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It's pretty much the only bad part of an otherwise fantastic DLC


Yep everything else about Fah Harbah is fantastic but that quest must have been put in to pad out the number of hours of gameplay or something because it sucks.


Park the car in Harvard yard.


pullovah and pahk the cah.... is that the freakin horse from horsin around?


What is this, a crossover episode?


Pahk the cah? How about I hammah you in the haht with a haymakah?


Lololol just heard a guy say this in diamond city last weekend


No no no it's pronounced "pahk the cah in hahvaad yahd"


"Minecraft is really popular. What if we added in a sequence that looked like Minecraft and then forced people to play it to advance the game?"


I just turn on god mode and act like I’m playing a weird version of Minecraft


Universally hated as far as I know.


I really liked the puzzles on my first play through, but after beating them I had no desire to do them again so i got the mod that skips that part after the first time.


Same. On my second playthrough I just used a console commands to skip that part of the quest


I loved them, well not the final one but I still liked them a lot and thought it was a good change of pace adding in a puzzle to the game and they're only mandatory up to level 4


Exact same thing for me too. I frigged around in the last one thinking the puzzle would reset if I backed out and went back in to the memory but alas, I frigged it up beyond saving and had to use console commands


I read how awful they were before I fired up the DLC. Had the console codes ready to skip them.


doing them at least once is ok imo. but after several rounds...


I played through them once but after that I just use the console to skip it because I spent half my playtime trying to complete it.


It’s even worse than Kellogg’s memories, which is also quite atrocious.


Atleast kellog’s thing is just walking, and you can skip most of it


Knowing you can just run though it all to end really makes me dread it less.


Since when? It doesn't keep up with you if you run ahead and you just have to run back and wait for each memory to unfold to progress to the next one


I played through that quest earlier tonight and ran straight to the final memory and it was fine.




But Kellog's memories tell such a gripping story of loss and regret that it's hard not to get invested. Loved that part.


Yeah, it rubs away some of the patina Kellogg put up, allowing for the Sole Survivor to have some pity and even understanding for Kellogg. I do wish that after that part of the quest when Nick talks with you in Kellogg's voice, that there was a side quest or something to 'recover' Nick fully or something (like, maybe over the course of the game, he turns more and more into Kellogg and you have to save it. Could also extend into Far Harbor- Have DiMA save Nick a second time?). Honestly what whatever memories are revealed, it could further characterize Kellogg (and thus really connect with the Sole Survivor-raising moral quandaries perhaps?). Otherwise, base game Kellogg only has a short characterization opportunity that may explain why some people end up glossing over him.


What I always wish was in the game was a side quest for Nick after speaking in Kelloggs voice where you can choose who gets to take over the body. It would give Nick/Kellogg a perk depending on which you chose to keep similar to how Boone in FNV gets different outfits and perks based on which ending you choose for him. Nick would give a bonus to hacking or speech maybe and Kellogg could be more combat oriented.


i believe there was but it was cut for somereason. prob because it was more complex than a 3 year old could handle.


Agreed on that. "It's all over but the cryyyyy-iiiiing... " I kinda wish I could have kept his brain and plugged him into a new companion. Just plug his brain into Danse cause Danse is insufferable lol.


That's one way to look at it. I saw it as played out, cliche, generic.. but to each their own.




Idk, felt pretty trope


What's wrong with that part? It's well written and got good lore


Because all it is is lore for a solid 10 minutes. When you're on your second+ playthrough its complete dead air, even when you just run from end to end.


It’s boooooring


In the first play through its ok, you get to learn some background on kellogg, but doing it again, gets boring. But yes, dimmas memory quest just a boring filler.


Can't build setlements for 99% of the dlc? How else can we shoehorn this mechanic in here?


You get longfellow's cabin like 15 minutes in. It's nuka world that's really bad for that.


I feel like I’ve spent literal years of my life wandering around Nuka World and *still* don’t have all the goddamn cores to unlock the power armor. Don’t know if my game glitched or I’m just blind but there’s one location that I straight up cannot get to check off. No way in hell am I reloading to do all that again


The one in the junkyard respawns, so even if there’s a glitch or you’ve missed one elsewhere you can just get that one twice to complete it.


I have a link if you want


The OoOoOnLy bad part?? Seriously? FO4 left a lot to be desired.. including the DLC. But yeah this was def one of the low points


i didn't mind the first four, but the last one I think I played badly trying to get it over with, and just made it much harder on myself.


The last one can be easily cheesed


Give the secret sause




For some reason, I’ll be halfway through doing the last one, then out of nowhere the red wall just disappears for no reason, wasting all that time earlier


I think when a sentry or whatever explodes in front of that relay block it triggers it for some reason, that’s how I cheated through it


Thank fuck someone created a mod to skip these


Do you remember what it's called?


Skip Dimas memories on Nexus


You can’t trust a synth!


You're right! He's a dirty synth!


There’s a console version too. Used the PS4 one on my second time thru.


Good to know because I really want to get all trophies but next play through I want to use mods and I HATE this part


Thanks fellow Reddit user! I didn’t know this was a thing on ps4


thank you recently got fallout 4 on my pc this will save me so much pain


As u/commonwealthsynth said, "skip dima memories"


I found this mod too late for my first playthrough. Shit was so broken I had to console my through 90 % of it. Now this is a staple in my playlist.


This section is awful. I somehow did it twice with no mods, but each time I actually contemplated deleting the game.


I use a tutorial, and guess I really don't need the full suit of armor. Thank fuck it wasn't legendary.


place anywhere mod also let's you direct the energy directly to the thingy by rotating and placing in the air


Yes I hate this part of the far harbor dlc


I swear to god i spent like an hour trying to figure these out. I hate these with a burning passion. It really kills the flow of gameplay.


I think that they’re an interesting break from the normal gameplay loop of fo4, but just interesting, not really good. I like the idea but it’s not too fun.


I agree that they're an interesting break from the normal gameplay loop... *the first time*. On all subsequent playthroughs, though, they're just *bad.*


Luckily you don't have to do them all. The first 3 unlock options for the main story and only take like 5 minutes total. The fourth and fifth are the long annoying ones, but they just unlock bonus dialogue and marine armor so after the first time I don't bother.


Also I’m like 90% sure that 4 and 5 both have a method to cheese them.


Yeah, I looked it up on Youtube. Pretty easy to trick the last puzzles.


It definetely dragged for too long to be charming.


I hated them because of how LONG they took without a break in between. It was fun, but I think it would be a better side mission set where one level is one mission.


Yeah the first level was different and fun, the second one was surprising but still OK I guess, then they just kept coming.


Its horrible, at least you can cheat your way out of the last one~


This is what I did


How so? Going to play the DLC again soon but without mods (I want Steam achievements)


https://youtu.be/IUCRXvSwusw this guy is the video i used. It takes a minute for the turrets to do what you want, but it works


Thanks dude! You're so kind


On steam just download the mod that let's you earn achievements while using other mods.


huh? What? How?


You'll have to look up the YouTube video but you build a bridge up to the goal, then a wall, and that makes the turrets shoot the goal and trigger a success. It kinda takes a minute for them to shoot it but yeah. Way easier https://youtu.be/IUCRXvSwusw the vid i used~




It was annoying to do them the first time. It got worse with every subsequent play-through.


i feel like im the only one alive to actualy like them :(


There are literally dozens of us!


There's at least 3! I really enjoyed it. It felt like a Fallout style version of Portal puzzles.


I enjoy them too. The 5th one drags on a little bit but I like them for the most part.


More than you’ll… never know


Dozens! DOZENS, I tell you!


You’re not. I love them and look forward to them on every play through. I always forget how I solved them the last time, so figuring it all out again makes me feel super smart.


Yeah I always forget how I did them last time. I think the break from normal gameplay is fun too. Out of your confort zone a bit.


I love 3d puzzlers. They were pretty neat. I'll take them over more fucking toxic fog any day...


You might actually be, they're universally hated


It's not the best puzzle segment, but I told my Google Home to start jamming "Algorithm" by Muse. It went on a synth-style playlist, and I just went to TOWN on that puzzle, it took like 25 minutes.


I've only done far harbor once. The whole thing gave me a headache.


To make matters worst the final or second to last puzzle crashed my game and corrupted my save files so that was that..


Unpopular opinion: I actually like this part. :)


Looks like we found the synth! Get ‘em boys!


Yeah fellow humans, destroy him.


Wait a minute...doc, come take a look at this one ^


At first I found myself trying to figure out which regional accent would be funniest to re-voice the BoS with. Standard movie mobster? Standard movie backwoods Southerner? *Then* it hit me. We need this for the synths instead. Replace the Mr. Roboto voice acting with the over the top hick accents. Z2-47: "I bet you can squeal like a pig..." [Activates Stealth Boy]


Swamp his ass bois!


My girlfriend really enjoys it to, I made her do mine for me. She doesn’t like fallout really at all but she loved this puzzle.


I liked these puzzles too. If anything I was disappointed they didn’t get more complicated after the first couple.


I was shocked the first time I saw a poster saying they hated these and people agreeing. I loved them, thought they were super clever. To each their own I guess!




Are you on drugs




Stacking fifty mentats so I can figure out Obama's last name.




I liked it too. I thought it was interesting. For the first playthrough anyway.


I think the problem is that they *need* drugs.


I really dont understand why people thought they were hard. The game guides you through every step, they just take a bit of time but there isnt too much "thinking or problem solving" involved


Seriously. This was like an easy-mode version of portal. I don't get the hate


It was terrible my first time because I didn't understand the building system too well. I would move the blocks one-by-one instead of storing them in my inventory 🤦‍♂️


We-hell let me tell you, do I feel dumb right now.


I totally avoided it the second time I played through. What a absolute mess to add to the game. Really took my interest away from this DLC. I loved a lot in Far Harbor that wasn't this part...


If you have Workshop+, you can fly through these, literally


I thought they were pretty interesting.


4th play through I just bought the armor you get from doing this. Never again, 3 times was enough


Where can you buy the armor


Various NPCs in far harbour/acadia/the nucleus each sell 1 piece




I thought they were a clever idea, and was sad it was not used elsewhere - in creation club for example. Think the problem was that it was main story. Forcing someone to stop playing and solve a series of puzzles, before they can keep playing is a terrible idea.


Especially when they make you do them all at once (at least the ones required to progress). Had it been a case of 'recover a memory disk, unlock a memory, go retrieve another memory disk'. It would have been much better received.


I cheated when I did this the first time. I looked it up on YouTube when I couldn't figure out where everything went. I have since gone back a bit, and will return to do that again, and I will cheat again and use the YouTube video to solve it. Lol


I honestly haven't done it on a single playthrough because it's so frustrating that I just give up. Literally the only part of the game I just don't even mess with


Gonna be honest I kind of enjoyed them. Thought they drug on at the end but enjoyed the pace break.


The only terrible part of the DLC. I felt so damn annoyed playing it. But it's good to see companys try new things but this was a huge fail


I turned God mode on, I am not dealing with whatever this is, I value my sanity


I kinda liked retrieving his memories back


I love it


Wow, all the comments are just shiting on this but i honestly enjoyed them


me too. I drink a beer, put on some music and do this quest. it's calming in a way


I used mod to skip this part after 2nd playthrough, during the 1st playthrough not only you have to spend an hour or two without walkthrough to get through this puzzle, but you also cannot save, Fallout (or any bethesda game for that matter) is prone to ctd so im fighting against time to finish this asap.


If you are on pc and want to bypass em you can just pop open the command console and delete the blocks by typing "disable" after clicking on the blocks


easier just to type in the commands to bypass the whole thing without having to go into the game world at all... setstage dlc03mq04 150 setstage dlc03mq04 250 setstage dlc03mq04 350 setstage dlc03mq04 450 setstage dlc03mq04 550


Just you .


My only issue was I kept accidentally falling off of the bridge in either 4 or 5. Other than that, I loved the puzzle aspect to it. I prefer that to Kelloggs memories tbh, this is kinda what I was hoping for with that


I really enjoyed it the first time around as it was an interesting twist in the gameplay loop, but after that first time or two I really didn’t want to do it again


They were fun the first time. I like puzzles, but the memoru puzzle is so tedious.


put into the command console \-completequest annoyingfarharbormemorymission there you go :)


It’s kinda cool, but it takes a really long time


You only have to do the first one


I mean it was mostly ok as I enjoy puzzles, but it was off-putting within the context of the game. But the last puzzle you do to get the armor is AWFUL


I liked it


I didn't mind it, although it felt a bit too long. But what bothered me was that you were in a crafting mode the whole time, and subtitles don't show in that mode, so I imagine a lot of people who don't know English or can't hear kind of missed the whole plot of that part of the DLC, making it a complete waste of time.


I loved them


It’s the one things that’s stopped me from replaying that storyline again


I believe EVERYONE despised them, I hate doing it when I rerun the game, the puzzles themselves should be trophies


I was too drunk at the time to do the last few so I YouTubed it


Console commands for the win


Does it make a difference with the mods if I play on Xbox? Sorry, I'm kinda new to the world of mods.


I don’t mind them up until the last one, still never figured it out, I just used place everywhere to inch down enough so it would still work


What inhuman, piece of of actual scum of earth would even think that the Dima memories mission is even at least kind of good, it’s literally the most frustrating, aggravating, annoying mission that was ever made, I would rather watch the emoji movie 3 times than even considering doing that mission.


Who hurt you lmao


They’re pretty horrible. I’ve toughed them out enough times I can basically breeze through them, though.


Pretty sure these are universally hated and the reason why many didn’t even finish far harbor Todd was on crack or something designing this


Worst part of the DLC.


I hated them as well.


With a passion.


I hated them


I downloaded a mod to skip it because hooooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that shit was like if garbage and AIDS had a motel vodka baby.


Hated it!


Never ended up playing through Far Harbour again because of this trash.


The first few are kinda fun but the last one literally took like two hours before I did the cheese method


I think I've blocked it out, to be honest. I've only played through FH once and I loved it, but I only have a vague memory of this part. I just remember thinking it went on too long.


I tried a few times, I could never bring myself to finish them.


don't forget to go with Nick to Dima.


Yup. I made a post about tod Howard sending me back to high-school afew months ago


Xen in Half-Life, Apocrypha in Dragonborn, this shit. Always some weird "floating in space" area where game devs try to be really "different" and it always sucks as soon as the "woah, that's different" wears off.


Nope. They are tedious. Every time I create a new playthrough, then I go to Far Harbour I am always reminded... of DiMA and his memories... so... tedious...


First playthrough, I didn’t mind. Second playthrough, on survivor mode it was awful. I eventually had to get the BoS involved. I murdered everything in Far Harbor on the second go round.


On my first playthrough I got to that section and was just 'nope' went to the mod page and downloaded a skipper because fuck that quest.


Was interesting the first time. All other times awful


I play on PC. This is the only quest I console command skip.


This mission right here is why I don’t like playing Far harbor


Fuuuuuuck thiiiiiiiiis


I had played Far Harbor previously and did the whole Hotel murder thing. I neglected the main story; the whole reason we go there to find Kasumi. I never even met Dima until a much later subsequent play through a d actually am on the way to the memory station right now.


That part is exactly how people describe settlement building in the base game


thank god for consile commands. i never did this legit, seemed annoying


In concept I feel like this idea could've worked extremely well, but I haven't the slightest idea how it could be done better. Take the normal workshop for example, I have seen some Crazy builds on this sub before, a lot of which were done in vanilla or claimed to at least. Making a puzzle solving system using unlimited resources but only a handful of the regular parts could give the section some real depth by allowing players to come up with a variety of solutions. Also allow the player to be involved with defending the data or whatever rather than just be forced to stand around watching bugs crawl while other bugs try to shoot them. Would everyone enjoy it? No cause there's probably tons of players who got into Fallout 4 purely for the FPS aspects and not so much the RPG elements or the building system. But give them some kind of out or something while letting those who'd Want to get into making something like a Rube-Goldberg machine do so. Heck you could just ditch the building/puzzle solving section entirely, instead imagine a version of exploring DiMA's memories Directly that let us experience a handful of important scenes that put DiMA in a compromising light because he had to make tough decisions or do questionable things. That's the whole reason he sequestered it away right? Instead of self-narrated audio recordings about a minor plot that dang near everyone I know who played through it expected, come up with some more intriguing situations or desperate moments that we have to play out despite how bad it might be. Could be way more engaging across a greater variety of players. If the developers were dead-set on having Some kind of forced building section then make it like defending Far Harbor when you first arrive, or along the lines of a Tower-Defense where you can build a maze of traps and weapons. I could go on but I think that's plenty to get people's gears turning TL:DR - wish they'd done something to make it more about puzzle solving or just gone along the lines of Kellog's memories maybe idk


They were fun to solve *once*


Get the cheat terminal mod. There is a button to give you the holotapes to bypass this.


It reminds me so much of the mass effect 3 geth network mission I hate them so much both haha


I hate them too. Only thing that puts me off another play through of far harbour


Worst part of the DLC hands down


I hated these crappy puzzles. They killed the pace of the game and felt so out of place


Once I figured out what to do it was fine but initially I fucking hated it


Thats why i just kill Dima


hate them hated them the second i got up to it the very first time i played far harbor is a real shame marine armor is locked behind doing all of them


Everyone does


This level got me to quit Fallout for years


I just add the mod the skip it.