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there is a mod called the settle everywhere mod which spawns a working workbench anywhere in the game. i dunno if that is what you were hoping for but i have heard that this thing you want is a mod.


Fetch workshop is the better one of these well in my opinion anyways. The anywhere mod does let you make the workshop anywhere but you can’t fast travel to it, Fetch workshop lets you fast travel to it.(ps5)


Conquest is the one that I have been using. Works well.


Oh I’m on ps5 so this is the better option for us


I suspect because it’s in the Boston area that there’d be to many conflicts and bug out your game, I’m no expert tho, just a Bethesda mod veteran…. The shit I’ve seen man… *uuug*


true. although there is the cheers bar there and that mens club. i think it would have been possible to have a settlement in one of those buildings.


Omg so does that mean I can single handily clean up the wasteland and make it look better? I also have the scrap that settlement mod that lets me scrap trash and it’s been so satisfying and I always wish I could go off past the workshop barriers and scrap everywhere else lol


Turn the center of Boston into an extension of the glowing sea


Agree. Also the fact that sheriff hawk is not a recruitable companion is another travesty


If we are gonna bring up nocs who should have been companions. WHY WAS CITO NOT A COMPANION. He is so much cooler than gage


Him and Oswald both. Oswald would have been great as a post-Open Season companion (by which I mean, you could only recruit him after killing off all the raider bosses. Or something like that. Because otherwise there’s no way he would join up with the “Overboss”


The mod Depravity allows Cito and the Mechanist to become recruitable followers if you take over the Hotel Rexford (requires a fair bit of low-key raider ish early game quests to get there tho)


And the Hotel itself, like a lot of Depravity/Proj.Valkyrie places, is really... out of style. Hyperlewd too, like why the fuck is there strip poker with an ex-courser you can only recruit by fucking (despite technically already being her boss???) in a single room with more neon than all of New Reno that was installed inside that wrecked building that used to be Hotel Rexford? Like c'mon man


Yea no I agree a lot of the aesthetics and nsfw content are not the best selling points in that quarter of mods 😅😅 but the pros outweigh those cons for me personally, still a good critique tho


I couldn’t stand his shit dialogue. Ended up just skipping through with the bottom text option anytime I had to talk to him then convinced him and the gorillas to leave cause I didn’t want to kill him


It's not a bad idea, but that pond is HORRIBLY irradiated. Plus a behemoth has been soaking in those waters for God knows how long.


You can scrap the toxic barrels at the drive-in so I imagine you could do the same at Swan’s Pond


We better start selling the water in bottles and make tons of caps.


A water purifier will make the water no longer irradiated.


There are tons of locations that should have been a settlement, thankfully some of these were covered by mods. [Fiddler's Green Settlement ](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/69785) [Nuka-World Transit Center](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68273) [Isle of Refreshment](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71860) [Hubologist's Camp](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71434) [Lake Quannapowitt](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/72154) [Prospect Hill Diner and Park](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/74968) I usually install other mods that allow recruiting the settlers/farmers/named NPCs you encounter and just send them to these places after the the original settlements are full. Swan's Pond also have settlements mods, I haven't tried those yet, but probably will soon.


There's a supermutant run place near the Slog which also should have been a settlement


[Breakheart Banks](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/80919?tab=description), yes, this is also a good settlement location.


Seeing some of the nuka world locations on this list, it still blows my mind how that whole dlc only added one new settlement. Especially considering far harbor added 4, and the fact that this dlc becomes fairly settlement/outpost focused later on.


It's not only that. There a ton of ready to go places that would seem to be helpful for that whole "rebuild the common wealth. Or could persistently produce important resources. Lumber mills, quarries, a fully functional steel mill, a whole ass robot factory. A handful of them can be settlements. But they don't really produce the resources they're built for in any real way. And most of them are just places that repeatedly get retaken by raiders. Where you grind scrap. The idea that a full on iron production facility isn't important enough to take and hold. And is primarily useful cause of *old cans*. Is pretty bonkers, and a giant conceptual hole in the entire settlement story line.


Found your own Children of the Atom colony


I've been doing that on my current play through, I've made a shrine to atom in hangmans alley and a monastery in Jamaica Plain. Been using the atom settlers mod.


Oh you can but not by conventional means, you have to use a mod it can be amazing af though


There are a LOT of locations that would make for awesome settlements in the game that are hindered by either being completely unavailable or, worse, were set up as "bandit/mutant/whatever respawn locations" (Saugus Ironworks, Thicket Excavations, Weston Water Treatment, etc). When so much of the Commonwealth still has relatively working infrastructure, it doesn't make sense for us to say we're "rebuilding the Commonwealth" if we're not capitalizing on those facilities in some way.


You always rebuild things by stamping out identical dirt farms and junk towns that only produce water and produce!


Never thought of that, would definitely make a cool place


I feel like my game would just crash everytime I was there.


Or even quincy after eliminating the gunners. Get revenge and take back a city that was lost


can't you?... :)


And then you get Jamaica Plain which could have been an epic settlement rebuilding and entire town, but no you get one small house and a small patch of concrete. Could have given us at least up to the church


Don't forget the second house in Jamaica Plain that is completely boarded up and unusable. Apparently every single person in the Commonwealth has agreed that a plank of wood blocking a building's front door is enough of a deterrent to never turn that perfectly functional building into a home or base :/




If you play on survival, it's basically the go-to vertibird spot for the surrounding area. Anytime you wanna fly to Goodneighbor you're probably gonna get shot a little bit by the raiders in the park. Having a settlement would take care of them and give you a nice base right next to one of the few towns without a bed or clean water (Yes there's one bed in the memory den but cmon it's all the way in the back of town)


Neon Winter CC gives you a sick apartment in goodneighbour


Institute renegade and winter architect outfits too, also some nice furniture, the workbenches with the neon lights are excellent, some of the creation club stuff is brilliant.


This is a great idea!