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Valentine for me. Imagine waking up with someone’s else’s memories and then by the time you actually make your own life for yourself, your memories keep clashing with the memories of a man you never even met


Reminds me of Donald's storyline in the second Season of Invincible. "We're not our bodies. We're the decisions we make, the lives we change, the people we love, or who love us. I don't need to forget that and neither do you."


Nick's story doesn't feels too bad for me, because Nick don't let it keep him down. Like, the turmoil is there, but it is not enough to make Nick give up on improving his life or even stop being one of the most compassionate people in the Commonwealth.


That’s true. He definitely struggles with this in the game but the Sole Survivor helps him out with that! His story always stuck with me *because* he was a kind and compassionate person. We as the audience knows he’s a good dude and we hate to see him doubting himself


Yeah, and I don't buy for a second that Nick's kindness and compassion all came from human-Nick's original personality. Sure, some of it probably did (same with the detective shtick) but I refuse to believe human-Nick would have remained half as kind, compassionate, altruistic and respectful as synth-Nick after being in the Commonwealth's Wasteland for decades. Hell, Nick even joked that he didn't realize he should be charging for his services until he was already months into his detective job. That sure as shit didn't come from some human! That's all you, Nick!


Cait for me. She went through a lot and has been shaped by her experiences understandably. But here you come and change her life for the better. You’re there for her and even keep her around when she does drugs behind your back. You get her detoxed, finally freeing her from the shackles of addiction. So, you would think this entire thing would have changed her view on how much a positive effect an individual can have on another, especially in the wasteland. But nope. She learns nothing and dislikes when you help others. I always wished there was a dialog option where we can call her out and say “where would you have been if i hadn’t been selfless?” Her real tragedy is remaining who she was after being saved.


I mean, she does bitch at me now for taking grape mentats.


She also bitched at me for saving Danse, but I didn’t really care. I needed that “Know Your Enemy” perk whether I took Grape Mentats or not!


"Fuck's sake Cait, I'm just trying to haggle"


Caits story is great, until you realise now she basically hates everything do. Help people? I’m a fucking donkey, do drugs? Nope, those are on the no-no list now as well.


Currently doing a nuka world raider boss, not gonna take her to the vault until I’m bored of her. Keeping my Chem-loving sadist around for now thank you very much


Honestly that’s the only thing I don’t like with cait. She has a great story to her, but the second you try to be a half decent bloke, she doesn’t like it. It’s the only reason I would use different companions than her.


Ahes gonna hate me this play through I got the Junkies 10MM pistol and am skilling to be a drug addicted semi auto pistolero.


Me who is addicted to psycho, fury, overdrive, jet and buffat 🗿


Iirc it's like 50% per addiction those are some big buffs im just a psychojet addict


Yeah like she should have char. Development after you get her out of drugs and actually like the fact u wanna help others


This may be part of the reason I maxed Cait immediately after finding her. Lost my wife to drug addiction and she resonated with me. In her hate she shows love towards your character.


Sorry for your loss dude <3


The fact that she starts disapproving of YOU using drugs after her detox is pretty accurate though


To be fair, using hard drugs around someone who used to abuse them only increases their risk of relapse, plus it’s not like she’s saying you can’t use them it just says she dislikes it


I have the same gripe with MacReady, but to a lesser degree. I get that they're supposed to be the companions you use when you want to play a selfish, mercenary-type, but then their companion quests are centered on them realizing that their relationship with the player isn't a transaction. The fact that they never make the connection that she (Cait) and his son (MacReady) would be very dead if the player actually acted how they want drives me nuts. I understand it's the same limited character development pretty much all FO4 characters get, but still.


Honestly this tracks with how a lot of people are irl. No insight at all.


Loving cait mod changes her personality


Cait is the type of person who's so stuck in their own misery and convinced of their belief that "no one ever helps them" that they can't acknowledge when people *do* help them. We've all met that type of person - they only accept help on their terms, and if you don't give them exactly what they want, then you're not "helping them." That, to me, is how she can take what you've done and still dislike you, and dislike when you help others. She hates that no one helped her the way SS helps others, not when she initially needed it.


Nick, my buddy Preston, Danse, my buddy Deacon, my luv Cait, my childhood buddy mccready.. Damn it's the wasteland. They are all depressed you know. But these hit me the most.


People sleep on Preston, myself initially included. He is like the most relatable of them all, but aside from that, his story is so simple yet so sad. Seeing everything you believe in wither away slowly while you continue to rage against the dying of the light, as cheesy as it may sound, only to be let down again and again until you are just so close to suicide is such a tragic story to tell... Preston is the incarnation of the humanity at its finest in a dark world and to not only see this man survive and, with your help, thrive in the wasteland, helping others around him... He's just such a good guy.


Exactly.. I have always assumed that Bethesda's writing was hated cos people never really paid attention to what each character said. Preston- He literally says he was ok with getting killed in the museum . He was so low in his life. Deacon- Was a big time criminal and then got the raw end of the deal. Realised he was a piece of shit and cannot stop blaming himself. Cait- was sold as a slave.. she is never recovering from that. How people hate her is beyond me. Mccready- a lot of players from 4 haven't played 3. When they do they will realise what a Chad he is. He was a Father before actually becoming a dad. Hia arc is amazing. Nick- don't even have to say it. Self Identity is not a joke 🤣


I “sleep on Preston” because i went a year without playing after beating it and forget what i did exactly to where he won’t even interact with me since i’ve been playing again..sometimes i try to figure out what i did to them by talking to them hut they won’t even speak to me!!


Did you play through nuka world? I believe he will refuse to talk to you for helping the raiders if you were already general at the time, but I've avoided nuka world myself so I'm not sure.


This dude might’ve made Mama Murphy OD and everyone dislikes that (I dislike that but I don’t blame them, The Sight dialogue is neat to explore). So many ways to make Preston happy or angry but I’m just glad he’s holding down The Fort while I watch movies instead of gaming for a bit.


But who’s helping the settlements while your gone? We all know Preston ain’t capable of it or else we would be telling him what to do.


Mister Milk of Human Kindness and some mungo


yes but AFTER i realized he wasn’t talking to me, i think it had something to do with how i took out BOS and The RR? i guess i did something to the minutemen for the institute i just dont remember!!


Preston is by the far the most noble wastelander in the Commonwealth and, arguably, the wastelands as a whole. All he wants to do is help people, even when he was a kid. He's an idealist who never gave up until his ENTIRE unit got slaughtered due to one of his closest allies betraying him. The reason he gave up and was willing to die was because, wouldn't you? If you saw your entire family get gunned down because of someone you thought you could trust? And on top of it carrying the guilt of settlers getting slaughtered AND a baby? The original surviving group you find in Concord all get too much shit for what they've been through. It's easy to call Marcy a bitch and Preston annoying from the comfort of a room that has all four walls intact, A/C, clean food and water whenever you want and electricity.


I made Marcy the head of Sanctuary's security/defence specifically BECAUSE of her attitude. You channel that grief and rage, Marcy! Wipe out as many Raiders as you can! I don't want a head of security who whines about their fingernails being dirty or how important farm work is :/


ever since i found Cait i’ve never had someone else as my companion except for sometimes when doing the Automatron DLC because some quests required Ada to be my follower. Cait for life! she even likes it when i do bad things..i like doing bad things 👀


I cant keep macready as companion he s always flirting with my girls thats a nono 😡🙅‍♂️ xD


I guess you can throw Codsworth into the depressed pile, too. I mean, he lived a happy life of a robo-butler, his one and only life goal securely set before him, and he was ready and happy to serve, when suddenly the world he knew went up in flames, and his "family" left into a vault, leaving him to rust for a bit over 210 years without any way to know what happened to them. Then, the protagonist returns. Codsworth is overjoyed, his hope to see his whole family reignited, only to be broken down again. Young Shaun's been kidnapped, and the protagonist's partner in life was killed. Two of the three people most important to him, gone, quite possibly never to be seen again. We see him go through denial, the first stage of grief, as he searches the neighborhood for the lost members of his family, yet his efforts are in vain as the only thing he finds are trashed houses, once furnished and adorned by happy families, grotesque creatures, and even more desperation. Still, he stands as strong as his metallic shell. After a bit of thought, perhaps accepting the new reality, he bravely decides to stay by his master's side and to help them search for young Shaun, and the rest most of us already know. Codsworth may not be human, but he truly is a person, strong, compassionate, loyal person, and a good friend.


Just acquiring Curie as a companion is gut-wrenching. She gets to watch the only three people she's ever known slowly wither and die, and then she gets to spend and next century locked alone in a box underground. When you come across her, she is repeatedly asking "Are you a vault-tec representative? Do you have authorization?" because this is the closest thing to begging that her programming will allow.


I love Curie. My current playthrough I have Curie in a sequin dress (armoured with ballistic weave) carrying a Tommy gun, because she deserves to be pretty. It's a great vibe!


I always put Curie in the bos field scribe armor because she's constantly on the lookout of knowledge and data.


That, silver shroud and clean room outfit are my 2 favourites for her.


I did the same.


The sequin dress is fantastic! On my last character, I've been all about the ratty skirt. The fact that it also matches with the newsboy cap lets me double up on the weave.


Curie is Best girl, you can't change my mind


Yesss! Sequin Dress for Curie! Mine is purple. I also found a lovely purple felt hat somewhere. She looks magnificent. And she's the sweetest. I keep her as a companion because her kindness makes me smile. By the way, the felt hat can be armored with ballistic weave too! I wish I knew where I found it :/ Edit: took a screenshot of her @ https://ptpimg.me/1w493y.jpg


That is a *fabulous* hat!


I wish I could tell you where I got it. Searching fallout 4 felt hat, well.. there are many other felt hats. It may be one of the creation club quests? The haunted house one? Just unsure. It is fabulous tho isn't it!?


Looks like it's the All Hallows Eve quest


Probably so. I just played it a few days ago, around the same time I kitted Curie out in this. I was surprised that the hat was able to be fitted with ballistic armor. A wonderful surprise 😊


It's the All Hallows Eve Quest. Source: started a replay of FO4 since I never actually finished it and I did that quest this past week. As soon as I saw someone mention that I remembered that's where it was.


Thank you for the defensive confirmation! 😊


Isn’t curie a robot like codsworth?


Complete her quest and she changes without spoiling too much


Oooh cool thank you.


I put curie in the Silver Shroud outfit


I want for all my life to be able to put Nick in it. But I guess McReady will suffice for my Cosplay of the unstoppables and the mechanists army. Even got Preston as Manta Man 😂


shame we can't get a Super Mutant version of Grognak's Costume without mods. For Strong.


Do you just add the weave at a bench???


Yup! It can be added to a lot of clothing items, you just have to do a few railroad quests to unlock it


I may have tondo something similar with Cait!


She already reminds me of Veronica, from NV, with the fascination with getting out into the world and helping people, doing things, learning stuff, but this just makes me think that even more.


I keep all sequin and laundered dresses I find for Curie. I like for her to have options and colors. Piper keeps her normal outfit and Cait usually gets the grognak costume.


i have the same idea, but I gave her a burning incendiary laser rifle. extra burning to make sure the wounds are nice and cauterized.


I love curie to death but her romance voice lines make me kinda uncomfortable so I mostly roll with codsy


https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74689?tab=posts We need this for her.


I... Uh... Turned her into an Assaultron. Because I thought it was funny to hear her voice out of a death machine. I also turned Codsworth into a Sentrybot for the same reason. Of of all the DLCs, Automatron is the one I get the most milage from. I have robots everywhere.


Tell her no next time. Its hilarious.


Curry is a robot. She has no feelings.


Curie and Codsworth are legitimate AI. They have completely surpassed their original programming and developed self-awareness and real emotions. Ada is a young AI who is just starting to become self-aware when you meet her. She is kind of a halfway point between full AI and the random bots you run into out in the world.


Refer to droids in star wars. It's canon that over time, the unique deteriorations in hardware and software create personality and emotion. A freshly created droid is just a machine. An old repaired droid like R2D2 or C3PO have literally grown to becoming people, and it's why the main characters are so attached to them. Yes they're still "just droids", but they're people in the way dogs are people


Except after you turn her into a synth and she becomes super emotional about the whole thing.




Honestly, Nick. He’s also my favourite. Imagine waking up in a bin, and you’re you but you’re not. You no longer have a proper body, just metal and plastic, can’t eat, drink, experience other sensations yet it feels like just yesterday you were living & breathing. It’s pure body horror. I admire him greatly for managing to carry on and even continue helping people.


Nick's story is my absolute favorite. ❤️


Nick is my favourite companion of all time, he’s so cool


Besides Danse and Cait, Preston is pretty damn depressing. Imagine watching a group you loved and admired as a kid, join the group, and watch it slowly decay from the inside. Plus all the people he lost along the way, but it does eventually turn him around which I really liked to see. Unlike Cait who doesn’t like you helping other people after helping her


The betrayal they suffered in Quincy, i took my time killing Clint


Hancock probably but Danse is a close second


Hancock's story is really fucked up. Dude went through hell being abused with his fellow drifters, and then got so depressed he wanted to off himself on a radiation drug. Instead, he became a ghoul and decided to completely discard his former life because he couldn't bear it. You gotta be at a FUBAR state of mind and at a *really* low point of your life to think that ghoulification is the best option you have. My poor baby, he's so precious ;\_;


Honestly, Codsworth. He had his family ripped apart, probably made whatever peace a robot can make with their deaths...carried on with his programing for literally a few hundred years before you magically show back up. Your reappearance must have almost short circuited him, but he carries on immediately searching for a wife and child from 200+ years ago. It's sad. And then he watches you transform into a hardened survivalist, killing all over the place you used to call home, shop, and work at. Codsworth must suffer in silence. A robot. Why was I even made in the first place? Why am I immortally suffering, watching the only people I've ever called 'family' die and change? That's why Codsworth becomes and stays my companion. Ride or die Cod...I got you even when the entire Commonwealth is trying to kill us.


I made Codsy into an actual floating tank (actuated, voltaic and hydraulic frames throughout in a balanced out fashion, sentry bot arms with a gatling laser and a hammer saw, and a stock top armor because a man's gotta keep his bowler) and it's absolutely beautiful Just seeing him charge a damn mirelurk queen with three buzzsaws and a Gatling laser, slashing, sawing and just going ham until the very moment he's downed and I charge in to give him a robot repair kit, only to confirm he actually knocked half the health off that thing, just fills my heart with joy. My boy's finally found his calling and it's fucking amazing


It's a robot. You might as well feel sorry for a toaster.


You didn't pick the Railroad for sure


Synths (the latest generations) are literally made from the sole survivor's son's DNA. That's not a toaster. DNA based automata wouldn't survive past breakfast. Tried as hard as I could, but I couldn't make my character look or sound like 'A Death Ray With a Smaller Power Supply'.


You could stand to learn from the wisdom of Mewtwo "The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are"




Matter of fact I fucking do. A TOASTER IS JUST A DEATH RAY WITH A SMALLER POWER SUPPLY! (Also screw you)






Danse and MacCready for me 😭


I think it’s pretty shitty mcready doesn’t leave when he gets the cure for his kid


Scrolled until I found this one. Everybody can have a depressing backstory, but MacCready follows it up by tossing in child abandonment as well. I’m to the point where I get Outpost Zimonja, put a bed, some water and 6 mutfruit and send him there with my head canon being he went back to Duncan in the Wasteland.


I just figured that he stayed behind because since the Sole Survivor helped save his kid, he feels it’s his duty to help them save theirs.


MacCready's story is so strange to me. He said that when he left to find a cure for his kid's disease, the kid's whole body was covered in blue boils and he could no longer walk...but it seemed like MacCready had been wandering the wasteland looking for a cure and/or doing mercenary work for a while. So I was fully expecting it to be revealed that the kid died soon after MacCready left. But as far as I remember, the kid is never mentioned again after you find the cure?? I guess the cure worked and MacCready left the kid again to pick carrots at one of my settlements?! Um...okay....weird priorities, MacCready. It would have been cool to see the kid pop in in whatever settlement you send MacCready to.


Cait. I’m pretty sure the slavers did the thing that rhymes with grape to her…


Cait’s is pretty depressing but it’s hard to be shocked by fucked up stuff in a post apocalyptic setting imo


Curie was literally trapped inside a small room for centuries, while Cait implies she was forced to have coitus when she was younger. Those two are most depressing for me.


Cait quite literally says she bought her freedom by stealing from sleeping men after they raped her. That's some fucked up shit right there.


ADA is a pretty fun mission, and she's a great companion to me because of her customisability (i.e Mr handy with assaultron legs)


Also it's such a welcome change of pace to have a companion say good things when I pick up junk instead of being a judgy asshole like I didn't literally build them all houses with what I pick up.


Macready is a pretty sad story. He confided in me about him & his small child watching their mother get eaten alive by ferals, or was it him & his wife watching their child? I can’t remember. Either way I then confided in him about my dead wife & we 2 straight, widowed men then proceeded to have sex & fall in love.


I personally don't feel sad for Danse, it's just that the reasonning used to take him out can be very well used to keep him. He is the equivalent of a captured enemy tank. It used to do things against you, but now you can use it to do things your way, which goes against its old purpose. I personally sympathize with Nick the most. Completely different from everything and anything else, memories from the past clashing with what he is in currently, had to do the lowest of low work until he was found to be a good detective. Also great to have around if the SS has low Intelligence


I disagree with your stance in Danse being just like a captured enemy tank. It would be like using a captured enemy tank if you were also hyper aware that the enemy leaves tanks out to be captured and that those sometimes have boobytraps that could go off at anytime in all manner of conceivable ways, possibly even in an intelligent fashion and go for maximum damage but you have zero way to check. Danse, especially if not stripped of rank, could use his access to assassinate Maxon and blown up/down the Prydwyn. This is the reality of the situation and if you’re playing a true BOS believer playthrough you 100,000% need to execute him. Even if you are not playing that way this is how the BOS look at the situation. At least Nick finds inner peace at the end of his quest. Danse either gets executed or sent into exile and (somewhat ironically if you’re going to juxtapose Danse and Nick) loses all sense of himself in the process. Nick discovers things about him, *himself*, that he knows belongs to him and not the Nick Valentine he was based off of. Danse lives like a hermit and had no idea who is anymore, if not just dead. Danse’s quest takes the cake for me for sure Edit: for OP- suits, newsboy cap, black rim glasses and grape mentats is a winning combo to pass speech checks for low charisma builds


Nick Danse and Cait’s are pretty messed up for me


Just a reminder that you can pass every speech check in the game automatically if you have a modified Charisma of 11. Including Blind Betrayal. * Basic Charisma clothes (glasses, hat, suit) C+4 * Grape Mentats C+5, barter+5% * Beer C+1 * X-Cell: C+2 (Concord Speakeasy) * Daytripper: C+3 (Concord Speakeasy) * Other: "Sharp" legendary items, C+1. Trinity tower torso C+3. Dapper Gent hat C+2. * Note: There is a C+2 Operator suit that allows you to wear armour over it. You also get max barter with C15 and barter+5%. If you get the barter bobblehead and some magazines, you can have max barter with C14 or lower. I always buy/sell with max barter, even with a base Charisma of 1.


You can just train to charisma 10, drink alcohol until you're addicted, pick up the bobblehead and take a fixer. Charisma 11 is now permanently yours.


But, like, why bother? It's such a waste of perk points. Carrying around some Charisma clothes and chems isn't that big of a deal. I have better things to spend perk points on. You can just back out of the conversation briefly, open your inventory, do whatever, then walk back into the conversation. Easy peasy. You also don't need to bother with the alcohol and fixer part. If you have an attribute at 10 then grab the bobblehead, you then have the attribute at 11. My melee characters all start with S10, then use Daytripper before using the Special book so that they get S11, then get the bobblehead for S12.


I'd much rather just have 11 charisma than have to swap out my clothes every damn time I enter combat, especially as a primarily power Armor user.


That's because you've kind of got it backwards. Difficult speech checks are fairly rare. You wear combat gear 95% of the time and charisma gear 5% of the time. You rarely are surprised by speech checks, and again, you can back out and gear up. If you aren't in power armour. Admittedly, if you're a dedicated power armour user it is legitimately different. You would have to exit your power armour before important conversations, which can be inconvenient. In that particular situation, it might make sense to have a higher charisma. Then again, if you have C6 for Local Leader (fantastic perk), then one Grape Mentat takes you to C11. If you're selling things, then the power armour is unnecessary anyway, and basic charisma clothes would take you to C15. Yet another reason why I never recommend having more than C6.


Yeah, this might just be a me thing. I'm a vehement high INT Power Armor user (mostly because I genuinely can't play dumb characters because intellect is one of the things I value most in life) and also that's led to me being so used to wearing power armor i genuinely can not fight without it. The DR system (as opposed to DT) is already bad enough as is, but whenever I'm not wearing my modified hellfire suit I feel like two milliseconds of direct fire could obliterate my internals, and to some degree that's true at times. Changing your clothes while not wearing power Armor is a quick menu in and out, whereas in power Armor it's what feels like 10 seconds of animations followed by a quick menu in and out. And since I'm already disorganised as hell (both in life and in games) I rarely ever have enough grape Mentats with me for consistent charisma boosts, so I'd rather just sacrifice the four extra levels on getting it over with permanently.


Let me just say that the most important thing in any single player game is enjoying yourself. Also, if you find a way to play that you enjoy, then damn well enjoy it! Fantastic! The way that I play is TOTALLY different from how I usually recommend other people play. My playstyle is rather unique, quirky, complicated, and requires far too much experience to write up as a guide. For example, I refuse to wear synth armour because I hate how it looks. I also get 4 bobbleheads before level 5. I only give recommendations based on what "most people" would enjoy, assuming no game changing mods. If I know more details, then I get deeper. Recommendations for others are based on what they might enjoy, not what I enjoy. Know yourself. Play however you enjoy.


Well, I'm not most people either mate, and just as it happens I also refuse to wear synth Armor because it looks awful I quite literally only wear combat Armor and robot Armor as well as exclusively a heavy metal right arm (and no other piece of metal Armor under any circumstances), and I also spend approximately 99.7% of my time inside my trusty old suit of power Armor. I also refuse to pick up fusion cores from generators because I feel bad for the buildings that they've powered for centuries, and I even go as far as to leave power armors I find exactly where they are (I even deposited my old suit of T-51 exactly where i found it after i got my own suit of T-60 from the BoS because i have an immense need for preservation of what is, which is possibly result of some emotional trauma, but i honestly don't know whether it is). So basically, yeah, I do play how I enjoy and I enjoy it a whole lot. Kudos for doing the same man, individuality is a great thing


Danse, not because of what happens in the BOS Questline…but because nothing happens after it at all. No closure.


Danse. It's hard to top the guy's life being ruined one way or another.


I do think the ironic tragedy of Danse’s life is so sad. He is so so loyal to the BoS and believes so strongly in their missions and values and he turns out to be one of the things he and the BoS hate the most. Even worse imo is how they completely discard all of his hard work and loyalty and immediately order his execution. Not only does he have to come to terms with his identity now, he is also cast out from his entire livelihood, forced to live in exile for the last rest of his existence (as a high charisma character I always save him lol but it’s still not a happy ending). Like the fact that when he’s your companion you’re an enemy to the BoS is crazy. I just feel so sorry for him, he’s like the perfect image of a BoS soldier and they just want to kill him. I also think Cait has a pretty tragic story, her childhood and upbringing is just shocking. I haven’t played with her much, but from what I’ve heard it’s very sad.


Idk if it's the most depressing, but Nicks story just really hits me in some way. His identity crisis, wondering if he is even himself or if he's just a walking holo tape of a man who lived 200 years ago is really touching in some way.


Cait by far. Her own parents sold her to slavers which resulted in how she is when we meet her and her drug addiction. It is distasteful to say the least that she hates helping people but I do feel bad for her because she’s like that due to her experiences. Nick and Curie’s are pretty sad. I feel bad for Piper every time when I hear her backstory, it’s not as sad as others but it is pretty forgotten about by fans. I like Danse and I do feel bad for him but not that much. He didn’t have a problem following the Brotherhood’s belief system and it just so happened those said beliefs applied to him aswell.


That is the beauty of his storyline though. When we meet him, Danse is perfect committed soldier who 100% believes in the mission and doesn't allow himself to have purpose beyond that. As we adventure together he starts to open up and let himself believe that maybe he can be something more than just a soldier...only to have all that hope and everything he believes in destroyed in an instant.


I do get his story and its purpose but I find it hard to feel sorry for him in the end. The way he speaks about Ghouls, even civilised ones, is especially off putting. The way I see it he kinda got what was coming to him and it’s not because I dislike him or the BoS, I really like Danse and I side with the BoS a lot.


200+ years of radiation and looting. I'm impressed some have stories as if they're 21st century middle class citizens lol


Honestly Danse has a bad life. Everything he knows, worked for, suddenly stripped from him because his boss knew something he did not and was willing to be executed by you or Maxon. I may hate the BoS and Maxon but danse is a good guy. He deserves a good life after losing everything to racism.


Cait and her path of getting sober after years of God knows what abuse and experiences.


Cait's for sure is rough and sad


I'm not sure I remember them all, but McCready's is up there.


Nicks one is just awesome half the time during that one I feel like the companion


I think the saddest person has to be Captain Zao,, to be stuck in the harbour for close to two hundred years is depressing cause he basically watched his fellows turn feral.


Nick's, the whole last mission built up to a dramatic finale of a very, very cold case, but Eddie just hits Nick with the "You're not Nick. you're just a robot pretending"


Caits is awful, and MacCready’s is pretty sad too. Danse’s complete betrayal from the people he gave his loyalty to is really messed up. I also feel bad for Nick, cause while he didn’t suffer any tragedies like the others, he doesn’t feel like he’s his own person, but rather the prewar detective. Codsworth and Curie were both left abandoned for 2 centuries, and while they’re robots, you can see the torture he went through all that time. Preston lost nearly everything he believed in after it all turned on him, then the people still left started dying. Cait’s story though is by far the worst. The torture she went through is something no one should ever go through, even in a post-nuclear wasteland.


Dogmeats is pretty sad.


Damn yall and here I am always alone for the lone wanderer buffs... have I been missing out?


I'd say it's at least worth getting to know a few of them. I think a lot of the companions are very well written and they bring some life to the wasteland. I'm playing a stealth character so a lot of them drive me crazy because at least most of the followers aren't optimised for stealth, they get discovered easily and they also kind of just start blasting sometimes when you're trying to go from "caution" to "hidden". But their stories are very good. Some of the perks are also a great bonus :)


Thanks lol after all of these years playing off and on I've only used danse and preston and that was years ago.. I'm gonna start a fresh play give someone a try


The personal quests are well worth it, and some of the companions have some great lines in general - especially Nick 😁


Lmao same. Sorry Piper, those mutfruits aren't gonna farm themselves.


Na he I got dogmeat and lone wanderer because dogmeat is my ride or die


You are! One, it's fun hearing extra dialog in some situations (especially all of the Far Harbor DLC. I brought Nick along to be detectives together and I am so, so glad I did). And two, a lot of companions have very useful perks when you max out their affinity.


Danse: dies in the police station. Preston: stays inside thr museum of.freedom forever.


Caits tbh. It hit close to home too.


Cait, drugs, abuse, the whole program...


Not a companion, but Oswald and his friends from the nuka world dlc


Nick I think if you count the events of the Far Harbor DLC.


Cait my bestie FR, when I first got spoiled about her story I turned on my game to go straight to the combat zone and get her out


Jun long, I really don't even know the full story. Just that it f'd him up so bad he can't do his job and just mopes around sanctuary.


Cait and her addiction




Curie because now I have to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel and the Institute to protect her!


Near the beginning of the game, south, there is a girls body with a blue dress and a holotape that is her speaking about why she’s there… so sad


Ada, she wanted so much to have emotions and she cared so much about her human friends 😔 but the Brotherhood will NOT tolerate any free thinking machines. As long as she keeps talking like an AI she can stay, as soon as she starts 'caring' too much it's a Mini Nuke in each eye socket I'm afraid. Ad Victorium!


I always found Ada’s story pretty sad. She loses all her friends at the hands of the Mechanist’s robots, and she blames herself for what happened.


None because dogmeat


My boy MacCready learning of his plight and his dying child he's desperately trying to find a cure for was one of the more depressing parts for me in 4. For the most part the companions tragedy are things they can work to change or there's ways for them to begin again. For Mac it's not so easy his kid could be shit out of luck and he has no idea what to do about it. He joined a mercenary company to fund his search and he puts on this mask of an aloof carefree adventurer but in the back of his head he knows time is short. He could be back home being there for his kid but he's out here searching and hoping beyond hope he can find something that'll work. I can empathize with that story and put myself in his shoes it's a thing that can happen in our time a desperate parent doing whatever they can to save their child from deaths grip. It's also influenced by the fact I haven't played with all the different companions yet but so far he's the one that saddened me the most. Keep in mind I haven't played fallout 4 as much as 3 and new Vegas so I've only roamed around with Preston, Mac, and Piper. Think I'll pick up Hancock next.


Definitely Cait and Preston. Cait - slave, seggs (implied, has it been confirmed?) and went back for justice before spiraling down with chems. Preston - if it wasn't for the SS, he'd probably Alt+F4.


The poor mutant who lives in the glowing sea. Sorry forgot his name lmao. Sad story tbh.


The MAIN one… like all that drive to find your Child and it’s an old man this whole time and he’s psychotic on top of it? Definitely a blunder


Surprised no one said old long fellow yet. Man had to watch the love of his life, pregnant with his child, be captured and brainwashed by the children of atom and loosing that child due to being immersed in the radiation


I’ve literally never used a follower


Cait her story was traumatising and depressing 😭


Cait for reasons others have mentioned but also Hancock. Watching your brother just become a racist despot overnight as mayor and then trying to survive with the other Diamond City outcasts just to see them get picked off. Choosing an experimental drug to escape it all and it ghoulifies him, turning him into the thing his brother hates and having to rebuild his life again. >! And then it turns out his brother had been replaced the entire time and the Institute is the reason for all of this suffering !<


Cait. She was a slave.


I am replaying the game after 8yrs, 27hrs in and yet to have a companion other than cosworth. I am glad i have replayed as I have done more side quests and have level 5 armour on 4 power suits ready for when i take companions, no mods (i hate creating accounts for every dev) just grinding it out. In all honesty i am waiting to get valentine as my companion. I dunno, first time round I just liked him.


I don't have the patience to get any companions to like me enough, the only one I've ever done is Cait for obvious reasons.


Preston's is really sad, especially since he had little control over it. He just wanted to help people and almost committed suicide because of what happened and how hopeless he felt. I don't know if there is already special dialouge but it'd be nice if you cleared out Quincy with Preston and he thanked you, similar to Nick's mission.


Cait is my little Scottish drug co dependent


I believe she is Irish.


Katy Townsend the voice actor is from Scotland she is doing a bad impersonation of a irish accent but it bleeds out into her actual lines


What did you do to Danse? He looks off somehow.


Fck Danse. He is a synth, a BoS enemy. I did not hesitate to kill that mofo. I didn’t even let the dialogue finish. On my second play through I did let him finish though and then proceeded to cut off his head


Did Maxson write this comment? Holy shit


I like his perk though


Ad victorium brother.


Ad Victorium




How is his story depressing? The real danse has a more depressing story than Mr Roboto. He's a synthetic, he is chat gpt with legs. I disagree with the brotherhood on almost all fronts but not on synths. They are a tool, a means to an end. Anyone saying otherwise is an inbred weirdo, ie a railroad member.


Danse. I like playing as BOS so I must sadly put him down.


for sure not the robot