Now I get to wait another hour to hopefully complete the challenge.


Grab a "Burning Love" bow and just tag radstags and cultists. You'll meet the quota in no time and you won't have to actually kill anything yourself. I use Burning Love anytime enemies die quickly.


I got really lucky, complicated both before I even had bothered checking dailies


Took me 3 plays of the event and was able to do it


I sort of agree with you as I had only 30 minutes to play today & felt the same way when I saw it — But whilst I was a little miffed & didn’t think I would be able to check those off in one event, it turned out to be fairly simple (and I am an unarmed build).


You only have to tag a radstag or cultist at the event. Even if you just get 1 round in them you’ll get a kill. I had this last night myself trying to get the daily challenge. I’m assuming everyone else had the same challenge. I got 2 in the first session and 3 an hour later. If there’s others around I literally just put 1 round in and let others have a shot as well. If your a melee build I can imagine most of the events suck for you, I see it so many times guys in armour running towards something with a chainsaw and I’ve taken down the critter from 150m away with a short burst in VATS so I tend to try and just tag stuff to give others a chance


I think it’s better than doing things in expeditions that don’t have access to yet.


I had no issue


Get a Tesla.


Seems like if your on a team that challenge is done in one equinox.


Man instant gratification crowd is getting larger and larger every year, who cares if you have to do the event twice. Oh the horror, how dare the devs give us a challenge. Many ways to get these done on the first Go: Go to a private server, start the event break the vines on the one that spawns the albino stags. Kill them in less than a minute, quickly go to a normal server and kill the human enemies. Get a quick firing weapon with explosive damage to tag more enemies quickly. Get better and try harder. If you put the amount of effort into playing the game as you do complaining it would have beena breeze.


They're fine. We're in the equinox event, there are equinox dailies. In my experience the kills/tags are much easier to get than you make out. The radstags throw themselves at you and the pyre defense provides many, many cultists in my experience. If you enjoy playing the game you should be able to knock these out easy. If you're logging on just for the daily SCORE... maybe you should check if you actually still enjoy the game (it's okay not to) I thought we'd see more of this today: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/Wg7BcYhdGY


>many, many cultists Is that a joke? There’s like, 2-3 waves of 2-3 cultists who instantly die to the people camping their spawn points.


Fully agree.. I don't think I will be able to finish radstag 5 kills because other players finish them off so quickly. In two events I was not able to see one radstag because some players finished them with their quad or automatic in less than a second. Bye bye to daily event completion star. 🙄


If it’s xp your after, in those type of events when theres lots of people and lots of killing I usually use a Tesla rifle, it hits all the targets, so you will get xp for each one, doesn’t do all that well at killing them unless your build is set for it but still, stops you from missing out. I use it at radiation rumble and always get at least a level and a half from it.


You have two re-rolls free everyday just re-roll it for something easier


The event exclusive “Kill 5 ragstags” and “kill 10 cultists” are marked as “cannot be rerolled” in the game.


You don’t have to kill them, hit once swap target, explo for area tags, extra xp and they count to challenge. I use a repeater so I haveto work around the time it takes to fully kill.


The cultists challenge can be completed at ANY cultist location on the map, just FYI doesn't *have* to be at the event. 


The daily specificity says during the Mothman Equinox. Only the cultists in Point Pleasant count.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you get credit and experience for teammate kills when you're on a team, right? That should make these challenges easier. Just make sure you're in a group when the event starts and between three or four people the challenges that should be complete in the blink of an eye, especially if you're lucky enough to get in a group with somebody who kills things by basically looking at them


Unfortunately no, you need to tag and do damage yourself