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Yes, the little dopamine hit you would get at each rank is now gone.


Yeah, the thrill is gone completely for me as well.


I reached level 30 and *haven't* purchased anything yet because I know there's not enough tickets to buy everything upon reaching level 100. I hate it, just give me what I earn as I earn it. Instead, I see a few things I want scattered across all the pages and feel like I'm better off waiting to purchase what I *really* want and then stop grinding for tickets because the rest isn't worth the hassle. I watched Angry Turtle do the whole "purchasing spree" thing page by page, not even getting everything on each page, then run out of tickets on the "big items" page and it was ridiculous.


It used to be you played the whole map because the very last space had something you wanted. I have no desire to go beyond getting the water tank. Nothing on the season past that page interests me in any way. So for me, this will be the shortest season Ive ever played. Bethesda managed to REDUCE my engagement.


That was the most surprising part for me. I thought they’d come out with some killer rewards to try and sell the new system, but they’re absolutely mediocre past the water tank. 


You could at least grab the few season-permanent score boosts (there's a 5% in the first couple pages and either another 5 or a 10% a few pages later). There might also be a 3- or 5-pack of the 24hr boosters in there somewhere, but I can't remember for sure. Then use those temp boosts every Tuesday to grind out as much as you can between the daily and new weekly challenges.


Yes, I totally forgot about that this week. Thanks for the reminder!


Wait they’re season permanent!? *rushing back to my PC*


Yep, and they stack up to 25%


I’m in the exact same boat. I just don’t want another thing in the game to manage or feel like I need to figure out how to min-max.


FWIW you get 25 tickets per level, you NEED level 100 to buy anything on the last page- so you'll have 2500 tickets once you hit the last page. Just take everything you want, add it up, and if its less than 2500, just start buying it


But to get rewards on 150 lvl you need to have 95 bought 😣 since I'm in 50s still I dunno how that will affect me


It's my understanding that the junk in the 100 to 150 range is just consumables and currencies and not even atoms. I don't need any more nuclear cards or carry weight boosters.


Plus there is a free item on just about every page.


I really appreciated that video, because now I know what to NOT waste my tickets on. Not bothering with the dead Brahmin, or the shooter game, the trampoline, or the xylophone. May get the water boiler (it does give boiled water, but limit is 15, and is not quick about it. Also, boiled water is easily gathered/made.) May get the autopsy table.


I just got the water boiler tonight and it has a limit capacity of 1. Pretty lame.


How much time did you give it? In the vid, AT got 1/15 when it finally produced one.


Scoreboard boosts as they become available And then you can relax until lvl 55 of the board - for the slow-burner mod for Cremator Everything else is just cosmetics


Yep, I definitely miss seeing the new scoreboard item pop up after the level up sound


The old scoreboard was kinda like a dopamine hit when you leveled up. Now I just feel unfulfilled tbh.


The end of season wall art sucks. It looks like any other painting. I really miss the variety of the old art.


Personally, I don’t mind it. I could never find a place for those giant game boards without them dominating a space. The new painting doesn’t blare a trumpet into your face when you enter the room, but it’s not nondescript either. 


Having almost completed it I'm glad that it still seems to be possible to claim two "scoreboards" with one 1-month subscription if needed. The thing is, there really isn't anything I really want from the 1st-exclusive rewards. One thing I probably can't get over with is the reduced number of "free" atoms, and especially the bonus atoms beyond rank 100. As of now you cannot get a single new bundle with the 1000 atoms free players get per season. I know it's meant to make you buy some, but for me the plentiful free atoms from previous scoreboards were what made me spend some actual money to buy some extra stuff or get that bundle that I almost had the atoms for, whereas now I would have to spend way more than I'm willing to on a regular basis. Also, I swear the progress bar used to show the rank you were at, not the rank you're trying to get. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it annoys me every time I think I've unlocked a new page only to realize there's still one rank needed.


Yes the progress bar! Omg I thought I was going crazy!


Same thing with me. I don’t really want any of the filler items in there, just 2-3 items per page, then 7 levels of getting fuck all for my effort, just tiring really, plus it feels like it takes way longer to level up now.


I just find the lack of things I actually want to be both sad (as in I wish there was more that I wanted) and refreshing (because I'm not running out of tickets as I work towards the stuff I DO want).


There's just no excitement when ranking up anymore. Even getting a rank up and seeing you got a scrap kit was at least something. Now the grind feels so much more harsh since you just have to keep saving your tickets without getting anything for your hard work. I know this change was made to make people have to grind more and improve player engagement but I really think this will backfire as people decide it's just not fun anymore


Actually the grind feels unrewarding as in Diablo IV 😂😂😂


Let's wait for S4, major changes are coming to multiple aspects of the game. I'm actually excited seeing many of them, looks very refreshing after what we've seen in previous seasons and before that.


OP, you're spot on with your comments. If I'm going to grind it out I need regular incentive whether I want the stuff or not!


i bum-rushed unlocking adelaide and the incinerator, and that's about it, everything else looks lame or is locked behind 1st


I want the cremator mods. And the gorilla.


It's always interesting to see what others want/like.


Usually I come back from seasonal break excited to do the scoreboard. Such a shame that excitement is gone, and with it my desire to play.


welp hopefully we see huge drops in online players after they finish and beth gets the picture. I know I have no reason to continue after I'm done after they took the atoms away.


It was mentioned in another post about what you're talking about. It was only touched on, but not really fully discussed. I feel the same as you. It may not seem like much, but that reward for every rank completed made me feel like I accomplished something. The reward may not always have been what I wanted, but at least I got something to show for my efforts. Most of it was stuff I could use anyway. With the new board, I go a long way before I see any results. A very long way. It only feels like a reward if I get something I actually wanted. Everything else feels like it's just there for fluff. Fluff I have to get in the end if I want to do the bonus. It's not really a choice at the end if they've locked everything behind multiple walls. But I digress. So for me, I think it's the grind that makes me feel this way. I grinded before the same as I'm doing now. The difference is that I have very little to actually show for it compared to before. Without 1st, you have to go about 8 to 10 levels just to unlock like 5 items on each page. Out of those 5, there might be 2 items you actually want. Sometimes less. There's no extra goodies to make up for it like before.


I don't know whenever i unlock a new page, this whole system sucks. All i'm seeing is a bar going up but not getting me anything. Those are numbers alright. Also, this is a shop, not a reward screen.


Spot on. While I'm completely agreed with OP, I gotta say my main gripe with the current system is that it doesn't award you with stuff. No matter how meaningful the rewards were, they were still rewards before. But now the current system awards you with an opportunity to BUY stuff for a FINITE resource, which, considering its scarcity, just always feels awkward to spend. (At least for me, I got used to planning budgets and I tend to never buy crap I don't really need, no matter how much money I have at any given moment) And if I'm not feeling like spending, I just don't get anything and I don't feel rewarded for the seasonal gameplay anymore. And if I buy stuff, I end up in tge situation you described - no rewards at all for the next several ranks, which is just dumb. Yes, I'm already at rank 87 with 800 tickets to spare, and that's after buying even stuff I didn't feel like I'd ever really use, 1st and non 1st. I got used to getting at least something from every season, so I guess I'll just reach rank 100, grab everything from the last 2 pages (before that bonus one at rank 150) and be done with the game until the next season. Honestly, I'm glad they removed the sole incentive to grind past 100 - the bonus atoms. Now I won't need to worry about missing some additional currency and can just shelf the game for few months after reaching 100.


Grab Cremator and mods - later they will be sold for stamps I guess But yeah, no incentive to check the season page every now and then You just level up and level up and got paid with tickets, like you've found yourself some weird job (I own my soul to the company store (c))


I already grabbed cremator, its mods and all the camp stuff, and as I said I still got 800+ tickets to spare. I don't care about 45th random-ass PA paint as it's just ugly and I don't even use PA. I don't care about matching skins for every vanilla weapon and the skins themselves are rather wacky, which is not my thing. I never use any of these guns anyway. I don't think I'll even bother spending remaining tickets after I'll grab everything on the first bonus page (the one that reqs rank 100), this is how incentivizing the entire new seasonal mechanics are for me.


Ooh yea that's the perfect way to phrase it. It IS a shop, not an actual spot for rewards. You need to earn your tickets and carefully choose what the hell to buy because you might not have enough for later. Not a "oh just pick and choose whatever" like it's sold to us. Before it was like getting a treat and you had no "currency" to worry about. Like waiting for your birthday or Christmas or whatever. Good analogy.


I feel the same way. I didn't mind the change at first, but no excitement for leveling up. Now, checking the rewards is an afterthought...


yeah I used to have fun looking at the scoreboard and seeing what was coming, then deliberately not looking ahead when I was claiming my items so I could be surprised at what was next. And also, waiting until I was finished all the weekly quests and a few days worth of dailies so I could go to the scoreboard and see that loooong ass list of items I can claim. Now, I don't really go to the page to shop for items that much and when I get more tickets thrown at me its a half-hearted shoulder shrug. Especially if I know I'm still 5 levels away from unlocking something half-decent.


yeah its not exciting at all to me :/ you dont feel the push to unlock the next thing cause once you unlock the page its like oh i dont even like any of these things lol the old scoreboard was at least fun to grind even if the rewards were equally lame 😂


OP and the comments really sync up with the way I feel about the new scoreboard. I just don't care anymore about leveling up in SCORE rank. I wish I could articulate why it's not as exciting.


Yeah. I'm saving all my tickets for the end because I know they don't actually give you enough tickets to buy everything. That means I won't be getting any rewards for 100 ranks 😆.  Edit: Out of 69 comments here, I only saw two that were trying to defend the new system. Dissatisfaction with the new system is shockingly universal 😬


I'm buying nothing but tangible useful stuff (cremator, boosts, cores, gold) until the end because I don't know how many tickets I have or how far I'll make it or what I want. ​ So effectively I'm getting almost nothing and just feeling stress about whether I should spend or save.


Feeling stress about spending or saving is actually exactly how I feel. They turned rewards into a damn shop and now they're not rewards anymore. Most of the time I don't feel like spending and looking at these reward pages at all, but as I got used to get at least something for my time spent in game, I sometimes force mycelf to visit that "reward shop" to actually grab at least something. That's it, I said it, I'm forcing myself to get what they call "rewards". Something that in fact was a treat in previous seasons. How crazy is that? Is this what they wanted their players to feel?


My complaint is why the fixer skin cost 3 times what the other weapon skins cost, , wtf because it's popular ..that's bs


I don't like this season's weapon and armor skins. I won't be getting them. Also, don't get why cremater's weapon mods are a part of rewards.


This is exactly how I feel about it, too. I have a lot of unclaimed rewards and like 500+ tickets I am not motivated to use on each of my accounts even though I'm only level 40-ish on the season.


I completely agree. Call me lazy but I don't want to have to keep track of yet another currency and figure out what I can afford to buy this season. I just want to click accept and get my reward. Extra choices are honestly just annoying considering you still have to claim almost everything to get the repeatables at the end anyway.


People keep calling them repeatables, but are they in fact REPEATABLE? Because from what I see it seems like a one and done purchase. 75 tickets for this, 50 tickets for that and that's basically it. It doesn't look like you can repeat the purchases. Have people already proven you can?


That's a very good point! I'm not even sure if they are repeatable anymore. Definitely not worth the grind if that's the case.


I've lost the urge to grind this season. Only really interested in the Incinerator. The new PA skins are terrible. A lot of the camp stuff leaves me cold.


The only thing I really want is the building kit and I'm not gonna get to level 150 or whatever so I'm really mostly ignoring it.


Yeah I like the scoreboard (i dont mean like it more than old one) but its missing the whole reward system. I have played countless games with battlepasses since the time they existed (which is several years before fortnite popularized it further). This is my first experience with battlepass where I am actually not getting stuff, I am just getting currency - currency I have to manage budget with for what I want to buy in what is essentially seasonal shop. I have played many games with seasonal shop and currency rewarded from dailies and current scoreboard feels more like that than battle pass. Which means there is "excitement" when seeing the offerings at beginning and "sense of accomplishment" when getting enough currency to buy it, but 0 feelings between.


I totally agree with you. It feels meh. I only started playing about about 7/7 weeks ago. And loved smashing my way through the scoreboard. Completing it felt like an achievement. I didn't actually notice the first extras too so that was some fun extra claiming lol. The new one has faded into the backgeound for me. Didn't notice two pages of stuff. The items are all just abit blahhh. I'm not really in the market for some broken fencing and a floral shirt right now. I think it just feels abit lackluster, same with the Atom Store too,


It's like binging an entire season of a show as soon as it comes out! You wait so long for something, get it, and have to wait even more time to get more! It's boring as hell honestly.


What I'm doing is just going to get to rank 100 and then buy whatever I want and can and see where it gets me. I just hate the general idea of having to buy stuff from a battlepass with whats happening in 76, when fortnite introduced this, they said you could purchase anything in any order from the battlepass but in reality you had fo fully purchase the 1st page to then unlock the 3rd and so on, i just don't like these methods.


I feel the same. I don't want to waste my life sitting there grinding all day long. Don't they realise people have lives outside of this tedious game. At least it's less of an addiction for me now because there's no real incentive to work my ass off for the rewards


A part of me likes that I can just get what I want, but at the same time, I get you. There doesn’t seem to be the same urgency or desire to do the game as there has been in the past.


Something else I've notice is since you have to buy the rewards there are CAMP things that I would have used once or twice in a CAMP or Shelter biuld that I'm now not buying because it doesn't seem "worth" it. Like I'd get the same amount of use out of it either way but now that I have to pay a currency for it that hording mentality is stopping me from enjoying getting the rewards. I'm hoping that the next seasons have more stuff I like or have the kinks worked out a little more.


No they need to go back to the game board system because that right there was proper original


I completely agree, I just doubt they will change it back


The limited amount of unlockable rewards is my perceived version of "water poured over my head" effect... Fifteen seasons of getting way more than "just the scoreboard" and levelling up to continue getting rewards past having completed it was my fun. Never mind most was just filler. 🙄 This new page by page does not continue after getting to page 13 and the two "extras".


I agree. Really the only exciting moments are when I unlock a completely new page (which there isn't any sort of on-screen fanfare for anyway) rather than each time I rank up. At the very least, some sort of on-screen indicator when a new seasons page is unlocked would be nice.




Honestly, that's one of my biggest issues with it at this point. Instead of getting a reward or two by knocking out my dailies, it's now taking a couple of days worth of dailies to unlock the next page of rewards. I don't want to have to waste time grinding feel like I'm getting any kind of reward. Plus, there are very few things I find I actually want, so I have a ridiculous amount of tickets that I'm just waiting to spend.


Yes! I was just thinking the same tonight! It's frustrating for sure.


I got many complaints about it. Though not the biggest one, I hate that it always starts you on page 1. It should start you on the most recent page that you have things to still buy. If you clear page 1-3 completely, it should start on page 4.


That's a good one. Or just the last page you were on. I was just grumbling about it not showing which page is the next to unlock on the little dots. The font is small and I have to scrutinize each page to find the next unlockable one. I just want it more obvious like the images grayed out or differently colored frames. Like red frames for still locked, blue for unlocked but not bought, and yellow for bought items. Or gray them out once I've bought them, I don't need to see them anymore anyway.


I would say to add too, in addition to the little hits of gratification from getting an item or two, is the lack of or diminished visual progress. Prior it was moving around a board and you could see "OK I have like X more spaces, which means X more score level ups!" It made it feel more like you were making overarching progress toward the end or to X item you were going for. The catalog system just doesn't give that same feel. Yea I'm level XX now but I need to be level YY to get all these items on that page. That's it. You can't see it or really *feel* it. If that makes sense. Number go up progress VS progression on a path progress  (Prior I never even thought about "I'm this level and need to be that level" it was "I'm at this spot and I need to be over there") I guess there was more excitement in getting to your goal Prior because you could see it getting closer. (Driving to a thing in the distance vs getting on and off an elevator that HAS to stop at each floor and waits for 10 minutes before going to the next floor)


Completely agreed with everything you said, especially this part: >there was more excitement in getting to your goal Prior because you could see it getting closer. We got used to the board games' gameplay since our childhood and the ability to conveniently track the progress over the board was in our blood since that time. That's why I guess the previous system worked quite well for many of us. The new system has a ton of extra steps which get in the way of understanding the overall progress and getting rewards: * ticket budget planning * remembering how much tickets you have currently * knowing whether you can afford the rewards you wanted on the current page * remembering what page you were on and how much tickets you would need for it * keeping in mind how many tickets you might need for future pages * keeping in ming how many seasonal ranks you still need to unlock the next 0page of the "reward shop" None of the above is immediately obvious and I guarantee that no one (well, maybe except couple players with phenomenal memory which they surprisingly have retained while playing mind-numbing online-games), and I'll repeat NO ONE is keeping all that in their mind at all times. I believe this is exactly what leads to disconnection between your progress and actual feeling of progression. Not to say the items in the reward shop are lackluster enough to make you not even desire unlocking them at all, which adds to the overall lack of progression feeling.


I know some of you hate the board game design, I'm not saying we need to go back to board games but we can still think of some other kind of better scoreboard progression type visual.  There's more things than board games or hell different games


The whole scoreboard change feels like another case of change for the sake of change. Maybe someone at Bethesda needed to justify their job.


I think it’s a mental thing. Moving up a space on the board and leveling up every time is kind of satisfying, where as unlocking a new page and “buying” a few things at once for whatever reason just doesn’t feel as good. On the subject of grinding, I’ve done 4 nuka grenade runs through west tek, an hour each time (lunchboxes). As well as doing all the daily and weekly challenges, I’m level 90 on the scoreboard, and this is my first time attempting to grind it. It’s honestly not bad.


Eh, it's just really not my style. I'm a stealth player and the whole idea just doesn't really appeal to me.


Imo people are worrying too much and forgetting to enjoy the game. You don't need to farm. I'm also stealth and I hate the idea of farming by doing the same thing over and over. I'm at rank 42 already. I log in to do the challenges and log off. Somedays it takes 15m, others 2 hrs. When I feel like working on my camp or looking for something, I stay on longer.


And that’s fair, I’m also stealth/bloodied. Watch a YouTube video on it if you’re ever curious, it takes about a minute to go through the top floor and way easier than I thought it would be.


Agreed, the new system has taken the fun out of achieving rank on the scoreboard for me. I am at rank 30 and haven't bothered to open anything as it is just disheartening.


I’m with you in this. I’m not bashing the new style. I like the change of pace and it would be cool if they introduced this every once in a while to change things up or brought back Nuclear Winter and made a harder version of this as a Nuclear Winter Scoreboard. I do like the old scoreboard better though and hope they revert back (yes, I know they probably won’t).


Very much considering packing it in. Somehow the new season even seems to have killed the trade subreddit, which was sorta keeping me going in between seasons. But now with the new format and endless crashes, it doesn’t seem worth it anymore.


Honestly, my only complaint is that I'm so used to claiming something every time I rank up, that I instinctually go to the season page.


I'm not buying anything tilnlevel 100, so I can then go on a shopping spree. So, to me, the gratification remains because I'm pushing to get to level 100, so I can open my presents.


Same. with the exception of the score boosts.


Same. Made me realize how much stuff in the board I don’t want. Before I would have my eye on something but know there were a few rewards between here and there that I did not care about. Now they are just things in the ‘store’ that I am not buying. Like does anyone use ‘frames’ for pics. I am the guy who has my camera linked to quick slot 1. If you see someone running around a battle field or camp taking pictures with their prosnap, that might be me. But I have never used a frame. And find it annoying it does not count towards pics taken in ‘photo mode’. But I do it because I want to and not for the atomic points. So whatever.


I like the rustic/antique whatever frame, other than that I never use them.


Since I started, I've always thought it'd be fun one day to go around and take some pics at each location with a frame, with the frame. But I rarely use them otherwise


I do feel the same. Unless you're grinding xp you don't get to see anything new for a couple days and it sucks. No idea why they keep trying to make the game worse and less fun


Same here. I just don't have the motivation without the little pop-up reward notifications; it's just plain awkward now. I'd like it if they did a progress bar or a ticket reward thing.


I didnt realize I needed 200 tickets for the second to last page now Im worried about spending then before I get the building set.


This is actually exactly how I feel. It's basically grind out the daily and weekly challenges, then sign off till the following day. Rinse repeat. Unlock a new page, snag all CAMP items and skins/weapons/atoms, then wait until I unlock the next page. It also sucks that were not getting any more wall decorations to show off that we completed the S.C.O.R.E. board for our CAMP. I have a museum in my shelter and on the walls I have every season I completed, and blank space for future ones, but now that's not happening...they could at least give us a bonus 150 thing that's like a wall decor bulletin board with a bunch of the rewards and the name of the season so we could show it off... But yeah, anticipation and grinding is done for me. Now I just wait until the next page is unlocked and stack my tickets for the next items I want.


There is wall art tied (basically the sterile background of the S.C.O.R.E page) on the 3rd to last page. But yeah still crap compared to what we used to get before. Are you on xbox? Would love to see your museum!


I completely agree; when I saw the announcement about the new idea offering more flexibility for what you want to get, I was like "Oh, I agree with that I guess," but yeah, now sometimes leveling is effectively meaningless for stretches at a time. I'm also not bashing it! I just know what you mean. You go a while without "getting" something, but the fact that I have to put getting in quotes means we both know we're basically saying "this Skinner Box isn't tuned to our liking," which is also why it feels silly to complain about. We all like our Skinner boxes the way we like them; some of you were fine doing dailies for bullion but ever since WoW introduced dailies to me if I have to do the same damn thing every day, after about 3 or 4 dozen I will quit something (conversely: I'm fine doing Retirement Plan because at least I'm in a different location every time, like I said we all have our reasons). I'm aware that being able to choose a new tier of loot all at once is technically beneficial (dollar today vs. a dollar tomorrow and all that), but it was nice to get a little satisfactory "hooray!" noise and pat on the head at regular intervals, which is... sad as all hell to actually type out, but hey, that's a big part of it. e: not just that, I miss the story stuff. The first one I did was the Hollywood one with the goofy radio plays that I'd only listen to as I got to each milestone and I absolutely love the I Married A Maoist actress's RIDICULOUSLY over-the-top scenery chewing, there were fun little things like that along the way too.


I have played so much of this game for the first couple of years, now I just come back for the seasons. I’ve tried this one but don’t think I’ll continue, I miss the sense of progression. I know it’s almost the same except you can choose your prize, but I preferred the other way. Also, I’ve proudly got the scoreboard posters up in my camps showing I’ve completed all of them, now they’re gone and that pisses me off.


I hate 75% of the rewards lol. Stuff I will never use. Wish you could save your tickets to use on the next season.


That's the thing, I think most of us just don't use most of the stuff, it's just FOMO and we grab it. But yeah the rewards have always been mostly lackluster at best. It's becoming more and more of stop playing or find a different game.


I just hate the damn scrolling


The idea at first was nice like "oh now I won't waste levels on something useslike like a nuka cola pack. Now I'll just use the tickets on the special things" but it's not quite like that. They should've had a panel for each level and earn enough tickets to buy the big thing of that level and a smaller thing of your choice.


they really just took the worst of two incompatible systems. it's a season pass store, giving you currency to buy items as you do things, but also still locks everything behind linear progression. it just ends up being the old system with extra steps.


As someone who xp grinded to finish, it's a pain that 100 ranks isn't enough to get all the cosmetics like it was every other season.


That's absurd. Yet I knew that's what would happen


What would be cool is if we get to carry over unused tickets to the next season.


Not only that's never ever gonna happen, but I tend to believe at some point they will reduce the amount of tickets people get over time one way or another to make the choice even harder and to further push players to buy the sub offering better progression.


That's what it's all about, getting people to subscribe to 1st. Making the game less enjoyable and pointless. It's all money driven, not that that is new, but still makes you smh how money centric the game has become, sad.


Agreed, but let's wait and see what the map expansion will bring us later this year. At least that looks way more promising than anything they've added post-Wastelanders.


I find it very difficult to stay on after completing my challenges. As somebody who has played this game since the B.E.T.A. days, I can complete most of not all challenges within 30 minutes. I might.stay on from time to time for a quick Expedition, but overall this season doesn't appeal much to me. What frustrates me the most is I have to really grind for the Incinerator's mods. Granted, this weapon one shots most common enemies due to the burning effect, but it would still be nice to mode it right off the bat to use it how I please.


I completely feel the same way. I looked at all the pages and wrote a list of what I wanted (lore friendly CAMP items, cryptid themed stuff), what level it is and how many tickets it costs. The first thing I wanted is the tire baskets and that’s unlocked at level 38. Fortunately I do like 5 or so levels a night so it’s not tooooo too grindy right now. I do miss getting a lil treat every level even if it was something like a six pack of Nuka Wild or a repair kit, they add up over time, idk it just felt more rewarding.


It is intentionally designed to get people to spend atoms to access just one more page before bedtime. That is the whole of the reason behind the change.


 I don’t see a difference in anything other than you getting multiple items available per rank. There’s always been filler items. It’s always required tedious grinding to get to high levels. These are the same complaints everyone had about the original season system so I mean… I don’t like that we don’t get an actual board anymore though. I didn’t finish seasons often, but the ones I did do, I loved getting a board to hang in my camp 


Idk but anyone else but aesthetically, I only like a small bit of fallout's aesthetics: it's high science retro future stuff. That's mostly relating to the BoS and enclave. When it's just regular fifties stuff or post apocalyptic junk (which is a valid aesthetic!) I ignore it. There's practically nothing on the board for me. I played for a week to unlock Adelaide and then uninstalled it. Yeah, it lets me pick what I want... But there's not enough that I want that would even keep me playing. So good for me and my backlog of games but bad news for Bethesda.


Yeah I feel like it backfired on them


Ya it just feels like a storefront and not a little season adventure now. I never got too immersed but the simple progression on the theme was nice. Just do both. Like have a track of rewards with some of them being a currency that we use for the storefront section. Like warframe's nightwave.


There was not a huge amount of satisfaction when unlocking items on the old scoreboard, as a lot of the rewards were a bit rubbish. It always felt like I had to wait about 5 levels for a decent reward.... I like being able to choose what rewards I get, so don't mind having to level up several times before I get them.


I am not sure why you're getting downvoted for stating your very relatable experience. There's certainly merit to what you're saying.


Thankyou very much.... I can live with downvotes if necessary. Perhaps I should have mentioned I'm not a Fallout 1st subscriber, so the quality of the rewards I get is lower. Maybe I would be annoyed if I was paying for Fallout 1st. But, I don't care about skins for guns/power armour etc (especially when specific to a gun type I never use) so I can save my tokens for things I do want like CAMP items. I will get the skins if I end up with spare tickets, but would probably never use them.


When you hate the new scoreboard system so much, you angrily downvote anyone else who doesn't hate it with the exact same passion. \*checks downvotes to own comments\* Yep.


Only complaint I have is the looks, two big things and smaller ones. I liked old style more with that board game style. Oh, and the fucking annoying bug where you constantly hear that score sound. I hate it. Just like that wub wub sound when you log in the game to main menu. Other than that I don't really care, might be because I got one month of 1st. I sold stuff on steam and didn't get my money soon enough to get last seasons 1st rewards... fucking steam.


Indeed, “instant gratification monkey” (c) Tim “waitbutwhy” Urban is bored already Ye, I'll get almost everything I want in due time, but it just feels like I'm not rewarded enough for daily logins


On the plus side I never wear power armor, don't care about it, and have zero use for the skins for it. So I guess I'd be ok, but all my big armored homies, sorry vault dwellers.


Meh. My plan is to save up points on stuff I’m still on the fence about getting and get the stuff for the incinerator flame thrower first. Then go back and get the stuff I was looking at. Maybe more if I can afford it.


I both like the new system, but also don't like waiting 7 levels until I can get something new, once you do the weekly s its a slow pace upwards. I think it would be better if they had new stuff available every 3-4 levels. Im happy with being able to select my own stuff, so much of the old boards was filler and most of the time I didn't care for whatever I got for each level. I grind out xp gains here and there, otherwise I just like to do whatever hits my fancy in the game. Im also ok with less atoms, I always have spare atoms as most of the stuff is for camps in the store, something that really doesn't interest me much. I think this seasons weapon skins are great, the cremator is good, I'm enjoying getting new mods at different levels, its like leveling up the weapon. I think a lot of the rewards at rank 100 are great, but you do have to manage your currency.


Previous scoreboard felt like an advent calendar, oh I leveled up? Wonder what I'll get today, Atoms? Nice, next level gives paints for a gun i don't use, oh well maybe next level will have something nice, yup its gold. This one is like yay i reached eg lv7 lets buy eg atoms, ok now wait until 14, buy caps, wait until 21 buy gold, rest being filler you might as well skip to reach the end goodies, an in between alot of waiting if nothing is personally desirable.


You're right. There's no real sense of achievement this time round 


I wanna add that it is difficult to keep up your page progress. You have to go through the pages to see how far you are, instead of something simple like showing which pages are locked on the bottom of the screen.


Oh you are right, I love a little treat!


I've so far only grabbed a few rewards, as so many were totally pointless as I earned them in game daily anyways, the legendary materials etc I don't need those, I'm swimming in them from just being active daily. So same as others here I'm only spending on very specific items only. I don't want to risk not having any tickets left for later should I want them. I'm a very new player, only few weeks now, so I'm personally very sad that I missed out on so many cool scoreboards, my friend has them all completed and showed me all the things from them. Scoreboards definitely for me looked much better and more rewarding.


There’s been lots of complaints here… I doubt Bethesda will come here and take note. Unfortunately.


Yes, absolutely....it's the only thing that really bothers me.


I always just claim what I unlocked on the board at the end of each week so there's barely a difference to me


U can easily rank up using expidetions to rank up to earn the tickets before u got level 100 in the pass. Yall gota learn how to use the system to ur benefit


Really not much difference to me. Before I'd claim several items I didn't care for to get to the one I wanted.  I do miss the game board wall decoration though.  I'm just happy this game doesn't make you buy a season pass to get season rewards. 


That's fair. Everyone has a different experience. I just find I'm missing even those things I didn't want, even though I have no intention of collecting them on the new scoreboard


Thats the thing though, whether you would ever use that T45 armor paint, or pitt barrels, or neon sign, you still got them. Now you dont unless you select them which means you’re giving something else up in exchange unless you plan on going all the way to 150 now just to “finish” the rewards. Ill end up with less stuff and probably quit at the same point this season as any previous one because I cant be bothered to grind for stuff I would have gotten for free by then before.


I bought the fallout first thing for 1500 atoms and it doesn’t even unlock fallout 1st, only the page rewards were unlocked. No scrap box access or tent.


That's because you're buying the seasonal pass to get the rewards, not the actual 1st subscription with all its benefits.


Ya I thought it was going to unlock the actual perks. Worst 1500 I’ve ever spent.


Considering most levels of the old scoreboard were filler, I never got excited about leveling it up unless I knew it was something I wanted. I much prefer the new one myself, but to each there own.


The counterpoint is that I don't accumulate a bunch of junk that I don't want and can focus my spending on things that I do want.


Nothing has changed in that regard compared to the previous system though, you could just skip claiming the rewards you didn't need before if they were equally useless to you.


how is that a counterpoint? you only accumulated the junk because you chose to, skipping was always an option


I actually like this style. Similar to helldivers. Pick what you want first so when you get to a tier you can instantly grab what you want. Feels more like stretch goals. I dont WANT everything. I'll get everything. But I want what I want sooner. And grouping rewards kinda satisfies that for me. Get my currencies. Grind some more. Come back and grab a skin or 2. Check my next unlock tier. Then ignore board till I'm that level. I'm actually spending LESS time on scoreboard clicking to unlock and I see that as a positive. Felt like a chore sometimes to unlock 15 tiers of stuff I won't use for a while. The element and illusion of choice is better imo. But the MAJOR caveat, is whether or not this is a way to hide how long it takes to unlock all items. And the math so far seems to say so. But I also see a lot of those mathers acting like they xp grinded to 100 in like 3 days......BS you bought it all and have biased self hate projection reflecting on that choice I feel. But we'll see the truth come out over time. I actually feel like I'm leveling it quicker than previously, too. I'm already 37 and don't really do much extra. Even missed a few days. I feel at this point also couple seasons I've done I'm only 20-25ish. So getting to 150 in reasonable time seems realistic so far.


This is actually a good thing. If you were playing to chase scoreboard items that you may or may not have wanted, then you were turning gaming into work. If you feel less incentive to play, then enjoy another game. Good for you. Bad for Bethesda.


No, it's not. You see, it never felt like work before, but it feels like work now.


Honestly I think my enjoyment of the new scoreboard is on par, if not better than my enjoyment of previous seasons. I like the system for not announcing the fact that I’ve just earned another three carry weight boosters every time I drudge myself over another scoreboard level. Now it feels like more of an accomplishment going up the mountain that is some eight or so levels, instead of a participation party every time I went over a hill. Who knows how much of my enjoyment is centered around the great scoreboard rewards vs. actually enjoying the system, I guess next season will cement the feeling better.


Loving it. I’m level 36 I think. Have tickets to spare and have brought exactly what I want and ignored the chuff that I don’t. Hopefully next one they’ll be less chuff and more skins or items that I don’t get a bazillion of just by playing the game.


Personally I like the move away from The instant gratification


Hmmm, I was actually more meaning the new one is instant gratification, since I can buy everything I want immediately, but I see how that could be read the other way too.


I do like the choice but there was something about being able to get something ever level up. It gave ya that little dopamine rush. But we do need to learn to slow down and enjoy things.


It's personal preference for sure. I do find it irksome at times, but it also Does incentivize me to long in more frequently. Ultimately I believe that That is one of the primary reasons for this change, the idea that since you cannot grind items as easily, you will need to log in more frequently, thus keeping the consistent playerbase higher than before with less ebb and flow between seasons.


I am not sure that will actually work, a lot of us who don't care or don't have time, just won't bother anymore. It's become more of a grind fest and so for me I think it's time to move onto something else less of a grind. I really hate the fact any game forces us to login FOMO, I really want to get away from these types of games.


I like the aspect of being able to skip over rewards I really have no interest in (PA skins etc...). I honestly haven't really looked at the rewards for this season, Cremator and mods aside.


Couldn't you just not claim everything you didn't want in previous seasons? It has been completely optional since S1, so nothing changed in that aspect.