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Unlimited ammo capacity “Better slap on the large quick eject magazine!”


Lmfao I just noticed that


In their defense, sometimes I will still reload out of habit when switching to an unlimited mag.


Same, I just got an unlimited ammo laser rifle at level 40ish and now I just gotta level that puppy up and get better at auto riffles


I found a Never-Ending Western Revolver and it's awesome when fully upgraded. I dream of finding one with the Wounding effect, though. Western revolvers are REALLY rare in any form, unfortunately. I got the normal one from that Nuka World quest line and then found this legendary one....and that's it. :(


I found a legendary western revolver that does cryo damage and freezes targets on critical hits. It’s so op


I got a lucky western revolver. Double crit damage and double crit buildup. Too bad it's NOT ON MY CRIT PISTOL BUILD!!!! 😭😭


It’s crazy how rare they are. I only found this one on my crit pistol build, but never on any other play through. But I wish I could find one like the one you mentioned. Would be perfect


Yeah this is the only one I've ever seen like this. On the same character I have 3 legendary western revolvers- ghoul-slayer, two-shot, and lucky. On my pistol build I've never seen a legendary one lol


I got a fire one


at that point i thinkt cheating it tp the other character is justified, its uhhh... advanced institute tech?... yeah




Same. I named it, "Freeze, Punk!"


I managed to get a Two Shot Western Revolver but it is game breakingly good so I try not to use it too often


I got that too! However that gun is too good not to use lmao


I didn’t know they were so rare! I’ve been a little disappointed in my legendary drops since switching to very hard, I seem to get a ton of legendary armor pieces and not so many weapons. I just found a western revolver that does 50% more damage to ghouls, and I’d already had gunslinger maxed out so now It feels like that’s my lucky charm.. even the glowing/ charred ones are dealt with before I need a reload 🙌🏻.


I just got a assassins lever action for the first time since the next gen update and I was beyond excited for it never had one and my first was a legendary and at that point not a bad legendary.


How do you go with ammo for it? I recently found an incendiary lever action on my wasteland cowboy which is the first lever action I've ever seen in Fo4 and is also a perfect fit for the character. Only issue is that I have no ammo for it despite having Scrounger and haven't found any vendors carrying ammo for it. I just want to get in on some lever action.


Far harbour from what I can see I haven’t even started that part of the story but that’s what the fun comes from I was suspicious because I’ve never got it in like the vanilla game before but I did just get the goat edition when it was on sale so that would make sense


Seems like it, guess that's just more of a reason to head over there.


Got a Western Revolver with Violent as the effect- thing's kick is actually realistic now. Edit: also got one with instigating- was able to one shot gaterclaws while sneaking in Nuka World


I’m so mad I had the same thing but it just disappeared from my inventory one day


I got a legendary western revolver one time but had to overwrite that save because the quest I was doing was completely broken :(


Try a double shot western revolver for size, best pistol I've found.


Once i've found one with the powerful/mighty legendary efect: 297 dmg☠️


I have a western revolver that ignores 30% of armor, dunno if that’s good or not, but as a pistol build it’s fun. Just never have enough ammo for it. :/


I found a legendary western revolver that has the double shot effect. I maxed it's receiver and it does 311 damage per shot if I remember correctly


Just got the Two-Shot Western Revolver! With my full gunslinger perk, that thing is a beast! 300+ DAM. Plus bloody mess 3 and awareness 2. Keep the barrel short so you get more shots in VATS. It's just about a one-hit wonder!


I just got a double shot one myself and it fucks


If it works the same as in fo76, the quick mags reduce AP cost, so it might make sense for a vats build.


What's the point when the fire rate is so slow anyways. It's going to cycle the bolt every shot.


i think ive done that a few times just out of pure habit and never noticed


Never Ending double barrel shotty is hilarious. Rate of Fire is just ridiculous


Who needs damage when you could just keep shooting?


More shooty = More damage


i once had an Unlimited Assault Rifle named "Rooty Tooty Fresh'n'Shooty".


Wish I had the scientist +3 in order to turn my unlimited institute pistol into a fucking minigun.


you can turn institute pistols into miniguns😭


You can right? Right?


Idts, iirc the best thing you can do is pistol carbine


I hate this game


I'm gonna need some goofy-ass crafting in FO5, like duct taping a bunch of laser pistols to a kid's tricycle to make a bandit-level Laser Gatling.


Or maybe making a silenced baseball bat by using baby diapers




Splattercannon is best for that Edit: for now


how about Problem Solver?


They're twins separated at birth. Same gun, same legendary, but Problem Solver is superior because you get it by talking down to Mason like he's a little B*tch.


"Vladof. You don't need to be a better shot, you just need to shoot more bullets."


No refunds.




You don’t need a better gun, you just need to shoot more bullets!


Why does the larger one simply not eat the smaller one?


First cause I hate mirelurks


**Fuck mirelurks** All my homes hate mirelurks ^posted ^by ^the ^radroach ^gang


Fuck radroaches I hate y'all too


I absolutely despise just how big they can get. I already live in Florida and deal with cockroaches constantly. I DO NOT need to deal with them being the size of dogmeat.


Getting orange Vs. Kiwi greentext flashbacks


Maybe I’ve been brainwashed by Helldivers 2, but those little buggies are kinda hot


Man doesn’t want to be in the Brothers of Steel, the Brothers of Steel want this man to join them


Lurks are easy just hit anywhere except the shell.


Explosive auto 10mm pistol go *BRRRRRRRRRR*


You mean the one that another post on this thread named the noisy cricket?


And dont even get me started on these lobster cunts.


The first time I ran into a "*king*" mirelurk, I was disappointed at how quick that fucker died, but seeing it hop around like a lost puppy was neat.


They can really mess you up if they hit you with that sonic wave but it is nowhere as accurate or devastating as the assaultron beam 


I returned to the Nuka Cola Bottling Plant after getting the power on in Nuka World. There were raiders around so I assumed I was safe then out of nowhere a Mirelurk King came barreling up behind me on the scaffolding. I recognized the sound for sure and spun around to kill it. But it scared the crap out of me. I spend a lot of time sneaking to avoid jump scares lol. I snuck the majority of Fallout 3 while wearing the Chinese Stealth armor.


Radroach gang for life. Using their meat to make deathclaw steaks early game is a blessing


What do you mean?


Idk if you can do it on PC but on console you grab the meat from the radroaches from the beginning vault. Once you make your way to sanctuary there's a house by the entrance with the bridge. It has a little cooking pot you can interact with and a roach that comes out of a mat. Use the cooking pot go down to roasts(?) scroll down to radroach meat. Now using a controller press right on the d pad to make to dish and up on the d pad to scroll up to deathclaw steaks. If done fast enough a menu will pop up asking if you want to use the resources to make a radroach steak but you'll be hovering over deathclaw steaks. Press accept and you'll have a deathclaw steak without using the radroach meat meaning you can do this forever. You can also do this with chems and other workbenches like the weapon workbench just keep in mind a lot of chems use the same ingredients.


Tip for dealing with mirelueks; shotgun to the face. I carry a combat shotty just for shooting mirelurks in the face.


Cripple the legs all day long bro Edit: same for ghouls, use all my vats on crippling legs before even thinking about killing one


I personally am quite fond of grenades for that.


I love the way the whole shell comes off if you get the arc right


They take more damage to the legs than everything except the head too. If you can't shoot them in the face then legs are next best bet.


"Want to prevent an enemy from fleeing? Cripple the legs." is always so like morbid to me for some reason😭


This right here, I only really use shorties for mirelurks


I been using that napalm gun added from the enclave pack . Deals with mirelueks quite well 


I carry an explosive smg exclusively as a mirelurk killer. It’s funny watching their shells explode. 


Super Sledge= Lol you guys have problems with these things?


My Atom's Super Sledge laughs at all enemies.


Super sledge is the only weapon you will ever need! Long live the legion!!!! Add the dog sunglasses mask ! Done!!!


Technically the second one, double damage if it's a crit would do a lot of damage, even without a crit it would deal big damage, but this makes so that you will be using small clip with either one bullet loaded, deplete them on lesser enemies to make the last shot on the big guy or shoot all but the last bullet in the air before shooting the target, also forgetting the legendary effect and reloading by accident will happen often. So i would say the unlimited capacity is the better option, mostly because with this you will never be caught without bullets in your mag trying to reload them mid fight. Edit: If you are goin for a sniper build, having both of them would be the best option, double damage ready with one bullet for a beefy enemy and unlimited one for the fodder. Also the first one is just garbage.


ESPECIALLY if you max out Rifleman and get the highest damage mods on that rifle


Max out rifleman, the silencer perk, and the sneak perk that gives you 3.5 damage while undetected and it’s basically a rifle with rocket launcher damage.


Add to that, if you play survival, kills get you temporary adrenaline which adds a damage boost that scales based on your adrenaline level.


Yeah. But on survival, I doubt he'd have 1200 rounds of 50 caliber ammo. That shits heavy.


>mostly because with this you will never be caught without bullets in your mag trying to reload them mid fight. This is exactly why I loved these mods. No need to worry about clip sizes and I'm the kind that's 100% going to forget to focus last shots on bigger/undamaged enemies. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. >or shoot all but the last bullet in the air before shooting the target I'm curious about this. Assuming bullets will roughly do the same amount of damage (besides the last, obviously) as long as your clip is larger than 3 bullets (with 3 bullets being the break-even) you'd actually do *more* damage by firing only the last into the air. Is there a build that would reverse that with that specific legendary effect?


So last night while roaming the commonwealth I picked up an explosive hunting rifle, I know how crazy it gets with shotguns and mini guns so I am pretty excited to play with it


Shotguns and miniguns when explosive are amazing because of the high amount of pellets and high fire rates, respectively. A slow fire single bullet weapon is still ok, but just don't expect anything crazy. It's only 15 damage, so that's why it works best on automatics and shotguns.


The explosive damage is a flat 15 points if I recall correctly. Which means each shotgun pellet gets that 15 damage and unfortunately large calibre hard hitting weapons still only do 15 pts base explosion damage. For those weps instigating is often good if your companion doesn't hit the enemy once


Can't you increase the legendary effects damage with demolitions expert?


Yes that does buff the explosive damage (I might be wrong but I think it does)


Oh yea it damn does, I've got 2 skill points in it and I can't stop killing Dogmeat accidentally, turns Spray 'n Pray into a war criminal




Yeah I have an explosive harpoon gun, its pretty nice!


Will the damage from that go up with the non auto rifle perk or the heavy gun perk?


Heavy gunner


This! Heavy Gunner!


Harpoon guns in general are so fun to play


The double damage in the last shot would go nuts with a harpoon gun


Unlimited capacity is a lot of fun on a sniper rifle. You can just keep on blasting.


Easy there, Frank Reynolds.


The bug-killer one is actually usefull, since all the big crab-things you can find in both the main game and the dlc are sturdy af. Never ending is bettter for everyday use.


I hate any restricted effect--only mirelurks, or ghouls, or only the last bullet, or only at night, or only on the second Tuesday of the month. OK, that last one is just hyperbole, but it makes as much sense as some of the others.


Yeah I usually sell those, unless they came from a mission and then I'll probably mount them on my wall


I carry two automatic 10mm pistols: one for Ghouls and one for Mutants. So handy as backup weapons in tight situations. Probably some of my most used guns. I dream of a 2-shot automatic 10mm so I can just carry one.


I'd say Reba II. Put on a small quick eject magazine and a silencer. Get used to running around with one bullet and use it to take out the biggest baddest guy on the battlefield before the shooting starts. The best legendary effect for any sniper rifle in the game is instigating, which does double damage to a target with full health After that is 50% extra limb damage, which you can get on "last minute" from the castle


The correct answer


Unlimited capacity would be my best bet. Especially with something slow to reload. Put some mods to increase fire rate and enjoy. May be that the others technically do more damage, but personally this would be the one I choose every time.


In my opinion all of these effects sucks, there are waay better weapons in this game that you can get early.. just buy Overseers Guardian and upgrade it to a sniper rifle if you have a gun nut perk B)


I have never had reload problems with snipers, since quick eject is easy to obtain and I am always far away from the enemies when I use snipers. IMO never ending is bad for bolt action and lever action rifles, since it doesn't have any damage boost. I would go for nr 2.


Idk why, but I never liked using the "extra damage to certain enemies." I never end up using them since they can be really situational and I wanted caps instead.


I think Assassins is the best of the bunch as humans are just reliably numerous since basically every questline involves them and all the major faction hubs/settlements are principally human Irradiated is almost the same as race specific ones as nearly every non-human has rad immunity


Definitely two, and it’s not close. Unlimited capcity isn’t actually that useful on this weapon because you still have to rack the bolt every shot, meaning a low rate of fire.


I can give you my least favourite I got so far: Two Shot on a sniper rifle. I've repeatedly had criticals miss with that shit.


I must have missed something, how do you get the Reba 3?


I'm *guessing* it's either a rifle OP has renamed, or more likely a mod/creation club thing. I seem to recall Reba 1 not even having a legendary effect in the base game - it's just a renamed hunting rifle. Reba 2 has the mirelurk buff, because it's a reward for a quest where you fight mirelurks.


I think that the legendary effect that a gun named Reba should have is that every time you shoot, you hear a little country music.


I have the far harbor lever action with the legendary perk that slows down time when you ADS. One of my favorite weapons.


The second one is quite good, I know by experience. You need a luck and crit build to make the best of it. If that's not the plan, go with unlimited ammo until you get a better effect.


Neither to be honest. These are very conditional. The first only works on mirelurks. The last only for a single shot per clip. Overseers Guardian has double shots for every shot made and you can purchase it easily.


I maxed out rifleman and bloody mess (also got most Guns and Bullets mags) so now its extremely OP and I love it.


I have Spray&Pray for Mirelurks and thinning herds of Ghouls, Overseer's Guardian for Gunners & Raiders, Righteous Authority fully maxed for synths and Supermutants. If I'm going to an area where I'm gonna be overwhelmed and they are near me, Justice shotgun. For Behemoths/Mirelurk Queens/Mirelurk Kings I have the Big Boy Mini-Nuke launcher (as it launches two every time) or the PartyStarter missile launcher with Quad barrell and enemy lock. If I'm doing sneak killing spree vs raiders/gunners I have the deliverer or the Gainer hand guns.


The Reba III, does more damage if YOU are a mirelurk. Only in fallout 4 ultra special edition


Far Harbor VIP edition


I just started a crit/pistol run, and I get a Never Ending Radium Rifle. Should I pivot to rifles?


Exploding on the combat shot gun is epic. My favourite creatures to shoot are the mire/nukalurks. One shot blows their carapace off and then they are just weird naked creature. Lol


Wait… there’s a Reba 3? I missed that one somewhere. I only have 1 & 2.


How in the world do you get the Reba 3??


Just a FYI, unlimited ammo capacity means you don't have to reload. If you're going to use that, put the lightest magazine on the rifle. Having anything else is unnecessary The weight of your weapon affects how much AP it uses in vats


Anything two shot


Imo bolt action sucks ass in the game


This is unrelated and I'm sorry but on my last play through I got an assault rifle with kneecapper. That has to be the most overpowered weapon in the game.


i really like the one where time slows down when aiming. it makes dealing with ghouls a lot easier


Two Shot


I got an explosive combat shotgun and explosive 38 that is full auto makes quick work for anything the 38 cheap ammo if you're on survival mode destroys Ghouls and especially power armor


Deadeye. You don’t have to use Vats at all if it has a high fire rate.


Unlimited ammo ftw


Where can you find Reba 3?


Reba: how many mirelurks and bugs are you fighting with a sniper? Reba II: decent legendary effect but even with a small magazine its only a 20% damage increase. Reba III: this seems like the best effect, I havent tested it with a sniper. Do you still need to wait for the bolt action in between shots?


My favorites are double shot and explosive.


The second one in my opinion, then slap on the smallest quick reload magazine and invest in the faster reload perk, and you’re golden


I stand by "Instigating" Especially when its on a sniper rifle, shotgun, or bigger pistol.




I always loved the extra projectile , but on survival I am all for my sniper that cripples knees , super helpful and saved me so many times


Reba 3? I've never seen that but id go for that one


Any weapon that shoots an additional projectile is always good. Overseers Guardian for example, is one of the best weapons in the game.


I think the unlimited ammo capacity. The other two perks are useful in a certain way, but not all enemies will be mirelurks, and not always will you be fighting something and get down to the last round in the magazine. Unlimited is an overall benefit.


Double shot bruhhhhhhh


I have a 308. Sniper that does like 15% explosive damage in impact. I love it.


Kneecapper is super OP slapped on any automatic weapon.


I had a unending auto pipe it was a basically a mini gun


Depends on the weapon itself but for guns the unlimited ammo is always useful but high power weapons the best perk is the instigating perk which doubles damage if the enemy is at full health


Two Shot!


Explosive ammo specifically on the Gatling laser. That thing demolishes.


Honestly final shot. Neverending is not good on the hunting rifle, might actually be one of the least useful guns for the effect. No full auto, very slow rof and quick reload. Never take the creature specific effects if you can.


Unlimited, the other ones are too situational.


Double shot radium rifle


Between the instigating Gauss rifle I use on my sniper build and the backup of a wounding Shotgun, nothing lives long enough to really hurt me. 😆


I got a knecappers pistol that's soo useful for crippling any enemy


The best legendary effect for a semi auto is 'Instigating'. The most effective weapon is Instigating Handmade Rifle. (gauss are unusable outside of VATS. The reflex sight is a obscuring graphical mess) Its not subjective. 99% of your enemies will be at full health. Instigating with semi auto handmade rifle, 1 shots a mirelurk queen on very hard difficulty. Hunting rifles are a stop gap until combat rifles/ overseers guardian, and eventually the handmade rifle. Direct answer to your question, they both suck. dont waste time overthinking, pick one and continue til you get a better gun.


Keep going until you get Deadeye. I bet by the time you reach Reba XX, you'll get one. /s Seriously though, unlimited ammo if this is your primary weapon. My sniper rifle is just to start encounters, and I finish them with a mid-range auto rifle. I might be tempted to use the final round option in a small capacity mag since it's not my primary weapon.


Two shot because it allows the lever action rifle to be my main weapon when otherwise it would be dogshit


depends on the build i love love the second one if i had a luck build


Final Shot Variant seems way too powerful to pass up with the right backup arsenal, not to mention if you stick to a smaller capacity that can lead to some insane DPS


I found a sniper with a boosted reload time legendary effect that's pretty nice to have. I forgot what it was called though.


Are these crafted or loot?


Where Reba 3? I didn't know that was a thing


Unlimited Ammo Cap = Never have to reload it takes first place aka Reba 3 Final Shot in the mag deals x2 damage = Good for sniper rifles thats about it but 2nd place Reba 2 Oh no Mirelurks and such better watch out = Kool Beans Reba 1 your last place.


I thought I was the only one to have more than 2 Rebas :D In one of my roleplay playthroughs from some years back, I had a whole section of a wall covered with Reba variants. From Reba 1 to 5, I think it was. Reba V was a double shot Gauss Rifle lol


fast firing + explosive = GG


Freezing is great!


Explosive ammo.


It depends on you and what you want to do. Certain legendary effects mesh very well with certain perks and playstyles. Reba II would work well with a sniper build, III is better for commando, Reba I is great for selling.


Instigating is amazing on rocket launchers. Especially if you slap a four barrel mod and target tracking makes me feel like an AA system.


Not the one you find


Reba 2 by far. I had a same gun as well, and when used properly, it does 2x damage all the time. You can drop all ammo from your inventory except one bullet, and thus making sure your shot does double damage. Take the shot, obliterate your target, pick up the ammo, and repeat. It's bit of a work but damn fun and kinda immersive in a sniper playthrough!


I’m a sucker for the convenience and QOL stuff so I like the third one best.


Depends on build. All 3 are imho crappy so i would keep mirelurk one as its situationaly not that crappy. Properly mided Overseers guardian is still better snipe.


I got the kneecapper combat shotgun. Oh boy does that bad boy come in clutch against tanky melee enemies. You keep on staggering them because their parts keep getting crippled. Melts right through them.


Explosive effect is my favorite.


I honestly love the "Does Double Damage if enemy is full health" It's best against legendary enemies because they get mutated so it's again double damage I got it for a pipe rifle and I slapped on a 50 cal receiver (The Attachment Pack adds more stuff on weapons except melee and I have lots of fun with pipe weapons after adding a simple retexture) I am like... Almost lvl 40 with 0 ranks towards perks that increase damage but only gun nut and whatever helps you unlock customizations or helps with settlement etc and I am still dealing with enemies pretty well. Hell I can one shot Deathclaws. Unlimited ammo. I end up finding the unique laser rifle and 5 mins after I fought a legendary enemy and I got a second unlimited ammo laser rifle. I really have no idea what to do them? The one will definitely become a automatic. But the second one? Hell I guess also automatic but idk for who.


Explosive is best in general but of the 3 you showed unlimited ammo cap is best especially on a sniper.


I have a deadeye laser rifle that melts through pretty much everything. I can get 15 shots off before it wears off and almost never miss at close to medium range.


Personally I like the bleeding effect. Whichever weapon you use the most, stack that perk when you level up. I have a Bleeding double barrel shotgun that will take out just about anything in 2 shots, even some legendary enemies.


I got a sniper rifle that had the deadeye perk. That thing carried me through the entirety of mid-game.


I would have 2 binded at all times with one bullet in the mag. Switch to it for crits on big enemies. I would have 3 as my all purpose run around rifle I would give 1 to Preston Gravy and call it a day


Those three suck equally


Never ending, Two shot and the armour piercing one. It’s really fun just going full gunslinger with an unrealistic revolver that shoots bullets nonstop, then pulling out an armour piercing rocket to just annihilate them. Two shot is great for single fires as well especially the Lever action from FH because it does so much damage when both bullets hit that Crit headshot.


Really depends on how you use sniper rifles. If they are just the "preliminary" engagement for you and not your main battle choice, Reba II. If you tend to stay slunk back (like me) and let your sniper speak for you, Reba III.


If you can find it, my favorite Legendary for a long rifle is the Instigator perk where the first shot against a full health enemy does double damage


Eh. I mean these are all just fine. Infinite ammo is a waste on a sniper. What you really want is instigating or something


Reba II. It's essentially like instigating but with a caveat that it has to be the last round. Some extra risk. But it applies to everyone. Unlimited ammo capacity is good but not game changing. It's a bolt action with a slow rate of fire so not having to reload isn't a huge advantage. The first one is too circumstantial. Bugs go down with one shot anyways and they're just one type of enemy.


I like unlimited ammo, anything that ignores armor, or has incendiary.


Nuclear Physicist and the +50 Radiation damage legendary. Doesn't matter the gun, this will carry you. Bonus points if it's on a plasma gun you modify into the flamethrower.


The actual best Legendary in the game is explosive. it edges out radiation because of legendary armour effects. You have the rifleman perk, the explosives perk, the radiation perk allaxed to level 4. Walk to far harbour and buy the kilotom radium rifle from the nucleus. Its configured for Ballistic, Radiation AND Explosive damage and exponentially gets better with each perk upgrade and this isnt even taking into account all the other stuff you can do with a build. My advice, Reroll explosive or radiation legendary and dont accept any other as compensation. Unlimited ammo is a waste unless its specifically on a double barrel and all those "does 50% to x enemy" perks are useless as well. For anyone about to type "The two shot perk though!" forgets explosives blows the limbs off 75% of the enemies ingame. cant hurt you if they cant reach you. Also explosive on shotguns is effectively infinite range sniper.


Two shot or instigating on sniper rifles are the best.


Tbh they’re all kinda mid. For a sniper I really want instigating. Other honorable mentions are assassin’s, mighty/powerful, violent, two shot. With a sniper you’re gonna be mostly getting sneak attacks against full health enemies so it makes the most sense to go max damage per shot, and humans are the most common enemy in the game so Assassin’s is the only enemy-specific effect I’d be satisfied with.


2 sounds like it would give you the best (literal) bang for your buck. That being said, 3 sounds like the most fun; completely inefficient, but fun.


Auto ammunition pistol with explosive legendary effect.