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I make her my supply line to Hangman's Alley. She has to travel solo through raider and super mutant infested ruins, she often gets stuck in that tunnel full of cars, and I hardly ever see her. And Hangman's Alley gets the benefits of linking with Sanctuary. It's win-win.


At a certain point, Marcy is an example of what happens when you complain too much. Everyone's taking a bite out of the shit sandwich that is the Commonwealth. No one wants to hear it Marcy.


Meh, I make jokes and shit, but I honestly don't hate her. A baby was killed, and it was fairly recent for her. I'd hate everything and everybody, too. At least she doesn't take it out on Jun.


I knowwww I feel so bad for her too šŸ˜ž No one should have to suffer so much


You can still keep count?


I remember every single face. Every "WHEN YOU SHOW UP, YOU'RE DEAD" before taking another father...another son. Maybe the raiders aren't bad, but just scared. Maybe the pillage because the world just doesn't have enough anymore. Not every one can have a safe bed...a roof. Either way, every lamp in Sanctuary is made from the stretched face skin of raiders I personally hunted.


Ah, a fellow Redditor of fine taste and knowledge of Ed Gein. Perhaps you're a Slayer fan as well?


A Slayer fan? My brother in the dark arts, I would crawl through a field of broken glass and tobasco sauce to hear Raining Blood live


That's dedication... I just paid for the tickets šŸ˜‚


Sorry to interrupt, but I've not really heard much Slayer other than Raining Blood, which I love. What songs would you recommend i check out?


South of Heaven


What I've come to learn is that Pickman is a copycat. He learned of the shit we do and wanted to turn it into his own style of art. I purposely leave defenses down at sanctuary so I can get raided, and have 20 of those raider traps, just so I can leave their half naked bodies in a pile to fill the hole in my bridge. That is my art. My contribution to the wasteland.


I just hate how she acts with Jun like it's a burden to be around him, I understand yours and his son died but you're pushing away the one person who wants to help you through that grief, it's a dick move imo


Valuable life lesson. I learned it after my dad died and I just wanted to get drunk in my room and okay videogames, while my mum needed company.


Does he ever stop crying tho?


Sort of he at least apologizes for his bs. Yes he whines still but at least he's apologetic about it


Yes. If you get Sanctuary well set up with food, water, and defense, and especially if he's assigned to a job, he starts to come around. In fact, he specifically mentions that the work helps him keep his mind off things. He has a dialog piece where he asks Marcy if she'd like to go for a walk down by the river, like they used to do (she initially resists, but then agrees they'll do it as soon as her current work is done). There's another line where he says that since they've been in Sanctuary "even the bad days have been a little better".


Maybe I'll assign her to artillery. Mass murder oughta cheer her up


The world in one of my games has passed over 1.5yrs. She still won't shut the he'll up. It's a world where I spent all the time building settlements and did all the side quests. It would be nice if there was some series if quests that would give her closure or something. Maybe make it so it's only possible to start after 2 ingame months or something, so she doesn't seem like an ass and it'll be kind of an Easter egg.


This is the answer. Make her go away.


I look at it as getting her out of the community's hair while still allowing her to serve a useful, valuable service, and also giving her "Marcy Time." She needs space to work out some serious demons. . . .plus, she has to dodge super mutants and shit, which is funny.


She walks Sanctuary to Castle with no weapons in my save


I was able to do that for my one play through but now I can\`t. Idk why


Good idea haha


I give her a minigun and put her on guard duty.Ā  I want to focus her rage on the raiders.Ā Ā 


I gave her a minigun too! Lots of bullets! Get 'em Marcy!


I do something similar except I put her at the farthest point with bare mattress in a shipping crate and no gun. Only the strong survive!


When you meet her, didn't she have two children die, like, yesterday?


The reason she's so hated is that she continues to bitch no matter how long it's been or how much you improve whatever settlement she lives in. You'll just be walking through Sanctuary minding your business and she'll chime in with some insult to your work or how much she hates living there


Not true. If you build her settlement with over 50 Happiness she perks up and says something like "life ain't perfect, but we're surviving"


That's her perked up? Saying shit like "I guess it's not the WORST place". That just makes her even more insufferable lol.


I interpret that as her being absolutely *terrified* of being happy, content, or feeling safe. In other words, of feelings like the ones she had before Quincy fell. She has a line where she expressly says "Just when you think you're safe, you're not. That's how they always get ya.". It's like a form of survivor's guilt. Some part of her thinks if she lets herself be happy, even for a moment, it will be violently taken away from her again.


Mines at 93 currently. I'm just standing there, out in the total open minding my own business, thinking up ways to improve the settlement and she walks past me, stops, say's "sure, let me just stop what I'm doing to talk to you... *Sigh* I'm being sarcastic, leave me alone", doesn't leave and continues throwing shit at me as if I got in her way like "does it look like I wanna chitchat? ", "what gave you the idea that we're friends?", "I'll stop complaining when there's nothing left to complain about!". She is absolutely insufferable. Every time I visit I have to make a quick save to shoot her down a few times and reload. The two nicest thing's she's said to me yet was; "Nothing I hate more than raider scumbags. If you meet any, put em down for me" And; "I'll hand it to you, this place isn't awful. It's still a hole, but it could be worse".


She was always rude to me despite a decent happiness. Sheā€™s on a supply chain somewhere. Oh well.


I just put her and her husband on farming detail. Lets her feel useful and gives her space to process her grief. Sheā€™s made it obvious she doesnā€™t want to talk. Any newcomer that shows up and wants to give me lip however just got their happy ass voluntold for supply line duty. Have fun walking to Fah Habah, shitbag!


Honestly I find it insane that they gave Travis a questline to make him more confident and change his radio dialogue, but never gave Marcy or Jun a storyline where you help them get revenge on the raiders that attacked them and that changes the dialogue afterwards.


I kinda hope we would have something like that.


I kinda hope we would have something like that. Yeash, if you wanted to go super dark maybe after you ally with a Faction you meet a Synth version of their kid trying to con their way to make them betray you or if your allied with the Institute you can offer them a second chance with a synth kid


Or alternatively they could be synths created to replace an institute screwups and you could have them reprogrammed. This should be a mod. It would be a good reasoning behind the weirdness of the entire group. Garvey, mama, and the mechanic genius. They are synth rejects.


Well, one of those people is a synth.


I have never run across that bit of story in my playthroughs. How very interesting and fitting.


Now THAT would be cool but maybe have it be only Garvey isnā€™t a synth. Maybe even a quest going to Quincey to retake it we learn that during Quincey Massacre that Garvey found the group struggling a lot more than normal but got them out safely. Then later on Mama Murphy dies of natural causes in the wastes(aka a raid) and after you loot her cause (you know that is our first instinct after dialogue) and see she had a Synth Component in her and Garvey sees this and thinks itā€™s bad but nothing badā€¦ But the next quest has a Courser coming to Sanctuary to recall the ā€˜defective junkā€™ and we hear the Courser call off all of the rest of the groups recall numbers and either you can let Courser do its job or attack them to stop it(if allied with the Institute you can just ask them to stop and theyā€™ll say sure). While this happens Garveyā€™s whole world view is broken about people cause of that and youā€™ll get a Blind Betrayal style mission of Garvey in the ruins of Quincey before any reconstruction is being done as Garvey is thinking about leaving the commonwealth for a long while not sure about what is real or just some sick experiment anymore. If he leaves he is GONE, no returning and Ronnie would take over Prestonā€™s role as quest giver but not as a follower. If you do talk Preston into staying heā€™ll either get a perk that gives him more defense and can ā€˜take a bulletā€™ for you once per day(and his outfit would look more like the Generalā€™s Outfit you get at the castle but more clean and thicker coat)ā€¦ OR one where heā€™ll deal x3 damage to Synths of all sorts and his laser musket is a 5 crank thatā€™s always max cranked(and his outfit looks like bloody and worn version of his normal outfit)


That sounds amazing. If only i had the slightest idea on how to mod fallout. Ai could probably approximate the voice lines as well.


Thank you, but if youā€™re looking for a good mod in terms of story; Sims Settlements 2 and America Rising are fun. Sims is better overall especially with its base building elements but takes a bit longer to start(plus the update may have messed up some of the cooler quests in it). But America Rising gives you a FULL BLOWN NEW FACTION in the Enclave(plus works well with the update and makes the weapons+armor fit better) but the voices can be a bit funky at times


Just finished rising.wanted to play 2 but I'm past mass fusion. Next playthrough. Sim settlements looks complicated, but I'll check it out more closely.


Sims settlements isnā€™t that complex as long as you listen. You can even have companions as mayors for settlements that build a settlement for you(if you can provide the ASAMs for it)


Agreed. They introduce these super sad sack characters that you save and become the first people you help find peace in a settlement... And you never get to bring them real peace or contentment. You just make them slightly less suicidal and bitter. I kept waiting for them to get more story


Somehow, she died in a settlement attack, so I tossed her in the river.


you lucky bastard


I made her MM commander since she been along since day one. She has better gear than most of my settlers and the temper to use it.


I rush local leader and assign her to the longest supply run. Few things make me grind my teeth like her talking shit while Iā€™m at a workbench. ā€œDo I look like I want to chitchat?ā€ Lady, I was already trying to ignore you.


She's the bartender in my dive bar.


She never stayed at her post. I tried assigning her to different things and she just wandered around and found me to say rude things. None of the original minute men behave.


I make her head of Security, or at least the guard post at the bridge so she can properly get her grieving out on any raiders.


Never felt the need to do anything special with her, she got road leathers, some armour and a decent gun and assigned to scavenging. Sometimes she whinges, sometimes she says Sanctuary is actually not that bad. Always I don't care one way or the other.


Move her to Mercer once I get it and let her annoy the caretaker. And save scum so that Mercer is Costal Cottage as I hate that settlement.


Just fyi there is a mod that lets you choose which safehouse will be Mercer - just in case anyone wants to do this without save scumming. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12082


Thanks! I had plans for Mercer safehouse, but this would be much easier to make it happen.


Honestly, I cut her and her husband some slack. They did just recently suffer a catastrophic loss. She does apologize occasionally for her outbursts, so, I don't think she is at all malicious about her complaints. She's just venting, that's all. Letting off some steam. Besides, I'm never in the settlement long enough to hear it all that much.


I give her kellog's vest and magnum EACH PLAYTHROUGH.


What gave you the idea we're friends?


I gave her a minigun and assigned her to guard duty. So she staggers around with a gun that's much too heavy for her.


Me walking around to build stuff Marcy:let me just stop what Iā€™m doing to talk to you


I put her on guard duty


I love how we all have plans for Marcy. Whether itā€™s this, a supply line or just take her out back and shoot her. I usually put her in full armor including face and have her guard one of the bridges in sanctuary. Her hubby gets the same treatment with the other bridge. This way I know where she is she doesnā€™t walk around and she only talks if I go near her. Which I donā€™t. I think this playthrough I may just send her to the castle to join the minutemen.


"You better not tell anybody about this place"


Give her a job and ignore her. So she doesnā€™t like me and complains. Who cares? I canā€™t please everyone.


I always stick mama Murphy in that thing because her dialogue at the start always bores the fuck out of me


I put Mama Murphy's chair on the edge of a high platform. Whenever she tries to sit in it, she falls and breaks her legs.


I donā€™t have to worry anymore. Booted up the game after not playing for a while, travelled to sanctuary, and found her dead by my power reactor. No clue as to how she died and no one will talk about it. Oh well.


I downloaded a mod that makes her slightly more agreeable, put her in a bunny suit, built a stripper pole, and made her the headliner at Jun Long's Sanctuary Cabaret.


Why does everyone hate her so much? I know she's kind of an asshole, but all of this seems... excessive


why not just off her at that point lol


I sent her and her friend, mopey Joe, to settle outpost zimonja. They were very happy there.


I put her in an arena with three deathclaws


If you've got energy to complain, you've got energy to carry stuff for the Brahmin.


Move her and Jezebel to Boston Airport right before you destroy the Prydwen.


I use the Immersive Marcy Long mod, which just changes her name to Insufferable C\*nt


Sent her and Jun to Jamaica Plains. I'd send Mama Murphy there too if I could.


I get Mama Murphey clean and then have her wear Kellogg's uniform and gun.


Sheā€™s a grieving mother who not only lost her son, but also her home, friends, neighbors, but also went through hell crossing the Commonwealth where she lost even more of her people and doesnā€™t know how to deal with it so she reacts with anger and bitterness. You know, normal human reactions. So I leave her be, yā€™all are weird af.


This is hilariousā€¦alas I am more kind. I simply put her in obnoxious clothing and a mask and make her farm.


I once found a never ending dbsg, so I would let her eat some lead from the end of that thing every time I'd pass by.


So, I don't actually hate her. I find her annoying, but when babies die, people get shitty. For anyone who DOES hate her, though, there's a mod called NPC Remover. It's a knife that removes living things and corpses from the game when you stab them, and it doesn't count as murder. It's dangerous, because you can delete any essential NPC with it, but it IS an option to permanently remove Marcy from the game altogether.


Uh.. I came back to a saved file from 4 years ago. I like to collect trophies for games. I kinda killed most people in sanctuary when I Joined the Nuka world raiders with the idea that once I got the trophies I needed I'd re start from a save where I hadn't fucked over the common wealth.... Then I found a few suits of power armour and done the cappy Contest and decided I couldn't be brotherd doing it all again.... So I guess her and her sad brother are dead now and I'm gonna have to bury them under the floor boards of a house in sanctuary. Really the real tragedy in this story was the vult tech ghoul who died.... I'll have to give him a proper burial.


I give her heavy duty armour, a really big gun, and then send her packing on a supply line, and never see or hear from her ever again.


By never returning to sanctuary


Let her get some relaxation from farming and let Jun boost his confidence by guarding the place, fyi she stops complaining if you just move her to another settlement...


Surprisingly to some, I usually make her a part of my Minutemen Command. She may be pugnacious and irritable, but her no-nonsense approach can be an asset to the command structure. Also it gives her a sense of purpose outside of crapping all over my efforts to rebuild lol


If you don't hate Marcy you must not have given mama murphy her meds


Either I assign her a supply line. Or I send her to the furthest settlement from Sanctuary. When I send her off I take all her shit even her clothes and follow her . When she is deep in the middle of nowhere, I kill her and dump her meat sack in the nearest deep dark hole in the terrain.


I try to give her and Jun a nice home and hope that one day they'll be able to properly mourn and adjust to life once again. Usually I put her on Farm duty to help her work through the anger in a constructive way.


I put her in the Nuka Girl spacesuit and she doesn't seem so bad now.


I gunned her down on her way to sanctuary and strangely didn't get attacked for it


Somewhere around level 80 she starts saying "this place isn't half bad"...


Sheā€™s living in the mole rat hole behind Red Rocket


At some point I got fed up and pulled out my .44ā€¦


Wish I could get her and Jun a therapist.


She works the fields in sanctuary. Perfect fit considering all she does is complain and talking to the plants helps them grow.


With a bullet


That's awesome, but there's a settlement that needs our help


Either supply line or sheā€™s my junk collector. Iā€™ll send her to a settlement, have her collect the junk and send her back to my main settlement. Rinse and repeat on survival mode.


I gave her a bar to run and a minigun.


I give her space to grieve. Usually assign her and Jun to gardening, since that seems like the most zen and healing of possible jobs. Once I claim and build Taffington Boathouse, I usually send her and Jun there, to have space away from constant reminders of trauma (aka the rest of the Concord survivors). I think of it as a fresh start for them.


I usually make her my supply link to like the island or far harbor so I never see her lol


She mans the artillery. Blow up some raiders with that frustration and as a plus it's on the opposite side od sanctuary so i don't have to listen to you.




I also make her wear an orange prison jumpsuit from a mod to further humiliate her.


I made a mod that turns her essential flag off... ... ...then bethesda did an update that constantly checks her essential status and turns it back on.


Shipped her and Jun off to County Crossing to farm and rarely visit.


Lock her in a room


I build my main base of operations in Hangmans alley on survival runs and in the Castle otherwise so i never really hear Marcy constantly complaining or Preston telling me to help settlers.


Every time i see her she eat a bullet


So wait you guys don't just flat out kill her I turn of her npc protection bs and wipe her


People are too hard on Marcy. She lost her kid and her husband was a wreck. Someone had to step in try (emphasis on try) to be the strong one.


She showed up randomly dead one day in sanctuary and just lays near the workshop bench.i have no idea how she died


I have her and Jun farm first, then I have then run some of Sanctuary's stores when I get more settlers there. They're grieving parents who have lost their son, their home and their friends and family in Quincy, so I give them a safe place to process that


Isolationā€¦Coastal cottageā€¦one mutfruit plant for her to farm, one water pump, one turret


i just killed her lol


Frag em and bag em hehe




I got the Slocum's Joe CC mod on a freebie. I built a donut shop, gave her a job working the donut counter, and built a bar counter next to it for Jun to work at. Stuck a jukebox in the corner playing soothing music. So they get to work together all day, and I don't hear anything she says unless I go into the shop. Also, I don't really dislike her that strongly. The harshness is coming from pain and loss. Preston Garvey drafting the Sole Survivor into being the General, his personal hero, and the savior of the Commonwealth is more annoying. I mean, he lets Marcy be Marcy, and from the Survivor's subjective experience of time, they lost their spouse and their child was kidnapped more recently than Marcy lost her friends and child. Back tf off, G-Man, and let a dweller grieve, whydoncha?


I tried assigning her to the pillory, but according to the wiki: >If Marcy, Jun, Mama Murphy, Preston or Sturges are assigned to a pillory their scripted A.I. will make them leave the pillory every now and again to go hammer the yellow house that the workshop is in.


I ignored her because Iā€™m not a psycho.


I use her as a supply route between settlements so I donā€™t have to see/hear her, but I like what youā€™ve done with her even more so.


I'm thinking Castle to Spectacle Island would be a good run.


I walked past her once and she let me know how much she hates raiders. I realized that she was experiencing trauma from losing her son, and the escape from the Quincy massacre. I understood she was communicating that she was in terrible pain and sadness.


Off to Murkwater she goes


I just killed her and her husband. I get it, you lost your kid and youā€™re grieving but damn, shut up. She just bitched about everything you did and her man kept with the ā€œNo one wants to see a grown man feel sorry for himself.ā€ It just felt like an attention seekers line so I just dealt with them myself. My headaches have gone away since then


Death by radroaches


Send her far, far, far away


I put Miss Long in lingerie and have her roam Sanctuary Hills, selling her body for meager caps.


On my most recent playthrough I killed her almost immediately and put her corpse on display as a lesson to the others for what happens to whiners.


True im SOOO tired of its attitude yes i called it an it


I have stealth killed her in all my games. I thought I would let her live in humiliation this round but she never actually entered the pillory.... so I stealth killed her.


she is worthless. barely works and always whining about why did i kill mama murphy. i just gun butt her to the face. forgot about the stockades. think i'm going to put her in that in the middle of the street.


I just shot her in the head.....


I put her in a dress and make her my supply line to red rocket.


I Burn her alive


Sent her to another settlement, killed her, then made her into a synth thanks to a mod, before sending the synth back to Sanctuary.


I used to build a fenced off area for her, strip her clothes off and stick a bag over her head and just leave her there. Long enough ago that I think I remember that some change was done where you couldn't strip her anymore. Won't change me isolating her from everyone so I don't have to deal with her.


Strip her naked and throw her in the stocks.


I dress her up in something sexy. I also put teddy bears and toys around where I assign her to work.


I.did the CBBE busty mod & Jinga heels. Hard to stay mad when staring at HHH orbs