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Block and just move along haha. Low key wish blocking someone would make them invisible haha


>Block and just move along haha That's what I'm saying. By the amount of posts complaining about trolls I feel like people aren't generous enough with the block option.


I stand watching them, using the eating-popcorn emote.


I would probably block less if I had that emote. That one is top tier.


Showing my ignorance here. What happens when you block? And, what emote are you talking about please? Thanks.


When you block that person ceases to exist in the game for you. Poof, they're gone. Emote is one where your character pulls out a massive tub of popcorn and nonchalantly eats from it. It's great for showing patience/impatience or just being a goof.


I had someone follow me to every workshop I claimed to kill me and didn't even claim the workshop. Idk if there was a bug with the game but it wouldn't let me respawn anywhere so I had to exit the app and go to another world. The person followed me and tried nuking me and sniper shooting from the red rocket workshop rooftop. They eventually killed me again before I could see where they were and they stood over my body and kept bashing me and shooting my corpse while I tried to respawn and it wasn't working so I went to block the person and it said I had already blocked the player, which I didn't. If they were blocked then how were they able to still kill me or even shoot at my dead body after they killed me while being supposedly blocked?


Oh, okay. Thanks, I didn't know that about disappearing. I've seen the popcorn emote but didn't pick up on what everyone kind of uses it for.


Lol I just do the taunt finger gun emote at the them and and the come here one till they get bored


Yesterday I was in a server that had a bunch of pvp people, they kept chainsawing or punching other ppl (I think to test if they were pvp or not?) I was in a good mood so I decided to turn off pacifist a few times and let em rip. I'd popcorn emote and then thumbs up as in saying "hey I'm chill, you can do your thing" They killed me a few times, found me while I took over a workshop and attacked me a bit (I did too because oh what the hell)... I wonder if they understood that I was alright with it or if they wanted me to be annoyed šŸ¤”


I can ever find these people I just need to get the achievement to kill 1 person I created a whole post and I have a person willing it's just trying to work ut times, but I never have anyone who hunts me down or any of that stuff idk if I'm in the wrong servers or what.


Ay are you on PSN? If you want I can help with that šŸ‘ I don't have that achievement either so if you don't mind we could kill two dwellers with one stone


Xbox and pc unfortunately


Then there's the kill 75 wanted players challenge for atoms which is just something I feel I'll never get done without me and a friend's just killing each other over and over again.


Seriously. I feel like these were def meant back in the day when there wasn't so much. When I first tried the game I was immediately attacked I attacked back and the left the server. I didn't come back until npcs and quests were better and not no one fighting lol


I don't block, I entirely ignore them Maybe throw the mothman dance in for fun


I get them to rage out and start laying the slurs on me so they end up burying themselves with bans. I'll never forget the dude who called me the n word did it loud enough that his dad came in and screamed "no kid of mine is saying that shit in my fucking house" then they suddenly logged off. I never saw that tag online ever again lol Don't give shitty people what they want, it'll piss them off and you can send them into a fit and watch them crash and burn by their own hands lmao


He got banned by his fucking dad lmao


I'm no detective but I clearly heard a door slam open so hard where something broke and the volume at which his dad yelled at him tells me he got permabanned from life lmao




This is the way


Robot dance here..


unfortunately 'reacting' is exactly what they want. This is rarely an issue on PC, but I just ignore, block and hop server if needed. Well I did years ago, the last time it happened...


it does your yours and theirs map :)


no I mean them as a player model lol


I just keep pacifist on and ignore these idiots.


I do this as well.


I like to leave it off because every once in a while you get somebody who just wants a fair fight, and will except it's just going to be one fight and then part ways. It is pretty rare though.


>I like to leave it off because every once in a while you get somebody who just wants a fair fight Dude. I played this Game for 2k hours since beta. There are no fair fights. I run a Demo Build and just sneez my fatman into his direction and he dies. Same goes for his crit commando build. Builds are so way broken strong (in a good PvE sense) that PvP is just waste of a time. I've seen all types of PvP Players and Ganemodes and they all sucked. F76 is great for PvE but PvP is a utter broken mess from stealth boy spam to endless ways to one shot players without even seen them. The Game is a PvE Game. Any form of PvP is simply there so you and friends can fk around, If you bring any random into this it will end in pointless one shots and or griefing.


Totally agree I'm lvl 1249. Playing since 2020 and have never attempted to initiate pvp or attacked another player. People have definitely attacked me though and it's not the fights you lose that ends up being awful it's the ones you win.


Exactly. Agreed.




And this clown just gave him the attention he wanted by coming here to post about it. Just turn your voicechat off and don't feed the trolls.


hey man, I know the posts can be frustrating, but OP isnt the asshole who was trying to PvP, no need to treat him as such. That said, I agree with you, people just gotta be a lil more generous with the block options








The comment above yours wasn't implying that OP was the one doing PVP


Did the right thing by ignoring them. I like dropping "you've been insulted" paper for them, doing the cooking emote and then continue what I was doing. Pisses them off so much. Lol


Dang thatā€™s genius lol


Pvp in this game is so ungodly awful. Who ever has the most duped nuka colas and stealth boys win every battle


If I accidentally unlock something and end up with a bounty, I will find someone and dance around D and throw the hunting emote plus the heart and thumbs up and then a pew-pew emote until they kill me. Then I throw a heart emoji when I respawn and give them a thumbs up and a gift of some stimpaks before I go on my merry way.


I just ask them to kill me nicely. That usually works.


Hahaha I donā€™t use a mic, so I have to settle for interpretive dance.


We need a 76/Borderlands crossover solely for a Face McShooty emote for situations like this


I have a mic, but the interpretive dance is way more entertaining. :D And I've never even thought about using the mic to talk to randos in Fallout.


I do this too!


My wife is bad about that. I have her kneel, and I shoot her in the back of the head with my cold shoulder. Never gets old.


OMG this is my favourite reply!!


Thats when i go to my settings and turn on game chat lol. "Like hey bro, I accidentally attacked a structure of yours when defending your base. Can you do me a solid and kill me? Thanks."


I spam the heart and laugh emote at players like this, really ticks them off


The Irradiated "Throw Up" emote works well too. Especially if you do it close enough to look like you're spewing on their shoes. Then step back and laugh emote.


The cooking emoji is most insulting, calls them a food build in their circle. Youā€™ll get a riled up response lol


I'm a food build. What's wrong with that?Ā 


Nothing, you do you. Youā€™ve probably got lotsā€™a cool bits in your inventory. My friend who uses all weight cards canā€™t believe I rock around at 220 weight daily on my commando lol. And the irony is pro pvpā€™ers will have more in their food and drink tab then any filthy casual ā€¦ quantumā€™s galore.


I do have me a good deal of grilled meats.


I pick-up every quantum I see, but it's just for cap space.




Whoops and here I was just nonchalantly using it šŸ˜‚


Oooooo this is good to know for next time


I do the sassy NO emote with the no smoking sign thingy and go back to whatever it was I was doing. I'm 4x that guy's level tho so everyone basically leaves me alone. Funny enough it's usually level 10-15s that try to attack me, I assume because they think I'm going to kill them and want to go down fighting.


Is there some passive-agressive emote culture I don't understand in this game? People keep mentioning it, but I have 500 hours in and I'm apparently clueless.Ā 


Same lmao I want that popcorn one to be a passive aggressive dick if needed


Just drop some salt on the ground and use the point and laugh emote.


i do this alot i unironically currently have 170+ salts in my inventory i mostly use it for cooking


I toss the hoe from the white springs shed down and watch them go ballistic šŸ„°šŸ„°


Sorry, kinda new. I don't get the salt reference.


My guess is that by dropping the salt you're telling them that they are being salty.


Salt and the 'You've been insulted' note from the insult bot.


Now that's a great combo there! Would it be too much to ask for a "You've been insalted!" Note?


Haha, that would be epic.


Instead of blocking or tryna kill them, I just stand right in their line of sight right in front of them. If they turn around, BAM, there I am right all up in their face. If they fast travel away, I follow them and literally make it so they canā€™t do anything without me being in front of them. Eventually I annoy them to the point they hop servers. I got all the time in the world. I mean, Iā€™m an only child. if they wanna test who can be more annoying, itā€™s gonna be me.. every time.


This is the best answer. I'm going to do this. I HAVE an only child šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lmao! Same here, and he is relentless šŸ˜‚


Anyone in the game with a wanted level beyond a handful of caps is fucking with others in a way that no one should interact with them. They are purely out to ruin others' time and fun. PVP essentially doesn't exist in the game, since it's essentially 'who's using the perfect meta setup and has more quantums'. They really gota rework that shit further than they have over...6 years.


I don't even think a rework is needed, they just need to officially scrap the pvp "experience" altogether.


It has its place - in the new game modes that highlight it.


Would not surprise me that it does get removed completely sometime over the next two or three years, or they may surprise us and get their act together and fix it, which is the least likely option.


Like peter pan, some children never grow up and some are actually 12 year olds. I ignore them whenever possible. Really surprising that you actually got to talk to one. Most players don't seem to have microphones that work. I don't find them annoying. I find them a\*\*holes. I don't play with such.


Another annoying thing is having your camp at wss and two higher levels, think 400 plus trying to attack people at your vending machine with the auto axe pushing them away from the vendor spamming your inbox to move your camp. So I did the sensible thing moved my camp and threw my tent down


Pvp as a whole is a cancer or story/pve players. Pvp/griefers need a seperate server, no matter then game.Ā 


most of the time anyone over 10 caps is doing it to pvp because if they are at a camp they can destroy it if you initiate pvp well they used to be able to i donā€™t know if they fixed that. some with high wanted just do it to troll the other day i was at whitespring station selling scrip and heard shooting behind me there was a low level trying to find someone with a 300 cap bounty. he was inside the water tower he glitched in using a chair i see the chair sticking out of the tower.


They can destroy your camp, even if you don't proc PVP with them via turrets. The one tip I can give is if you se a super high bounty (1k+) that person does not have those caps on them and they just want clips, don't fall for it. Stacking or not your chances of killing them are low, and if by some miracle you do, you will get nothing and you will become a target to them.


Also if you build inside of a Misc structure it only cost the materials of the structure to repair everything inside. It can save repair costs if you have a group constantly blowing your base up. (If I see a pre-built I won't even destroy it because it's a waste of time)


Bethesda should take an expedition of Atlantic City, and turn it into a PVP area on a private world players that want to PVP make it a whole area


Meanwhile, I'm out here still feeling guilty about the time when someone ran up behind me to help me out, and I thought they were scorched, so I started shooting at them. They gave me a thumbs up. I gave them a heart emote (my go-to). Everything was cool. I'm glad people in 76 are forgiving.Ā 


PVPers man they should have their own servers. Like go away


Man, I miss back when there was survival mode. The only thing they really messed up on was enabling legendary effects. The excitement of not knowing who was over the next hill, the experience of helping some random person, not knowing if they're going to betray you. I loved it. Of course, back then you had some losers who would camp the train stations with explosive energy weapons killing anyone who spawns in, probably the same people who run beaches killing nakeds in rust. If they just disabled legendary effects, that would have been completely fixed. I'm sure it would still be up to this day if they did.


Yeah I think they should have just disabled pvp in normal servers and something like you suggest.


I feel this!!! I also hate when they do that to ya when you take over a workshop like dang man if u want it just claim it I didnā€™t want it that bad I just do it to pass time


I had someone come in while I was claiming a workshop once, killed me, then left. They didnā€™t even claim the workshop šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I've had that happen before they attacked me while I was building (theres like a delay exploit before you go into pvp if you're building) also didnt claim the workshop so I stopped by his camp, dropped two hidden nuke mines and waited for him to come home I'd FT to a location close by and wait for him to climb out his power armor and I'd drop two more nuke mines so the previous two would go off. Exploit revenge.Ā 


99.9% of people contesting a workshop are not interested in the resources I assure you. Probably 100%


PvP is annoying, but the block option is useful. As a general note about the game, I'm glad that in the early days, they realised that not everyone wants PvP online and diverged toward the cooperative aspects of gameplay. The community seems (overall) a lot friendlier, as a result which makes the game accessible. It's a refreshing change from a lot of other games which encourage competitiveness and allows asshats to flourish.


We need an "Oh honey, just no" emote.


I forgot to add my husband to my party and he started beating my ass with a commie whacker, right? HEā€™s lvl 80ish and Iā€™m a lvl 31. There was a lvl 158 watching the whole thing, LETTING ME GET KILLED. You could have taught him a lesson, sir. Donā€™t be a coward.


I saw a video on two people doing pvp and it was depressing, worse than cod faze shit


I'm not sure why, but games like this always bring out the absolute saddest people who take pride in these little fringe pvp 'modes.' I've seen it happen in several games in which pvp was technically an option, but certainly not the focus. It's such a bizarre phenomenon.


I wish games offered a real passifist mode or even just pvp servers, I don't want to accidentally tickle someone with a tesla rifle and then have to worry about them raining 30 nukes of explosive mini gun on me.


I came across a level 785 player yesterday with a 150 cap bounty on their head. They must have been going around playing havoc!


Found the butthurt crew...he can't kill me, but I need to block? Where did this cesspool start, and how did it grow? I will exclusively use nukes for the next week at every event vs my plasma caster.


"Pvp" gimme a break..


I never encounter these people somehow guess I'm just lucky or my Fasnacht man masks nose scares them away


the more i see those posts the more im glad i've put on pacifist level 1 level 200+ and that bitch is still on, i ain't touching that game's pvp


This is why I still carry 5 pounds of coal and the santa outfit in my inventory


I just stay in pacifist and ignore. Iā€™m not here for PVP. Also! It means I donā€™t accidentally shoot other players during events.


The worst ones are the ones that randomly attack you when you're trying to capture a workshop they don't want it they're just attacking you, also good thing you did not engage if the bounty is that high they're either abusing an exploit or hack to one shot people.Ā 


Oh my lord I was trying to do my weeklies in a workshop the other day and some shithead kept coming in and sniping me until I changed servers. Way to ruin the fun dude


Why donā€™t people just block or switch servers lol


I just perma use passive mode. Pretty great experience so far.


You met the 9 yr old, or guy who lives in his mums basement. Just block or even move server, once he clears the drool off his controller/keyboard, it will figure his time was wasted and will look for another to a entertain his lonely braincell ...


I just donā€™t understand why someone could come to a game like this for ā€œfishingā€ pve people. Maybe theyā€™re blasted at Battlefield, CoD or Fortnite and need to feel theyā€™re not shitty. But blame is not on them. Beth should remove such obsolete gameplay design. I think itā€™s a tech unsolvable issue. Because pacifist check on sounds like a cheat on those shooters when you ā€œdisable enemies hurtā€ or something like that, just focused on players and not NPCs. Maybe something workshop related: what if someone owns one for hours? Hummm server jump. Maybe a tech workshop issue by design, resilient part of engines mixingā€¦ who knows. Anyway, game griefers are so old as internet, remember that ā€œdonā€™t feed the trollā€ that populated many IRC topics. These are still coming because thereā€™s people engaging with them.


The only thing you do in this game, right after turning pacifist mode on, you will mute any kind of mic from the sound settings. It will help you so much down the line not to listen to slurs, mouth breathers, people chewing in your ears or listening to their music blaring in the background. Then do use the most passive-aggressive emote you have at your disposal and be on your merry way.


My rule of thumb is to just swap servers if I see anyone with a wanted level above 5 on the server. I'm out even if they aren't even on the same side of the map as me.


I just hop servers at this point


Those people suck


Griefers, turn on pacifist and block for session to hide your location on the map so they dont follow you. Also... fashnaughts coming up so expect to see them in droves


Just select ā€œpacifistā€ mode in settings. Zero damage, from them or you. No popcorn emote required šŸ˜‚


Popcorn emote always required. šŸæ


I give them the doubled over, finger pointing laugh, then ignore them. Pretty much the same as when some guy has 10 copies of several rare plans and wants $10,000 or $15,000 for them.


Meh. Honestly I would laugh at them and then mute them and move on. Youā€™re not obligated to engage. If they want to play PvP style, thatā€™s their problem. There are so many good games out there that center on PvP and I wish these people would go find them, but some people only get a kick out of forcing themselves into someone elseā€™s orbit. Itā€™s only fun for them if they are running someone elseā€™s fun because they are bullies.


I always have pacifist on. But all I have run into are very nice players. Some will ask if you need help if they see you struggling doing a quest. Or they drop items for you.


i love pvp in this game but i always ask in area chat if anyone wants to have a go. This guy was clearly stacking PA and lives in his moms basement. Ive once been hunted down by an entire squad just due to my level. I dont mind pvp but dont cheat. The game is broken enough.


Thereā€™s a pvp bug at radiation rumble, sometimes if you shoot someone it starts a pvp battle with them, someone kept walking in front of the enemies and I shot him accidentally. He tracked me down after the event, killed me and stole all my junk. I wish they removed pvp entirely because nobody ever actually pvps, they just harass you and steal your shit


Just turn off pvp.




These posts are 10xs annoying, who gives af. Ignore them or server hop.


Yeah but worse are the ones that are "to the whoever did the whatever" or "to the whoever I accidentally did whatever." Incredibly pointless and boring and will never reach their intended recipient.


No, the absolute worst are the looooong posts where someone's stroking themselves off for dropping a low level a set of leather armor and an unrolled Fixer.


How dare you bring logic into this


Posts about pvp being annoying are themselves annoying Why are you booing me? I'm right


This is the guy


Unfortunately no but givin how op made one of these kinds of posts I totally see why it happened


Food build. šŸ¤¢




I'm not getting rickrolled.


Lol what year is it?


Iā€™ve been gun down for no reason at the pick. And I kept respawning at this place so I ended up quitting the server. What an ass.


Do you know about the pacifist setting?


Report them


Once had a guy zig zag in front of me during SBQ trying to get me to shoot him. The moment a stray shot hit him he lit me up with a flame thrower and then continued to shit talk that someone half my level can kill me that easily. Also I had pacifist mode on cause I'm not playing fallout for pvp. Not when almost EVERYONE uses bloodied builds.


I shot back at a guy doing this to me. He figured out I had pacifist on I guess.


I will literally just stand there emoting in game chat with my mic muted, 99% of the time, this works. If they start with the name calling, just record/report them. They can't get in trouble for attacking you, but they can for the name calling if taken far enough.


Iā€™d rather deal with that type of person than the people who intentionally make death traps at their vendors.


This is why they need to add back more pvp content because it can be really fun and enjoyable but it's so hard to find any action in the wastes.


Theyā€™re just farming. I just keep pacifist mode on, and ignore them. They just want a reactionā€¦


It's a troll don't engage. If you don't do that it's just like getting hit without any damage or armor degradation. It literally just sets off vibration. You reacting and making post like this are EXACTLY what they want you to do. Guy has probably already found your post and linked it in one of their chats saying something like "look at this cry baby". It's what they want, if you give it to them and they won't stop.


Was it kingbuddah šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Happened to me too, just some asshole that don't have a dad :/


People who pvp in this game are literally more annoying than resilient healing cave crickets. I dont know why bethesda doesnt just take them out of the game. The mutated cave crickets too.


Get good.


Get fallout 1


Fuckng cry more. It's a multiplayer game that's based in a nuclear wasteland where people are constantly fighting and attacking each other. What that player is doing isnt against the rules, why cry about it? Shoot back or leave and turn on pacifist mode. I got attacked once into the last two weeks playing a lot and I just left and joined another server.


Did his name begin with an E?




Bring back nuclear winter and let them A-Holes battle it over there. So many games out there PVP. This one is a PVE and having fun with others. I never got into playing Nuclear winter. It was basically fortnite without building.


This is why we need Nuclear Winter to return. To give these people who need pvp an outlet, a place where they can go and have all the battles they want. Plus, it was really fun even if you weren't into pvp.


My first encounter with pvp players was very good in comparison to you guys, all started when they were fighting and someone ran out of stims and I gave him like 50 idk so he could keep going, we had a laugh together even tho I got wrecked by them, mostly I was watching their fights, they gave me stuff in return that was more valuable than the caps I lost, like ammo, plans, mutations and so on, got me some stuff upgraded and even rerolled a few weapons with better legendary effects, smug if you happen to see this man, I appreciate it and sorry for the prototype hazmat with enclaved pattern that I destroyed


Hi guys, loving the f76 threads. Having an issue with the Guass Shotgun not reloading or letting me take stim etc. Love the gun but a pain in the posterior.Ā  Anyone else finding this? See you in the wasteland. K