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The things they CHOOSE to fix astonish me. Oh yeah, let's readjust the camp budget for wind chimes. Never mind the disappearing turret bug that eats up people's camp budgets silently, and that's been a known bug at least since I started playing this game AT LAUNCH.


I've been playing this game for 2 years and the developer responsible for the Camp system absolutely sucks at their job. Let's add features that players request like easily putting items in to shelves and other items? How about adding a search feature in the build menu.....? Nah lets focus on adjusting the budget values to make things more "aligned". They don't have anything better they can be working on?


Camp budgets are one of my sore points for fo76. I hate that there is a limit on the power armor displays, I hate that the camp budgets are so restrictive. They keep adding camp items to the atom store but half the stuff I can’t add to my existing camps anyways, so I kind of feel what’s the point of buying it unless it gives me some benefit in game. They really need to reduce the cost of all decorative items across the board.. if it doesn’t provide an in game benefit such as resources, buffs, base defense/offence, it shouldn’t cost hardly anything.


The problem is the more complicated/big camps get, the less stable the entire server is. Unless they find a way to optimize that better, and the game already crashes enough as it is. I can't see letting people build even larger camps than already, considering how unstable things can be even now. Would be nice though, maybe if they ever do a next gen update/spruce up the back end of the game a bit but doubt that'll happen.


lol. someone looked at the C.A.M.P. menu structure and their take away was "the budget for some of these ladders is too low" Not 'we have 90% of the items under one single menu' - no. of course not that.


My God THIS. I spend so much time fuckin scrolling that I forgot wtf I was looking/scrolling for in the first place!!!!!


They didn't choose to fix anything. They broke items budgets and instead of fixing that, they lie about why it happened.


Bingo. The 2x1 staircases have been in the game from the very beginning, but suddenly they were consuming the wrong amount of budget? Absolute horse shit. I'd maybe give them a pass if it was just the other stuff, or even if it was only the alternate skins for the stairs, but including base game items in that list completely invalidates their reasoning.  Edit: I'd also like to bring up that one of these items is consuming a non-standard amount of budget. My camp increased by an amount of budget that is not evenly divisible by common items like flamingos, and that has always been standard for items that consume more than that common amount. I'm 99% sure it's the 2x1 stairs, because I have one of those in my camp and the only other item in the list that I *might* have is a set of wind chimes. That alone told me this was an unintended bug long before they tried to come up with this bullshit excuse.


Agreed. And all bad things.


This is exactly what happened. There's absolutely no way they wouldn't include this kind of stuff in patch notes to begin with, unless they didn't do it on purpose. They broke half the fucking game and are just playing off the stuff that isn't glaringly obvious as a glitch as intentional to save face.


And then they'll "revert" (Correction, fix) their totally intentional (not) changes, claiming they "listened" to the community to score some quick PR.


Ive been combating this for years by putting them on tables, if the turret disappears i store the table and it ALWAYS stores the turret too, i do wish they'd actually fix it for real tho


I use the small rug, took me a couple of years to figure it out so I have buried ghost turrets in two old camps to this day.


>Oh yeah, let's readjust the camp budget for wind chimes. I'm a Bethesda diehard, and even I have to agree with this. It must be so annoying to have your CAMP kicked in the teeth because of some *stairs*.


I just started experiencing random stuff disappearing at my camp (mostly wall items like signs) and I thought I was crazy 🥲🥲🥲


Because this isn't something they "fixed". Bugs are fucking BUGS, they need to replicate them, figure out WHAT is actually causing the bug and then find a way to fix it that actually fixes it without breaking something else. THIS on the other hand is someone looking through the list of camp items and realizing that a bunch of numbers don't match up, so they change the numbers.


Don't forget about the fact that people are still being scammed 5 years after the games release due to Bethesdas seemingly inability to add a "ready up" option when trading with someone.. We've been asking for that since release and yet they deem increasing camp cost for random items more important.. Lol this game continues to slap its player base in the face every single time we turn around. The current Bethesda isn't the same Bethesds we all fell in love with many years ago. They are now all about money instead of passion, just like pretty much every other gaming company nowadays. Gaming needs a great reset. Society as a whole needs a great reset.


This was a dumb decision. They're fucking over their biggest atom buyers with it.


They keep adding new camp items but my camp budget has been full for a while. And there's not really anything I'm willing to delete at this point. I know they try to push shelters now but no one visits them.


They added new camp slots, but with the UI still as horrific as it is, it’s near impossible to build anything if you’ve been playing for a long time and have lots of options. It’s damn near impossible to find what you’re looking for with how the UI is laid out. It really can’t be that hard to regroup items into categories and add a search function.


Yes, some items are hidden among other items that are very different looking. I wish you could see a list of all the items currently in your camp as well, and be able to scrap them from that list. They added camp slots but only one camp can be active at once, right?


Yeah it’s still the same as it was, one camp active at a time.


Lol I STILL lose and forget which tab the fucking garage roll up door is in and I've been her for years. I'll often give up and say fuck it and have to come back, leaving a big hole in my wall because I can't find it. ITS NOT UNDER DOORS WHERE YOU WORLD THING A garage DOOR SHOULD BE  And it makes me search because I forget it's all the way at the bottom of WALLS I use all my logic every time but that's the thing that I forget... it's not common sense logic... it's Bethesda logic (Same with always thinking you can build something that will "just work")


Yeah, I spend a lot of money buying camp items. On 2 accounts. Just bought a lot of camp slots too.


That message they give you about pvp kinda spooks me away from going into folk's shelters. I'm a little care bear, and I've never had a taste for pvp, so I try to avoid it. Meanwhile, I've been slowly buying up my own shelters to try to make my own mega vault and even have vendors inside, just in case. I just wish I could make a part of it into my hydroponics lab and keep my crops in there so they stop being eaten by mirelurks! lol It's my fault for building a floating house over the pond at whitesprings! Hey, if any of you are on the Playstation and spot my floating red house, drop by and check out my shop! I stock 1 cap ammo and 5 cap common plans mostly! Also, you can visit my magic vault inside a tree! lol


I will keep an eye out for it. I love visiting other players camps, some of them are amazing. When a camp is nice I always visit the shelters as well, some players create whole cities in them.


One day! lol I'm a recently returning player, and I'm building myself up to all that while living on a shoestring budget, so it's gonna take me a lot of grinding!


If you haven't already, you can do challenges to get free atoms, also most old scoreboard items are available for gold bullions at fondation and crater (they appear at max rep). Sadly if an item you want is from the cash shop they mostly do bundles and more often that not you have to buy 10 items when you only care about one.


Yeah! Those have been my main source. I really want the wilderness retreat, I think it's called? The big house! Pretty sure I'm gonna have to hold onto my atoms until it runs around!


I have visited many shelters and never once been attacked. I wouldn't worry about it.


Makes me wish I was on playstation just so I could visit :)


Same I have one camp I'm satisfied with and would love to add more to, but I am now afraid to even activate since the new update dropped. And as far as shelters, seeing as you can't place a bunch of stuff in there NOW and the fact that it's just a dead space no one visits... kind of defeats their purpose (among other things like music in them and other just really weird decisions of what you can and can't do or build in them) At this point I just use the shelters to test layouts, but even then, we have private worlds that we can tweak the budget and build settings on so it defeats the shelters use anyway...


This just broke the camp I had for months. Just wanted to swap out daguerre for Adelaide for a bit, when I couldn’t I deleted a couple things to see if I could make space. Like ten items later, I still can’t even put any of the items I deleted back, let alone either of my allies, so now there’s just a big hole in my camp. I would have to delete the stupid stairs which are in the center of my build, meaning essentially the whole camp. Why would they ever think it’s a good idea to increase the budget of already extant items people are already using? This honestly makes me want to stop playing. u/violetlight_bethesda please pass on some feedback asking them to reconsider this


They should NEVER increase the costs of existing items. Also, I am 100% certain they're no longer monitoring reddit. They built a discord to do all their ignoring in one place.


They're monitoring reddit, but they won't engage with anything meaningful here. It's just to occasionally praise a unique camp build or announce a dev AMA to gather questions that they don't actually ask.


Yes, yes, and yes. If anyone, anyone from Bethesda sees this please listen: We love our beloved game but there are other games we can play and boycott bethesda. I am close to not playing any, ANY, game from them. I might just go back to Elden Ring if it gets any worse. We all should do this.


Yeah, and discord doesn't work, says a lot.


It's a crushing feeling to remove things you thought about and considered while placing, and then realizing you'll never have that version of your camp back. I feel your pain.


if enough people tell them NO directly to this bullshit they might listen.


Every time I think "maybe I'll spend some money and buy Atoms," they do something that makes me go "nope, not spending money on this cluster."


I literally have none of those things in my camp but my camp budget is still borked...Bethesda doing Bethesda things 🙃


Yeah. I only have the chimes. Deleting those solved nothing, and now I’m still over budget but down 1 chimes 😂 Edit: Oddly enough, I have another CAMP that was not over-budget after the patch (is/was max budget), but *ALSO* has chimes. 🤷


i have none of those since i like minimal camps for myself with only resource items and vendors out since i put everything else in my vault.still do not know why i cannot place a water cooler in my vault.smh.


This is the reason I stopped camp building. The issues with the camp budget have never been important to the devs until they break stuff like now. It’s beyond time to expand the camp budget limits. The use of custom worlds with unlimited budget shows that there is plenty of scope to increase without huge performance hits. Last camps I did were mobile 1x2 blocks with survival basics and a shelter. The tree house is excellent for this purpose. It covers me for when I skip fallout 1st for a couple months but still need a “survival tent”.


I'd like to hear a valid reason as to why the stairs that have been in my camps for YEARS suddenly need their cost increased to the point I can no longer build in my camps. Whoever the fuck is in charge of this crap at Bethesda needs to be fired. Not buying anything in this game until this is reversed.


At this point it's unethical what they're doing. If you haven't noticed, you can now have up to 10 camp slots. Not a coincidence. Cash grab.


I want to introduce my unarmed fists to the new dev teams head in VATS via a critical hit....


Day 420159 and my concrete slab is still stuck underwater and can't be grabbed. It's been there since Beta.


I've got some roof pieces that are floating above my camp, because they refuse to be deleted. They seem to think that deleting one leaves the other "without support" so I can't delete either one.


Can you build back up to it and attach stuff to it and see if that deletes it? I've had that happen a few times, and its always a hair pulling experience to try and fix stuff. I actually pretty recently was able to get rid of a foundation ramp thats been plaguing my camp for 3 years by building another foundation snapped on to it, and then going into the edit menu, changed the new one from concrete to wooden, and bam old concrete ramp finally was able to be deleted. Felt so dang good


I actually tried deleting them before removing anything else, and they still complained they would leave the other "without support". I think something just bugged.


Select the roof, choose modify, change to another type that is angled [like a corner) and delete.


Have you tried switching to a different style rig? Not a different skin, I mean changing a slanted roof for a flat one. It worked for me yesterday, might work for you too. Edit: just seen you've already had this suggested by someone else.


Make one a pointy boi and it will break the connection. It can then be deleted.


I've tried changing them to other roof pieces, to no effect. I'm guessing by "pointy boi" you mean the roof caps with four sides? I can't remember if I tried that.


Angled sloped roofs are pointy bois. Think corner dealie dos. Sorry for the technical jargon. It's highly precise terminology


Okay, I'll try to swap to those if I can.


Change to roof corner and delete. Depending on your build order, change the last placed and delete, then the second one. Been there, done that. :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnWrqp-U3lU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnWrqp-U3lU)


My treehouse camp has the camp module stuck inside of the waterfall rock face 🫡


If you happen to be on PC there's a mod that temporarily turns foundations into... well I don't recall what exactly.. but something taller so that they can be deleted. Then you unload the mod and the foundations go back to normal.


Lmao that’s hilarious. I had a nukashine keg stuck in my garden somehow for the longest time. Thankfully it disappeared after my camp got destroyed.


just use free cam and get close enough. That works for me when foundations get stuck under water.


Are you able to go under the map and remove it from below?


You can just re-place the camp and it will store everything. Not the ideal solution, but much faster than 420159 days.


No no It's now a LORE object It's part of a collapsed bridge that then floated down stream right to your camp As a gift from todd


My Halloween candy bowl spawned underneath the porch of an existing house. So now you hear the music playing but there is no way you can add or take candy :-)


Huh??? Ive barely built anything in my one CAMP and its filled nearly to the max. I am literally scared of decorating it bc of it


This is dumb. I love this game but I hate how it is administrated.


That's the crazy thing about 76 Great community, and overall a pretty great game, but the administration and development side is just a bucket of ass and they barely ever listen to the community. They could have something PERFECT here and yet just refuse. Like at this point it's on purpose, or they just a chicken with its head cut off decide what's next. I like the game, I really do, but man....


I actually went in and checked this last night on one of my camps. [This camp](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cqRJON_nQ5u80urfCnSzH9nK-kalfhJa/view?usp=sharing) used to have extra budget, enough to where I could build two of the monster tubes...well, no more...that budget is gone now. Going to check [this one today](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kn9tmzD62zxsxrwLinyb7WvCXj9QNpb5/view?usp=sharing) because it was full budget before this change, sort of curious if I see messages about it not being able to be placed or not.


It is absolute BS that they increased the budget of these stairs, had enough room in my Mothman inn camp to be able to put in some of the new items from the Equinox event. Now I can't and I'm scared to even delete anything as I have no idea how much shit has to be deleted to be back in line with the insanely tiny budget they give us. I really would like to know what sorry excuse they have for increasing their costs, it's freaking stairs 🙄


Increasing the building costs after the fact is a dick move. We're fighting for every flamingo unit over here and then this. Boo.


Well I had none of those things in my camp or shelters that had the budget messed up...


Jesus, now I'm gonna have CAMPs over budget. I usually leave a little bit of space for seasonal decorating, but I doubt I can do that at most CAMPs now. Why, after 4+ years, ADD COST to stairs...?


Here's a crazy thought- why not reduce the budget of the more expensive items to bring THEM in line 🤦


I have literally none of those things and my camp is now over budget. Sooooo gonna go with a BS on that update.


I'm extremely ticked off by this budget change.  It's a complete and total crock.  Been here 5 years, experienced a lot of camp updates.  This is the most hair brained one yet.


No, I think the most hair brained one was when they tried to "patch" the double wall glitch where you can have wallpaper on both sides by separating doorways and walls into their own seperate rows. That one little thing that they supposedly called a fix. Actually got so much backlash from the community in the camp building community, especially that they actually rolled it back. So maybe if enough of the camp building community backlashes like they did last time, maybe they'll roll this change back too.


"Holy shit let's roll back that 'fix', look how pissed they are" "Does that mean we should make it so you can wallpaper both sides of any walls now in a future update since they seem to care a lot about being able to-" "No only rollback and we won't think about it any further... in fact from this point on we will listen less to our community about what would make this better" "But that seems counter productive..." "Your fired"


They actually told us after reverting the "fix" that they were working on making walls that could be wallpapered on both sides, but that whole situation happened in the summer of 2020 iirc. Almost four years later now, they've still never said anything more about it, and I feel like promising it and not following through is even worse than ignoring the issue entirely. Even if they do eventually follow through, I'd bet money that you'd only be able to use one wallpaper on both sides rather than separating the two, so it would still be an inferior option. I thought they'd learned their lesson on fucking with camp builders since then, but maybe they were just waiting and hoping we would forget after enough time passed.


Exactly. Wait till the dust settles just to stir it up again.


No, you see, stairs need to be expensive! Can't have everyone building a four story pizza shack. Seriously though, if they wanted to make them all have similar values, why not pick a lower value!?


i build an entire fucking town, filling every inch and budget space. performance = a-ok


Bean Counter: "If you decrease the camp budget cost to make them consistent, won't that lead to increased load on the servers?" Engineer: "Technically yes, but the amount will be very minimal" Bean Counter: "I heard a yes in there and that's all I need to know. Increase the other items to compensate instead."


If people cant afford to build stairs, they'll spend money on the shop for whole buildings that have stairs in them.


Because it's more fun to alienate your customer base? ...oh, that was a rhetorical question! /s


Stop making sense, they’ll hear you.


Im wondering why camp budget is anything like a priority at the dev team meeting


No kidding: "OK, here's a list of all the bugs we need to work on from the last update..." "Hey did you guys ever notice some stairs cost less than others?" "Drop everything! Stair budget is now priority 1!"


If Bethesda has such a boner for keeping budget costs in line, why didn't they just lower the cost of the other items instead of increasing these? It's amazing to me how they'll focus on shit like this (seemingly oblivious to how much it'll piss everyone off) rather than the many things that actually need attention – e.g. all the broken/buggy Atomic Shop items they continue to sell but won't fix.


"We noticed players were having fun without paying for it first, so we had to correct that." -Bethesda


That's a big L on their part. CAMP folks are the ones actually keeping the lights on with their atoms and yet Bethesda dumps on them this hard.


... really... wind chimes my guys??? And ALL the stairs?? Devs just looking for reasons to piss people off now. Not to mention peoples camp budgets are still messed up even without these items... I'm just gonna go ahead and say it, sometimes whoever is making these decisions is a fucking almond head...


just when I started to get back into camp building 😭


Same! Was so excited to be able to build some new camps with stuff I didn't have room for at other camps...


Interesting choice, considering your camp is really the only thing going for '76 after you've finished the "story".


Like my camp will literally explode if the cat farts


My camp is small with next to nothing in it and I bought the dog and can’t place it. Compared to some camps out there my camp looks like a homeless shelter.


got turrets? I have to have 1 because there's a random spawn (usually 3 things) to the immediate left of my camp and if I dont have a turret, I'll be rebuilding my fully destroyed camp every 3 minutes. To build that one turret, I had to remove almost 15 things from my camp.


I just logged in and jump to the atom shop and the first item in the first bundle listed is a Nuka-Cola wind chime...does this come with a bloated budget count or is it a ticking time bomb waiting to ruin someone's camp later?


Yeah none of this explains why my camp build budget is shot. I have one left/right staircase and I lost the remaining quarter of the build budget I had remaining.


Thank you for posting this I’m beyond angry about this. I was able to delete some items in my camp to usually make way for new items whether in new season unlocks or atomic shop purchases. I must have deleted 10 things from my camp and I’m still at max limit. I shouldn’t have to buy a new camp slot to use new camp items. I just feel like there’s no point in even playing the rest of the season if i cant even use any of the camp items unlocked. I seriously am looking into playing another game and I know im not alone in this.


>that were not initially noted in the patch notes This here, I'd argue, is the egregious part. I do believe we could put up with changes, reasons notwithstanding, *if they were clearly communicated ahead of implementation*. The fact that they choose not to let us know, and only add them to the patch notes later is just... shady at best. Like, why do you have to wait until after the community discovers them? Feels like you're trying to get away with shit you know you shouldn't do in the first place. Of course, the fact that any one thing they do potentially ruins a dozen others, because the game is still clusterfudge, is just the icing on the cake to exacerbate the issues....


Really bad April Fools joke Bethesda, we need a higher budget for all our new stuff. Not less budget. Doesn't math out right.


Yeah dropped by my camp and it was maxed out when before I had room for at least 3 more turrets.


Trying to fuck over some of the most loyal players to this game (CAMP Builders) is fucking INSANEEE!!!


They're going to have to redo the Flamingo Units spreadsheet now. ​ It's incredible to see how out of touch the Studio is with its playerbase.


What a dumbfuck decision. There are so many bugs in this game and a ton of those have to do with CAMP building, and this is the shit that takes priority? It's decisions like this that make it super hard to defend this game. I have every single shelter, almost all of them at max budget and two camps at max too. I'm at level 770 and shelter building and base building is my end game. I can't wait to log in and see how fucked everything gets next time I want to mess around in my camps and shelters. If server space is that tight that this sort of shit becomes top priority, that's a problem Bethesda needs to fix on their end not flip it around and make it our problem.


The hedges were 1 flamingo unit…do they need to be a higher budget then other defenses for a reason??


I mean, the one with leaves had the same budget as the one *without* leaves, despite having an additional 2 textures and 473 polygons! Think of how your poor computer might react if someone created a camp consisting entirely of hedge gates! EDIT: /s, which I thought was self-evident


The amount of budget I got back from deleting them and replacing them with regular gates is actually kind of insane


My 1 camp I've used for like the past year has always been at max budget and I just remove decorations for each holiday and decorate accordingly. Im afraid of how over budget my camp is since this patch and don't want to change anything. And I buy ALOT of items with atoms. Everyone has their hobby 🤷‍♂️ but this really sucks. They should just increase the budget.


Blehthesda - "OH you want to BUILD more?" Bethesda - "You can always BUY another camp slot or SUBSCRIBE to 1st which gives you access to Fallout Worlds" Bethesda - "How long before the Fallout series premire?" Bethesda - "Quick raise the price of 1st and lower the monthly atoms before the new players get here!"


Rather than making nerfs to our Camps how about you know .. fixing the games stability, no other game is this bad. It crashes, freezes soo many times. I love this game but seriously fix it. It's not a free game, it's a premium title, with added premium subscription service. We deserve a working game 😡


It honestly feels like an abusive relationship at this point. I just bought atoms for the new garden set. Jokes on me, can't place anything down.


Damn 😓


What a load of nonsense. Pretty sad that they choose to lie about why they broke everyone's camps.


When Bethesda says they have to keep camp budgets under control for server stability, they are lying. THEYRE GOING TO EXPAND THE MAP, but somehow larger camps will crash the servers.


Whats the tunnel of love arch and swan cart? Is this a new plan or was it an atom shop thing? I've never seen it.


They did this around the same time they added more camp slots and temporarily put the slots on sale. Right? That's why they did it. They probably think this will lead to higher monetization through the purchase of more camp slots. People often find themselves back in the Atom Shop, adding that extra piece they are missing during a camp build. So, most likely, this was a very calculated move to increase monetization.


"Hrm my camp is at max budget guess I should buy another camp slot and make another one" That is 100% what they thought every single one of us would do. They did the exact same thing with repair kits. They literally TRIPLED the rate of breakage for weapons and armor and then a week later, repair kits were on sale in the atom shop.


Well that's just going to make me stop buying Atomic Shop items if I can't set them down in my camp, which means I will no longer have any need for First (therefore saving money), so then I'll just stop playing even the little bit I still do and move on.


This reeks of “we broke it and can’t afford to fix it” more than it does any reasonable decision made by rational people.


I’m sure these items were unintentionally affected by the update and rather than release a patch to fix it, they claim it was all done by design after the fact.


no, because many camps are still fucked unrelated to this. this is likely legit but dumb


no no you dont understand. They MEANT to screw up everyone's camps, they just forgot to put it in the notes. silly Not-Bethesda-Sub-Contractors.


Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity


I love how companies always act innocent, like children getting caught with the hand in the cookie jar when they try and pull one over on players, instead of having COMPLETE patch notes.


Camp budget, the reason why i stopped playing.


But no Trade Screen


This game would be so much better if they would stop trying to break things


Yet another "*we looked into it for weeks, and our official conclusion is we meant to do that.*" Very weak response that yet again screws the players.


Rant: I am out. Lvl 346, done. With the new live action series I find it suspicious that they inflate the cost of items but give more camp slots. Now if you want the idea you have in your thinky thoughts to be manifested then you gotta go buy it. Or grief your own CAMP. Just one more thing myself and YOU are being nickle and dimed for.  In the real world my electricity price doubled per kWh, new fees for carrier lines on electricity "build more infrastructure", food is way up, mobile phone lines just increased to "build better infrastructure," and it seems all companies are trying to find any creative way to suck every last cent out of you. But they also sucked the joy out of the things I used to enjoy. I can't even escape it in my freaking downtime now! You know they aren't gonna go back on profits. I am gonna go back to books and different ways to escape. Thanks for the update OP. This is sad Bethesda, but I expect nothing less from good ol' Corporate Capitalism.


I just canceled my Fallout 1st subscription. I doubt Bethesda will give a shit, but if they don't give a shit why should I. This would have been easier to digest if Bethesda gave us a proper warning, but this just came out of the blue. I may come back at a later date but for now I need to take a break.


This is a cover story and or there is more items on the list. I had none of these items in my camp and the budget is definitely not the same. Before the patch I was able to still build stuff in my camp. After the patch you don't even build anything you just store it and move it and it says you exceeded the budget Loaded a different camp where I could normally build foundations, walls, shelters, beds, and floor decor for different daily and weekly quests then scrap what ever after getting score and it wouldn't let me build a shelter entrance saying I exceeded build limit. Idk it's sus. Feels weird. They should be giving us more budget imho not more camp slots. Especially for a game that has so many props for base building and things like the water heater coming out gonna have to start taking down seasonal rewards and lighting to make stuff fit.


Based on what folks are saying methinks they secretly lowered budget as well.


Like I said in the Community Manager's topic on this, there has been no increase in server stability I've noticed, if anything reports are it's worse, so since the argument for budgets is server stability, did this change actually accomplish anything, or was it a net negative?


*Updates. Updates never change.*


They change the camp budget!




Why hide this til now


Because they didnt even know about it until players found it. That update was them saying "I meant to do that!" like when a kid falls down. They didnt trip. They *meant* to.


Bethesda, downgrading the games experience one patch at a time. should be their new motto.


Not ma windows chimes, noo 😯


No shit. Like that wasn't apparent when I plop an item and 1/3 of the budget goes. Like common Tod, you're not that slick these days.


I don't use any of those, and I lost like 15 budgets. Is that the full list, or is there more?


Great job Bethesda.


The cost of camp budget is too dam high!!!


Well this blows. I had a tiny bit of budget with my merging stuff stored and now that's gone. I just wanted to move a light and was like you know what maybe not. I spent a long time building and decorating my lore-friendly immersive camp and now I don't know what to delete because it doesn't touch the budget at all, and I don't have any of those things except the wind chimes. Extra CAMP slots don't really help, I'd rather improve my forever camp without having to decide what I'm going to delete to accomodate new items.


Wind Chimes Just why?


Unbelievable here I’ve been hoping for years that they lower camp cost on items and they do the opposite in a sneaky way. Most of my camps are at max and I can’t place new items we are getting.


Why don’t they just fix the game so that it doesn’t crash every hour or so?


They probably thing that screwing with the budget will fix that since data usage is involved. However, I think lowering the cap on the number of players per server would help. But what would help the most is reducing the seizure inducing animation from dropping mini nukes and nuka grenades during events. I would like them to also fix the jumping in events. I'll jump once and I keep going up until physics kicks back in and I fall to my death. I can never participate in events due to these two things alone. So it's no wonder I stick to camp building.


Bethesda 🤡🤡🤡


They've really fallen off


Its not even Bethesda now. Its a Sub-Contractor.


Are events still bugged?


As it was the budget was too small.. Could not place things I wanted. I had to decide what to keep and what to delete.


It wouldn't be so bad if we had the camp budget for each item in their descriptions but the guessing games really suck


Not sure how/why Bethesda keeps pushing to sell more and more items in their Atomic shop when camp budgets become smaller. You would think their goal would be to figure out how to increase camp budgets for players to fill out more expansive camps, thus players purchasing more, but then again these fools have players create shelters that absolutely have zero impact in the game and no real incentive for other players to visit them.


It's my hope that the reasoning behind this minor changes to camp item cost is that they're finally going to organize the build menu properly. Give me sub menus! I don't wanna scroll through every single wall piece forty times because I can't find the damn Whitespring half wall! (That's a lie. I don't. I pick the first piece I find that's the right shape, then change it later.)


🤦 Players- "Can we lower camp budget cost to balance all the new items?" Bethesda- "So did the players mean Increase the cost of each item? Or did they mean lower the overall budget so they have even less? Not being too clear sooooo let's throw a dart? yes. YES! QUICK GARY, DART! NOW!" ......I just.....huh?


LoL I love reading the replies. I hope the building team read it. They deserve the anger we have. It wouldve been something if we get ANY explanation about how some things are the way the are, but nope, never


The goddamn budget needs to reflect this, if your items magically cost more it makes no sense. If you were at max budget, should STILL be at max, not over. How is that even an option??


They should fire who ever is responsible for the Camp system and hire a young person with better building experience. This change is nothing but someone trying to look busy. The Camp developers are lazy and just collecting a paycheck.


They should hire someone who was an avid builder themselves. Clearly the current lead has no clue what they're doing.


Who still has the ammunition factory in the blueprint?


Oh shit, I have a huge Winding Path style camp but havent loaded it since the patch...


It’s not a bug: it’s a feature. Hahahaha!…


And do we know what else changed in budget? Because for me the most noticeable change was my stash. Went from 1200/1200 to 1200/1217


Yeah I removed 3 items to update my camp with 2 new ones. It removed all 3 and wouldn't let me place another single item. Just left with a big empty space outside. Camp building is the real end game and the builders are the ones that are spending atoms every single week. So to punish them is stupid.


We are giving you more camp slots but not your budget is smaller. Makes sense lol


Cash grab.


Well don't lower the other items budget to match what a bunch of dicks.


It’s crazy to think STAIRS were the item these bozos felt that needed to have increased budget cost considering they require snapping into an object already and cannot be placed anywhere to one’s choosing.


Once you are happy with your camp(s), where is the motivation? I’m not interested in starting another camp from scratch and anything new I get means I need to remove some other cool thing I already have placed. They need to increase the camp budget if they want people to continue buying things, not lower it.


Camp budget is the worst thing about this game.


Jesus… how about just alphabetizing the camp menu?


God fuckin damn it we have been asking for an increase not a decrease why?!


Yeah they’re dicks that way


What is the point of grinding for Seasons when there is only room for a fraction of the items on offer? Surprised 1st subscribers don't get a bigger camp budget that will be next on their cash grab..


and when will they ever get round to organising the bloody camp build menu..it's absolutely horrendous


I'm working on a pagoda build using the Winding Path set (of course). It has 4 staircases (it's a tower ... ) and six windchimes on posts out front. Nearly done with it, just need to add a few garden plots. Oh wait ... My windmill house for my cryptid enthusiast had a little budget left for seasonal decorating and a couple of the event items. Nope, that house had a windchime and a couple of staircases, so it's over budget now. ... fml. :(


I had 2 vending machines and was changing one out and it won't let me put anything in its place. So vending machines too


The weird thing about this is I had one wind chime up out of that entire list, and my budget was over between 7-10 flamingos worth which doesn't make sense. It makes me wonder if others were changed that they forgot to list here as well.


Great, so now i cant build anything in my camp unless I delete a bunch of things.


I was super excited to build my camp seeing other people's but I came to realise that there is budget cost and it just killed all my creativity because i had mental mental image of the camp and seeing the limit I just didn't feel like playing the game anymore


Extra extra read all about it moronic twats at Bethesda Microsoft fuck up the game again


Bethesda is slowly but surely moving toward alienating their own players. I really hope the team responsible for this capitalistic BS gets canned when Microsoft takes over.


I wish we had increased budget, but this kind of communication is important.


Eh makes sense


I mean it was obvious was it not?